Best Son-in-law

Chapter 208 Feeling confident

She met a large number of Laoshantun villagers at the door. When she saw them, her head suddenly got bigger.

"I'm quite busy today." Feng Zihan patted his forehead and sighed helplessly.

Li Fan and the villagers of Laoshantun, as well as Wang Youcai, Heizi and others entered the county police station one after another.

"What? Is there such a thing?" After learning about the situation from Uncle Liu and the others, Feng Zihan immediately became angry. I saw her eyebrows standing upright, her beautiful eyes filled with anger, and she slammed the table.

With a deep sense of justice, she hated such things, especially when she saw the familiar face of Li Fan.

When she thought of Li Fan, Feng Zihan felt uncomfortable, and her chest began to fluctuate violently, as if what happened before was reappearing before her eyes.

Her red lips were pursed tightly, and her brows could not help but frown, as if she had something on her mind.

"Comrade, comrade." Uncle Liu stepped forward and shouted, "What's going on?" Are things difficult to handle?

"Ah?" Feng Zihan was stunned for a while before she realized what she was doing. Unknowingly, her palms were filled with sweat.

"That's what happened. We brought all the people here, it's them." Uncle Six pointed at Wang Youcai and others behind him, without counting Li Fan.

Seeing Li Fan standing aside as if nothing had happened, Feng Zihan's eyes suddenly became strange.

Does it have nothing to do with this guy? Then why did he come here?

Inexplicably, Feng Zihan felt as if she had breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart seemed to be blocked.

Do you want to have a relationship with him, or do you not want to have a relationship with him?

Now Feng Zihan himself can't figure out what he is thinking.

"Comrade, don't listen to them. This is an illegal detention. I want to find my lawyer and sue them. I hope you can cooperate, little comrade." Wang Youcai couldn't shed tears even after seeing the coffin. He even arrived at the police station, still arrogant.

A group of his men also echoed: "We are just passers-by. They have no evidence. Why should they arrest us? They also falsely accuse us of deliberately poisoning. This is simply lawless. We will not only prosecute them for illegal detention, but also prosecute them False accusation.”

"There are witnesses for this, but you still refuse to admit it? Are you going to cry without seeing the coffin?" Uncle Six was also angry and started fighting with the group of people.

The other villagers who followed didn't want to endure this tone, so they all started to curse.

"This is so shameless. You have done so many bad things and you still dare not admit it. Why are you so private?"

"You can tell by looking at this, how can they be human beings? They are all animals in human skins. Their parents are gone. Of course, there is no one to educate them. They just need to be taken care of." Uncle Zhao, who came from the countryside, said He doesn't sound very nice, and he has a bad temper. He waves his fists and wants to cause trouble for Wang Youcai and the others.

"Comrade, comrade, have you seen what these unruly people have done? Imprisoned others, falsely accused others, and beat them up? I was so kind to them back then, but they were just a bunch of unfamiliar wolves. Bah." Wang Youcai just wanted to use his words to anger Uncle Zhao and others so that they would take action and he would have something to say to the lawyer.

Sure enough, Uncle Zhao and the others couldn't bear it anymore. They rolled up their sleeves and were about to beat Wang Youcai and the others, but at this time they were stopped by Li Fan.

"Fanzi, why are you blocking me? I'll beat them to death. They are all cowards." Uncle Zhao was furious.

"Uncle Zhao, Uncle Six, fellow villagers, don't get angry with this kind of person, it's not worth it. He just wants to anger us, so he can use his dirty tricks. Don't be fooled. We can punish them through legal channels, so why bother to take action?" Where?" Li Fan persuaded.

At this time, Aunt Lianhua also pulled her in and said: "This is the police station, and there are people who can help handle these matters. We don't need to go to war with people like them. It would be bad if something is revealed."

After hearing these words, Uncle Zhao stopped, but he still glared at Wang Youcai fiercely: "Be careful when walking at night in the future, don't step on the mud and fall."

"Did you hear that, comrade, they are threatening me. I think it is necessary to ask my lawyer and bodyguards to come over to ensure my personal safety. Comrade, you must investigate clearly. I am innocent. This group of thieves are responsible for everything." It's all on us." Wang Youcai made an excuse and said.

"Okay, if they really want to attack you, why don't they wait until the police station to attack you? Stop doing this to me and treat me like a fool? It's better to explain everything honestly so that you can win leniency. Deal with it, if you continue to persist, no one will be able to protect you." Feng Zihan doesn't have a good face now.

"That's right. Wang Youcai, don't do this. If I want to beat you up, the village will beat you to death. Why do you have to wait to come here?" Uncle Zhao gritted his teeth with hatred. After knowing the whole story, his lungs were almost gone. Furious.

This Wang Youcai has gone to great lengths to do harm to others and to benefit himself, yet he still pretends to be a good person. He is simply evil and has no humanity at all.

Wang Youcai was also stunned, but when he saw Li Fan again, his eyes were filled with gloom again.

The disabled appearance he has now is all thanks to Li Fan, and he will definitely avenge him.

"Okay, okay, folks, don't get excited. Since you have come to the police station, you should believe in our ability to do things. We will definitely give you justice, and we will never let any bad guy go. Please do this. Folks, don't worry." Feng Zihan didn't have any discrimination when facing country people like Uncle Zhao, but instead assured him in a friendly manner.

After hearing what she said, Uncle Zhao and the others slowly calmed down.

"Uncle Liu, right? You said there was a witness to this matter, who is the witness?" Feng Zihan just heard the title Uncle Liu from Li Fan's mouth, and he followed suit.

"Heizi, they are witnesses, and the people in our village are also witnesses. We saw with our own eyes that this group of people came to the village with bad intentions and brought poison. If they didn't come to do bad things, what were they doing? "?" Such a major scene obviously put a lot of pressure on Uncle Six. His speech became a little unnatural, and his tongue seemed to be knotted.

He also wanted to explain the whole story clearly so that Feng Zihan and others would believe him, but he was also afraid that he would say something wrong and Wang Youcai would take advantage of him.

So Uncle Liu paused from time to time when he spoke.

He is the representative of the villagers, so he must speak clearly.

The villagers didn't say anything after hearing this. On the contrary, Wang Youcai's men all laughed, laughing at the fact that there was no one in Laoshantun, and asked an old man who couldn't speak clearly to come forward.

"Don't speak until you are told to speak." Taking into account the mood of Uncle Liu and others, Feng Zihan quickly reprimanded Wang Youcai's men.

"It's okay. I already understand the situation, but the matter cannot be concluded based on your one-sided words. Again, we will not let any bad person go, but we will not wrong any good person. In order to avoid misunderstandings, We must understand everything clearly in our office, and please forgive me." Feng Zihan sat down again and said.

"No, comrade, Heizi and the others were originally Wang Youcai's subordinates. Now they have changed their minds and want to accuse Wang Youcai. It is not our words. We are all farmers and we don't tell lies." Uncle Liu thought that he had just said something wrong and hurriedly added.

Over there, Wang Youcai smiled and listened to what Uncle Liu said. He was not nervous at all. Instead, he asked Feng Zihan: "Comrade, can I sit down? It's very tiring to stand. I will cooperate with the investigation slowly." Check, we are not in a hurry."

Wang Youcai picked a chair and sat down, deliberately flashing the hemp rope tied to his body.

"Untie all the ropes tied to them." Feng Zihan asked his assistant Xiao Liu and others to help untie the ropes, and at the same time comforted Uncle Liu.

"Don't worry, Uncle Six, things will be fair to you, but it's wrong to tie people up. After all, we haven't figured out the truth of the matter yet. We're not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If there's a misunderstanding, we'll wrongly accuse a good person. Are you done? Besides, we won’t give them a chance to escape.”

"I don't know how to run, so why run? Why am I waiting to sue these unscrupulous people? Do you really treat me like a soft persimmon? Do you think I'm easy to bully? They all shit and piss on my head. This matter Can we get it like this? You are willing, but I am not willing yet. Check, comrade, even if you check, I will definitely cooperate with your investigation until the matter is thoroughly investigated and justice is given to us." Wang Youcai sat down and said without shame, he raised his eyebrows With his legs crossed, he looked confident.

Wang Youcai relied on himself to hire a powerful lawyer. In addition, the villagers in Laoshantun were illiterate and knew nothing. The one with the highest academic level was Li Fan.

Didn't even graduate from junior high school.

Wang Youcai squinted his eyes, but his heart was filled with joy. With this little evidence, you still want to play with me?

Then have fun and see who laughs and who cries in the end!

Seeing Wang Youcai's appearance, Uncle Zhao was angry again. He just couldn't figure it out. We have already reached the police station. Why do the bad guys dare to be so arrogant?

Do you really feel that I can’t deal with you without evidence?

In the end, Feng Zihan arranged for Wang Youcai and his men to loosen the hemp rope one by one.

At the same time, Heizi and others were also brought over.

Wang Youcai squinted his eyes, smiled and moved his body, looking at Heizi and the others, as if he wanted to kill them with his eyes.

As expected, after seeing Wang Youcai's confident expression, Heizi and the others couldn't help but feel a little frightened. What's going on? Doesn't this king have any trump cards if he has wealth?

They all had families to look after, so they couldn't afford to offend anyone.

"We have no way out. We have offended them to death before. Even if we help Wang Youcai and them now, they will not let us go. What's more, there is a fool who will retaliate? Let's just follow them and face them. Don't be afraid." Heizi He said to the group of people following him.

"Yes, they don't panic, why should we panic? Get rid of him!" A young man behind Heizi also said.

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