Best Son-in-law

Chapter 182 Embarrassing

Xia Menglan was a girl who wasn't very courageous to begin with, and after seeing the scene just now, she felt like her feet were caught by something, and she became a frightened bird, and she screamed immediately.

Not caring about his image anymore, he kicked his legs desperately, eager to get rid of the living thing that grabbed him.

But she didn't know that it was Li Fan who grabbed her ankle.

Of course, Li Fan didn't mean to scare her. He just dived over and felt that he had reached a place. He wanted to get up. He grabbed it casually and felt that the place he caught was very smooth and did not let go.

Suddenly he felt a foot rushing towards him. Li Fan was also stunned. What was this? He just raised his head and the kick had already fallen. He couldn't react in time and was kicked down hard.

At the same time, Li Fan held Xia Menglan's ankle and grabbed her.

"Ah." With a scream, Xia Menglan was pulled down and took a big drink of water.

Her aqueous qualities were not very good to begin with, but once she was pulled down, she had to be paved with a dog.

When Li Fan reacted, he immediately thought in his heart, not good!

He pushed hard, rushed forward, and hugged Xia Menglan's slim waist.

At this time, Xia Menglan felt desperate in her heart, thinking that it was over this time and must have been eaten by the monster in the water, but she didn't expect that she was pushed upwards with a strong force.

Soon, Li Fan took her up.

When he surfaced, Li Fan was about to speak when he saw a large amount of water spat out of Xia Menglan's mouth. He was immediately stunned and quickly wiped the water from his face.

Xia Menglan choked on the water and started breathing violently. Her chest was rising and falling violently. Coupled with the wetness and being so close, Li Fan's mouth went dry.

"Ahem." Xia Menglan choked on the water and coughed violently. She had used up all her strength when she struggled just now, but now she had no strength at all, and she was about to sink again.

Li Fan quickly grabbed her arm and tried to take her up, but he accidentally touched her where he shouldn't have.

Suddenly I felt a soft touch on my hand.

But at this time, Li Fan couldn't care about this anymore. The water flow was so fast that he would be fine by himself, but didn't he bring one with him?

You can't let Xia Menglan drown under your nose anymore, right?

Xia Menglan coughed twice and was in a semi-conscious state. However, she soon regained a little consciousness and opened her beautiful big eyes. What she saw was Li Fan's tendons.

At this time, she naturally had no other ideas.

"Li Fan, please leave quickly and leave me alone." Xia Menglan was in a trance, as if in a dream.

"What are you talking about? Can I still watch you drown?" Li Fan said speechlessly.

"Isn't there a big living creature in the lake? You just escaped, so adding another one like me will be a burden." Xia Menglan said weakly.

After hearing this, Li Fan smiled helplessly: "Where did you see the big living creature? Why have I never seen it before? I just swam to the deep water, it's okay, Laoshan Lake here is just Just some small fish and shrimps.”

"Ah? Really? I just saw that the entire Laoshan Lake seemed to be divided. A living creature, like a speedboat, rushed directly from one end to the other. The children on the shore also saw it. , I'm just afraid that something will happen to you, so I want to come and save you." Xia Menglan said.

"Who is saving whom?" Li Fan suddenly thought back, was it him that Xia Menglan was talking about just now? Just now, I was only focused on enjoying the inherited power of the water god, and didn't pay attention to anything else.

At this time, Xia Menglan had no strength to speak anymore, and was threatened by Li Fan to go out.

She was also extremely weak now, with no strength left in her body, and she leaned weakly on Li Fan's shoulder.

The gentle breath stirred Li Fan's heartstrings. With the two of them so close, Li Fan could immediately see her beautiful big eyes, long eyelashes with water droplets, fair face, and upright little Qiong. No, the combination of all this is like an ingenious work of art. When I saw Li Fan, I couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Moreover, Xia Menglan was feeling uncomfortable, her mouth was slightly open, and her white teeth were exposed from time to time, and her tongue was licking out involuntarily, as if to moisturize her dry red lips.

"Wait a minute, hold on, I'll take you back right away." Li Fan swallowed his saliva and swam back with Xia Menglan as hard as he could.

The children were all on the shore at this time, so it was naturally not suitable for him to swim too fast, otherwise he would be regarded as a monster and could only return at a normal speed.

But now Xia Menglan in her arms is not honest, twisting her body from time to time, trying to change into a more comfortable posture, but this is in the water after all, and her every move can affect Li Fan next to her.

Just when Li Fan was complaining, Leng Buding gave him a sweet kiss, and Xia Menglan actually kissed him on the face in his sleep.

There was a tingling feeling on his face, and a tongue popped out of it, which made Li Fan's heart itch, as if his whole body was electrified.

The heavy breath from here penetrated the eardrums, and Li Fan was unable to stop it, so he could only let her control it.

At this time, saving people comes first!

In this way, Li Fan held Xia Menglan in his arms, listening to her murmurs, and taking her back for a swim.

Gradually, they swam closer to the shore. At this time, the children heard Xia Menglan's cry for help, and under the leadership of Zhu Zhu, they all went to call for help. There was no one on the shore now.

Li Fan put Xia Menglan's arm around his neck and led her step by step to the shore.

"We're here, we're here, Village Chief Xia, wake up, Village Chief Xia." Li Fan brought Xia Menglan back, but as soon as he let go, Xia Menglan's whole body softened and she collapsed on the ground.

"Hey, wake up, wake up." Li Fan slapped Xia Menglan's face, but it had no effect at all.

Now her belly was bulging, obviously she had drank a lot of water just now.

There was no other way, so Li Fan could only try to take first aid measures, pressing her chest, hoping to make her spit out the water she had choked on.

Pressing for a while was of no use, Xia Menglan showed no reaction at all.

Li Fan was cruel and gave her artificial respiration while continuing to press.

After a while, Xia Menglan spit out a mouthful of water, coughed twice, and slowly woke up.

Li Fan's face appeared in front of his eyes, and Xia Menglan's eyes were full of confusion.

She only remembered a little bit about what happened just now.

He saw that Li Fan seemed to be in danger, so he went into the water to save him. Suddenly he felt as if he had been caught by a monster in the water. Was it he who saved him?

Xia Menglan's face was full of doubts. Suddenly her nose felt sore and she sneezed suddenly.

Li Fan couldn't dodge either...

"Yes, I'm sorry." Xia Menglan's face was full of embarrassment, and she was a little ashamed. Why did so many embarrassing things happen when she saw Li Fan? Does he have a destined relationship with himself?

Li Fan also smiled helplessly, wiped his face violently and shook his head: "It's okay."

After saying that, he walked to the side and took the clothes he had just worn, and put them on Xia Menglan's body.

"Go home quickly and take a shower. You've caught a cold." Li Fan said.

"Yes." Xia Menglan looked down and saw that she was wet. Naturally, she couldn't refuse Li Fan's kindness now, so she put on her clothes and walked back.

Li Fan quickly put on the pants on the other side.

"You, your clothes are wet too." Xia Menglan glanced at Li Fan who was putting on his pants and said very embarrassedly.

His clothes were indeed wet.

And what Xia Menglan couldn't figure out was, is it okay to put dry clothes on wet clothes?

"No, it's okay. I've been used to swimming in Laoshan Lake since I was a child. I often come home like this, but it's you. By the way, I'll wipe this for you. Don't dislike it." With that, Li Fan took off his half-worn pants again. He took it off and dried it for Xia Menglan.

These faded military trousers carried the smell of Li Fan, which was not unpleasant but not unpleasant, but it aroused a strange feeling in Xia Menglan's heart.

"I, I'll do it myself." Naturally, she couldn't just stand there and let Li Fan wipe her body, so she picked up his pants and started wiping her body.

"Yeah." Li Fan turned his head in embarrassment and pretended to look at the scenery at the seaside. Xia Menglan blushed. Knowing what he meant, she unbuttoned her vest and wiped it inside with her pants. Again.

"Okay." Xia Menglan returned the damp pants to Li Fan.

Li Fan took it and was about to put it on when the children came over.

They called for help, and several villagers came over with big bamboo poles and big nets to catch people.

Seeing this, Xia Menglan quickly buttoned Li Fan's clothes, took the pants from Li Fan's hand, and put them on herself.

If someone sees her wet body, how will she be able to meet people in the future?

She was a grown-up girl and the head of the village, so she had to pay attention to her image. As for Li Fan, she could only feel aggrieved...

Now, Li Fan was very embarrassed. He was wearing a pair of soaked pants and didn't know where to put his hands.

What's even worse is that there are several women following this group of children. Isn't this obvious to others?

Li Fan was not shy. He hadn't been so embarrassed for a long time.

"Fanzi, we heard something happened to you and came over quickly. What is this?" Sister-in-law Osmanthus came over with a bamboo pole and asked.

"No, it's okay. Nothing happened. Let's all go back. Go back." Li Fan waved his hands awkwardly, signaling the group not to look at him. It was so embarrassing!

But several of the older girls in the village were already curious about certain things, and Li Fan's body was particularly eye-catching, so it was difficult not to look back.

Especially Zhao Xiaolan, her eyes were glancing down, and she deliberately slowed down and slowly moved towards Li Fan.

"What are you looking at? Get up and drive." Li Fan felt like he was being looked at like a dish. It was extremely embarrassing!

"Where are you going? It's not like I haven't seen it before." Zhao Xiaolan said fiercely.

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