Best Son-in-law

Chapter 185 Poisoning

"It's okay, I don't worry about it." Xia Menglan turned to look at Li Fan and said with a smile.

"Yeah, okay." Li Fan touched his nose and looked at Xia Menglan and said.

"I still have to thank you for what happened today. You saved my life." Xia Menglan's eyes suddenly changed when she looked at Li Fan. Maybe it was due to so many coincidences and misunderstandings. Anyway, this kind of mood lingered in Xia Menglan's heart. There is an indescribable and unclear feeling.

"You're welcome, don't you want to save me too?" Li Fan smiled lightly.

"Okay, I'm going back." At this time, Xia Menglan took a deep breath and pretended to say something cheerfully. Her heart became unnatural. This feeling was very weird, but she couldn't explain it.

"Okay, I'm going back. If it's okay, you can come to my place to get the food." Li Fan waved his hand to Xia Menglan and said.

"Okay." Xia Menglan pretended to go home, but when she reached the door of her house, she suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction where Li Fan left.

Under the setting sun, Li Fan's back was not broad, but it left a lingering mark in Xia Menglan's heart.

Xia Menglan bit her lip tightly, shook her head violently, touched her red and hot face, and went back.

However, Li Fan did not go home directly. He turned around and rushed to Laoshan Lake. He thought in his heart that if he fished up all these crabs, he would be able to sell them for a lot of money. If he wanted to start a business in the future, he would need a lot of money to start. He has limited funds and limited connections in the city. Although he has met a few powerful bosses, he can't just owe others favors for some small things, right?

What's more, Li Fan has always been confident in his heart. He feels that he can make a fortune through a treasure land like Laoshantun and create a world with his own hands.

So he faced the sunset, pulled the net, and went into the water to catch all the crabs on the shallow beach. He caught three or four nets, thinking that if he opened a restaurant, he could also make some wild seafood to eat. , I feel very happy in my heart. If tourists come over then, prepare more game, which will always leave some good impression in their hearts.

The crabs in these nets weighed hundreds of kilograms. There was no one in Laoshan Village at night, so Li Fan pushed the flat cart and pulled these crabs back alone. Although he didn't understand why the shoal of Laoshan Lake was so crowded today. Suddenly so many crabs appeared.

"Forget it, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it." Li Fan thought in his heart, and simply threw all the crabs into the pond contracted by him, and separated them with nets, so that the eels and these crabs would not have any trouble.

But when he walked to the fish pond, Li Fan was dumbfounded. He found many eel carcasses floating on the fish pond he contracted.

It’s only been a day, what happened?

He wanted to come over and watch today, but was delayed because of catching crabs.

After catching so many eels and raising them for so many days, they will die right away? This will be used soon.

Li Fan was in great pain.

"Is it because it was raised incorrectly?" Li Fan walked to the fish pond and picked up a dead eel.

At a glance, the eels were dead in piles, as if they had been collectively poisoned.

Li Fan frowned, realizing that something was definitely wrong. Even if his breeding methods were somewhat different, why couldn't so many people die at once?

There is something fishy about this, someone may cause trouble again!

Li Fan picked up the eel, inspected it, disembowelled it, and found that the eel's internal organs were completely black. He leaned over and smelled it, and his expression changed immediately.


"Someone must have caused trouble and poisoned the fish pond!" Li Fan stood up and took a look. Less than half of the water in the fish pond was dyed black!

Don't ask about this. It's probably the idiot who caused the trouble.

Li Fan knew very well that those who had problems with him in this village and were still in conflict were just those few people.

Hu Shulan looked down on him at all, and would definitely not come to cause trouble. Huangshan had restrained himself recently, and he had no brains to do this, and he had no conflicts of interest with him recently.

Ma Tong seemed to be in trouble. He couldn't see others for a long time. Besides, he just had no conscience and wouldn't be so evil.

Basically, these people have been excluded, leaving only Gao Duzi and Wang Youcai.

Not only do they have enmity with themselves, but they also have conflicts of interest!

Gao Duzi is the biggest suspect in this matter. He usually likes to do these sneaky things and do evil things behind the scenes. In addition, he is a small-minded, grudge-minded, and vengeful person who cannot see the good things others do to him. , once someone treats him badly, he will remember it deeply in his heart, and he will not let go until he beats the person to death.

Thinking of this, Li Fan burst into anger.

"Well, you idiot, you have done mischief many times and done some dirty things, but I didn't even bother you. I just missed the friendship that existed when I was a kid. How about you, do you want to play this trick with me? Okay, I think. I can't catch you, can I? From now on, don't let me see you!" Li Fan thought silently in his heart and clenched his fists. He thought that he should give Gao Duzi a good beating last time to let him remember it for a long time. .

There is also the king who has wealth, who thinks that he has found a backer and is rich. It depends on how long this life will last.

At this time, Li Fan simply sat on the ground and touched his chin to think about it.

As the saying goes, it is better to offend a gentleman than a villain. A pure villain like Gao Duzi who does some dirty things must find a way to make him suffer the disadvantage of being dumb, and he must be corrected in one go. .

Otherwise, even if you catch someone else, he can still deny it to you, beat him up, and call the police as long as he is not beaten to death. He is like a gummy fly. The more lazy he is, the more trouble he will get.

"Since he likes to play dirty, then I will let him suffer a big loss and lose his memory. Do you really think I, Li Fan, am easy to bully?" Li Fan looked at the dead eels in the fish pond and thought of an idea.

"No poison, no husband! We don't have many things in Laoshan Village except for venomous snakes. If you walk the Yincao by the river every day, you have to be careful of being bitten by snakes. If you dare to come again, you will die here." Li Fan is not one to swallow his anger. Lord, this is also driving him to panic, repeated over and over again, do you really think he is a fool?

Moreover, people like Gao Duzi who have old grudges cannot be mentioned at all. Such people have no understanding of human nature.

Even a tethered dog would be useless here, and he might even be poisoned to death.

In this case, there is nothing to say, either don't take action, or do it ruthlessly!

Go straight to death!

Li Fan was filled with anger, and the more he thought about the dead eels, the more angry he became. There were so many dead eels that could not be saved.

But there are still some eels still alive, maybe just one breath alive, and their speed in the water has slowed down a lot.

You have to stop your losses now!

But the trouble is, so many eels are in this condition and cannot be saved, and the water has been polluted. The tall idiot probably saw the right opportunity, leaving him too late to treat him.

And now it’s too late to go up the mountain to collect herbs.

Li Fan was upset and waved his hand: "Forget it, let's just use the dead horse as a living horse doctor. Pour the fairy liquid into the fish pond. It depends on God's will whether he can be saved alive or not. Li Fan now has only what is left in his hand. Immortal liquid, if we wait any longer, those eels will die."

He made a mental decision and went home to get the fairy liquid and poured it all into the fish pond.

According to the memory passed down by the Water God, these fairy liquids have some effect on the diseases of some plants and animals, but I don't know if they can contain the poison in the eels.

"Alas." Li Fan let out a long sigh. He originally expected to sell these eels at a high price, or make them into dishes in his own restaurant to attract customers, but he didn't expect that it would turn out like this.

"Forget it, it depends on God's will whether this will happen or not." Li Fan squatted by the pond and looked at it. He couldn't see why, but he was getting more and more annoyed.

That night, Li Fan faced the moonlight and carried a flashlight. He went to the back mountain to catch seven or eight venomous snakes and brought them back. He put them next to his fish pond to guard the home!

After doing this, Li Fan sank the crab-catching net into the ditch next to him, and then went back to sleep.

It's useless to do anything at this time. It's better to have a good rest. He won't be stuck here just because of this little thing today.

At the same time, Wang Youcai and Gao Daizi were having a banquet over there...

"Gao, Brother Gao, you really deserve the surname Gao, you are Gao." Wang Youcai, Gao Duzi and a few others were sitting in a circle in a small room, eating hot pot.

Wang Youcai immediately gave Gao Duzi a thumbs up and praised him.

"Boss Wang, you're welcome. I don't have many tricks like this. If you fight with me, there's really no way. Hahaha..." The tall idiot next to him laughed, very proud, feeling that he had been criticized for being useless in the past few days. It's like venting everything.

"I admire it, I admire it." Wang Youcai felt so happy for the first time since he recovered from his injury, as if a great revenge had been avenged.

"Using crabs to attract this guy, thus destroying his pond of eels, in seconds, it's comparable to the ancients' plank roads built openly and secretly in Chen Cang, but these crabs are a bit expensive." Wang Youcai said with some pain.

He specially wholesaled these crabs from several vegetable markets in the county and threw them into Laoshan Lake for Li Fan and his companions to catch. This made Li Fan spend all his time watching his own eels, thus achieving the purpose of damaging his eels.

"As the saying goes, if you kill one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred. There is nothing we can do about it, but do we have the capital to waste it with him? He, Li Fan, is just a poor boy. How can he have any capital? He still wants to get rich. , it’s simply ridiculous!”

"Let's play like this from now on. Whatever he raises, he will kill whatever he wants. Let's see if he is still arrogant and wants to destroy the restaurant. Hahaha..." After Gao Duzi finished speaking, he laughed wildly again, thinking that the situation was all right. It's under control.

In terms of head-to-head confrontation, he may not be the only high-level idiot, but when it comes to killing people with a borrowed knife and causing mischief behind the scenes, he is unique.

"Okay, let's get angry. Come on, Brother Gao, let me toast you. Let's discuss other plans and put this kid to death directly without leaving any life." Wang Youcai said cruelly, thinking of his own His heart ached slightly due to the injury, and his hatred for Li Fan gradually increased.

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