Best Son-in-law

Chapter 180 Stunned

"Okay, hehehe." After listening to Li Fan's words, Zhuzi giggled again.

Looking at his innocent face, Xia Menglan quickly grabbed him: "Let's go to the infirmary in the next village to get some medicine."

"No need, Teacher Xia, it doesn't hurt. It will heal on its own in just a short while." Zhu Zhu said confidently.

"Okay, I'm going to get you some herbal medicine to apply on it. Crabs are not caught that way. When I give you the good medicine, I will take you to catch crabs." Li Fan said.

Zhuzi glanced at his fingers, turned away, and couldn't help but grin. But when he turned around, he still had a pale smile on his face: "Okay, Uncle Fanzi is a doctor, he can definitely cure me."

It was very close to Li Fan's house from Laoshan Lake, only about a hundred steps. Li Fan walked quickly and soon opened the door. He took out a bottle of traditional Chinese medicine for treating bruises and came back from home.

He squatted in front of the pillar and gently applied medicine to him.

When the medicine was applied, Zhuzi grimaced in pain again, and his face became paler, but he still did not make a single cry.

After applying the medicine, Li Fan took out gauze and bandaged the pillar.

"Okay." Li Fan didn't have any more words to say. He stood up and patted Zhu Zhu's shoulder: "I'll take you to catch crabs."

The medicine used by Li Fan was surprisingly effective. Zhuzi soon felt no pain. He only felt a cool, numb and soft feeling coming from his fingers, but it was a bit like the feeling of sweeping willow branches, itching. of.

"Hey." When the children heard that they were going to catch crabs, they all got excited and jumped after them.

Zhuzhu and several older children followed him and shouted: "Uncle Fanzi has good water properties, so he will definitely be able to touch a lot of big crabs."

"Hey, Zhuzi, are you still in pain?" Xia Menglan saw that Li Fan was taking several children to touch crabs, and she was only thinking about the injury on Zhuzi's hand, so she asked quickly.

"It's all over now. By the way, Teacher Xia can also catch crabs, right?" Zhu Zhu waved his hand and said carelessly.

After hearing this, Xia Menglan shook her head and said, "I don't know how."

"That's okay. Teacher Xia, just follow and watch. Later, we will watch Uncle Fan Zi catch him. If he catches too much, we will have enough to eat when we get back." Zhu Zhu said and licked his lips. He was very greedy. If this was the case, After catching crabs, he could steam them at home and ask his mother to eat some with him. They were frugal all year round. If they hadn't caught a few crabs from the edge of Laoshan Lake from time to time, their family would probably not be able to eat them all at once.

"Then be careful, Li Fan, be careful with these children." Xia Menglan followed behind and said worriedly. After all, crabs have two big pincers, and it is no joke to pinch them.

"It's okay, I'll take it with me." Li Fan said, already rolling up his trousers to his thighs, taking off his shoes, and slowly moved towards Laoshan Lake.

"I saw several crabs making nests nearby." Zhuzi pointed at several crab holes on the shore and took a bite.

"Okay, Zhuzi, please bring Huzi and the others to help me fold some branches, and then go catch some small fry. You have to be smart when catching crabs, and you can't catch them blindly." Li Fan turned back to Zhuzi and said.

"Hey." Zhuzi responded obediently, turned around and left, waving to Huzi and the others.

Huzi is not tall, dark and skinny. He heard that he can eat crabs. He is drooling now. When he saw Zhuzhu recruiting him, he quickly followed him.

"Xiaodong, you older ones have to take good care of your younger brothers and sisters." Li Fan turned around and asked again, and then walked towards the crab's nest on the shoal.

The shoals in Laoshan Lake are mostly fine sand or soft mud, which is very comfortable for people to step on.

Soon, Li Fan and several children gathered in front of a hole. Li Fan lay down and wanted to see if there were crabs hidden inside.

Xia Menglan also looked inside with curiosity.

She is a city girl and is very curious about things in the countryside. She usually only eats ready-made food and has never caught crabs.

After a while, Zhuzhu and others came over with small fish fry from branches.

"This must have been washed up by the innermost lake. There may be many living creatures growing in Laoshan Lake." Li Fan glanced at the endless Laoshan Lake and thought.

After all, no one has ever been to the depths of Laoshan Lake, and no one knows what the innermost part is like.

Li Fan took the branch and the small fry in the plastic bag from Zhu Zhu's hand, took out the thin thread for bandaging Zhu from his pocket, tied it with a tight buckle, and then went into the crab hole.

The crab hole was not deep, and Li Fan could vaguely see a living creature moving outside.

Now we just need to bring it over slowly, otherwise if we try to catch it with our bare hands, we will have to clamp it down.

"It's moving, it's moving." Several children formed a circle, and each one of them wanted to look inside. A little boy squatting next to Li Fan saw that the living creatures in the cave were attracted, and he suddenly became excited. shouted.

"Quietly, don't scare me away." A few older children behind quickly stopped him.

In this way, the crab in the cave was really lured out by Li Fan.

When the big crab was approaching the entrance of the cave, Li Fan stretched out his hand and caught it. He tied it with a rope to the two big crabs, and then put it into the open fine net in Zhuzi's hand.

"Okay, let's go to the next one." Li Fan waved and said.

Several children gathered around the pillar curiously to see the big crabs in the net, jumping up and down with excitement.

Xia Menglan stood nearby and watched as Li Fan easily lured out a big crab and caught it skillfully. She was also surprised. She felt that catching crabs was fun and she wanted to try it.

But following Li Fan, he was too embarrassed to speak.

Li Fan was not slow at catching crabs, and there were many crabs that had been washed out of their caves by the lake water. He could catch them immediately, and he caught a net full of crabs in a short time.

But it was tiring to work so hard, and the catching speed was not fast enough, so Li Fan taught a few older children how to attract crabs with willow branches.

One leads and the other grabs from behind, so it's not easy to get caught.

These older children learned it quickly and became familiar with it when they cooperated. Suddenly, Laoshan Lake became lively.

Several younger children are responsible for carrying nets and other tools around the house.

Laoshan Lake is so big that just walking half a circle along the shore is several miles long.

Li Fan and these children led the way and caught them, and they could also pick up ready-made ones along the water of the lake.

It didn’t take long to catch several nets of crabs.

Li Fan stood by the lake and took a look with his arms akimbo. There were more crabs in the lake, so he simply jumped into the water to catch them. While there was still sun, the water would be cold in a while.

"Zhuzhu, I'll catch it in the water, and you guys can catch it on the shore. You all have some, and be careful of the younger ones." Li Fan ordered, taking off his shirt, revealing his strong tendons, which made Xia Menglan next to him I was stunned.

Li Fan's unique male aura immediately caused ripples to bloom in Xia Menglan's heart.

Xia Menglan's face turned red again, and she quickly flipped her temples gently to cover up her embarrassment.

"Uncle Fanzi, you go into the water and catch it. I want to go too, I know how to swim." Zhuzi watched eagerly, and he also wanted to follow him to play. In fact, Zhuzi had been pestering Li Fan since he was a child, and he liked to follow Li Fan. Turn your butt back.

"Forget it, the lake is in a hurry now. Your half-baked water skills will only cause trouble for me. Just stay up there. Your number one task today is to take these little ones with you. Catching crabs is the second best." Li Fan shook his head and went there without taking the pillar with him.

Zhuzi suddenly felt a thousand dissatisfaction in his heart: "How can I not be a master of water? Last time I went into the water, I could hold it in the water for a minute. If you don't believe me, let me go into the water and try it?"

"Come on, you were just holding your breath, not holding it while swimming. Don't you know our lake? We entered deep water and fell several meters in one go. It took a lot of effort for your head to swim up, and you didn't look. How fast is the current? Stop trying to be so showy. Just watch me go into the water and catch it. Be obedient and I'll give you more crabs to eat." Li Fan coaxed and deceived the pillars back.

Zhuzhu suddenly felt a little downcast.

As soon as Zhu Zhu was calmed down, Hu Zi from the other side rushed up. He raised his hand and said, "I am better at water than Brother Zhu Zhu. I can swim fast and I can hold my water for one and a half minutes!"

This tiger father has been to the dock before. His water skills are good, but he is too young.

Li Fan naturally disagreed: "This is not a swimming competition, what are you going to do? Catching crabs and being good at water are two different things. Come on, you all wait on the shore, I will go down alone."

With that said, Li Fan slowly walked into the lake.

"Li Fan, be careful." Xia Menglan reminded worriedly.

"It's okay, Zhu Zhu, give me the net." Li Fan waved and said.

Zhuzhu quickly brought the net up.

Then Li Fan picked up the net and walked forward for more than ten steps. The water had already reached his waist. When he stepped forward, he found a hole. He knew that he was in deep water.

He directly used his back legs to force himself and got in.

What Xia Menglan saw on the shore was that a person was diving into the water right under her nose.

Blue waves suddenly opened up in the water, creating layers of ripples.

When Li Fan got into the water this time, he felt as if his body had gained a little more strength out of thin air. He didn't notice it when he got into the water last time, but he noticed a change this time.

When he opened his eyes, he could see things in the water more clearly than outside, and he swam without any resistance. When his mind moved, there was even a push to help him.

Now in this water, Li Fan can sink whenever he wants and float whenever he wants. All he needs is a slight movement of his mind.

And Li Fan didn't feel like he was holding his breath at all, as if he was on the shore.

Is this because of the power of the water god's inheritance?

That's right, the water god, water god, of course can show his true strength in the water!

Li Fanzong stood up, put his feet together, and rushed forward, and the water in front of him suddenly dispersed.

The children on the shore were stunned.

What is this? It actually divides the lake into two halves!

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