Best Son-in-law

Chapter 193 Shopping

"Let's go." Seeing Zhu Zhu's confident look, Li Fan asked him to go to the vegetable market to sell these crabs alone.

"Is everything going to be okay?" Xia Menglan rolled down the window and revealed her handsome face. She was still a little worried, fearing that Zhu Zhu would be wronged by himself. After all, he was only a ten-year-old child.

"It's okay. This is the town's market, and the people here are all villagers from the surrounding villages. Nothing will happen." Li Fan comforted.

Xia Menglan reluctantly rolled down the car window. During the days when she came to Laoshantun, she had long regarded the sensible Zhuzi as her biological brother, so she would miss him.

"Besides, this market is not big. If something happens to the pillars, we will drive back." Li Fan smiled and said, "Then drive in."

"Well, open it inside." Xia Menglan unzipped her small bag, took out a pair of black sunglasses and put them on to make her look even more heroic.

When he arrived at the market in the town, Li Fan could not drive so fast, and there were many people around. Some of the vendors had set up their stalls on the road, so the pedestrians passing by were also crowded, and the speed of the car became even slower. got up.

This area mainly sells food and drink, as well as gadgets for children, as well as middle-aged and elderly-style clothes. Several aunts blocked the place and showed off their clothes.

Li Fan had no choice but to slow down again.

However, the appearance of Li Fan's van still made some people around him look at it.

After all, Beizhuang Town is a poor town, and those who can drive a four-wheel drive are considered rich.

So these people looked at the car with strange eyes, thinking that Li Fan was probably some kind of boss from the county.

Naturally, there is nothing to choose from when you first enter the market. The items are expensive and may not be useful, so they are just waiting for you to come and bargain.

As we walked in, we entered a street, and the surrounding area suddenly became spacious. There were many storefronts, and there were several supermarkets. It was considered a big supermarket in the town, but naturally there was not one in the county.

When Xia Menglan saw these supermarkets, her eyes lit up and she glanced at her body, but she didn't speak.

"There is a department store in front. Let's park there. This department store is quite big. It has a lot of daily necessities and clothes. There should be something you want to buy. Come on, let's take a look." Li Fan drove the car to a large tall building and stopped.

Xia Menglan nodded and got out of the car with Li Fan.

This department store has five floors and one underground floor. It is the largest department store in Beizhuang Town.

There are also a lot of people, people coming and going.

There were some vendors selling meat buns, skewers, corn on the cob and other snacks at the door. As soon as Xia Menglan got off the car, she was attracted by these vendors. In the village, she usually eats vegetarian dishes. Of course I miss these snacks, and I am going to spend money to buy some.

Li Fan parked the car, and Xia Menglan had already bought it. She was chewing corn on the cob in her left hand and two sausages in her right hand. When she saw Li Fan coming, she gave one away: "Here."

Li Fan was not polite and caught it directly.

The two of them entered this department store along the road, and were immediately overwhelmed by the shouts and bargains and bustle around them, and almost got confused inside.

He was squeezed in again by people coming and going.

There are many small shops in this department store, selling everything.

After taking just a few steps, Li Fan found himself being pulled towards a daily necessities store by Xia Menglan.

This store happens to also sell bowls.

The landlady came over to greet us very enthusiastically: "What are you looking at?"

"Just take a look." Xia Menglan walked around while watching, and scanned the tab bar below. Since entering Laoshantun, she has become very good at living.

After picking a few daily necessities, Xia Menglan and Li Fan walked out of the daily necessities store.

Because Beizhuang Town is relatively poor, the prices of these products are also very cheap.

As they walked, the two came to a women's clothing store again. Xia Menglan's cheeks were a little red. She was usually accompanied by her best friend. But her best friend was gone and she didn't want to go shopping alone. Moreover, she was unfamiliar with the place. Yes, it was easy for me to lose my way, so I gritted my teeth, held Li Fan's arm, and brought him in.

Li Fan's eyes widened, but he didn't say anything. They came together, so they couldn't go shopping separately, right?

"Hey, big brother is here? Why is your daughter-in-law so beautiful? Just pick whatever you want." The owner of this women's clothing store is a eldest sister. She speaks with a Hedong accent and is very fluent in speaking and doing. When business comes, I quickly come over and lead inside.

There are two layers of hanging ropes hanging on the walls on both sides of the store. They are all autumn clothes, women's sweatshirts, and sweaters that can be worn now, and the styles are also very eye-catching.

When Xia Menglan entered the store and heard that she was called Li Fan's wife, a red cloud suddenly rose on her face. She didn't have much other thoughts, but she felt a little embarrassed.

But she didn't open her mouth to say anything. She just looked around at these autumn clothes. She wanted to buy one or two pieces to go back and change. The few clothes she brought were a little short. She had to change them back and forth every day, and she was embarrassed to wear them out. .

"My brother-in-law is a girl from the city, right? How handsome! Brothers are so blessed. Look, these are new styles introduced from the city. They are very beautiful and of good quality. Come on, touch them and try them. If you like the one you like, tell me there is a fitting room inside." The eldest sister greeted me warmly.

Xia Menglan had her eye on a few styles before she came in. After entering, she wanted to try them out, so she didn't hesitate and picked up a few clothes she liked to try on.

"Yes, you can try it on and change it if you don't like it. Even if the quality of the clothes you wear is no longer good, you can still give me a refund. I never do bad business. Come on, brother, if you can't reach your wife, I'll give you this clothes." "The eldest sister said and handed Li Fan a clothes pole.

Li Fan was a little embarrassed to be called that, but when he saw Xia Menglan, he didn't say anything. Of course, he didn't have much to say, so he could only agree: "Oh."

"That one." Xia Menglan was not polite. She stretched out her green fingers and pointed at a white sweater on top. She wanted to try out the effect with a few pieces.

After picking and picking, Xia Menglan also picked a lot, and they all rested on Li Fan. She looked back and felt that it was almost done. She waved to Li Fan and said, "Let's go, give it a try."

"Hey." Li Fan followed like a bodyguard.

The fitting room here is also relatively simple, just a few wooden boards set up with a rope hooked horizontally from south to north, and a cloth curtain on top.

"Yes, that's the fitting room. When my brother and his wife change clothes later, my brother will help pull the curtain." The eldest sister gave instructions and continued to go to the door to do business.

Li Fan was stunned. Looking back, Xia Menglan was also stunned.

But after all, the conditions here are like this, so you can’t not buy it for this reason, right?

There was no other way, Xia Menglan had no choice but to purse her lips, point and say: "You will help me pull the curtain later, pay more attention to the outside and don't look in."

"Okay, no problem, you can go in and change." Li Fan is not a pretentious person, not to mention Xia Menglan doesn't care, how can he be shy as a grown man? Besides, it's not a big deal for these guys to draw a curtain.

But at this time, Xia Menglan's eyes widened when she looked at the blue dress next to her. The style of this dress was so beautiful and so in line with her taste, and there weren't many of them hanging there.

She immediately wanted to buy this skirt, and immediately walked over and touched it a few times. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. She didn't expect to find such a beautiful skirt in this town.

Girls all have a common love for beauty, and Xia Menglan is no exception. She looked like she couldn't put it down and was noticed by the eldest sister in the store.

The eldest sister immediately smiled knowingly: "Brother and wife, you have really good taste. This dress is the most beautiful in my store. There are not many left. If you want to buy it, sell it cheaper. I won't make any money."

"Then let me try." Xia Menglan picked up a skirt, covered her body, and looked in front of the mirror for a long time. She was very satisfied, and took it into the fitting room along with the clothes Li Fan was holding.

"Brothers and wives, why don't you choose two pieces of underwear? I have a lot of interesting ones, I guarantee you will like them." When the eldest sister in the store saw that Xia Menglan had bought so many clothes, she thought she might want some underwear, so she said .

The underwear in the store is all hung inward, for fear that it would be embarrassing if people hang it outside.

Xia Menglan looked at the rows of underwear hanging next to her. She bit her lip tightly, feeling a little embarrassed to choose. She originally wanted to buy some when she came here. After all, she needed some changes.

Moreover, she really should buy a few more pieces of such privacy clothes. In addition, her original ones were already a little damaged, so it was imminent to replace them.

Thinking of this, Xia Menglan looked back at Li Fan and found that he had no reaction.

On the contrary, the eldest lady in the store spared no effort to sell underwear, showing her one piece after another in front of Xia Menglan, without treating Li Fan next to her as an outsider.

"Brothers and daughters-in-law, look, this lace dress is quite interesting. When you two get into trouble in the future...hehehehe, I won't say more, just take a look, and my brothers will take a look too." The eldest sister is minding her own business. He said without seeing the embarrassed expressions on their faces at all.

After a while, she gradually came to her senses and couldn't help but look at Li Fan and Xia Menglan up and down.

"Are you not married? Are you friends? Don't be embarrassed. You are all adults, and so are you, brother. Sometimes you can't let girls take the initiative. You have to take the initiative." The eldest sister is a familiar person. , and he was not polite at all. As he spoke, he deliberately winked at Li Fan.

Li Fan's face was full of embarrassment, neither advancing nor retreating.

"Let's try it first. Here, it's okay. It's okay to try whatever you want." The eldest sister handed some lace items to Xia Menglan.

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