Best Son-in-law

Chapter 194 Robbed

Xia Menglan's eyes widened as she fell into the current situation. She didn't know how to deal with it. Faced with such an enthusiastic elder sister, she always felt that it was hard to refuse. Plus, she really needed these things. clothing.

But she never thought about buying the clothes sold to her by the elder sister in the store.

So all I could say was: "Change two pieces, change two pieces, let me take a look."

After saying that, Xia Menglan squeezed in to choose other underwear.

Li Fan stood beside him like a stick, with a face full of bewilderment. When he saw Xia Menglan walking in, he immediately turned his head to the other side and said to himself: "Don't look at anything inappropriate, don't look at anything inappropriate."

"Oh, you can use this sooner or later. Are you still shy? I saw several couples buying this style. I thought you young people would like this set." The eldest sister took back the lace items with some annoyance. clothing.

Here Xia Menglan chose underwear and took them to the changing room to try them on together.

"Pull down the curtain for me." Xia Menglan said softly. She didn't know since when, she no longer regarded Li Fan as an outsider.

"Okay." Li Fan quickly closed the curtain and waited outside.

The eldest lady in the store immediately ran outside to greet other customers.

There were sparse sounds inside the curtain, which made Li Fan's heart feel itchy as if it had been scratched by a cat's claws.

Xia Menglan was not slow in changing her clothes. She considered that people outside might still be waiting, so she didn't dress neatly like she did at home. Besides, she just wanted to see what the effect would be.

After changing her clothes, she immediately walked out and went to the mirror outside the curtain to compare her left and right outfits. This was the last blue dress she fell in love with.

Not to mention, when she wears this skirt, she immediately looks bright and beautiful. In addition, her appearance is very pretty. When she puts it on, her whole person suddenly has a temperament, like a noble, whereabouts Like a common swan, it is so beautiful that people dare not look directly at it.

Li Fan stood nearby and was stunned. When he saw her for the first time, she was just wearing ordinary casual clothes, so he thought she was a very good-looking girl. Then when she entered the village, she changed into Wearing some clothes from the neighbor sister adds a bit of natural beauty to it.

When you dress up like this, you immediately look like a big star, and even without makeup!

Her face was as white and flawless as a crown jade, and her red lips were exceptionally bright.

I saw her lips moving slightly, raising her eyebrows slightly, and smiling like a charm. She immediately outshone some of the women around her. When a girl who just came in saw this, she immediately lowered her head and said to her The boyfriend was pulled out.

Her boyfriend couldn't help but look back a few times, wanting to see it more clearly...

"What's wrong?" Feeling Li Fan's hot eyes, Xia Menglan blushed subconsciously, lowered her head in embarrassment, and smiled softly, which made her look like a girl next door.

"It's okay. This dress suits you very well. It's very beautiful." Li Fan swallowed dryly. He was so close, so naturally he could feel the fairy spirit coming to his face.

Moreover, Li Fan usually only regarded Xia Menglan as a village chief, not as a girl.

"This is the first time I hear you praise someone." Xia Menglan rolled her eyes at Li Fan, feeling happy from the bottom of her heart. Who doesn't want to hear others praise themselves?

The more she looked at herself in the mirror, the better she looked.

"Help me unzip the back zipper. I can't reach it. My arms are a bit short." After taking a few photos, Xia Menglan saw that the skirt was a little bloated on her body. After a while, she realized that the zipper at the back was not closed properly. I immediately wanted to ask Li Fan for a favor.

Li Fan didn't hesitate. He gently lifted Xia Menglan's long hair, grabbed the dress with one hand, and slowly pulled it up by the zipper with the other.

"It's so beautiful, brother and wife. This dress is so suitable for you. My sister was jealous when she saw it. I said why did the little girl run away just now? It turned out that she was outcompeted by you. You have to Compensate for the losses in my store." Seeing that she couldn't catch up with the couple, the eldest sister in the store returned to the store. When she saw Xia Menglan in a blue skirt, she immediately praised her and made a joke.

After hearing this, Xia Menglan became even more shy: "I'll change to something else. I want this dress."

As she spoke, she used one hand to unzip her skirt, not treating Li Fan as an outsider at all.

"Let me help you." Li Fan looked behind and saw that Xia Menglan couldn't reach the zipper. He was very helpless and directly helped her pull down the zipper.

By the way, he lifted the curtain with one hand and let her walk in.

Xia Menglan changed into a few more clothes she liked inside, and came out from time to time to see the effect. No matter what clothes she wore, they would always bring out a different style of Xia Menglan.

It was also at this time that Li Fan regarded Xia Menglan as a beauty.

On this trip, Xia Menglan spent a lot of time choosing clothes. Most girls in the city don't know how to shop around, they just buy whatever looks good on them.

Naturally, Li Fan had to carry all the big and small bags.

"Are you tired?" Xia Menglan smiled and lifted her long hair, and turned around to ask with concern. Looking at Li Fan's broad body, she suddenly felt in her heart that some boyfriends were also good.

But she has never had a boyfriend since she was a child. When she thought of this, her face became even redder and she felt a little hot.

"Not tired." Li Fan was holding bags of clothes in both hands. He was not tired at all, but his hands were a little tight. However, Li Fan also often did farm work, and there were a lot of calluses on his hands, which directly offset part of the weight. .

"Thank you." Xia Menglan thanked her.

Then the two of them sent the clothes they bought back and went to the department store. Li Fan bought part of the meal, as well as toilet paper, wastebaskets and other supplies. They spent a few hundred yuan in total, which was very cheap.

Li Fan also has some money on hand, so when buying these things, he doesn't want to buy cheap ones. After all, he will serve guests in the city in the future, so of course he must be equipped with better utensils.

After buying something, the store clerk helped deliver it to the car.

Before leaving, Li Fan also bought the iron pot that Aunt Lianhua wanted to use. This pot was not cheap, it cost several hundred, and Li Fan didn't buy a cheap one.

Li Fan and the clerk carried the pot into the pickup truck. Li Fan closed the rear door. After thanking him, he was going to Zhuzhu's place to see what the market was like.

I thought that I could also bring in a batch of aquatic products from Laoshan Lake and sell them, which could be considered part of my income.

Xia Menglan got into the car with Li Fan and continued to wear her sunglasses. It was a worthwhile trip for her. She bought back all the things she lacked and sat on the car with satisfaction.

However, it is a woman's nature to love shopping. If Zhuzi hadn't been selling crabs alone, she wouldn't be worried. Now she would have asked Li Fan to take her to the town for more shopping.

From the department store to the vegetable market and then through the market with a lot of people, I slowly squeezed out.

"The pillars shouldn't be sold so quickly right now, right? There shouldn't be many people in town willing to buy them. Let's park the car somewhere and walk there." Xia Menglan suggested from the side.

"Okay." Li Fan said, found an opening, parked the minivan, and then walked side by side to the vegetable market with Xia Menglan.

The vegetable market in this town is not clean. There is a smell of blood in the air, and there are some special smells. There are messy vegetable leaves and other things on the ground, and there is a shed at the top.

There were not many people coming and going, many were pushing bicycles inside.

There are stalls on both sides, selling various dishes, and there are also stalls selling small desserts with a front door.

"Vegetarian dishes are all outside, meat dishes have to be squeezed in." Li Fan explained with a smile.

It was also the first time for Xia Menglan to come to such a small vegetable market. First of all, she was not used to the smell, so she just covered her nose and walked forward. It was not that she was squeamish, but the smell here was really unpleasant.

If Li Fan hadn't been used to smelling it, and he was a big man, he would have walked forward with his nose blocked.

The deeper you go in, the stronger the smell of blood becomes, and from time to time you can hear the screams of chickens and ducks.

Further inside is a place selling meat and meat.

There is an aisle in the middle, which is soaked black with oil, and there are various chicken feathers left on the ground.

Across the aisle are rows of cages filled with various chickens and ducks.

Xia Menglan had never seen such a scene before. She kept her head down the whole time and walked forward. As she walked down the aisle, there were pools of blood in front of her eyes, which made her eyes wide open.

She quickly lifted the meat and saw a butcher waving a kitchen knife and cutting the chicken. His face was full of meat and his smile made her feel sick.

After struggling through this section of the road, there were not as many people as there were at the beginning, and we soon arrived at the aquatic products area.

Most of these fish and shrimp sellers have aluminum basins in front of them, with a blood-stained razor and a slightly cleaner knife standing next to them.

"There's no way, we're a little behind, that's all." Li Fan said with a helpless shrug.

At this moment, Zhuzi's cry was suddenly heard.

Li Fan immediately became excited and his eyes immediately turned cold.

"Something may have happened to the pillar." Li Fan pulled Xia Menglan inside to see what was going on.

Logically speaking, there should be nothing wrong with selling some crabs here. These people who come to sell vegetables are all villagers from the surrounding villages, so there is no need to bully a child.

But there are no exceptions.


When Li Fan came inside, he was shocked when he saw Zhu Zhu sitting on the ground, holding his arms and crying. There was nothing in front of him, and there was still blood on his knees.

problem occurs!

"What's wrong? Zhuzi?" Li Fan immediately squatted down and pressed the acupuncture point on Zhuzi's leg with one hand to prevent the blood from flowing anymore.

"Uncle Fanzi, crabs, crabs have been snatched away!" Zhuzi saw Li Fan, and tears burst out again.

"What exactly happened? Who robbed him? Did you see him clearly?" Li Fan was anxious in his heart, and his fingers turned white.

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