Best Son-in-law

Chapter 200 Divorce

She would use this method every time she wanted to force Han Qiaoqiao to do something, and it worked every time.

"Anyway, I must be with Brother Li Fan. We are both sincere, why should we be separated?" Han Qiaoqiao unusually turned a deaf ear to Hu Shulan's cough today and insisted stubbornly.

"Qiaoqiao, you really want to make me angry to death. I went to the hospital for a checkup before. The doctor said that I have high blood pressure and cannot be angry. Cough, cough, cough..." Hu Shulan pretended to cough heavily again, and her voice changed. Get hoarse.

"Does your high blood pressure have anything to do with this? These are two different things, right? Could it be that if you let me be with someone I don't like, your high blood pressure will get better?" Han Qiaoqiao became more and more excited as he talked. Already in tears.

"Yes! I'm going to put this aside today. You can be with anyone, but you can't be with Li Fan. Otherwise, you won't be able to enter this family again. I don't have a daughter like you." Hu Shulan saw her around. It didn't make sense, and the anger in his heart rose up, and he warned sternly.

"Then I won't go back. Since you don't treat me as your own daughter, what kind of family do I have? I can't even choose the person I like, so what's the point of my life? Do whatever you want. , just pretend that I am not there, stop talking, stop talking." Han Qiaoqiao burst into tears of grievance, gritted her teeth and hung up the phone, lying on the table and sobbing.

This is the first time she has had such a quarrel with her family. Normally she has always been a good girl, obedient, and a sensible child, just because she doesn't want her parents to worry about her.

But Han Qiaoqiao didn't expect that her repeated regression would become the reason for being oppressed. Now that she even interferes with her love affairs, is she treating herself as a puppet and no longer a human being?

The more Han Qiaoqiao thought about it, the more aggrieved she became, and her crying became louder. After a while, she slowly recovered, and her little hands suddenly clenched.

"Qiaoqiao, you must be strong, not because you are a girl. Brother Li Fan has suffered so much injustice. You must stand up and be with him at least. At worst, you will elope. Even if you can't go to school, you still have to be with him. Brother Li Fan is together." Han Qiaoqiao thought firmly and quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Hu Shulan, on the other hand, was going crazy. She even said that she was getting the job, but the other side didn't care.

When she heard the beeping sound from her cell phone, Hu Shulan was furious and dropped her cell phone on the ground. Fortunately, the cell phone belonged to Nokia, so it didn't cause any problems if it fell to the ground. Instead, it made a hole in the dirt.

"Why are you angry with your phone?" Han Changgui picked up the phone with some dissatisfaction and wiped off the dirt on it.

"Isn't it all your fault?" Hu Shulan also had nowhere to vent her anger, so she simply poured her anger directly on Han Changgui.

He thinks that if Han Changgui hadn't interfered, he would have arranged Qiaoqiao to another good family.

"What does it have to do with me?" Han Changgui doesn't swallow his anger like before. He can be beaten or scolded, and there are two reasons for everything. Since the last quarrel with Hu Shulan, Han Changgui's confidence has come, and now he doesn't want to be criticized by those cowards. .

"You shouldn't have matched up our daughter with that Li Fan. He wants money but he doesn't want anything. He is still a scumbag. Our daughter can destroy what he has. Just watch." Hu Shulan said angrily.

At this time, Han Changgui felt a little complicated in his heart. He had not yet understood what the specific matter was, but people in the village were spreading this rumor. It was okay if one person spread it, but with so many people spreading it, he had to doubt it. After all, this rumor was spreading. But it is related to the life-long events of his own daughter.

But Han Changgui had seen Li Fan since he was a child, and he knew his character well, but he was afraid that Li Fan would not be able to bear so many grievances and would change his mind.

"Isn't it all because you were in the middle? Otherwise, how could Fanzi find another girl? You know clearly that Qiaoqiao really likes Fanzi, but you insist on breaking them up. Are you sick? If the two of them can't get better now , it's all your fault." Han Changgui said angrily immediately.

"Do you really want Qiaoqiao to marry a pauper? A man from the city has arrived at your doorstep. He has money, a house, a car, an education and everything. He is polite, and he likes Qiaoqiao. Why can't he be better than Li Fan? I I'm confused, do you want your daughter to live with a pauper for the rest of her life, right? After finally finishing her studies, you are asked to go home and farm? Let me tell you, I can't agree to this, as long as I still Stay alive." Hu Shulan was also anxious and cursed with her hands on her hips.

"What a pauper, haven't you seen Fanzi's hard work these days? It's not his fault that he doesn't have what you said. Besides, how do you know he won't have one in the future? I think as long as the two children like each other, it will be fine Together, we can definitely build a successful career if we are amicable." Han Changgui said.

"You said the same thing back then. You said you would be rich in the future. I believed you. But what happened? After growing crops in the field all my life, I finally understood that no man's words are accurate, and there are ready-made plans. Why? Why are you talking about the future? Are you stupid? I won’t ask my daughter to be poor like me for the rest of her life, hiding in this poor ravine with no good food, no good drink, and no decent clothes. I think I was just a flower in the village back then, and so many good men were chasing me. Why did I find a bastard like you? I was really blind." The more Hu Shulan talked, the angrier she became, and the grievances she had hidden for decades came flooding back. Just looking at Han Changgui made me want to fight.

"Are you going to settle old scores?" Han Changgui was afraid that Hu Shulan would settle old scores with him, and he would get a headache when he mentioned it.

"What's wrong? Why don't you tell others that you have no ability? You don't even look at others. You are already the boss. You lead your wife to eat big fish and meat. You are well-dressed. Where are you? How are you leading my life? If I don’t do anything every day, I just worry about tea, rice, oil and salt. I go to the vegetable market and talk for two cents for an entire afternoon. I can’t bear to eat or drink. Is it easy for me? Don’t I just want to let my daughter live a good life? I am married to a good family in the city, so I can enjoy my happiness and make others envious. Is it wrong?" Hu Shulan shed tears as she spoke, and she cursed as she spoke.

"I'll let it go if you're worthless, but you're going to ask my daughter to find another worthless person, and ask her to follow me and regret it later?"

Han Changgui was speechless by these words, and he was also very angry. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Okay, have I treated you badly all these years? Isn't it saving me to save money? You shouldn't buy it." ?You even bought a coat for the Chinese New Year, but where am I? I’ve been wearing these pants for seven or eight years, and they’re almost worn out.”

"Isn't that because you have no ability?" Hu Shulan spoke without mercy.

"I don't have the ability, but you have the ability? You have the ability to quarrel, and you fucking quarrel with me every day. How can you get rich by arguing with me? People say that family is everything. I think our family has no money. Because you, a prodigal bitch, can't argue." Han Changgui spat and didn't want to talk any more. He found it boring and upset.

"Blame me? You, a grown man, let me, a woman, go out to make money? Han Changgui, you have been a living dog these years. Please speak clearly." Hu Shulan felt that she had not scolded him enough, so she continued to scold him.

"Okay, what am I talking about with an old lady like you? There is still so much work to do. Anyway, that's what I said. The child is grown up. She can look for whomever she wants. No matter what, it's just her. Don't give it to me either. What are you trying to settle old scores with?" Han Changgui felt tired from the quarrel and pulled his sleeves away.

Hu Shulan was so angry that she sat on the ground and cried, not feeling embarrassed.

Attracting neighbors to come over and take a look.

"Okay, if you don't feel embarrassed, I don't want this old face anymore. If you want to make trouble, then I will help you yell at you."

Women always cry, make trouble, and hang themselves when they make trouble, and Hu Shulan is no exception. She has used this trick for decades, and it has always worked. Han Changgui was afraid of being embarrassed every time he used it, so he came over quickly, apologizing and promising. , just brought it home.

But today, Han Changgui no longer accepts this trick. He has endured it for many years.

You are simply shameless, what else do I need? At this age, I don't expect any little girl to come over and look at me more often. I can say whatever I like.

Han Changgui gave up on himself and shouted at the top of his voice: "Everyone from the countryside came to see and listen to this great opera singer."

"Okay, Han Changgui, you are shameless, I will divorce you!" Hu Shulan saw that Han Changgui was out of luck, and she was so angry that she wanted to divorce him. The neighbors who were watching the fun now came to persuade him. .

Unexpectedly, Han Changgui waved his hand proudly: "Okay, just leave. I've had enough of you, a prodigal bitch. You open your mouth and fart randomly all day long. What do I want you to do? You scold me every day for nothing." What? Still putting up with this, let me tell you, without you I could drink two taels of wine every day, and my life would be much more comfortable than now."

"Damn it, I've finally come to terms with my life these days. I've spent most of my life with this heartless woman, giving her food and drink every day, and not being able to wear new clothes every year. What did I get in exchange for giving her food and clothing? ? What she got in return was that she was trying to make fun of you, saying that you were an incompetent coward, a white-eyed wolf who was not well-bred, and thought that I was delaying you. You could go to whoever you wanted, and I wouldn’t wait for you anymore. But that's it." Han Changgui was going crazy, and all the temper he had endured for more than twenty years exploded.

These words were making spitting noises fly in the air, and the words were all awkward to say, and the mouth was trembling, but the bottom of my heart was extremely happy.

When I thought about it, I finally understood that it would be great to get divorced. My daughter is now older anyway, so she doesn’t have to rely too much on herself.

If I get divorced, I will feel a lot more comfortable. I can really have a drink every day, without having to save money, and I don't have to look at my mother-in-law's face.

Hu Shulan over there glared and almost lost her temper. This is in front of so many people in the neighborhood. You, Han Changgui, said such things.

The days are hopeless.

That's all she has in mind right now.

"Li, divorce, go through the formalities tomorrow." Hu Shulan said with a look on her face.

"Okay, you and your wife are having a bedside quarrel, why are you getting a divorce? Do you know how to go about the divorce procedures? Just get a divorce, just hurry up and make a fool of yourself. Okay, calm down and stop talking." Seven people next door. The aunt quickly advised.

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