Best Son-in-law

Chapter 202 Gao Duzi’s Actions

The more Han Qiaoqiao thought about it, the sadder she became, and she felt sorry for Li Fan. She felt so confused that she suddenly saw the fruit knife on the table and had other thoughts.

Hu Shulan had no idea and was still talking to herself, hoping to put some pressure on her daughter through this matter.

"Anyway, this is what happened today. Qiaoqiao, you should think about it for yourself and figure out who is treating you well. I can't survive in this house anyway. Your father has already said that he built the house, and he built the water and electricity. He knew it and told me to get out."

"If you still care about my mother, just listen to her and meet Xu Jiaming again. If you don't have me in your heart, just say okay. Don't look for me at home anymore. Just go look for me on the street. Your Han family has no place for me anymore.”

"Mom, why are you forcing me like this? Do you want to force me to death to satisfy you?" Han Qiaoqiao cried, and glanced at the fruit knife on the table. She suddenly felt very tired in this family. You can’t even choose your own life.

"I think you want to force me to death!" Hu Shulan's voice became sharp and she yelled loudly.

"Anyway, that's all. Your dad and I are divorced. You choose someone to follow you. If you follow your dad, you won't be able to see me again in the future. Also, I will never allow you to associate with that Li Fan again, otherwise you won't be able to see him again. Come to me, that’s it.”

Hu Shulan said so happily that she didn't care what Han Qiaoqiao thought and hung up the phone directly.

Then he casually threw the phone on the table, closed his eyes and sat leisurely on the wicker chair at home.

Outside, Han Changgui banged on the door: "Hu Shulan, why did you lock the door from the inside? Open it for me, you don't want me to come in, do you?"

Hu Shulan ignored it, turned on the radio, pretended not to hear anything, and let Han Changgui bang on the door outside.

I crossed my legs, thinking that I can't cure you two?

In the blink of an eye, late at night, Laoshan Village was completely quiet, except for a few insects chirping.

At this moment, a group of people dressed in black came out.

They weighed their feet, one by one, like thieves, looking back and forth, for fear that others would see them.

"When we entered the village, we were not allowed to speak or smoke. I finished my cigarettes now. Also, please be quiet and don't disturb anyone. We were here last time, and that Li Fan was A smart man must be on guard this time, be careful, be smart, and act according to the situation, you know?"

They walked to the old poplar tree at the entrance of the village and hid inside smoking cigarettes.

"Brother Gao, how can he be prepared? Besides, can he be prepared every day? At most, he can just raise a dog? We are not afraid of dogs. We have all the dichlorvos prepared. Just drop it on the meat and throw it in. It won't be much. In a moment, that dog will die." There was a short man named Sun Gui who came with Gao Duzi. He was not big, but he was very ghostly. He had been wandering around other villages the night before, stealing other people's dogs. He was selling it, but later he was caught doing it and was beaten so hard that his hair was almost pulled out and he was beaten half to death. From then on, Sun Gui didn't dare to steal the dog.

However, the situation is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. His hands are still dishonest. Whenever he sees someone else's native dog, he wants to poison him to death. This has become a habit.

"Anyway, we can't be careless. From what I know about this guy, he is definitely not someone who is willing to suffer losses. He must be thinking of some trick waiting for us this time. You all need to be smarter. Divide into two groups. Sun Gui, lead three Go to his fish pond, and the rest of you will follow me to his vegetable garden. We must destroy Li Fan this time." A shadow appeared on Gao Duozi's face. After smoking, he threw it on the ground and stamped it out. , and led a few people into the village with a wave of his hand.

Before leaving, he also told Sun Gui: "Be careful when leading people. His vegetable garden is big, but the fish pond cannot accommodate him."

Gao Duzi had his own concerns when he came over this time. He thought that Li Fan might be hiding in the fish pond and arresting people, so he asked Sun Gui to take someone over to find out the situation. If it worked, it would be the best. If it didn't, it would still attract fire. , when the time comes, I will take care of his vegetable garden, and it will be enough for Li Fan to drink a pot.

Moreover, Gao Duzi also thought that if Li Fan was not in the fish pond and was blocked in the vegetable garden, he would suffer a little loss. The human rights he brought would be used to attract firepower, so he asked Sun Gui and the others to poison the fish pond. It’s not in vain.

Holding both ends, Li Fan will always lose one, and if he fails this time. There is still a wave of people coming from Wang Youcai. When the time comes, he will make a call and the people over there will come.

Gao DuoZi is a very thoughtful person. He has calculated everything he can and will never leave any gaps. He thinks that his plan is exhaustive.

Thinking of this, Gao DaZi couldn't help but narrowed his eyes. He thought that Li Fan would be crying tomorrow, and he was very happy. He must kill him this time so that he dares to go against him again, and he will also destroy the previous accounts. Count it back.

"Okay, everyone should be more energetic. We all know that after today's matter is completed, the chemical factory will move into the village again. Boss Wang will definitely not treat everyone badly and everyone will make a profit." Gao Duazi called several people. Angry.

Sun Gui and the three of them nodded, separated from Gao Duozi at the entrance of the village, and ran to the fish pond.

It's past twelve o'clock now, every household has gone to bed, there are no people in the village, even the dogs are sleeping.

Gao Duozi and others took a small path and walked, each one weighing their feet, basically avoiding a few households with dogs, for fear of disturbing people.

Previously, Gao Duazi had someone come to Laoshan Village to check out the situation. He found out clearly which houses had dogs and which houses didn't. He also drew a map and chose a route.

Before coming here, I asked a person to follow this route seven or eight times, and he became familiar with it, so he was left to lead the way at this time.

"Don't be nervous, just be natural. It's just like walking normally. It's not a big deal. Even if it scares people, it's okay. As long as you walk normally, you'll be fine." Gao Duazi said.

Several people who followed him nodded.

The leader had made seven or eight trips back and forth. Not to mention how smooth the journey was, he soon arrived at Li Fan's vegetable garden.

This vegetable garden is only close to Li Fan's home, not close to other people's homes.

"No dog?" Gao Duazi asked the leader again worriedly.

"Brother Gao, there's no dog. I've been here several times." The leader was a little nervous.

"Maybe it will be released at night. Be careful. Heizi, you go take the meat that we sprinkled with dichlorvos on before and throw it directly in from outside. Don't go too close and don't disturb the dogs inside." Gao The idiot was very careful when doing this, and he really had the demeanor of a big brother taking the lead.

"Hey." Heizi led the two of them and walked over with the bag. They all wore gloves, took out the meat from the bag and threw it in.

It was thrown away everywhere before it came back.

Gao Duozi led a few people to wait outside for more than ten minutes, and then personally led them inside.

But he always walked at the end, just in case something went wrong.

"Don't open the door." The leader held a small flashlight in his mouth, which emitted a subtle light, but it was blocked tightly by several people. It can be said that Gao Duozi had planned this operation for a long time, and he did it in a flawless manner.

The leader took out the iron wire and pulled it, unlocking the vegetable garden.

"Leave two as lookouts, and the others will follow me." Gao Duzi ordered.

The two men happened to be looking at both ends of the road.

It was completely dark in the vegetable garden. Gao Duzi and the others still didn't dare to turn on the flashlight for fear of disturbing others, so they could only rely on the tiny light of the small flashlight, but it could only illuminate one or two steps in front, and was specially given a Block.

A few people were like blind men groping inside step by step.

"Hurry up, the seedlings have been pulled out and destroyed, and the ripe fruits above are all laced with dichlorvos. I tell you to eat them, and I'll eat you to death." Gao Duzi smiled sinisterly, he never leaves any room for anything. , just be ruthless.

After hearing this, several people hurried over to pull out the seedlings. After taking two steps, someone suddenly felt that his leg seemed to have been bitten by something, and he immediately stood still.

"What's wrong? Heizi? Can you please don't let your guard down at the critical moment? Time is tight now. Hurry up. It will be troublesome if someone comes later." Several people behind Heizi hurriedly urged after seeing this.

"I seem to have been stung by something. It hurts a lot." Ever since Heizi was bitten, he realized that something was wrong with him. He couldn't put his finger on what was wrong.

"There are a lot of flower bugs here, and the big ones can bite very hard. Okay, stop dawdling, it's not a big deal, hurry up and pull out the seedlings, hurry up." Gao Duozi urged.

"Hey." Heizi thought for a while and felt that what he said was right. Plus he didn't see what bit him, so he didn't care and went to pull out the seedlings.

At this time, someone called for bite again, but he also thought that he might have been bitten by a flower insect, so he didn't say anything.

One after another, several people were bitten, but none of them took it seriously.

Here Gao Duozi also started to pull out the seedlings. He had a wicked smile on his face and gritted his teeth. He was very fast, and the seedlings were destroyed in his hands.

Just as he was trying to pull it out, he realized that he had also been bitten by something.

Thinking that Heizi was right what he just said, there are a lot of flower bugs here, and even he was bitten by them, so he said: "There are a lot of bugs here, please be patient, and we'll finish it" Just leave." Gao DaZi was still comforting others in a low voice.

"Brother Gao, I have a headache, nausea, and want to vomit." Heizi was top-heavy and couldn't stand, and he was shaking when he walked.

I was thinking about why there were so many flower bugs in the vegetable garden, and I bit them several times.

"Be patient, don't let your guard down at the critical moment." Gao Duozi said impatiently, he didn't want anything to happen at this time.

We are all in a hurry now.

"I can't help it. I really can't help it." Kuroko's eyes were dazzled, and he felt like his eyes were filled with stars. He couldn't see anything with his eyes open, and his ears were still buzzing.

After saying that, Heizi fell to the ground directly.

Gao Duzi was about to open his mouth to curse.

Someone spoke again: "Da Tou, please use a flashlight to see what is biting people. Are there so many insects?"

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