Best Son-in-law

Chapter 178 Heckles

"I don't know how many lifetimes of blessings I have saved to marry such a good wife like you. Alas." The mother-in-law looked at Aunt Lianhua with a smile on her face, and suddenly thought of what she had done for the family over the years, and couldn't help but Cried.

"Why are you talking about this?" Seeing her mother-in-law crying, Aunt Lianhua was also brought to tears. She held her mother-in-law's hand tightly and said, "Mom, he is gone. You are my biological mother now. Hello to me. That’s enough.”

"But how can a woman's family be kept safe? Lotus, there is still a long way to go in this life, you can't just be like this." The mother-in-law looked at Aunt Lianhua and said with pity on her face.

"Hey, now is not the time to talk about those things. First of all, we, mother, must live a comfortable, open and bright life, not for others to see. Mother, you believe me." Aunt Lianhua wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said.

"Mom believes in you, Mom believes in you, you are my blessing." The mother-in-law looked at Aunt Lianhua with a face full of love.

"Okay, Fanzi said, he wants to buy the pot for baking pancakes. Then I will bake pancakes for you at home. I haven't baked pancakes for these years. My hands are raw. Mom, do you want to eat my pancakes?" Cake?" Aunt Lianhua stretched out her hand to wipe away her mother-in-law's tears.

"I want to eat, I want to eat. I have been thinking about this mouthful for a long time." The mother-in-law glanced at Aunt Lianhua and said with a smile.

"Okay, mother, I'm going to cook." After Aunt Lianhua said that, she stood up and walked towards the kitchen. When she was carrying her mother-in-law, her nose felt sour and she couldn't help crying again.

If she can really get a salary of 3,000 a month, this will undoubtedly greatly change the life of Aunt Lianhua's family. She has been waiting for such a day for too long. She has been looking forward to it every day and night. Only today do we see the glimmer of hope.

Aunt Lianhua secretly made up her mind to do this job well.

Li Fan on the other side did not go home, but walked towards Laoshan Lake. He wanted to see the growth of the eels he raised. Nowadays, money is used, and Li Fan was also eager to make a fortune. The money is not just for the sake of luck. He can't just let others look down on him if he can live a life for a long time.

If that doesn't work, just take some eels or wild ginseng to sell in the city and make some money first.

After making money, they started building roads on a large scale in the village, making it more convenient and faster for guests from the county or city to come, and in the future their own industry could be better promoted.

If you want to be rich, build roads first. This is the truth.

The road leading from the village to the outside is not only for the villagers, but also for Li Fan's future development.

Li Fan, who grew up in Laoshantun, knew very well that Laoshantun was a fertile treasure land. The mountains behind were densely forested, and there were many vegetation that could be used as medicine, as well as some wild rabbits and other animals. If they were made into game barbecue , the selling price will definitely not be less.

Laoshan Lake is also a place of treasures. There is nothing in the shallow water area, but if you follow the mountain road or take a boat to the deep water area, you will find a lot of wild fish and shrimps in it.

Li Fan even went into the water to catch it when he was a child.

Most children in rural areas are proficient in water-based skills, and little boys are also naughty. They like to go into the water to catch fish and shrimps, and then take them home and grill them.

Although life at that time was poor, it was very comfortable.

However, Laoshan Lake is really too big. It leads directly to the depths of the back mountain. There are not many wooden boats around. In addition, there are several legends in the village. Most people only go to the center of the lake where they can see it, and then go deeper. , I didn’t dare to go there, because there is white fog in the depths of Laoshan Lake all year round, and the fog gets thicker as you go in. I often heard the old people in the village say that the furthest place you go by boat, the fog is so thick that you can’t even see it. Five fingers, even a person can hear the echo four or five times when he shouts from the bow of the boat.

At that time, they were so frightened that they quickly returned home. They all thought that the depths of Laoshan Lake were where the gods lived, and they could not go there easily, otherwise it would be disrespectful to the old gods.

At that time, everyone in the village believed in gods and Buddhas, and the words of these old people were passed down from generation to generation. In addition, in order to warn future generations, they also made up some legends and stories, which added a lot of mystery to Laoshan Lake. color.

In fact, many people in the village wanted to go over and reveal the secret, but the old people at home refused to let him go. Even if they ran over, they would be frightened back by the thick fog halfway.

So no one in the village really knows what is hidden deep in Laoshantun.

Li Fan was naturally very curious about Laoshan Lake in the depths, and ever since he received the water god's inheritance, he had an inexplicable yearning for Laoshan Lake, as if there was something calling him in the depths. It's kind and very comfortable.

It's just that Li Fan has been too busy recently and has no time to go to the deepest place to find out. However, he has always had a thought in his heart and wants to see the true face of Lushan Mountain in Laoshan Lake.

Soon, Li Fan walked to Laoshan Lake. At a glance, he saw a group of children playing by the lake. Xia Menglan was also among them. The weather was good today. The sun was shining, and the sun was shining warmly on everyone. There is no wind at the lake, and naturally it is not cold either.

Xia Menglan wore a small denim vest with a white T-shirt tucked inside, which perfectly outlined the graceful and graceful curves of her figure. Her lower body was a pair of leggings, with the trouser legs pulled up to her knees. He was playing with the children by the lake with his bare feet.

Xia Menglan among the children was very happy, her face flushed, and her smile did not diminish at all.

She led the children to catch small fish and shrimp washed ashore by the lake and played games with them. When I was tired, I sat by the lake and told stories to the children.

It was obvious that Xia Menglan really liked these children.

Of course, this group of children also liked Xia Menglan very much. They all became familiar with the play at this moment, and they pestered Xia Menglan and called her "Teacher Xia."

Xia Menglan was naturally happy with this title. She originally wanted to be a primary school teacher.

"Uncle Fanzi is here too, Uncle Fanzi." An older boy shouted in surprise, and the other children turned their heads and looked towards Li Fan.

Xia Menglan also raised her head. When she saw Li Fan, she pursed her red lips. The embarrassing scene before seemed to come back to her eyes.

The children were all pleasantly surprised. The older child in the lead turned around and saw Xia Menglan blushing. He was naturally naughty and clever. In addition, he watched a lot of romantic TV series on the TV at home. He immediately He rolled his eyes and shouted.

"Look, Teacher Xia is blushing. Teacher Xia is blushing."

The child coaxed together, and the other children also turned to look at Xia Menglan. Although they were young, they were still ignorant and knowledgeable about some things, and they all started to coo.

Even a little girl of four or five years old also said in a sweet voice on the bank: "Teacher Xia is blushing, really blushing."

Xia Menglan originally just felt a little embarrassed, but as soon as these noises came out, she had to blush.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" After a few days of getting along with each other, Xia Menglan no longer spoke Mandarin, but instead spoke the stiff Laoshantun dialect.

"That's right, Teacher Xia, you are blushing. Why are you blushing? Why are you blushing when Uncle Fanzi comes? Hehehehe." Zhuzhu said with a smile.

"You asked for a beating." Xia Menglan became a little anxious after hearing this and raised her fist in a gesture.

Zhuzi took a step back suddenly, locked his neck, scratched his head, and laughed evilly.

When he had fun, several younger children also started to enjoy themselves, and the other slightly older ones also looked at Xia Menglan with strange eyes.

Rural children get married early and learn about things early.

Seeing these weird looks, Xia Menglan suddenly became anxious: "If you keep doing this, the teacher will be really angry."

Just at this time, Li Fan also came over, grabbed Zhu Zhu's clothes, came over and asked him, "What are you talking about?"

"No, I didn't say anything, just a good thing." Zhu Zhu is sensible, but he is a little naughty by nature, and he is close to Li Fan.

"What a good thing, you don't want me to hear it?" Li Fan said with a smile, and grabbed a handful of Zhu Zhu's armpits.

"Hahaha, Uncle Fanzi, I, I, don't say nice things again." Zhuzi smiled slyly, pulled away sharply, and was about to run away.

Li Fan here has quick eyesight and quick hands. He could not let him slip under his nose. He grabbed Zhuzhu's clothes, grabbed it, and knocked them down in the air, so that Zhuzhu's face was facing Laoshan. Lake water.

"What's wrong? I heard that you wanted to take a bath today, right? You also washed all your clothes to save your mother trouble?" Li Fan said deliberately.

Zhuzi was also a half-year-old child. Although he knew that Li Fan would not really hurt him, he looked at the lake close to his eyes and was afraid: "I was wrong. I didn't say anything."

"I didn't say anything. Did I hear wrongly?" Li Fan also wanted to make a fuss.

"Uncle, I was wrong." Zhu Zhu immediately pretended to be in tears.

"What's wrong?" Li Fan just wanted to scare Zhu Zhu, and put him down as soon as he heard this.

When Zhu Zhu saw that his legs and feet were on the ground, why did he bother to answer the question? He was thin, and Li Fan's pull was not tight at the moment, so he pulled back with a sharp tug, then turned around and ran away.

"This child." Li Fan shook his head, glanced at the group of children around him, deliberately picked out his ears and said: "Hey, as I get older, my ears are not working well. Did you say something just now? "

"No, no." The group of children smiled happily and walked away, following Zhuzi to the other side of Laoshan Lake.

Once the children leave, won't Xia Menglan and Li Fan be the only ones left?

The two of them had encountered many coincidences and mistakes before, but now they felt awkward whenever they met to talk about serious matters instead of urgent matters.

"Village Chief Xia, are you still used to living there?" Li Fan is a grown man after all. Although he felt a little embarrassed, it was not to the same extent as Xia Menglan.

"Well, I'm quite used to it. The neighbors are nice, and you can also eat fresh vegetables." Xia Menglan gently pushed her temple hair to her ears. Following the sunlight, she suddenly revealed a different kind of beauty.

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