Best Son-in-law

Chapter 201 Grievance

"That's right, you two have been together for more than 20 years, why are you getting divorced? Aren't you just asking people to laugh at you?" Others also followed suit.

They all thought that these two couples were really interesting. They lived together in harmony before, but now that their daughter is in college, they quarrel every now and then. Now they are going to get divorced. I really think about it.

Several people watching the excitement wanted to laugh in their hearts, but due to the current situation, they did not laugh out loud.

"I can't get through this day. Han Changgui is nothing. What kind of man is he?" Hu Shulan sat on the ground and refused to get up. Seeing that her plan was ruined, she felt very unhappy.

"Same goes for you, Changgui. As a grown man, why can't you give in?" Aunt Qi pulled Han Changgui to make peace between the two.

Han Changgui didn't want to hear this at all: "I've given in for more than 20 years, and you still ask me to give in? I'm just being tough today. You can make a fuss if you want, no matter how you make it, you're shameless. I'm still asking you to give in." What's your face for? What's the use?"

"If you say a few words, you will be expensive. Is it worth it just for the temporary pleasure?" A few neighbor aunts persuaded.

"Anyway, that's all. People like me yelling and drinking all day long are annoying to look at." Now Han Changgui has let himself go. His mind is full of his new life after divorce. He drinks a few ounces of wine. Eating a plate of salty beans and listening to the radio, a leisurely afternoon made my ears clear.

There is no need to worry about my daughter, it will definitely be very happy.

"Okay, which bastard won't get divorced tomorrow?" Hu Shulan gritted her teeth and said bitterly.

"Does that need to be said?" Han Changgui straightened his back and was determined to get a divorce. He had had enough of this kind of life.

After saying this, Hu Shulan got up immediately, patted her butt and went into the house. The door of the house was locked with a bang.

The seventh aunt next door saw the two people making such a fuss. She didn't know whether to persuade her or not. She didn't know how to say anything. She looked at Han Changgui helplessly, thinking that if he could admit his mistake, this matter would be over. .

Folks in the capital, who look down but don’t look up to see each other, also want to hope for the best.

But before Aunt Qi could say anything, Han Changgui started scolding: "Why do you break the door and still think it's your home? I built this house, and I have the water and electricity in the house. If you get divorced, get out of here, no?" Where you live, if the door breaks, please pay me for it."

Han Changgui cursed and walked home.

The seventh aunt was watching outside the door and wanted to go in to persuade. The aunts next door quickly said: "It's already like this, why are you trying to persuade? It's hard for an upright official to deal with household affairs. They are making trouble. After all, we are outsiders and we can't argue." Yes, if you say something bad and still get scolded, his seventh aunt, you should stop messing around."

After hearing these words, Aunt Seven had nothing to say and followed the aunts next door to her home.

"What do you think they did?" These aunties who were watching the fun chatted with each other as they walked on the road.

"I think it's the rumor that started in the village during this period. The Qiaoqiao mother made a fuss about Fanzi's matter. I can't stand her either. Who is she? It's not bad for two children to provoke each other when they are together. ? Treating your own daughter badly is like a tiger's poison, but it doesn't eat its own children."

"You can't say that. Doesn't Hu Shulan also want her daughter to marry into a good family?"

"Oh, Fanzi is not a good family? We have seen Fanzi since childhood. He knows everything about his temperament. He is no more reliable than outsiders? And he also has to build a restaurant. Now he is capable. Who can he compare to?"

"No one said anything wrong. It's just the situation as it is. There is a rich young master in the city who wants to pursue Qiaoqiao, and Qiaoqiao's mother is tempted."

"To put it bluntly, I am still jealous of money. Qiaoqiao Niang was attracted to her and she married her. She also happened to divorce Han Changgui."

These people spoke very sharply, talking and walking all the way.

People in the village generally speak quietly, so these words can be heard by others.

At this time, Yang Meilu was walking out to dry her clothes. When she heard the aunts mentioning the matter between Han Qiaoqiao and Li Fan, she immediately eavesdropped, ostensibly still drying her clothes.

After listening to a few words, her eyes suddenly lit up. If the matter between Li Fan and Qiaoqiao came to light, wouldn't she have a chance?

Thinking of this, Yang Meilu's little face couldn't help but blush, but she felt that it was not good to think like this, and she was extremely tangled in her heart, so she pursed her red lips gently.

She only heard the thumping in her chest. She especially wanted to know about Li Fan.

It happened that these aunts were walking past her door.

Yang Meilu gently lifted her temples, held a basin and pretended to wash clothes, and met them.

"Hey, Seventh Aunt, Sister Xiu, what are you talking about?" Yang Meilu pretended not to know anything and followed them.

"Isn't it Fanzi's fault? It's all the fault of those old ladies in the south of the village. They have nothing to do every day and just talk nonsense. They insist on spreading rumors that Fanzi is getting along with our new village chief, and they say it in a decent way. What's going on? ? The two of them haven't been getting along for a few days. Maybe Fanzi wanted to build a restaurant in the village and contracted fish ponds and had too much contact with her, so there was a misunderstanding. As a result, Qiaoqiao Niang heard this. "

"Isn't this adding trouble? You know that Qiaoqiao's mother is obsessed with catching a rich husband, but you still give her a clue to catch her. Needless to say, Qiaoqiao must know about this. Qiaoqiao comes from a girl's family, and she He's not a grown man, he's petty, so he might think of something. Oh, what a wonderful pair of children, and it's such a pity that Qiao Qiao Niang has to break them up." The seventh aunt shook her head and said helplessly.

"Huh, the troubles in their family are not uncommon. Now Han Changgui is going to divorce Qiaoqiao Niang. It would be better if they divorced. No man can bear Qiao Qiao Niang's situation." Sister-in-law Xiu followed suit. After saying this, this sentence immediately resonated with several other aunts, and they all echoed, all scolding Hu Shulan.

"Hey, Meilu, what are you doing?" Aunt Qi asked strangely when she saw Yang Meilu coming with a basin of clean clothes.

"Hey, it was windy just now. It blew off the clothes that were dried in the sun. They are dirty. I will take them to Laoshan Lake and wash them again." Yang Meilu just wanted to know the situation. After hearing Aunt Qi's question, she hurriedly found her. A reason to shirk.

"You've already been here, where have you been?" Aunt Qi said happily.

"Hey, I just want to hear what you said. My head is spinning. Okay, Auntie, I'm leaving." Yang Meilu also smiled, pretended to slap her forehead, and walked back.

"I'm dizzy." Several aunts stopped and said goodbye to Yang Meilu with a smile.

Seeing Yang Meilu turning away along the road, Sister-in-law Xiu followed the gossip and said: "You said Yang Meilu is so handsome, why do you want to find another one? Do you want to stay a widow for the rest of your life? I remember that she has no contact with that Huang Sheng. How many days have passed without saying a few words, and the person who just got married is gone, so there must be no feelings, right?"

"Don't make random guesses. Her family is unwilling. The Huang family has been kind to her family. They asked Yang Meilu to marry her to repay their kindness. I didn't expect that she would disappear like that. She has suffered a lot in the past few years. Everyone said It’s true that beauties have a bad fate.” Aunt Qi said with a sigh.

"You said that Yang Meilu and Huang Sheng have not had much contact, is it possible that she is still a young girl?" Sister-in-law Xiu suddenly asked.

"It's true at first glance. Yang Meilu never liked Huang Sheng at that time." Aunt Qi shook her head.

"Who do you think she likes?" Sister-in-law Xiu seemed to have noticed something.

"Who knows, don't gossip, these days are not easy for Yang Meilu." Aunt Qi pulled Sister Xiu forward.

Naturally, these words were not heard by Yang Meilu. After she said goodbye to a few people, her whole heart was a little confused, like a deer bumping around. I originally thought that Li Fan and Han Qiaoqiao were getting better and better, and I would not have any opportunities in the future, and my heart should calm down. However, I never thought that after Hu Shulan interfered with this matter, I actually had a chance. Got the chance.

She has always liked Li Fan.

"Maybe this is fate." Yang Meilu clenched her little hands, her beautiful big eyes flashing. No matter what, if you don't fight for it, you will never have a chance, so Yang Meilu wants to fight for it.

I just feel a little bit sorry.

"Oh, they're not married, and I'm not a mistress, so why can't I be with the person I like?" Yang Meilu comforted herself. She was so confused now that she was confused and didn't know what to do.

You cannot give in to happiness in this life!

Thinking of this, Yang Meilu's eyes suddenly became firm. She looked at her reflection in the lake and thought to herself: "Will he like my body?"

After thinking about it, Li Fan's shadow was reflected next to the reflection. Yang Meilu's whole face turned red and became extremely hot.

Touching her snow-white cheek, Yang Meilu became even more embarrassed. She grabbed the pebbles on the ground and threw them into the lake, wondering what she was thinking about.

But now these thoughts are no longer controllable by Yang Meilu. The more she doesn't think about it, the thoughts in her heart will move closer involuntarily.

This made Yang Meilu's heart become more and more confused, and her chest fluctuated with her breathing.

At this time, Hu Shulan hid at home and started calling Han Qiaoqiao again. In any case, she had to ruin the matter between her daughter and Li Fan, otherwise she would not be able to sleep well.

After several beeps, the phone was not answered three times. It was not until the fourth time that Han Qiaoqiao was really annoyed by being pestered and pressed the connect button.

"Your father and I are getting divorced." Han Qiaoqiao said nothing. Hu Shulan opened her mouth and said this. She just wanted to put pressure on Han Qiaoqiao and urge her to let go.

"Why? No, can't we not make trouble? I'm still in school, and there will be a lot of time in the future. Can't I talk properly?" Han Qiaoqiao was a little confused after hearing this.

"Isn't it your business? Anyway, your dad and I can't live together anymore. We have agreed that whoever doesn't get divorced tomorrow will be the bastard. Think about who you are with." Hu Shulan took the opportunity to press. .

"I won't follow anyone, is this going to end?" Han Qiaoqiao was completely helpless. She valued her family very much and wanted her family to be harmonious. But the more she wanted harmony, the more things went wrong.

In addition, she is a girl who is not big-minded, and now she feels so depressed that she wants to cry. Who has she offended? Why did it have to be like this?

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