Best Son-in-law

Chapter 179 Big Crab

"Hey, when I said this, I remembered it. If you want to eat vegetables, Village Chief Xia, go to my vegetable garden and get them. My vegetables are delicious." Li Fan also wanted to take care of Xia Menglan, who was also a college student after all. When a person comes to a rural area to be the village chief, he must have a lot of things he is not used to, and he is still a girl. How can he not take care of her?

Xia Menglan had eaten Li Fan's food, and she praised it for how delicious it was. She had been thinking about it in her heart, but she was too embarrassed to mention it or go to him to ask for it.

After all, Xia Menglan doesn't have much money on hand now, she only has a bank card she brought from home.

"I went to the market in the next village to buy some vegetables. No need." Xia Menglan declined.

"What's the point? The vegetables in my vegetable garden are delicious. Are you still spending money to buy them from outside? What a waste of money. Besides, there are so many vegetables in the vegetable garden. I'm not afraid of you asking for them. You can't eat much by yourself. Follow me next time. Just tell me and I will take you to my vegetable garden to get vegetables." Li Fan said generously. His original intention was that he thought Xia Menglan was a good village chief and wanted to take more care of her, without thinking about anything else.

But Xia Menglan thought a little too much: "Isn't this bad?"

"What's wrong?" Li Fan didn't understand what he meant.

"I want the vegetables you grow for no reason. Isn't this free food?" Xia Menglan resisted.

"Hey, what are you talking about? In our village, there is nothing to eat for free. I grew up eating the food of the villagers. I often went to the east house and the west house. Seeing whose food was delicious, I just sat down and ate it at his house. The others didn’t say anything, and just brought the meat to me to eat. I have nothing to be embarrassed about. Since you live in the village, it’s not like you In the city and in the countryside, all the folks are in trouble. Hundreds of families help each other, and no one is polite to anyone else. Besides, my vegetable garden is so big, I can’t control what you eat alone?" Li Fan said proudly.

"I don't have much to eat by myself. Wouldn't it be bad if the folks all went to your place to eat?" Xia Menglan declined.

"This is to take special care of you. You are a college student. I am very grateful if you are willing to come to our poor village and try your best to help the villagers get rich. You also need to build a primary school for the children to go to school. It is not for anything else but for the future. A good teacher for children cannot let you have a bad meal. This is not what I mean alone. Folks in the countryside, as long as they are sensible, think so." Li Fan explained.

After hearing this, Xia Menglan finally understood why the villagers in the village were so kind to her. She lived in the old yard of the old party secretary's house. Neighbors often came to the door, bringing chicken, fish and so on. Yes, I bought good fruits and asked my children to deliver them to me.

Xia Menglan originally thought that it was just a few families in the village who wanted to have a good relationship with her. Unexpectedly, more and more people came to drop by to deliver food. Now she realized that this was the villagers' way of expressing gratitude.

For a moment, Xia Menglan was suddenly moved. Although the village of Laoshantun was very poor, every family was very kind and the neighbors were very enthusiastic. Compared with the city, there were fewer disputes about interests.

Because in Laoshantun, there really aren't many big interest disputes.

After all, Xia Menglan is a girl from the city. She originally came with high expectations, but as soon as she arrived in the village and saw the environment, she actually had some intention of quitting, but she didn't say it out loud.

Later, when she saw how pitiful the children in the village were, and the fact that she had slowly gotten used to the food and accommodation in the few days since she came here, Xia Menglan couldn't help but have other thoughts.

Later, after hearing Li Fan's words and recalling the eager eyes of the villagers, Xia Menglan no longer wanted to leave, and she still had a sour feeling in her heart.

Very touched.

"Village Chief Xia, it's okay. Sister-in-law from the Dong family and Sister from the Xi family both go to my garden to get vegetables. If you think my food is delicious, just take it. Why spend money outside?" Li Fan saw something wrong with Xia Menglan's expression. , and said a few more words of advice.

"Then I have to give you money." Xia Menglan wanted vegetables from Li Fan's garden, but didn't want to take it empty-handed, so she thought about giving some money.

"We don't have that kind of thing here. You are a college student village leader. I can still ask for your money. Why don't you save the money and find a way to give it to the entire school in the village? It can be regarded as my contribution." Li Fan glanced at it. Xia Menglan said with a smile.

Xia Menglan changed her mind when she heard about the school matter, but soon she raised her beautiful big eyes and looked at Li Fan, and said helplessly: "Li Fan, I still want to ask you for help with the school matter. A few days ago, I went to the town to apply for funds, but the mayor didn’t seem to have a good attitude.”

"The town is also poor and can't afford any money, and Laoshantun is like this. The mayor has basically given up completely." Li Fan shook his head and said with a wry smile.

Laoshantun is now well-known, but the mayor is not to blame. The town’s funds are already limited, so why not give them to villages with great development prospects?

"This is difficult. A few days ago, I wanted to sell out the land in the village and contract it out so that I could generate funds to drive consumption in the village. But now that something has happened to you, the villagers' idea of ​​contracting the land It's not big." Xia Menglan is in trouble. She has no choice now. She wants to bring Laoshantun to get rich, but Laoshantun is really too poor, and there is also an opponent who is eyeing her. She now There's just a sense of powerlessness about not being able to do anything.

"It's okay, don't worry about it now. Once my hotel is built, they will think about contracting the land. Everything will be a chain reaction." Li Fan comforted.

"Hotel, are you sure? I don't mean anything else. It's just that Laoshantun is like this, and its reputation has been affected. It's really difficult." Xia Menglan asked.

"I'm pretty sure. Anyway, if it's not destroyed, it can't be established. Laoshantun has a credibility problem, and this credibility problem must be solved. However, there are a lot of rumors spreading outside, and they are not the real Laoshantun. If you want to restore the credibility, you have to Attract others to come to Laoshantun and make some positive reports to combat these rumors." Li Fan said firmly.

Seeing Li Fan's firm eyes, Xia Menglan nodded: "I'm still too impatient. I really hope your hotel can open up. This will solve a lot of troubles."

"Uncle Fanzi, it's not good, Uncle Fanzi."

As the two of them were talking, the children on the other side started shouting.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Li Fan subconsciously looked at the group of children. Of course, his legs and feet were not idle, and he ran straight towards a few children.

Xia Menglan was also stunned. She quickly realized what she was doing and turned around and ran towards the group of children.

She really liked these children, but she didn't want anything to happen to them.

"Brother Zhuzi's hand was pinched by a big crab. The crab was pinched so tightly that he couldn't break it off at all." Seeing Li Fan and Xia Menglan running over, the children quickly explained.

Li Fan ran to the place, took a look, and saw a big crab holding Zhu Zhu's fingers. Zhu Zhu's face was pale, but he didn't shed a single tear.

"Child, don't you feel any pain?" Li Fan immediately rushed forward, grabbed the big crab's pliers, and broke them off with great force, and then took out Zhuzi's fingers.

At this time, Zhu Zhu's fingers were red and there were two blood marks, and he was about to turn purple. However, Zhu Zhu didn't hold back a single tear. He gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "It's okay, a real man. He doesn't shed tears when he bleeds."

Seeing Zhu Zhu's serious look, Li Fan immediately became happy, touched his head and said: "This is not the time to show off as a hero. This is all caught by the big crab's claws. I have to scream, don't bear it." Come on, we'll come over and help you when the time comes. Look, if Hu Zi hadn't discovered it, your fingers would have been pinched off."

Zhu Zhu insisted on shaking his head, and said the same thing: "A true man, he bleeds but does not shed tears!"

After hearing this, Li Fan shook his head, feeling helpless.

Xia Menglan on the other side ran slower, but she also ran over at this time, and quickly squatted down to check Zhuzi's injuries. These days, Zhuzi and a bunch of children were following her around. She had long regarded Zhuzi as her biological brother. Treated.

"Zhuzi, you can't be like this. This is not the time to show off as a hero. Look at your fingers, how painful it is to be pinched by crab claws." Xia Menglan looked at Zhuzi and said.

"Hehehe, it actually doesn't hurt much. It just started hurting for a while and then stopped hurting later." Zhu Zhu scratched his head and chuckled twice.

"I've numbed you, but it doesn't hurt anymore." Li Fan glanced at Zhu Zhu and said.

"Hey, Uncle Fanzi, we found that there are a lot of big crabs here, and there are more as we go deeper." After Zhuzi smiled, he pointed to Li Fan and pointed into the lake.

"Eh? There are usually only some fish and shrimps in Laoshan Lake, and there won't be such big creatures in the shallow water?" Li Fan stood and thought about it when he saw such a big crab.

"Uncle Fanzi, aren't you going to open a restaurant? Take all those crabs. How can you open a restaurant without ordering any seafood? I brought this one from the lake." Zhuzhu said with a smile.

"Brother Zhuzi just asked this big crab to be clamped back." A four or five-year-old boy next to him said seriously. This little boy was not sensible yet. Halfway through, he added: "This big crab is clamped." I was brought back by holding the quilt on Brother Zhuzi's hand."

After hearing this, Li Fan glanced at Zhu Zhu, feeling very distressed. Although he is a bit naughty sometimes, he is very sensible and so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

"Are you stupid?" Li Fan gently patted Zhu Zhu's shoulder and touched his forehead.

"Hehehe, Uncle Fanzi is good to me. Besides, I won't let me eat the big crabs in Uncle Fanzi's restaurant from now on?" Zhuzhu said with a smile.

"Well, from now on, uncle will cook big crabs in the restaurant, and you will eat them until you vomit." Li Fan let go of the pillar, looked at him, and said solemnly.

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