Best Son-in-law

Chapter 215 Delicious Food

Gao Duzi's vision went dark and he almost fainted again. His mouth seemed to be knotted and he couldn't speak.

Even if his organs are exhausted, he has received retribution.

At this point, Li Fan also had nothing to say and turned to look at Feng Zihan.

"Let's go, just make sure the person is here." Li Fan said.

"Well, I just made a call. Someone will come and look at him." Feng Zihan nodded, she was afraid that the tall idiot would run away.

"How can I run if I have no legs?" Li Fan also smiled helplessly. This tall idiot has no one to live with now. Wang Youcai has been arrested again, and he can't count on anyone.

Now that I have no legs, I really can't run.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. This case should be over, and I'm afraid of causing complications." Seeing that Li Fan was about to leave, Feng Zihan quickly stepped forward and grabbed his arm.

"Don't leave in a hurry yet, I have to treat you to a meal." Feng Zihan said.

"Is it because of you and your cousin? Okay, after all, I am also the village doctor of our village. How can I ignore death, let alone your cousin, who is an acquaintance and has done nothing, so don't be polite. ." Li Fan said with a smile and waved his hand.

"That's not okay. I'm not that kind of person. I have to repay any grudges, and I have to repay any favors. The grudges are clear." Feng Zihan raised her white chin and held Li Fan's arm tightly with one hand.

Because this hand often holds a gun, it is not as immature as other girls, but it still gives Li Fan a different feeling.

"Come on, please don't bite me. This is the biggest thank you to me." Li Fan has finally seen through Feng Zihan. He doesn't believe a word of her words. If he goes to have a meal with her, he might have to bite him several times when he comes back. Well, it’s not obvious which ones are worth it and which ones aren’t.

"You won't give me face, right?" Feng Zihan refused to let go at all. If she didn't invite Li Fan to a meal, she would feel as if something was weighing on her, and she would feel very uncomfortable.

"How dare you? Something really happened today. Let's go to another day. Let's go to another day." Li Fan declined politely.

"No, just today." Feng Zihan didn't hesitate.

"Please forgive me. I was woken up just as I fell asleep last night. I worked all night on this matter and it almost made me sleepy." Li Fan quickly found other reasons to refuse.

"Don't talk nonsense. I still don't believe you are so sleepy that you haven't even eaten. How about I take you back after dinner?" Feng Zihan didn't let go at all. She had figured it out and she had to treat Li Fan to dinner today.

"Just your little electric donkey?" Li Fan thought that Feng Zihan came here on a battery car this morning.

"Ang." Feng Zihan responded.

Li Fan suddenly felt helpless. He drove here anyway, and why did he use your small battery car to deliver it?

"You're a grown man, why don't you just eat and write? Come with me." Feng Zihan took Li Fan out, and happened to meet the comrade who came to take over the shift at the door, and said hello to each other.

When the comrade saw Feng Zihan holding Li Fan's hand, he immediately felt that he had made a mistake. He knew very well what kind of character Feng Zihan had. He was sometimes more of a man than a man, and there was no one in the institute who was not afraid of him.

Unexpectedly, he walked with a man today. He thought that he would have to spread the news back home.

Feng Zihan already has a boyfriend. This is terrible.

The comrade suppressed his laughter and went into the hospital to take care of Gao Duzi.

"What do you want to eat?" Feng Zihan held Li Fan's hand for a while, then suddenly felt something was wrong, and then threw it away.

"Just watch it, I can eat anything." Li Fan secretly cursed in his heart, how can this county restaurant be as delicious as his own? The ingredients are all different.

"Okay, I know there is a restaurant that tastes pretty good. I'll take you there."

The county hospital was not far from the county police station, and they arrived in a short walk.

At this time, Feng Zihan rolled out his little red battery car and greeted Li Fan: "Get in the car."

"I know this family. The food is very authentic, and the soup is even better. I guarantee you will praise it." Feng Zihan said, giving a thumbs up in praise.

Li Fan didn't care after hearing this and smiled.

"Come on, what are you doing standing around?" After Feng Zihan got in the car, she saw that Li Fan didn't move and patted the back seat again and said.

"Okay." Li Fan crossed his legs and sat on it. His nose was immediately filled with the fragrance of hair.

Feng Zihan also felt a heavy breath coming from the back of her neck, but she didn't say anything, turned the car key and left.

This Feng Zihan has always been vigorous and resolute in doing things, and naturally drives very fast.

With a whoosh, the car was about to fly out.

In addition, the road we were walking on was not smooth and there were a lot of pebbles, which made me feel uncomfortable from time to time.

Li Fan didn't mean to take advantage, but out of desperation, he put his hands on Feng Zihan's thin waist and pressed his whole body against it.

Feng Zihan was stunned when she was hugged so suddenly. This was the first time she had such close contact with a man.

She should have objected in her heart, but she had other ideas.

"Hold tight, but hold on tight, the road is steep." Feng Zihan suddenly felt a sense of revenge.

Aren't you pretty awesome? I couldn't even sit firmly in the car, and I had to hold a woman's waist.

Feng Zihan suddenly felt funny. It turned out that Li Fan was just an ordinary person.

She felt very happy in her heart and turned towards the muddy road, bumping Li Fan from time to time so that she could continue to taunt him.

It's comfortable.

Li Fan also felt comfortable, and he didn't suffer any loss. He was surprised when he saw Feng Zihan uncharacteristically letting himself hold her waist.

I originally thought that Feng Zihan would break his hand off and scold him no matter what, but who knew it would just be a harmless taunt.

Li Fan didn't know what Feng Zihan was thinking. Seeing that she didn't resist, he continued to hold her waist and pressed forward with the bumps on the road.

Seeing Li Fan hugging him tightly, Feng Zihan also felt very happy, thinking that this could be regarded as a kind of revenge, and didn't think about anything else.

In this way, both of them were very happy.

Along the way, he also received envious looks from everyone.

Feng Zihan was even more proud, thinking that she looked heroic, with her long hair blowing in the wind, protecting the frail little man behind her.

Li Fan felt like he was riding a merry-go-round, going up and down for a while, smelling the fragrance, and he was extremely happy.

Soon, the two of them drove along the street and entered the downtown area. There were many people and traffic jams. Feng Zihan had no choice but to slow down the car, but he still encountered some emergencies from time to time, such as emergency braking and so on.

"Hurry up." Feng Zihan was happy and mocked again.

"Okay." Li Fan was also happy and hugged her slim waist tightly, feeling happy in his heart.

Feng Zihan also snickered.

The car jolted again.

"You rarely come to this county. The delicious places are not all in the famous big restaurants. Many of them are in restaurants in small alleys like this. It's not that I'm stingy. I just want to eat well." Feng Zihan explained while driving.

"It's okay. I don't like the food in big restaurants. There are few things and it may not be delicious. I know what you said." Li Fan nodded and said.

He had stayed in the county town for a long time before, but at that time he came to the city to work. He was very frugal about eating, so how could he be willing to go out to a restaurant?

He rarely goes to restaurants in this county.

"Yes, but I heard that the food at Zhouji Restaurant is very delicious. I originally wanted to try it, but I never had time. When I finally got time, something happened and I didn't go." Feng Zihan nodded, He said with some regret.

"That's a pity. In fact, there is no problem with Zhouji Restaurant. The food she brings in are all vegetables from my field. I eat all my food myself. What's the problem? The chemical plant didn't pollute the entire village. It just But now that rumors are spreading, and many hotels have hygiene problems, people don’t dare to try it." Li Fan said after a while.

Originally, Zhou Ji Restaurant was a good choice for the two of them to eat, but now that something happened at Zhou Ji Restaurant and they no longer serve his food, there is no place to go.

Feng Zihan believed Li Fan's words. She knew very well that the wind would destroy the trees that are as beautiful as the trees in the forest.

I thought that the food at Zhou Ji Restaurant might be really delicious, otherwise I wouldn't have been attacked like this again and again.

There was a storm in the county town a few days ago, which forced those colleagues to take some measures to contain it.

"Yes, it's not your village's problem, but your village food is not easy to sell." Feng Zihan sighed.

"Hey, do you know why the food at Zhouji Restaurant is so delicious?" Li Fan suddenly asked.

"Why?" Feng Zihan just heard that it was delicious, and really didn't know the reason.

"Because of the ingredients, the ingredients I provide, that is to say, as long as the ingredients are there, we can support the second Zhouji Restaurant." Li Fan said confidently.

"Ingredients? Are you Wang Po selling melons?" Feng Zihan didn't care.

"Don't believe it, just come to our village and try it when you have time. I will cook it for you myself." Li Fan said.

"Okay, okay, I'll go over and try your cooking when I have time. Let's eat this delicious food with me today." Feng Zihan rode a battery car through several small alleys, and finally stopped in front of a not-so-big restaurant. Stopped.

This shop also has a sign called Delicious Food.

"Get out of the car, young master." Feng Zihan turned around and said.

It didn't matter that he turned around, Li Fan happened to want to get out of the car, and when he stretched his head, the two almost kissed again.

The gap between mouth and mouth is about one punch.

"Hurry up." Feng Zihan was startled and her expression changed.

Li Fan got out of the car and stood at the door of the house to take a look, while Feng Zihan went to park the car next to it.

Although this store is not big, there are quite a lot of people coming and going, and every customer is quite satisfied with their meal. They are talking and laughing inside, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

"Go in, what are you doing standing around?" Feng Zihan said, walked in, opened her mouth and called out: "Aunt Wang, Uncle Chang, are there still seats available?"

"Yes, yes, come and sit inside. You came early today and it's not time for dinner yet."

Because Feng Zihan often comes to this store, she is already familiar with the store.

Feng Zihan smiled and turned around, took Li Fan's hand, and led him in: "Let's sit over there by the window."

"Yeah." Li Fan nodded and said.

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