Best Son-in-law

Chapter 210 Reversal

Heizi and a few others handed the text messages to Feng Zihan and felt confident. This was at least a piece of evidence.

"What does this mean? Does this mean that I am the mastermind? It can't be right? What kind of evidence is this? If you can't act, why should we continue? What kind of evidence is this?" Wang Youcai's expression changed, and he quickly returned to his normal state, sneering. Twice, he said deliberately disdainfully.

"I have other evidence." At this moment, a person standing behind Heizi spoke out.

This person is none other than the pig teammate who was kicked by Gao Duzi before and made Gao Duzi so angry that he was half dead.

The second-rate man usually speaks and acts very casually, without any sense of propriety. Because of this, he often does some incredible things.

"Second scoundrel? What evidence do you have?" Seeing the scoundrel saying that he had evidence, Wang Youcai immediately became happy. This scoundrel is a fool. He usually fails to achieve anything but fails more often than he does. Whoever joins him will be unlucky. Never before Don't bother yourself anymore. Today, standing on the opposite side, Wang Youcai is actually happy.

After all, he must be comfortable with his Pig teammates on the opposite side. The evidence he mentioned may not be specific, and it may still be beneficial to him.

Thinking of this, Wang Youcai felt a faint sense of expectation in his heart. He really wanted to see the evidence produced by this scoundrel.

The second-rate man didn't say anything after hearing this. He groped around for a long time and found out an old-fashioned mobile phone that was too broken. He pressed it a few times.

Just when everyone was a little anxious, a recording was actually played.

"This kid Li Fan, I will definitely make it impossible for him to survive or die. He has repeatedly ruined my plans. He is simply a thorn in my side."

"Boss Wang, I have a plan that will definitely destroy him and make him remember it for a long time."

"Oh? What's the plan? Tell me."

"This guy is just a farmer. He makes a living by farming. In fact, it's simple to say the truth. He's not poisonous or a husband. Why don't we destroy all the fish ponds he contracted to see what else he can do?"

"Keep talking."

"Now that Laoshantun has internal and external troubles, vegetables and livestock can no longer be sold. We helped publicize it before, so how can these unscrupulous people eat? Some people can stand it, and some people can't stand it. Yes, after all, people still need to eat, and this conflict has already arisen. The people in Laoshantun are not united, and this gives us an opportunity to take advantage of."

"However, when Li Fan said he wanted to open a restaurant, he just wanted to transfer this conflict. We can't wait for him to open it. It will be a troublesome time. If people gather again, it will be difficult to deal with. So. , we just need to destroy the kid's capital now, and we will succeed, so I think the first step is to destroy the batch of eels he raised. This kid is a pauper himself, and he made some money selling vegetables before. That’s all, if this destroys his fish pond and poisons it, then his losses will be considerable, and it probably won’t hinder us from moving the chemical plant to Laoshantun in the future.”

"Seconds, what a great idea. Just do it. What's the specific plan?"

The recording stopped abruptly, and the entire police station suddenly fell into silence. The second-rate old man leisurely pressed the phone a few more times and said: "There is a second part here, please listen to it."

"Let's plan our action plan tonight. Last time we only killed a few of his eels. It was a big loss and we didn't destroy the entire fish pond. This time he's on guard. Maybe he's waiting in front of his house. It’s hard to act.”

"That's okay. We can completely divide our forces into the fish pond and vegetable garden. Destroying one of them while it's dark will be a huge blow to him, and maybe we can destroy both vegetable gardens in one go. Everything is ruined."

"Oh, Brother Gao, what do you have to say?"

"What can this kid do? It's just to strengthen the anti-theft, but it's useless. If we want to destroy him, he can't stop it, and we don't know the time. So I thought about it, and go at a time he didn't expect. It's late at night. He You definitely can’t guess it, and I still don’t believe he can live in a fish pond. There are so many bugs at night, it’s nothing more than raising a dog.”

"We can take Sun Gui with us this time. He is a professional dog thief. He has many ways to deal with dogs. If he can poison the dog to death without anyone noticing, then we will be more than half successful. If we destroy his property, it will be more than half done. Is it convenient? And I think Li Fan may have other defenses, but I couldn't think of it at the moment."

"How can he be prepared? Even if I encounter something like this, I can't help it. It's easy to hide from an open gun, but hard to guard against a hidden one, hahaha... It's nothing more than raising a dog, strengthening protection, and finding someone to watch over you."

"Yes, it's possible. He really might hire someone to watch, so I have another plan. In the evening, we will divide our troops into four groups. Sun Gui and I will each lead one group to the fish pond and vegetable garden to see what we can do first. As for the situation, if I succeed, I won’t talk about it. If I don’t succeed, Boss Wang, you can still lead two groups."

"you mean?"

"This is something no one can imagine. It's just a matter of trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain. The most dangerous time is also the safest time. As soon as we are caught, they will definitely relax their guard. Isn't this a good time to take action? They must be thinking about it then. Escort us to the police station. If you go there, there will probably be no one to protect you. Hahaha, he, Li Fan, will definitely not be able to do this despite all his calculations."

"Brother Gao, it's wonderful. He is my military advisor. It's wonderful. This brain is not that of ordinary people."

"Humph, there is no way. That Li Fan is not a fool. He can think of anything we can think of. We can only do things he can't think of. To deal with smart people, we have more ways."

After the second recording was played, the bad guy leisurely slapped his phone in front of Feng Zihan's desk.

"Is this considered evidence?"

At this time, everyone was dumbfounded and shocked. No one could have imagined that such a change could happen.

Wang Youcai's eyes widened even more, looking at this scene, he couldn't say a word.

His men were all dumbfounded. What was going on? The person they despised the most actually came up with irrefutable evidence.

If such a recording were to be released, no matter how powerful Wang Youcai was, he would not be able to refute it.

After a long while, Heizi giggled twice, came back to his senses, and looked at Er Laizi. The more he looked at him, the more he fell in love with him, and he wished he could kiss him.

"Okay, you bastard, have you arranged the recording?"

"You actually made a fucking recording, and even recorded two paragraphs? How could there be someone like you?" Wang Youcai was dumbfounded. He felt like he was completely defeated now and couldn't say a word.

"No, I just wanted to try the recording function. I thought it was fun, but I didn't expect it to actually come in handy. Yes, yes, yes, I have a more fun one." Er Laizi said, clicking on his phone a few more times, and playing The third recording.

"Brother, to tell you the truth, I am disabled. I wonder if you know anyone who can give me treatment?"

"What's wrong?"

"I, alas, it's hard to explain. Did you know that there were eunuchs in the palace before?"

"You mean you?"

"Oh, yes, I treat you as a brother. This matter cannot be made public. After finishing Li Fan this time and moving the chemical plant back to Laoshantun to continue making money, I plan to cure this, otherwise I will spend the rest of my life His happiness will be ruined. Damn it, damn Li Fan, he and I are inseparable."

"Don't worry, there may be room for change."

The third recording ended abruptly. After Er Laizi finished playing, he laughed as if no one else was watching. He didn't care about other people's faces at all and continued to laugh and talk.

"Wang Youcai, aren't you awesome? You're not a man anymore, so why are you awesome? Hahaha, just pretend to be a bitch, eunuch, you are an eunuch, no wonder you do so many bad things. This is purely a disability mentality, you are incomplete. , Hahaha... I'm just wondering, you're not a man anymore, why do you need so much money? Do you want to go out and become a transvestite?" This scoundrel's mouth is very vicious, and his brain circuit is not what ordinary people can do. It was imaginary, and without any scruples, he continued to laugh loudly after finishing speaking.

The other people had strange expressions on their faces. Wang Youcai's men had no intention of ridiculing, they were just thinking about what they would do in the future.

Heizi and the others and the villagers of Laoshantun were surprised to see the second-rate laizi smoking with his evil deeds, and then they also laughed, while Li Fan just smiled faintly.

In fact, even without the evidence of the second scoundrel, Li Fan still had other ways to bring down Wang Youcai.

It's just that the second-rate man did this and saved himself a lot of trouble, so he just took advantage of it.

Wang Youcai's chemical factory is not clean. In recent times, Li Fanke has asked for many clues. With a little investigation, he can find out things.

With this layer, it will not be difficult to bring down Wang Youcai.

At this time, Wang Youcai's face seemed to be oozing with water, and he was gloomy and terrifying. His eyes were full of murderous intent when he looked at the second laizi, his fists were clenched, and his eyes gradually turned red.

He no longer had the same playful attitude as before.

Because these recordings of Er Laizi basically established his guilt and he had no choice but to run away.

However, the most hateful thing is the third recording. This recording seems to have completely uncovered the most painful scar in Wang Youcai's heart and made it public.

How can I bear this?

Wang Youcai gritted his teeth and stared at the laughing second-rate son.

He must die.

Thinking of this, Wang Youcai directly touched the folder in front of him and walked towards the second-rate son.

"I'll fucking kill you, you beast!" Wang Youcai is usually very shrewd. He is the only one who plots against others, but he didn't expect that he would also be plotted against today.

And he was exposed in front of so many people. Now he is completely crazy. He only has one thought in his mind, kill this scoundrel.

Wang Youcai gritted his teeth with hatred and wanted to eat the second-rate son alive, but as soon as he stood up, he was held down by the police around him.

Is the police station the place where he did his evil deeds?

"Wang Youcai, are you so angry? Hahaha, you have been laughing at me for a few days, so you must have been punished." Not to mention being proud, the second-rate scoundrel smiled brightly now.

Wang Youcai was so angry that he almost lost his breath. His vision went dark and he fainted from anger.

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