Best Son-in-law

Chapter 211 Who is he?

"Second scoundrel, I, Wang Youcai, swear that I will not be a human unless I kill you!" Wang Youcai was filled with hatred. He stared and wanted to eat the scoundrel alive, but unfortunately he was restrained by other policemen.

"Wang Youcai, you have nothing else to say, the evidence is all in front of you." Feng Zihan finally confirmed.

"I'll kill you, second scoundrel, I'll kill you..." Wang Youcai was crazy. He had nothing else to say at this time and wanted to rush over and beat the second scoundrel to death.

At this time, Er Laizi was still making faces at Wang Youcai, with a proud look on his face.

Wang Youcai was completely red-eyed.

"Take him down." Now that he had obtained sufficient evidence, Feng Zihan had nothing more to say. He waved and Wang Youcai was taken down.

Wang Youcai's men were so frightened that they fell silent, and they all said anything under this question.

This incriminating evidence was naturally recorded.

Things went much smoother than expected.

"Wang Youcai has violated the law and will be handed over to the court. Do you have anything to add?" Feng Zihan recorded the file and looked at Li Fan and others and asked.

"No more. Even that idiot is also the mastermind. We can't let him go easily." Li Fan said.

"That's natural. We will immediately organize the police to arrest Gao Duozi. By the way, I am very curious about something. How did you prevent Wang Youcai and the others? Did you already guess that they would send two groups of people?" Feng Zihan Blinking her big eyes, she was very curious. She also thought about it for a while. If this matter happened to her, there was really no good way except raising a dog.

"I didn't do anything. I just went up the mountain to catch some venomous snakes and put them in my vegetable garden and fish pond. Isn't this illegal? I put them in my vegetable garden and fish pond. There are protection measures around them. As long as you don't want to do bad things, you can't do anything bad. No outsiders can be hurt." Li Fan said with a slight smile.

After hearing this, Feng Zihan's eyes suddenly widened, thinking that what you are doing is too ruthless. If someone raises a dog, why would you release a venomous snake?

"No way, I don't have time to play these house games with them." Li Fan shrugged and said helplessly.

"Okay, then." Feng Zihan didn't have much to say. After all, Li Fan kept venomous snakes in his vegetable garden, which is the same as raising dogs to look after the house, except that he kept venomous snakes to look after the house.

"Has anyone been poisoned?" Feng Zihan asked quickly, she was afraid that someone would die.

In the final analysis, although these people have done a lot of bad things, their crimes are not worthy of death. They should be judged by the law and their lives should not be cut off like this.

"There must be some. I've cured Heizi and the others with herbal medicine, but some of them still ran away, so I can't control them." Li Fan said helplessly.

Feng Zihan frowned after hearing this: "Who ran away?"

"It's just Gao Duozi and Datou. Dutou and Kunzi left together, so they should be fine. Gao Duozi ran away by himself, so there's no telling what will happen." Heizi said.

"The idiot Gao Dao deserves it. He would rather die than be caught, so why should we care about him?" Er Laizi said.

"No, we have to find Gao Duzi immediately. It's also a human life. We can't just ignore him just because he committed a crime." Feng Zihan said righteously.

"That guy Gao Duzi is basically hopeless. He has done this thing again and again. Fanzi was so good to him before and treated him like a brother. But now he has turned his back and refused to recognize anyone. He has done other things like this. Why did you save him? Why don't you let him die outside? What's more, it's been so long and it's hard to find someone. Even if you really find him, he might be dead even if you go to the hospital. Isn't it a waste of time?" Liu Uncle and others didn't want to save Gao Duozi at all.

If it weren't for him, so many bad things wouldn't have happened. Wang Youcai could do half the things he did.

What's more, there is no point in saving him. This person will only hold grudges and will never think of you in this life.

"Then you have to go and have a look. You are familiar with the place. Do you know where the people have gone?" Feng Zihan asked.

"It's hard to tell. This idiot was running for his life. He should have panicked and taken any route, but he was poisoned again, so it's hard to tell." Uncle Liu couldn't figure out where this idiot would go.

At this time, Li Fan, who had been silent at first, finally spoke: "Gao Duzi was poisoned by snake venom. He must be thinking about how to go to the hospital for treatment, but he doesn't have a car. He must have gone along the mountain road to Qingquan Village to steal the car. , he is afraid that everyone will catch him when he returns to Laoshantun. If he steals the car, he can still go to the county or town from the Qingquan Village road. At this time, I estimate that he has either passed out on the road or has arrived at the county hospital. "

"Then let's go to the county hospital first. He is the mastermind and will be tried together with Wang Youcai." Feng Zihan said and looked at Li Fan: "Li Fan, come with me."

"Ah? What should I do?" Li Fan asked.

"You are a witness, can you ignore this matter?" Feng Zihan said this openly, but in fact, she still wanted to find a chance to thank Li Fan. After all, it was Li Fan who saved his cousin, so he wanted to ask Li Fan had a meal and thanked him properly, not to mention that his cousin also wanted to see this benefactor when he woke up.

Feng Zihan didn't want Li Fan to slip away again this time because he missed the opportunity last time because his cousin needed to be taken care of.

"Okay, let's go." Li Fan waved his hand and followed Feng Zihan out.

Outside the county hospital.

Gao Duzi rode a foreign car around two or three times as if he was drunk. He couldn't hold the handlebars firmly, and he was disliked by many people on the street.

"Where does this drunkard come from? What are you doing drinking so much horse urine? Look at the waypoint."

It's not that Gao Duzi doesn't want to look at the road at this time, it's really that he doesn't have the ability to look at the road anymore. He has been running all the way to the county seat in one breath, and he still has the energy to look elsewhere.

Gao Duozi's eyelids were twitching, his vision was dim, and he was dizzy. The foreign car he was riding was like a crab, and he knocked down the stalls next to him from time to time.

"Are you sick?"

For this reason, Gao Duozi has been scolded a lot, but now he seems to be someone else. He can't control his actions at all. He can't hold the handlebars firmly. He can't hear clearly what others say. It's like It's a layer of cloth separated from the ears.

The whole person felt like a dream.

Finally, Gao Duozi rode his bicycle to the door of the county hospital. He could no longer hold the handlebars and fell down, his forehead covered with blood.

He lay on his side, his body twitched and convulsed, and he fainted.

"Who is this? Why are you fainting at the door?"

"What's wrong? Take him to the hospital."

Everyone helped carry Gao Duzi to the emergency room of the county hospital.

The attending doctor first listened to his heartbeat with a stethoscope for a while. After listening, his expression changed drastically and he immediately opened Gao Duzi's pants.

His thighs were already covered in bruises, and some places were completely black.

"He has been poisoned by snake venom. The poison has already spread. Is it possible to contact the patient's family? He must amputate, otherwise his life will not be saved." said the attending doctor.

Several nurses realized the seriousness of the matter and searched Gao Duazi's body for a long time before finding a turned off mobile phone.

I quickly took it to charge, but no matter how I charged it, it didn't help.

This phone is broken.

There was no other way, and the doctor couldn't just watch Gao Duzi die like this. They thought that even the homeless man had to be saved, so they gritted their teeth and said cruelly, "Cut!"

So Gao DaZi was pushed into the operating room.

As soon as the lights in the operating room came on, the amputation surgery had begun.

After a while, Li Fancai and Feng Zihan walked to the door of the county hospital.

Feng Zihan looked at Li Fan with a very unnatural expression. This man saved her cousin and was considered a benefactor, but what happened before made her unable to let go.

Rarely, Feng Zihan was walking behind Li Fan, tugging on her wavy hair, but thinking about how to tell the person in front of her about the dinner treat.

Feng Zihan was in trouble. If it was about catching criminals, she would definitely be the first one to do so. At this time, she would be unable to open her mouth when she said such words.

Neither of them spoke during the whole journey. Li Fan just felt relieved, after all, he had dealt with such a big trouble.

But Feng Zihan thought about it all the way and finally gathered the courage.

"Hey." Feng Zihan gritted his teeth and said, if it were someone else, maybe it wouldn't be so embarrassing. Why is it Li Fan?

"What? Who do you love?" Li Fan turned around and grinned.

"Are you looking for trouble?" Feng Zihan scolded Li Fan thousands of times in her heart. She finally wanted to have a serious talk with you, but you couldn't do it again.

"Hahaha, what's wrong?" Li Fan asked with a smile.

"I still have to thank you for what happened last time. Can I treat you to a meal? No, I have no other intentions and have no thoughts about you. Don't get me wrong. I just want to thank you." Feng Zihan has a bad temper. In this way, she speaks and acts very capable and direct, without beating around the bush.

Li Fan felt a little helpless after hearing this, and didn't think much about it himself.

"If there is a chance in the future, I will finish this matter and return to the village to do other things." Li Fan said.

"What's going on? You don't want to give face, are you?" When Feng Zihan heard that Li Fan was unwilling, she rushed up and blocked the way with her big white legs stretched out. Those who didn't know thought she was intercepting the way.

Li Fan was also stunned at the moment, thinking that you are too tough.

"What's wrong? If I don't want to eat this meal, you still want to arrest me?" Li Fan deliberately teased.

"That's not necessarily the case. Okay, stop talking nonsense. Are you still a man? Just like a woman. This is not the Hongmen Banquet. It won't cost you your life to have a meal." Feng Zihan didn't like to say this kind of thing in the first place. talk.

"Oh, I'll go." Li Fan was dumbfounded. He couldn't survive without eating this meal.

"Stop talking nonsense, this matter is settled. If you dare to run away, I will never let you go in this life. Okay, okay, go find someone quickly." Feng Zihan's eyes changed, and he subconsciously pushed Li Every handful.

Li Fan was speechless. Who is this?

At this time, they happened to enter the county hospital and went straight to the lobby to find out if Gao DaZi was here.

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