Best Son-in-law

Chapter 181 The secret in the depths

At this time, Laoshan Lake was like a large mirror broken in half, with water splashing over the water. There seemed to be a huge dragon hidden in the lake.

"No, something happened to Uncle Fan Zi. I have to save him." When Zhu Zhu saw this scene, he immediately panicked. Li Fan usually treats him well and treats his family well. Zhu Zhu has always been grateful. At this time Naturally, I don't want anything to happen to him.

"Your water quality is not as good as mine. Why don't you stay in there with me? I'd better go." Hu Zi next to him was stunned for a moment, then he calmed down and was about to take off his clothes.

"Stop arguing. Uncle Fan Zi is so big. It's useless to attack him alone. We need to go over with a few good ones and pull him back together." Xiaodong said.

"Okay, let's do it." Now Zhuzi was the oldest among the children. He made up his mind. Several children who knew how to swim immediately stood up and stood on the shore one by one, looking at Laoshan Lake. Take off your clothes and get into the water.

"You should take good care of the rest of your younger brothers and sisters." Huzi, shirtless, did not forget to turn around and tell the remaining children.

"I know, Brother Huzi." Most of these children are young and have never been in the water.

"Where are you going? Zhuzi, Huzi, Xiaodong, all come back." Xia Menglan took off the jewelry on her neck and wrist, held it in her hand, and walked over directly.

"Teacher Xia, Uncle Fan Zi is in danger, we have to save him." Zhu Zhu looked at Xia Menglan and said.

"You are too young to go. If you can't be saved, it will be troublesome for you to get yourself in. I'll do it." After saying that, Xia Menglan pressed the jewelry into the palm of Zhu Zhu's hand, smiled slightly and said: "Hold it for the teacher. ."

"Teacher Xia, do you want to go into the water?" Zhuzi understood what he meant and immediately looked at Xia Menglan.

"Do you think the teacher doesn't know how to swim? I have won the swimming championship before." Xia Menglan pursed her red lips, smiled slightly, and tied her hair with a rubber band. Now so many children were watching with envy, she Naturally, I was too embarrassed to take off my clothes anymore, so I just ran into the water.

"Hey, Teacher Xia, the water here is tight, and you are a woman. My mother said that women should stand behind men." Zhu Zhu dissuaded.

Xia Menglan laughed after hearing this: "Didn't your mother say that children should not interfere with adults' affairs? Just stay on the shore and watch the children. If the teacher doesn't come back, don't go into the water. Hurry and find someone for help, you hear me?"

"Yes." Zhuzi looked at Teacher Xia and hesitated to speak.

"Okay, Zhuzi, now you have to watch these little ones. Don't worry, I will definitely rescue your Uncle Fanzi." Xia Menglan said seriously.

"Okay, Teacher Xia, you have to be careful." Zhuzi showed her sensible side at this time and stopped several children who wanted to get into the water: "Listen to Teacher Xia, she is an adult, she can definitely kill Uncle Fanzi Save him."

Several children were stopped and could only watch helplessly on the shore.

At this time, Xia Menglan didn't just come forward to stop a few children. She also really didn't want anything to happen to Li Fan. Now Li Fan was the backbone of her heart. She always had a feeling that as long as Li Fan was here, , Laoshantun will definitely be able to break through the restrictions and develop smoothly.

If Li Fan was gone, it would be difficult for Laoshantun to develop well.

And although being with Li Fan these days will always cause all kinds of embarrassments and unspeakable things, Xia Menglan still has some kind of feelings in her heart. She doesn't want anything to happen to Li Fan.

The water in Laoshan Lake was still a little cold when it came over. Xia Menglan's eyes gradually became firmer and she walked forward slowly. At the same time, her teeth could not help but tremble. The movement just now was really too big. Maybe the bottom of the lake There is something hidden underneath.

She is still a girl no matter what, so it is impossible not to be afraid.

Xia Menglan walked deeper and deeper, reaching a point where she dived directly into the water.

She only won the championship in the swimming competition held in the school before, so her water skills were not as good as she said. Moreover, she had always swum in swimming pools before and had never swum in a lake.

The lake is no different than a swimming pool, the waves are more intense and the resistance is great.

Xia Menglan also came up after a while from diving. She took a deep breath and continued to swim forward. As she swam, she wanted to observe Li Fan's position.

No trace of Li Fan could be seen on the lake.

"Why is the water so urgent?" Xia Menglan swam, and the water rushed over her face, and she immediately started coughing.

"Li Fan, Li Fan, where are you?" She felt panicked and frightened. When she came out, she realized that she might have been a little reckless.

After all, his swimming skills were not very good, so he might as well wait for a few villagers to come over and save them together. It was because these children were going to save people, and Xia Menglan was also anxious to stop them.

Naturally, she couldn't swim back at this time. After all, she had swam to more than 20 meters, and if she swam back, the group of children from the pillar would swim up.

Several children on the shore saw Xia Menglan struggling to swim in the lake, and they shouted repeatedly: "Teacher Xia, can we help you?"

"No, just look at the younger ones. I'll be fine. I'm looking for your Uncle Fan Zi." Xia Menglan shouted while swimming: "Li Fan, Li Fan, where are you?"

After shouting several times, Xia Menglan's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that something had really happened to Li Fan.

At this time, Li Fan was swimming very fast in the lake, almost catching up with the speed of the speedboat, and soon he reached the visible center of the lake.

The water here is dozens of meters deep, nearly a hundred meters deep. Li Fan swims as if he is jogging on the flat ground. He does not feel tired and feels very comfortable. He enjoys this feeling very much, but at this time there are also some water plants around. class stuff.

The lake is getting cooler and darker, and there are many living creatures around. Some fish that Li Fan knows, and some living creatures that he doesn't know are watching covetously under the lake.

Li Fan felt in his heart that with such speed, he could quickly reach the end of Laoshan Lake and reveal the secret. But the more he swam, the more he felt something was wrong.

First of all, the water has become very cold, and the water is also dark and scary. Secondly, Li Fan always feels like something is staring at him at this time.

I can't explain it, and an unknown strange feeling comes to my mind.

It's like facing a terrifying behemoth ahead!

Li Fan has obtained the inheritance of the Water God, so he has nothing to fear. His other side is the Black Dragon God, and he walks in the water as if he were at home.

However, his heart felt a little heavy, and a sense of crisis quietly arose.

In a short time, he had swam to the reed marsh deep in Laoshan Lake, where heavy fog lingered.

It even exceeded the boundaries that the villagers had visited before. The lake water at this time was extremely cold, making Li Fan shiver uncontrollably.

There is definitely something fishy in this lake!

Li Fan could feel that some kind of living creature didn't seem to want him to get closer.

Speaking of which, the depths of Laoshan Lake are also very strange. It stretches vertically and horizontally, with many twists and turns, and can go around the mountains.

Therefore, no matter whether people have passed through the water or walked on land, they have never seen the true face of Lushan Mountain in its depths.

And there is heavy fog between the mountains.

It was dark in front of him, and Li Fan felt a vague feeling of resistance in his heart. The limbs and bones in his body seemed to be filled with some kind of power, and this power did not want him to delve deeper into it.

"What? I, the heir to the Water God, are still afraid of this evil miasma?" Li Fan wanted to reveal the secret and see what happened. He ignored the rebellious intention in his heart and just wanted to go in.

The water flow became more rapid, as if swimming up from the bottom of the waterfall, and even Li Fan found it a bit difficult.

Under the darkness, a tiny bit of light suddenly appeared. However, Li Fan's eyebrows hurt, and he suddenly felt like he had his head opened and his brain replaced, and a flood of memories came straight to him.

Li Fan couldn't help but hold his head that was in severe pain, and he couldn't help but let out a "hiss", and a large number of memories rushed in, like a torrent of river water, in an endless stream.

But it only lingered for a moment and then disappeared immediately.

Li Fan couldn't help the headache and was swept away by the rapids, drifting with the current.

"My head hurts." Li Fan touched his head, feeling dizzy, and suddenly recalled the fragmented memory just now.

"Broken city...blood moon...double shade flower, when it blooms..." He could only recall these incomplete words now, and his head would hurt if he thought about it any more.

"The secrets of his inheritance are hidden deep in Laoshan Lake!" This idea immediately came to Li Fan's mind.

However, at this time, Li Fan seemed to have been drained of most of his strength and had no way to swim back. He never expected that some of the legends deep in Laoshan Lake turned out to be true.

Maybe there really is an old god!

Although he has not fully integrated the power of inheritance, but he still can't get close to the place with part of the power of inheritance, which is enough to explain the mystery of this place.

And the closer they get, the greater the resistance, and the more repulsive the water god's power becomes. There must be some connection between them.

Li Fan was swept back by the rapids.

When he returned to the surface of Laoshan Lake, he seemed to have regained his strength and became energetic.

Li Fan was lying on the lake, looking into the depths through the layers of fog, and suddenly felt a heart-wrenching feeling.

And there seemed to be a giant face at the end of the mist, smiling at me!

"Hiss." Upon seeing this, Li Fan's head began to hurt again, and he turned over suddenly and felt better.

At this time, a shout came from my ears.

"Li Fan, Li Fan, where are you? Don't scare me."

Xia Menglan was still searching hard. She was not very good at swimming and could not swim fast, but she could still swim a long distance.

However, the more she swam, the more desperate she became. No one responded to her strenuous calls, which meant that something had really happened to Li Fan. What just happened must have been a huge living creature!

Xia Menglan was shocked by her thoughts.

At this moment, she suddenly felt as if her foot was being pulled by someone.

"Ah!" Xia Menglan shouted subconsciously.

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