Best Son-in-law

Chapter 219 Investment

"Well, it's closed."

Before Li Fan finished speaking, Feng Zihan underneath him made another sound, and clamped his legs around Li Fan's waist.

"Hey, drive."

In her dream, she thought Li Fan was the white horse again.

Li Fan's old waist was pinched so hard that he almost fell apart, so he suppressed himself from making a sound.

"Hahaha." Zhou Xiaoman on the other end of the phone heard this voice and chuckled: "It's embarrassing, Li Fan. If you don't turn it off, don't turn it off. Just watch it. Could it be that what you are watching is not a romance drama, but... eh …”

Zhou Xiaoman relaxed and stirred the coffee with a spoon in his hand while jokingly saying.

"What are you talking about?" Li Fan was completely speechless. Is this causing misunderstanding again?

He tried hard, but he couldn't pull away. Feng Zihan was like an octopus with eight claws, stuck to him.

Li Fan was very tired.

"Okay, okay, just keep your voice down. We are all adults. It's not embarrassing, but it's a bit embarrassing not to admit it." Zhou Xiaoman took a sip of coffee and deliberately teased.

"Oh, I'll go." Li Fan's eyes darkened. He was more wronged than Dou E, but he couldn't explain it, for fear of causing a bigger misunderstanding.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Don't you want to open a restaurant in Laoshantun? How's the progress going?" Zhou Xiaoman slightly opened her red lips and asked softly.

"The place has been found, and we have almost all the things we need. We are just waiting for a suitable time to open. When the time comes, Sister Xiaoman, you have to come and support..." Before Li Fan could finish speaking, his mouth was touched again. Feng Zihan was blocked.

"That's for sure. Not only do I want to support him, but I also plan to do something." Zhou Xiaoman said with a smile on his lips.

"What's the matter?" Li Fan pushed Feng Zihan's little head away with one hand. He was so annoyed now that he couldn't even speak clearly.

Sometimes the wine is a real treat.

"Let me ask you first, do you have enough funds now?" Zhou Xiaoman asked.

"Funds?" This sentence touched on Li Fan's pain points. There were many things he wanted to do now. Opening a hotel, building a farm, contracting land for fish ponds, and building roads in the village, including future publicity and development, all require money. Funds are now his biggest shortage.

"If I'm not wrong, you are having a hard time with funds now, aren't you? This hotel is not so good, especially in such an environment and in your village, you have to do more and more difficult things. , let alone the early stage.”

"So I decided." Zhou Xiaoman took a deep breath and drawled: "I will make an investment in your hotel."

"Investment?" Li Fan felt excited after hearing this. It's not that he had never thought about the problem of funds before, but he just didn't have any good solutions. He thought about taking one step at a time, and if it didn't work, he would think of other solutions later, or Borrow, or loan.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Xiaoman offered help directly, which was a real help in times of need.

"Thank you so much, Sister Xiaoman. I will repay the money. This is really a big help." A penny stumped the heroic man. Li Fan had a strong self-esteem and was embarrassed to speak before.

"Hey, I didn't ask you to pay it back. I invested the money, which means that I have a share in your hotel, which is jointly opened by the two of us. If you make money from now on, you will give me a commission. ." Zhou Xiaoman said with a smile. She actually just wanted to help Li Fan. She happened to have a lot of idle money on her hands, so she would just leave it alone. She might as well use it to open a restaurant for Li Fan.

Zhou Xiaoman and Li Fan had cooperated for a long time before, and had other contacts. After going back and forth, she completely regarded Li Fan as a good friend.

What's more, the business of Zhouji Restaurant is now bleak and will not recover for a while. If Li Fan succeeds and restores the reputation of Laoshantun, it will also be of great benefit to her Zhouji Restaurant.

As long as there is a certain amount of opportunity, the reputations of the two companies can be built together.

Zhou Xiaoman had inexplicable confidence in Li Fan, so she was willing to spend the money.

"Thank you, Sister Xiaoman. After all, I haven't made any achievements yet, but you believe in me so much." Li Fan's mood suddenly became unstable. He was moved by Zhou Xiaoman.

"As I said, I'm a businessman. This is investment. You have to understand investment." Zhou Xiaoman smiled. She actually just wanted to give money to Li Fan, but she didn't want him to have any psychological pressure.

"I understand, I understand." Li Fan responded repeatedly.

"Okay, when are you free? Let's meet alone and talk about this cooperation. Forget it, I'll just find a time to go to your village? Do an on-the-spot inspection." After Zhou Xiaoman calmed down, he said to Li Fan With infinite curiosity, maybe this can lead to a miracle.

"Okay, I just have something to tell you. It's a good thing. Let's do it tomorrow." Li Fan wanted to tell Zhou Xiaoman about Gao Duzi and Wang Youcai. After all, they had already passed away. It was like he had unloaded a very heavy burden. A baggage.

"Tomorrow? Okay, I'll go to your place to see you tomorrow. Let's meet and talk. Goodbye." Zhou Xiaoman smiled, with a relaxed look on her face. She didn't think about Zhou Ji Restaurant at all these days and left it to the employees. When you are on vacation, you can enjoy your leisure time.

But she would never give up because of this. Zhou Xiaoman narrowed his eyes confidently and hung up the phone.

"Bye." Li Fan also put down his phone.

He was extremely happy and wanted to vent. Suddenly he saw Feng Zihan lying on the bed and was extremely honest. He thought to himself that you have been causing trouble before, why not just celebrate with you now?

"Do you really think that I don't dare to execute you on the spot?" Li Fan felt a sense of negative energy in his chest, and he wanted to kiss Feng Zihan wildly to relieve his anger.

At this moment, Feng Zihan suddenly started to make a fuss.

Not long after, the sound of vomiting started, and the smell of alcohol filled the entire room.

Li Fan almost hit a wall. Fortunately, he hid quickly and took the trash can on the bedside to help her vomit.

"Well, I'm thirsty." Feng Zihan spit out a few mouthfuls of water intermittently, and then lay lazily on the bed.

The two long legs were spread out, facing Li Fan, and the pink quilt was pushed aside.

Li Fan naturally lost interest in revenge at this time, and glanced at Feng Zihan, wondering if she was not drunk on purpose?

"Okay, okay, I'll boil water for you, wait." Li Fan was speechless, stood up, and went to the living room to take a hot water kettle and boil hot water for Feng Zihan.

While heating hot water, he stood in front of the door and looked at Feng Zihan in his sleep.

We can't let her vomit on the bed.

Not to mention that Feng Zihan at this time has a graceful figure, graceful lines, and a face that is exquisitely carved and white, which really makes Li Fan feel attracted.

If she didn't have a hot temper, there would definitely be a queue of people chasing her.

Li Fan was fascinated and thought to himself.

At this time, the hot water boiled, and Li Fan poured it into a cup. When the water cooled down, he gave it to Feng Zihan.

At this time, Feng Zihan was completely unconscious. There was no movement at all. It seemed that she was fast asleep.

Li Fan smiled and shook his head, picked up the paper and wiped her mouth.

"Wake up, water is here, hot water, aren't you thirsty?"

Feng Zihan was pushed awake and there was hot water. She quickly took it and poured it into her mouth.

Li Fan was right next to him to help control him a little.

"Still thirsty." Feng Zihan's voice was extremely gentle.

"Okay, I'll pour it for you again. Just wait a moment." Li Fan poured another glass very patiently. Now he absolutely couldn't ignore Feng Zihan. He had to wait until she got better.

In this way, Feng Zihan drank four or five glasses of water in a row, vomited three more times, and then fell asleep honestly.

Looking at her sleeping expression, Li Fan also relaxed. He took out his mobile phone to charge and play Tetris to pass the time.

Just when he was about to break the record again in Tetris, Feng Zihan woke up again.

"Yeah." There was another long sound, and Feng Zihan reached out and grabbed Li Fan's arm.

"Stop it, the record is about to be broken. I've been playing for half an hour, and it's hard to get such a high score." Li Fan stared at his phone attentively. The cubes were now moving down very fast, and the whole board would be full if he didn't pay attention. All lose.

What's more, it has accumulated several layers and has not been eliminated. Of course, he is not willing to die like this.

"Yeah." Feng Zihan shook Li Fan's hand unhappily and wanted to get up.

"Why are you going?" In this moment of confusion, the squares were filled with blocks. Li Fan sighed and could only look at Feng Zihan helplessly and asked her what she wanted to do.

"Help me up, Xiao Fanzi." Feng Zihan was drunk, but she was much better now than at the beginning, but she was still half asleep and half awake.

Li Fan glared, was she dreaming about becoming an emperor? What the hell is Xiao Fanzi?

When you become emperor, you ask me to be a eunuch? Really heartless.

Even as he cursed in his heart, Li Fan still helped Feng Zihan up.

"Where are you going, old man?" Li Fan asked, he had to know where his destination was.

"Don't say anything more about my business. If you don't accept it, I'll chop your head off." Feng Zihan said.

Li Fan's eyes grew wider and wider, and she was addicted.

"I have to know where you are going? Then I can help you there? We have to be reasonable. Do you want to vomit?" Li Fan asked helplessly. He would never behave like a drunkard.

"You puke, you're pregnant. I have to go to the toilet." Feng Zihan said sleepily as he swayed.

"What? What did you say?" Li Fan didn't hear clearly and asked again.

"I need to pee." Feng Zihan leaned next to Li Fan's ear and added again.

Li Fan heard this sentence very clearly.

"Oh, I'm really illiterate. I can't understand the elegant words. You have to force me to use such vulgar language. It's really difficult to communicate. Why don't you help me over quickly? You rebellious minister." Feng Zihan said nonsense.

" still want me to help you go to the toilet?" Li Fan pouted.

"Hurry up, I can't hold it anymore, I feel uncomfortable, it's all your fault for giving me so much water." Feng Zihan still hasn't fully recovered, otherwise she wouldn't be able to say such things with her temper.

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