Best Son-in-law

Chapter 216 Feng Zihan on the other side

Although this restaurant is small, it is in a good location, relatively secluded, and there are trees and vines outside, giving it a quiet and elegant feeling.

Especially the window seat that Feng Zihan found, he had a panoramic view of the neighborhood alleys.

"I used to come here often when I was busy, and I just loved the soup here. The taste is different from other places. You can't get such a taste at other places." Feng Zihan took the kettle on the table and poured it for herself. He ordered a glass of water and poured Li Fan a glass as well.

Li Fan suddenly felt flattered and quickly took the water glass, thinking that he could still see another side of Feng Zihan.

However, after listening to Feng Zihan's introduction, Li Fan also looked forward to the soup at this restaurant.

"This restaurant is so delicious, why isn't it famous?" Li Fan asked.

"Not famous yet? You are already famous in this area, but this place is too remote, and no one promotes it. In addition, the store is only a couple. If there are more people, they will not be able to handle it, so they did not The name of the store is just spreading." Feng Zihan shook his head and said.

"What do you want to eat? The food here is good, but the soup is famous." Feng Zihan pushed the menu to Li Fan.

"Just some home-cooked side dishes will be enough. I'm not used to eating anything else." Li Fan picked up the menu and glanced at it and said.

"You order it. I've agreed to pay for this meal. You can eat whatever you want, but don't save me." Feng Zihan said in a pretentious manner.

"I don't want to save you any money." Li Fan smiled and flipped through the menu several times before writing down the order book.

Spicy stir-fried cauliflower, scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

"Order some meat dishes, don't always order vegetarian dishes." Seeing that Li Fan only ordered vegetarian dishes, Feng Zihan quickly pointed and ordered two meat dishes.

"Come here, the person who is treating you to dinner asks me to order. I don't know what's delicious here." Li Fan muttered and pushed the menu back.

"Okay, I'll order." Feng Zihan put one hand on the table, gently lifted her hair, and began to think.

There are many special dishes in this store, and Feng Zihan also wanted Li Fan to try more. For a moment, she didn't know what to choose.

"Just order two dishes, don't order too much, it will be a waste if you don't finish it." Li Fan said, taking a sip of tea.

The free tea provided by this restaurant is chrysanthemum tea, which is very fragrant. After taking a sip, Li Fan immediately felt like he had an appetite.

"Let's eat a fish, just fried fish with garlic. Well, let's eat beef, spicy beef. The big bone soup here is a must." Feng Zihan hesitated and ordered three items. He hesitated whether to order the fourth item. When he arrived, he was stopped by Li Fan.

"Okay, these dishes are enough. Don't order any more. It's not far away. If it's delicious, I can come again next time." Li Fan said.

Two meat and two vegetarian dishes, four dishes and a soup were enough for the two of them.

"Then add cumin mutton, let's have five dishes. By the way, I also want a bottle of Wuliangye. I need some wine for this meal." Feng Zihan thought about toasting Li Fan and ordered a bottle of white wine.

"What? Why should we have a drink while we have dinner? You don't have to work in the afternoon?" Li Fan looked stunned.

"I asked for leave." After Feng Zihan ordered, he accepted the menu and said to Li Fan: "We must have two cups today, otherwise we will not give me face."

"Are you a grown man who can't even drink?" Feng Zihan looked at Li Fan and said deliberately.

Li Fan didn't accept this at all. He waved his hand and said, "It's not that you can't drink, but it's not necessary to drink. Isn't it enough to have a meal together? Why else drink? We are a man and a woman. Should we have a glass of wine together?"

"Bah." Feng Zihan spat: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm drinking wine for my cousin. He hasn't fully recovered yet and can't come, so I have to come. This wine is a must. , I don’t want you to get drunk, what are you doing, mother-in-law and mother-in-law?”

Li Fan was speechless. After all, it was his own fault.

Feng Zihan handed over the menu: "Aunt Wang."

Aunt Wang is a middle-aged woman over fifty years old. She took the menu and glanced at Li Fan and Feng Zihan, with a smile on her face, and asked softly: "Xiao Feng, this is your boyfriend." ?”

"No, just an ordinary friend, I wouldn't find someone like him." Feng Zihan said with a smile.

"This guy is quite nice. What's wrong? It's time for you to find someone at your age. He's a nice guy." Aunt Wang said with a smile.

"It's okay for people, but it's impossible for us. Forget it, Aunt Wang, don't worry about it." Feng Zihan pushed Aunt Wang out.

In fact, it stands to reason that Li Fan's conditions in all aspects are very good, but Feng Zihan already has a grudge against him.

As soon as she was with Li Fan, she remembered the previous misunderstandings.

Thinking of her first kiss, Feng Zihan felt particularly awkward.

This person looked a little embarrassed.

After Feng Zihan delivered the menu, she sat back again. All she could think about was the artificial respiration given to Li Fan before, but she didn't want to think about it.

There was also the thrilling scene last time, when Li Fan rescued her and kissed her again.

Feng Zihan shook his head. This was too embarrassing. He was too embarrassed to see anyone.

Feng Zihan felt her face getting hot, and thought to herself that she shouldn't be able to do these things by herself.

"What's wrong with you? Are you worried about the food money? If not, I'll pay it to you." Li Fan saw that Feng Zihan's face was not good-looking, so he thought it was because he was worried about the food money.

This meal would cost her at least several days' wages. She should feel bad for treating such a scoundrel like herself to a meal.

Li Fan thought mockingly.

"What are you talking about?" Feng Zihan calmed down and rolled his eyes at Li Fan.

After a while, she couldn't help but asked softly: "What is the relationship between you and Zhou Xiaoman?"

Feng Zihan saw that Li Fan and Zhou Xiaoman were too close, and felt that they were a couple. She didn't know where the estrangement came from, so she couldn't help but ask.

"I didn't expect you to be so gossipy?" Li Fan looked at Feng Zihan as if he had discovered a new world.

"Tsk, don't talk if you don't want to talk." Feng Zihan was frustrated and didn't want to ask any more questions for fear of affecting her reputation.

"Zhou Xiaoman and I have a cooperative relationship, but she is a very nice person. When we cooperate, she never wants to take advantage of others, you understand." Seeing Feng Zihan's behavior, Li Fan explained.

"Cooperative relationship? You have a cooperative relationship with such a beautiful woman. You are really stupid." Who knew that Feng Zihan would mock Li Fan at this time.

Li Fan glared: "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. If I were a man, if I saw such a beautiful girl, I would definitely pursue her. She is so beautiful and has opened a restaurant. What a good thing it is. You have to know how to cherish it. ." Feng Zihan deliberately winked at Li Fan.

"Thankfully you're not a man. You don't look like a woman anymore. If you were a man, wouldn't you be able to go to heaven?" Li Fan mocked in turn.

"You." Feng Zihan's eyes suddenly widened after hearing this, but remembering that today was a treat to thank you, she didn't have an attack: "Okay, I won't argue with you today. In this place, you can't see each other without looking up. We have It’s time to work on your relationship, right?”

"How to get along? What you said is wrong. We are not a couple, how can we meet each other without looking up?" Li Fan heard that there was something wrong with this, and then laughed.

Just when Feng Zihan couldn't help but was about to have a seizure, Aunt Wang brought the dishes to the table.

"The dishes are here." Aunt Wang brought the dishes and soup to the table one by one, and finally put a bottle of Wuliangye on it, and said with a smile: "It's all here, use it slowly."

After saying that, she even deliberately glanced at Li Fan.

"Sorry to trouble you, Aunt Wang." Feng Zihan said politely.

"No trouble, you're welcome." Aunt Wang said with a smile and left.

"I didn't expect you to be polite to others." Li Fan joked.

"I won't be polite to you or criminals." Feng Zihan glared and said, "Okay, let's eat quickly. How does the food taste? Is it as delicious as Zhou Ji Restaurant?"

Feng Zihan said, placing a large piece of beef in Li Fan's bowl.

I also picked up a piece of beef and ate it. While eating, I sighed: "Well, this is the taste. It's delicious. If I have money in the future, I will come here to eat out every day."

It was the first time that Li Fan saw Feng Zihan in life. He sighed in his heart, picked up the beef in the bowl, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The flavor of the meat in your mouth seems to be overflowing. It is particularly fragrant, and combined with the spiciness, it directly pushes the quality of the meat to its peak.

"Yeah." Li Fan nodded after eating.

"Really, is it delicious? I told you that the food here is good. You can try the soup later. I guarantee you will want to come again. The meat is crispy and tender on the outside and spicy enough. It is not old at all. It's fried just right, delicious and fragrant." Feng Zihan ate several pieces in a row.

"How's the food at Bizhouji Restaurant?" she asked.

"The styles are different and there is no comparison. They are all well-made dishes with different tastes and each has its own merits. But when it comes to vegetarian dishes, the ones from Zhouji Restaurant will definitely make you eat them over and over again," Li Fan said.

"Huh? Really? I'll go there when I have time, but the food at Zhouji Restaurant is too expensive." Feng Zi's lips turned even redder after eating.

"It's worth the money. You'll know after you eat it. Forget it, you won't have a chance to eat it. Come to our village when you have time. I'm going to open a restaurant. You can support me when the time comes." Li Fan said.

"What? You want to open a restaurant? Where?" Feng Zihan said in surprise.

"It's just our village." Li Fan said.

"Can it be sold? Don't you know how Zhou Ji Restaurant failed? Nowadays, many people are paying more and more attention to the hygiene of restaurants. I advise you to think again. After all, Laoshantun's reputation is not just a day or two. You can wash it back." Feng Zihan advised while eating.

"What are you thinking about? It has become a vicious circle now. Look at such a beautiful place in our village, how can it be delayed for a lifetime by a chemical factory? We have to get this reputation back, right?" Li Fan laughed road.

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