Best Son-in-law

Chapter 207 Coercion and inducement

"Heizi, tell the truth. Did that guy Gao Duzi betray us? You don't have to be afraid of this. I'm backing you up. Just say it and I won't blame you. But if there's something you know but don't tell, then this That's not what happened, do you understand?" Wang Youcai looked at Heizi and said a few nice words. When he saw that he ignored him at all, he put on a fierce look on his face, trying to force him to tell him all the details of the matter. speak out.

Heizi and the others were just looking at the scenery outside the window in the van, not listening to what Wang Youcai said, nor recognizing his threats.

"Heizi, what do you mean?" The subordinates brought by Wang Youcai were unhappy and opened their mouths to curse.

Heizi still didn't speak, looking bored.

"I guess it was you who betrayed him, right?" One of Wang Youcai's subordinates became a little suspicious when he saw that Heizi and others had been silent.

No one answered at all.

"It's really you who betrayed me." Wang Youcai's subordinate immediately became anxious and rushed over to beat Heizi and the others.

"Want to fight?" Heizi and others stared back at them. Now they are all tied up. Who is afraid of whom?

"Okay, everyone, sit down." Wang Youcai had to speak.

"Boss Wang, they are the ones who betrayed us." Wang Youcai's men said angrily.

"Betray? We just cooperated. We can't cooperate now. Of course, everyone has their own say. Wang Youcai, your good days are over. Go to the police station later and think about your words." Heizi said with a glare.

"Hmph, you guys who eat everything inside and outside, don't think you will have a good life." Wang Youcai sneered and glared at Heizi.

"No matter what, we will never have a good life, we are all forced out." Heizi shook his shoulders helplessly.

"Let's give you another chance. When you get to the police station, you say back that Li Fan poisoned himself and it has nothing to do with us, or you pretend you don't know anything and don't say a word. We will talk and let you go. Otherwise, you should understand the consequences of offending me." Seeing that he was getting closer to the county seat, Wang Youcai threatened quickly.

"Wang Youcai, go ahead and deceive the children with this. Will we believe it? No matter what, you won't let us go. So, we are already like water and fire, and we will live and die, so don't say such nonsense. ." Heizi did not fall for Wang Youcai's deception and made his words clear.

"No, if you testify for me, this matter will turn around. I, Wang Youcai, have always had a clear distinction between grudges and grievances. Besides, if you testify for me, I won't lose anything in this matter. Why should I bother you? I You have nothing to do, right? Since you have said it, we are a cooperative relationship. If the cooperation does not work out, you can leave. The money promised to you before will not be less, how about it? Think about it carefully. "Wang Youcai is now using coercion and inducement, using all methods, just to convince Heizi and others.

His words were just a reason. With his Wang Youcai temperament, he would never let them go.

He would never tolerate someone who betrayed him.

But now that the situation is unfavorable, Wang Youcai must say something nice first so that Heizi and the others can help him testify.

"Humph." Heizi sneered twice, not believing his nonsense at all.

"Heizi, I used to treat you well. I remember I never did anything to feel sorry for you. On the contrary, some of the things you did were wrong and unethical. It's not good for this to spread. Forget it. , please give me a price, how much does it cost to testify for me?" Wang Youcai had no choice but to offer money to induce him, otherwise the county police station would be destroyed in a while, and some things would not be clear.

"This matter really can't be discussed clearly with money. People's hearts are different from each other, and they are not fools. It won't take long for the money you gave me to be taken back with interest. To be honest, I have already lost my face. At this point, there is no room for maneuver. Either you die or I die. Is there anything else you can say? And you think it’s enough for us to testify for you. All the evidence for this kind of thing is in other people’s possessions. With my hands, I can find out a rough idea with just a quick check, which one is more serious and which one is less serious, do you think I can’t figure it out clearly?" After Heizi said this, he looked at Wang Youcai as if he were a fool.

The people who followed Heizi also firmed their stance after hearing this. Now there is no way out. They often cross rivers, demolish bridges, and kill donkeys.

"Then you can give it a try. Do you think you can bring me down by joining a group of unscrupulous people?" Wang Youcai snorted coldly, with a look of displeasure on his face, but there was no fear in his eyes.

Although this matter has become troublesome, it is not completely unsolvable.

The car bumped all the way on the dirt road. It was almost morning when we arrived at the county town. Many breakfast shops in the county town were already busy. Although the road was sparsely populated, you could clearly see the white smoke from many people's homes. Roll.

"Okay, Uncle Six, Uncle Zhao, and fellow neighbors, thank you for your hard work. Go and have some breakfast. I'll treat you. I've been in trouble all night." Li Fan said very gratefully.

"What's the trouble? Isn't this for our Laoshan Village? If these evils are not eliminated, how will the village develop in the future? They must be investigated carefully." Uncle Liu waved his hand and said.

"Let's have a meal together. Let's eat in shifts. Uncle Liu and Uncle Zhao, what do you think we're eating?" After entering the county town, there were many families selling breakfast. Li Fan got out of the car and asked Uncle Liu and the others.

"Let's get something to eat. I don't have to choose. Will the people in the car be fed?" Aunt Lianhua also came over and got off the car and asked.

"What the hell, they have done all the bad things and they still want us to give them food? That's a good idea!" Uncle Six spat, he now felt disgusted with this Wang Youcai from the bottom of his heart.

Usually he probably hires people to praise him, but he turns out to be a sanctimonious hypocrite.

"It's better to give Heizi and the others something to eat. After all, they have changed their ways. The prodigal son will turn around and return with gold. They still have to help us testify. There is no need to give it to the others." Li Fan glanced at the people in the car and said with a faint smile.

"Yes, feed it to people who understand human nature. If you don't understand human nature, are you still human?" Uncle Zhao followed.

So, the car stopped in front of a steamed bun shop. Li Fan ordered dozens of steamed buns, and asked Uncle Liu and other villagers who followed him to eat them first, and then put them in plastic bags for Heizi and the others to eat.

The meat buns at this restaurant are all freshly cooked, and all of them are smoking white. Not to mention how delicious they are when they eat them.

And there is free spicy soup.

After several people finished eating the steamed buns and drinking the spicy soup, their mouths were full of oil and they felt extremely satisfied.

Wang Youcai and the others were told to be tied up, and they watched them eat helplessly. He originally wanted to turn away and not look at it, but the aroma was so strong that he couldn't resist his curiosity. He took a look, and it didn't matter. He couldn't take his eyes back.

It was already late at night for them. To save trouble, they didn't eat anything when they came out. In addition, they had been running all the way in the car, so they were already hungry.

Watching Heizi and the others eating made Wang Youcai and the others so greedy that the halazi flowed down involuntarily, while Heizi was still nearby and chirping, making Wang Youcai and the others even more greedy, feeling like they were being scratched by a cat's paw. Same.

It was still early at this time, and Li Fan and the others were not in a hurry to eat, so they ate very slowly, chatting to the store owner while eating.

Wang Youcai and the others really couldn't stand it any longer, their stomachs were growling.

Several people looked at each other, and finally Wang Youcai called him in the car.

"Store, bring us more steamed buns." Wang Youcai shouted.

At this time, the store owner was busy chatting with Li Fan and others. At the same time, he also noticed Wang Youcai in the car. Seeing that they were tied up, he was inevitably curious, but he was too embarrassed to ask.

At this time, Wang Youcai shouted, and the store owner was suddenly in a dilemma. Should this bun be sold or not?

"Brother, these people are very bad. The leader is the owner of the chemical plant. You know the original chemical plant in Laoshantun, right? It belonged to him. It was eventually moved out, but he always wanted to move back. He used many dirty tricks, destroying the village to build roads, stealing vegetables, and destroying my seedlings, hoping to force us to move the chemical factory back, but he was caught."

"Aren't you going to be tied up and sent to the police station?" Li Fan said while drinking soup.

When the store owner heard this, he understood what was going on. Facing a treacherous boss like Wang Youcai, he didn't want to give them food, so he just went hungry and watched others eat.

"Young man, this is incredible. Such a bad guy should be beaten up and sent to the police station," the store owner said.

"Then we definitely can't bring them down. They are so bad. After sending them to the police station, we still have to sue them. This can be regarded as an attempted poisoning in a public place. When the time comes, they will be caught and sentenced." Li Fan was a little uneasy. He said that he had been holding back for a long time these days and had always wanted to deal with Wang Youcai and the others. Unfortunately, they always hid and he didn't have a chance.

Now is your chance.

Wang Youcai saw in the car that the owner of the steamed bun shop said he would not sell it to them, and his heart suddenly went cold: "What are you looking at? It's just a few steamed buns. I'll ask you to eat enough when I get back."

Wang Youcai's subordinates swallowed dryly and reluctantly took their eyes back, but they kept thinking about it in their hearts.

"Huh." Wang Youcai sneered on the surface, but he was thinking of countermeasures in his heart.

Now the evidence that Li Fan and the others have is not enough to prosecute him. After all, he was not caught when he was poisoning. It is just the confession of Heizi and others. He can completely deny the past and even put the blame on Gao Duozi.

It just so happened that Gao Duzi was not around and had no chance to argue, so he could be used as his scapegoat.

Thinking of this, Wang Youcai couldn't help but feel a lot more relaxed, and time passed a little faster.

Everyone had eaten and it was already dawn. They got in the car again and walked towards the county police station.

At this time, Feng Zihan was also driving his battery car to go to work.

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