Best Son-in-law

Chapter 217 Hello

"That's true." Feng Zihan served Li Fan a bowl of bone soup while eating meat.

"Try it quickly. The soup here is the most famous. People from all over the country love to drink this soup. Try it. Don't wait until it cools down before drinking it."

Li Fan took the bowl and smelled the aroma in the bowl, almost salivating. As soon as the bowl of soup approached, the aroma immediately hit his nostrils.

Rich and mellow aroma.

Taking a closer look, the soup in the bowl has been cooked until it turns white, and there are some seasonings such as coriander and green onions on top.

Li Fan picked up the bowl, picked up the spoon, and took a sip. His eyes immediately widened. The soup here was so delicious.

He quickly picked up the spoon and drank several mouthfuls. Finally, he picked up the bowl and drank the soup in one gulp.

"Does it taste good? I didn't lie to you." Feng Zihan, who was opposite, looked at Li Fan drinking the soup with a smile, his eyes full of smiles and pride.

"It tastes good." Li Fan didn't hesitate and gave a thumbs up to the soup in this store.

It was so delicious. This soup seemed to be able to communicate with the soul, making Li Fan feel like he was about to fly.

"If it tastes good, drink more and drink it slowly." Feng Zihan rested her hand on her face and watched Li Fan drink the soup with a smile on her face.

"You drink too, you can't ask me to finish this big pot of soup by myself, right?" Li Fan was not used to being stared at by Feng Zihan, so he pushed his hand and asked Feng Zihan to drink the soup.

"You think so, drink it alone." Feng Zihan said, picked up the Wuliangye on the table and filled two small cups.

"Come on, don't be in a hurry to drink the soup. I'll give you a toast." Feng Zihan suddenly became solemn, put a glass of wine in front of Li Fan, and picked up another glass: "Thank you for saving my cousin, I really appreciate it. , If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t know how to explain to my uncle and aunt that my cousin is an only child and his lifeblood was entrusted to me.”

After saying this, Feng Zihan suddenly became emotional, her eyes were red, and she quickly covered them with her hand for fear of making a fool of herself in front of Li Fan.

She also sincerely thanked Li Fan. Without Li Fan, she would not have dared to think about the consequences.

"You're welcome. If this matter were put in front of any doctor, he wouldn't be indifferent." Li Fan felt Feng Zihan's sincerity, stopped joking, and said with the same sincerity.

"Come, let me toast you." Feng Zihan said, picked up the wine glass, raised his head and drank it all, leaving only an empty glass.

In fact, Feng Zihan was not good at drinking. After drinking, her tongue felt like it was on fire, and at the same time there was a stream of hot air rising from her throat. She simply couldn't control such a high alcohol content.

For a moment, Feng Zihan finished drinking the cup and lowered his head.

Li Fan picked up the bottle and took a look. Good guy, this is not an ordinary liquor. It is 64 degrees. If you don't drink often, you will definitely not be able to control this degree.

It seems that Feng Zihan seldom drinks alcohol, otherwise she wouldn't be like this.

Li Fan guessed that she just wanted to express her gratitude, so she drank like this.

At this time, Li Fan didn't say anything. He picked up the cup and drank it in one gulp. Feng Zihan had already finished it. Of course, he, a man, couldn't lose this battle.

"I did it, you can do whatever you want." Feng Zihan lowered his head and calmed down for a while, stretched out his hand to wipe his mouth with paper, and then raised his head.

At this time, her face was already red, but she couldn't stand her facial features, which were as if carved from ice. At this time, Feng Zihan had a different kind of beauty.

Until now, she was still thinking of persuading Li Fan to drink less.

But Feng Zihan looked up and saw that Li Fan's cup was empty. He was picking vegetables to eat, and he was suddenly moved.

With a surge of blood flowing along with the strength of the wine, Feng Zihan wiped her mouth and gave Li Fan a thumbs up: "Happy!"

"Come on, why don't you drink such high alcohol? Eat some food and don't get drunk." Li Fan also picked up some food for Feng Zihan.

"That's not okay. I toasted you the last cup on behalf of my cousin. I toast you this cup myself. You saved my cousin's life. As a cousin, of course I have to toast you." Feng Zihan As she spoke, she poured another glass of wine. At this time, she was a little speechless.

Li Fan saw this and quickly advised: "Forget it, this wine has a high alcohol content. You can take it home and use it as a food bar, and buy fish to remove the smell."

"How is that possible? No one can interfere with what I have planned. I must serve this wine." Feng Zihan was not happy yet and insisted on filling the cup.

At this time, she looked at Li Fan: "If you can't drink, drink less. I won't laugh at you, I will only thank you."

When Feng Zihan said this, her tongue seemed to be unable to straighten and curled up as she spoke.

She doesn't laugh at others yet, it almost becomes a joke herself.

"Okay, okay, I get it. Stop drinking. Didn't you bring me here for dinner? You're still drinking soup. If you get drunk, all this soup belongs to me." Li Fan advised, and when he saw Feng Zihan really couldn't drink, and she drank so much that she didn't know how to live or die. She was already drunk after just one drink, and now she couldn't even speak clearly.

At this time, Feng Zihan also forced herself to suppress herself. When she came, she was thinking about toasting Li Fan with more glasses of wine. She had already thought about how to toast one, two, or three glasses. She didn't expect that when she came, she just drank this One cup, and the whole person is almost gone.

Her body was completely out of her control, and she was so soft that she couldn't say a word. She wanted to use her super strong will to suppress the drunkenness, but it was helpless that once the alcohol got stronger, she couldn't suppress it at all.

In her mind now, she only retained the toast.

I have to finish this drink anyway, to save my life, what's wrong with drinking some wine? Besides, she didn't know how to thank him now other than toasting.

Feng Zihan is not an ungrateful person.

"Get out of here, I respect you, thank you for saving my cousin." Feng Zihan gritted her teeth, pushed Li Fan's hand away, and poured the second glass of wine into her stomach with her eyes closed.

After this cup, Feng Zihan's stomach felt as if it had been cut into pieces with a thousand knives, and she felt very uncomfortable.

A burst of hot air flowed out from his nose.

My eyes were so hot that I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face.

For those who didn't know this, they would have thought that Feng Zihan and Li Fan were having an argument and she was so angry that she cried.

"Okay, okay, don't drink anymore, I'm convinced." Li Fan had no choice but to pour a glass of wine and drank it in front of Feng Zihan.

"I've finished drinking too. You're welcome. You saved my life by giving me artificial respiration last time." Li Fan said quickly.

"You still dare to mention this?" Feng Zihan stretched out her hand, grabbed Li Fan's wrist tightly, and wiped her tears with paper in her other hand.

"That was my first kiss, my first kiss! You ruined it all." Feng Zihan said, getting excited and using her hands.

Feng Zihan drank a little too much and used her hands too much. Li Fan was in pain, so he could only grit his teeth and lie: "This is my first kiss too."

"Your first kiss? I don't believe you! No matter, I still have to toast you this third glass. I toast it for my uncle and aunt."

"You really can't drink anymore. Can you save this wine first and drink it later?"

These two glasses of wine weighed four taels, nearly half a catty, and the alcohol content was so high that she wanted to drink more. Li Fan was really afraid that Feng Zihan would get drunk and it would be troublesome to bring people with him.

"Where can I keep the wine? No, I have to respect you today, otherwise I won't be able to explain it to my uncle and aunt." Feng Zihan was confused now.

"You've finished your drink. You look like you're drunk. This is your fourth drink. It's time for someone else to toast." At this point, Li Fan had no other choice and said in a different way.

Feng Zihan held the empty wine glass and really wondered for a while, wondering if she had really drank three glasses of wine? Whose name should I pay tribute to next?

She had passed out from drinking.

At this time, Li Fan quickly served her soup.

"Drink some soup to sober up. There's no need to drink this wine like this. It's really unnecessary." Li Fan placed the soup in front of Feng Zihan.

Feng Zihan blushed, glanced at the soup bowl, and waved her hand to indicate that she couldn't drink anymore.

Then, she stood up, covered her mouth, and ran outside.

"What's going on?" Li Fan chased after him and found Feng Zihan holding the wall with one hand and vomiting.

"I told you that's not how you drink wine. You're not socializing, and we're not outsiders. Do we need to drink like this?" Li Fan had no choice but to pat his back.

"Don't be too cynical. I don't know what you think? You just want to watch my joke here. Do you think I'm drunk? I'm not drunk at all. I had a bad stomach in the morning, so you're drunk." Feng Zihan vomited for a while, and her complexion finally improved.

"Okay, okay, you're not drunk, I'm drunk, okay? My ability to drink is not as good as yours," Li Fan said.

"It's good that you know. Really, you thought I was drunk. How could that be possible?" Feng Zihan pretended that she was not drunk, took the paper from Li Fan's hand, wiped her mouth, and then wandered into the house.

The more she wanted to prove herself, the more dizzy she became. She had no choice but to sit next to her table and said to Li Fan: "I'll sit here for a while. I'm too tired from walking. You can eat by yourself." I won’t drink the soup anymore, I’ll give it all to you.”

Her head was so dizzy that she really couldn't walk.

When Li Fan saw her like this, he found it funny and didn't say anything. He sat next to her and handed the soup to Feng Zihan.

"Drink, and you want me to feed you. This will help you sober up."

Feng Zihan held her head with one hand, feeling dizzy and thirsty, when she saw Li Fan hand over the bowl of soup.

She originally wanted to reach out and take it, but she was afraid that she would not be able to hold it steady and it would be ugly if it got into her nose, so she pushed her hand boldly: "I'll give you a chance to feed me something to eat."

Feng Zihan had already started talking nonsense. She just didn't want to lose face, so she opened her mouth specially, waiting for Li Fan to feed her.

"Okay, okay, I'll feed you." Li Fan fed Feng Zihan one by one with a spoon.

Feng Zihan narrowed her eyes, feeling sleepy, and chirped back from time to time.

"This soup is delicious."

At this moment, Aunt Wang saw this scene, wiped her hands with her apron, smiled and said to Uncle Chang who was busy inside: "Old Chang, look at it, he said he's not a boyfriend, this is all a meal, ouch."

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