Best Son-in-law

Chapter 184 Misunderstanding

After waiting for a long time, they still couldn't hear any movement from the next door. The two of them began to wonder in their hearts, are they not planning to wash it?

Li Fan was wearing wet underpants. He was cold at this time and couldn't help but shiver.

Just as he was about to speak, Xia Menglan coughed twice and opened his throat.

"Ahem." Xia Menglan bit her lip. In this environment, even though there was a layer of curtain, it was still awkward, as if the curtain had no effect.

In addition, there was no movement from Li Fan, and she was not sure whether he was peeking at her, so she would definitely not wash it first.

"Aren't you going to take a shower?" Xia Menglan asked shyly. She didn't want to say this at all.

"Wash, aren't you going out?" Li Fan expressed his worries.

"Yes." Xia Menglan said softly, her face turned red to her neck, and she held the clothes she wanted to change in her hand to cover her body.

"Okay." Li Fan slowly poured out the water, then took off his pants and hung them on the curtain to dry.

On the other side, Xia Menglan was shocked when she saw the pants that were put on her. Her pupils shrank slightly and her eyes suddenly widened.

Hearing the sound of water in his ears, Xia Menglan gradually relaxed and comforted herself: "He is not that kind of person, he is not that kind of person."

And it was him who saved him, so he shouldn't doubt others.

The embarrassing things he encountered in the past reverberated before his eyes like scenes from a drama. Xia Menglan still kept comforting herself: "He doesn't want to be accidental or coincidental."

After doing some mental work for a while, Xia Menglan gradually loosened her clothes and put them on the curtain.

Li Fan was always a big man, so he just felt embarrassed for a moment. After taking a bath, he naturally relaxed. Now he just feels extremely happy and his body warms up instantly.

But when he saw Xia Menglan's clothes put up on the curtain, his heart beat a few times faster involuntarily.

Especially when it comes to the hidden clothing at the back, the entire bathroom environment becomes a bit heavy at this time.

Li Fan's eyes also widened.

The curtain was not thick, and both of them could vaguely see each other's shadow...

Under the curtain, Li Fan directly saw his little feet painted with black nail polish, which were shiny and splashing with water.

Heat instantly filled the room.

Gradually, both of them relaxed.

"Village Chief Xia, would you like to help with the back rub now?" Zhao Xiaolan had been busy outside for a long time. She was wondering if something would happen since the two of them had been in for a long time, so she opened the door curtain and asked inside.

Li Fan was washing his hair when he suddenly heard this sentence. He was startled and turned away: "Sister Xiaolan, what are you doing?"

"Rub your back." There was white smoke billowing in the bathroom, and Zhao Xiaolan couldn't see anything. She rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"Well, Sister Xiaolan, come in." Xia Menglan has washed her hair and really needs to rub her back. She has been feeling itchy on her back these past few days.

"Hey, I'm in." Opening the door curtain, Zhao Xiaolan walked in swaggeringly. After entering, she could naturally see the scene inside. It turned out that she was thinking that Li Fan would be washing inside, but she didn't expect that he would be washing outside. Seeing him Turning my back, I felt happy immediately.

"Fanzi, what are you hiding? We all know everything." Zhao Xiaolan rolled her eyes and went inside to rub Xia Menglan's back.

"Okay, turn your back and I'll rub it for you." Zhao Xiaolan said.

"Maybe a little dirty." Xia Menglan was a little shy when she saw Zhao Xiaolan.

"It's okay, let's take a shower." Zhao Xiaolan moved her hands and sighed: "Oh, look at her skin."

"Well, be gentle." Zhao Xiaolan's attack was a bit harsh, and Xia Menglan didn't care anymore.

"It's heavy, okay."

Zhao Xiaolan always talked a lot, and the two of them started chatting non-stop.

Li Fanke outside was dumbfounded, taking a bath was in dire straits.

After a while, Zhao Xiaolan wiped the sweat from her forehead and walked out. Before closing the door, she deliberately asked: "Fanzi, do you want me to rub your back?"

"No, I've already put soap on it." Li Fan died speechless.

"Tch." Zhao Xiaolan shook her head and laughed, then continued her work.

Not long after, Li Fan came out of the bathroom, holding a bath basket and changed clothes in his hand.

When they were walking out the door, they met the Song family's sister-in-law and several older girls, who were staring at Li Fan.

"Hey, Fanzi, you went to the women's bathhouse to take a bath again?" The Song family's sister-in-law deliberately teased. Ever since she saw Li Fan get into the bathhouse, she had been waiting outside to work, just waiting for this sentence. .

Li Fan immediately rolled his eyes at her: "The men's bathroom doesn't have hot water, so you want me to take a cold bath today? I just took a dip in Laoshan Lake."

The Song family's sister-in-law and several older girls here didn't say anything big, they each covered their faces and snickered.

After saying this, Li Fan didn't want to say any more. People just like to watch the fun and deliberately gossip. It's pointless for you to explain more, so you might as well not explain at all.

Besides, he is a big man, why are he afraid of these gossips?

But soon, Xia Menglan also came out. She didn't think much. In fact, she washed very quickly. She could only come out after Li Fan finished washing.

"Li Fan, your clothes." Xia Menglan reached out and handed them over. Without thinking too much, she felt that there should be no one outside. If she doesn't return the clothes now, when will she be able to return them? Then let people see the misunderstanding.

But what I didn't expect was that when I went out, I bumped into a bunch of people from the Song family's sister-in-law.

At this moment, they bumped into each other, and the Song family's sister-in-law was not an honest person, so she started laughing evilly.

"Fanzi, what's going on? Didn't you say that the men's bathroom didn't have hot water? Where did Village Chief Xia wash it?" the Song family's sister-in-law said with a smile.

After hearing this, Xia Menglan was immediately ashamed and ashamed. She put her clothes on Li Fan, turned around and walked away with her head down.

"What are you doing? I'm a girl, but you're such a mouthful." Li Fan pointed at Mrs. Song and said helplessly.

He took the clothes and left.

The older girls next to her quickly nudged Sister-in-law Song with their elbows: "That's right, sister-in-law, you just need to know this, how can you say it out loud?"

"Oh, I'm talking too much. I just said it smoothly. No, is there really something going on between Fanzi and this girl?" Sister-in-law Song blamed herself on the surface, but in fact she started gossiping again.

"A girl from this city wants to save face. Look at her blushing. Something must have happened." A girl next to Mrs. Song said, "Look, Sister Xiaolan has come out. She is a witness. She must know." situation."

At this time, Zhao Xiaolan was walking out swaggeringly with her hands behind her back. As soon as she saw the appearance of these people, she immediately knew what they wanted to ask.

But she still asked deliberately: "What do you know?"

"Do you know what happened between them? Come on, Xiaolan, don't worry about my sister-in-law. What is going on? I heard it from the villagers before."

Women are mostly gossips.

Zhao Xiaolan blinked her eyes here, and immediately seemed to change her face. She came over, covered her mouth and whispered: "I really know what the situation is between them."

Several women got together and instantly created a drama...

Li Fan was walking on the way home, thinking that this incident happened to him, and he was the party involved. It would be bad if it affected Xia Menglan's image because of him.

This matter must be made clear, and at the same time, we must not let the villagers spread gossip. Isn't this misunderstood?

So Li Fan grabbed the path and followed Xia Menglan.

"Village Chief Xia, wait a minute, don't think too much. The sisters-in-law and aunties in the village are very tongue-tied. They are always inaccurate. You can't listen to them." Li Fan was afraid that Xia Menglan had some grudge in her heart.

"I didn't think much about it." Xia Menglan lowered her head, blushed, and pouted aggrievedly. She has never even been with a partner. She has been a good girl since she was a child, and she has devoted herself to studying. Now that she has just started working, if people say out of thin air that she doesn't care in her heart, it is all a lie.

Seeing her like this, Li Fan sighed, haven't you thought more about it?

"Village Chief Xia, don't worry. I will visit each house in a while to stop the mouths of those sisters-in-law. I will never let them spread rumors!" Li Fan promised, patting his chest.

"Why are you blocking me?" Xia Menglan blinked her big, beautiful eyes, her eyes filled with tears, a little disbelieving.

Although she had just joined the workforce and did not know the depth of society, she knew that the mouth of a country sister-in-law was not so easily blocked.

"I'll take a needle and string it on at night. If anyone talks nonsense, I'll sew her mouth shut!" Li Fan said in disgust.

This group of women are also idle, they have nothing to do every day, and they just like to talk about this. The two of them were originally incompatible with each other, so they were forced to work together to live together.

Li Fan grew up in Laoshantun and is well aware of the power of these sisters-in-law.

Xia Menglan smiled after hearing this. Her eyes were red and she was no longer angry. She was still very satisfied with Li Fan's attitude. At least she did not chase the donkey up the slope, but tried every means to protect her innocence.

"Come on, why are you going to visit every house? I see that this matter is getting darker and darker, so just let them talk? It's boring, so I won't say it. I don't take it seriously." Speaking in the local dialect of Laoshantun.

Li Fan nodded, thinking that if you let them pass it around, they would have nothing to do when you cry.

This gossip can be addictive.

This Xia Menglan is still too young.

But if I try to clarify it specifically, I might end up just like Xia Menglan said, and the description will get darker and darker.

I need to think of an idea.

However, Li Fan still gave Xia Menglan a thumbs up and praised: "Village Chief Xia is very generous!"

"Okay, don't keep calling me Village Chief Xia. For those who don't know, you might think you are trying to scare the Village Chief. Call me Meng Lan." Xia Menglan took a deep breath. Her psychological quality was still very strong, and she decided to When I went to the countryside to become the village chief, I had already done a lot of preparation work.

Moreover, Xia Menglan thinks that she is different from those wealthy ladies in the city, and she will definitely not be a vase that can only be looked at and coaxed but not dropped.

So she actively adjusted her mentality.

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