Best Son-in-law

Chapter 209 Playing Rogue

So Heizi and the others also pretended to calm down, walked over calmly, and also pulled up a chair and sat down in a decent manner.

"Wang Youcai? Do you say the good things you did yourself, or should I say it for you?" Heizi said deliberately while sitting next to Wang Youcai.

"Come on, but be careful, you can eat whatever you want, and you must not say anything nonsense. Be careful of trouble coming from your mouth. I will sue you for a false accusation." Wang Youcai's expression did not change at all, and he was still smiling.

Heizi felt guilty, fearing that he would not be able to defeat Wang Youcai with his words, but now he had no choice but to offend him to death.

"Okay, I'll tell you." Heizi scratched his head and said.

"It's okay, just say it here, as long as you don't spread rumors and cause trouble." Feng Zihan looked at Heizi with encouraging eyes and motioned for him to continue. At the same time, he took a disposable cup and poured hot water into it.

"Comrade, I actually came here to surrender." Heizi immediately finished his words without leaving any room.

He also knew that at this point, the only way he could bring down Wang Youcai was in this way.

"Surrender yourself?" Feng Zihan frowned.

Wang Youcai still had a smile on his face, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

What's going on? Fighting for one's life? I'm still afraid that you won't be able to survive to this point, so I'm free to do whatever you want.

"Yes." Heizi took a deep breath, reorganized his mind, calmed down, and said seriously: "Comrade, I was also confused for a while, and at the same time, I have difficulties at home."

"Let's get to the point. I still have several big business deals, so I don't have time to spend time with you." Wang Youcai crossed his legs with an arrogant look on his face.

Can one sentence convict someone? It's simply naive.

"Wang Youcai, please don't influence the witnesses, otherwise I will accuse you of obstructing law enforcement!" Feng Zihan turned around and glared at Wang Youcai.

"Okay, okay, comrade, I'm wrong. I just think he's too ink. He's a grown man, but he's not a woman. What's wrong with that? I can say it for you."

"You came here to poison someone's vegetable garden. It turned out that I ordered you to come here, right? With these two sentences, how could you possibly go astray?" Wang Youcai was extremely arrogant, with a domineering attitude and his head held high. He looked at Heizi condescendingly and even narrowed his eyes.

In fact, in terms of aura, Heizi and the others have already lost.

These two sentences were indeed what Heizi wanted to say, but once they came out of Wang Youcai's mouth, they didn't feel right.

It sounded like someone was deliberately slandering him.

Wang Youcai is really an old fox, very shrewd.

"Wang Youcai, do you really not want to do this?" Feng Zihan noticed that something was wrong with Heizi's mood, and immediately advised him: "Comrade Heizi, please tell me what happened in detail so that we can understand the specific situation. Don't worry, there is nothing here. A man can cover the sky with one hand."

"Needless to say, it's all obvious. If you want to frame me, why don't I plead guilty? I don't want you to pretend to be pitiful here." Wang Youcai immediately started to act rogue. He was sure that Feng Zihan didn't dare to do anything to him without evidence. That's why I dare to do whatever I want.

"Okay, just hand him over and detain him first, then transfer him to another department." Feng Zihan said expressionlessly.

You are acting like a rogue here. Do you think this is your home?

"What are you doing standing there? Handle him. He has confessed himself. What else can he say? I have a recording here." Feng Zihan flashed the recorder in her hand. Although she had a hot temper, she was flawless in doing things. .

"Wang Youcai, you have the right to remain silent, but every word you say will become evidence in court. Please do not blaspheme the majesty of the law." Feng Zihan said coldly.

She doesn't like this.

"Okay, little girl, if you have the guts, come on and let me see how a recording like this can convict me." As soon as Wang Youcai started acting rogue, there was no end to it. He stretched out his hands and asked someone to help him cuff him, but only a little. Don't panic.

"Wang Youcai, I'm warning you, if you obstruct our law enforcement like this, we will never be polite to you." Feng Zihan said angrily.

"Didn't you say that it's all evidence? It's all signed and stamped, so what else can you say?" Wang Youcai cast a provocative look.

"Damn it, Wang Youcai, you deserve a beating. I'll beat you to death." Uncle Zhao couldn't bear it when he saw Wang Youcai like this, and came over to beat Wang Youcai.

No one was holding me back this time, Li Fan said deliberately from the side.

"You have to provide evidence for beating people. I don't seem to have seen anything."

"I didn't see anything either." Feng Zihan also deliberately scratched her ears. She hated scoundrels like Wang Youcai deeply and thought she had to teach him a lesson.

Wang Youcai was shocked when he saw Uncle Zhao's fist full of calluses. If this fist really hit him, he would die. Now that he had not avenged his revenge, he didn't want to die.

Wang Youcai's expression immediately changed. He was a person who bullied the weak and feared the strong. How could he be a real tough guy?

"Comrade, do you still care about this beating? If you don't care, I won't yell." Wang Youcai said anxiously, he didn't want to receive such a big fist.

"Okay, Comrade Heizi, continue to talk about you. From here, I will make the decision for you." Feng Zihan comforted Heizi.

Heizi nodded and took a sip of water: "We all worked under Wang Youcai. We have seen the bad things he did. It was really not done by humans. When he moved the chemical plant to Laoshantun, he made a lot of money. With the money, we can hire cheap labor from the village, and the polluted wastewater can be discharged into the ditches of Laoshantun, and we don’t have to pay pollution fees. How can it be such a good thing?”

"Later, the chemical factory was forced to move out of Laoshantun. Wang Youcai was not happy because he could no longer make dirty money. Other villages and towns could not accommodate his chemical factory, so Wang Youcai still focused on I came to Laoshantun and thought that one day I could move back to Laoshantun.”

"Laoshantun has a bad reputation due to pollution from chemical plants. Vegetables cannot be sold. Coupled with the influenza epidemic some time ago, people are panicking and it is difficult to sell livestock. So Wang Youcai added fuel to the flames and spread rumors. Things, saying that this is not possible in Laoshantun, that is not possible, they just want to drink other people's blood and eat their bones. They just want to make Laoshantun more difficult and force them to have to agree to the chemical plant before entering Laoshantun. .”

"So that Wang Youcai can continue to make these dirty money. At the same time, he also deliberately found a group of gangsters to come over to destroy the road construction in the village. The folks in Laoshantun all know that we also use money to do things. There is nothing we can do.”

"Let me make it clear. Whoever destroyed the road construction in Laoshantun was the gangster I found?" Wang Youcai became angry when he saw Heizi spitting out everything. This was exposing his own background. ah.

"They are businessmen who are unprofitable and can do anything unethical in order to make money." Heizi continued without hesitation.

"At that time, Li Fan from Laoshantun firmly disagreed with the relocation of the chemical plant. Anyway, it would have touched Wang Youcai's interests, so he wanted to deal with Li Fan."

"It happened that Li Fan had a vegetable garden, and the vegetables he grew could make money. Wang Youcai wanted to get rid of the vegetable garden, so that Li Fan would not be able to interfere with the chemical plant and sow discord between him and the villagers."

"So Wang Youcai found us and asked us to bring some dichlorvos to destroy the seedlings in his vegetable garden, and spray pesticides on the mature vegetables. We just wanted to completely destroy Li Fan, and we didn't even consider doing so. Consequences. We were also confused for a moment and did such things for money. Now we have admitted our guilt and that is what happened."

After Heizi told what happened, all Wang Youcai's men's faces turned dark. Even Wang Youcai's face turned ugly.

"What do you mean this proves? I instigated you? How do you prove that I instigated you? Then even if I asked you to go, couldn't it be just an angry word? I actually asked you to go, you Are you a fool? Are you thinking without thinking? Or do you want to go on your own?" Wang Youcai pretended to be indifferent and said deliberately.

"Wang Youcai, if you didn't do it, don't say anything. It's impossible to say what's false is true, and it's impossible to say what's true is false. If you talk like this, it will only increase our suspicion of you, that's all." Feng Zihan warned, then looked at Heizi.

"If that's all it is, there's really no way to prove anything."

"Why can't we help it? We saw with our own eyes that Wang Youcai came to our old village in the middle of the night and brought pesticides and tools. He was caught and caught. How could he say that he couldn't prove anything?" The villagers were not happy. With all this being said, what is certain can be said to be innocent?

Then won't he have to wait at home for Wang Youcai's revenge? The villagers will definitely not agree.

"Then let me explain. Isn't it okay for me to just pass by? I'm just passing by. I happened to bring pesticides to observe other farms. I want to come to your Laoshan Village to take a look. What's wrong?" Wang Youcai saw the villagers getting angry. Very happy, he liked seeing them like this.

A bunch of uneducated country bumpkins, how dare you fight me?

"Who came to the farm to observe in the middle of the night? Does anyone believe this nonsense?" Li Fan smiled lightly, but he was not affected at all.

"Heizi, don't you have evidence? Wang Youcai notified you of the text message on your mobile phone." Li Fan reminded.

"By the way, there are also mobile phone text messages. They were sent from Wang Youcai's mobile phone number. If you don't believe it, you can check it. The mobile phone number was registered with Wang Youcai's ID card." Heizi suddenly remembered and patted his head.

This is key evidence!

"Yes, yes, we have one here too." Not only Heizi, but other testimonies also picked up their mobile phones.

Although it is just a sentence: "If you can't do tonight's action, we will continue."

But it is enough to explain some problems.

When Wang Youcai saw this scene, his expression suddenly became unpleasant. This was a trouble spot.

He also made such an oversight because he was eager for revenge.

Originally, the matter could have been handled perfectly, but here was the trouble.

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