Best Son-in-law

Chapter 220 Subtle

After all, the blame was on himself, and Li Fan had a dark look on his face.

Feng Zihan can't stand firmly now, let alone go to the toilet.

There was no other way, Li Fan could only come over to help, put her arm on his shoulders, and then helped her to the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, Li Fan thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, but what he didn't expect was that Feng Zihan was fiddling with something in the bathroom for a while.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to go to the toilet? I won't watch. You go faster." Li Fan urged.

"I can't unbutton my pants." Feng Zihan said dazedly, and she tied the string on her pants tightly.

"What?" Li Fan was speechless.

Why don't I go to the toilet for you?

Although he thought so, Li Fan still came over and untied the rope.

"Don't move, it's getting tighter and tighter." Li Fan helped to relieve it, and Feng Zihan also took action, but it was not helpful at all.

The two of them accidentally bumped their heads together.

"I'm in a hurry to go to the toilet and can't hold it in any longer." Feng Zihan said anxiously.

"Are you in such a hurry? Can you help me with the first aid? Get out of the way." Li Fan had no choice but to bite the buckle with his teeth.

It was really too tight just now.

Feng Zihan couldn't hold it in anymore, and became more and more anxious, and even started to stamp her feet desperately.

Li Fan bit hard, then twisted it with two fingernails, and slowly untied it.

After losing the restraint of these two ropes, Feng Zihan quickly took off her pants because she was anxious.

Li Fan was not given any time to avoid at all.

Li Fan's eyes widened at this moment, and his thoughts were quite complicated.

"Are you done?" Li Fan asked outside the bathroom.

"Yeah." After going to the toilet, Feng Zihan had sobered up a little, but her head was still dizzy. Her memory of what happened just now was very vague. She sat on the toilet and was very confused, how did she get here?

"Then can you come out by yourself?" Li Fan asked again.

"What the hell, who are you?" Feng Zihan said as if she had lost her memory, but her little temper recovered first.

"I am your uncle, who am I?" Li Fan was so angry that he had worked so hard to pour water and support him, and even sleepwalked with him, but now he actually gave himself amnesia. , turned against others, how could this be tolerated?

"Li Fan, right? You're dead, and you dare to talk to me like this. You must have taken advantage of me when I was drunk. You bastard, wait until I wake up, ha." Feng Zihan lowered his head and had already replied The moment came.

"I..." In Li Fan's heart, millions of people were passing by. He was so filled with hatred that he wanted to bite Feng Zihan to death. He really wanted to give up and see what she could do.

But after going around in a circle, he thought about it and came back again. He couldn't really just ignore it. If something went wrong, Feng Zihan fell down in the bathroom or something, which would be terrible.

"What a sin." Li Fan cursed in his heart.

Feng Zihan took the toilet paper next to the toilet, but she felt very dizzy at this moment.

She has slowly regained consciousness now, but she is still dizzy, and it comes in waves. She feels fine for a while, and then feels like the world is falling apart and the surroundings are spinning around.

She was holding the paper, a little at a loss.

"Did you fall in? Didn't you say it's over?" Li Fan said angrily.

Feng Zihan bit her lip and said bitterly: "It's none of your business."

She stood up forcibly, feeling dizzy. She threw away the paper with a slip of her hand, and pulled out some more paper, but now she could no longer control her body with her thoughts.

She had no choice but to ask Li Fan for help.

"Go and find someone for me, woman, help me." Feng Zihan tried hard for a while, but all ended in failure.

"What are you doing?" Li Fan asked.

"Why are you so stupid?" Feng Zihan was too shy to say anything. She pursed her red lips and gave up the idea of ​​asking for help.

You definitely can't count on Li Fan, you have to rely on your own efforts, and there's no way to talk about it.

"I still don't believe it." Feng Zihan continued to work hard to regain consciousness. For this reason, she even sat on the toilet in the bathroom.

"Did you really fall in? It's okay. It's not embarrassing. I'll find someone to catch you." Li Fan saw that Feng Zihan didn't come out and was not sure what happened inside.

"Get out!" Feng Zihan didn't say anything, she had been holding back.

"Did you encounter any difficulties? Just tell me? Don't delay things. Are you still planning to stay in the toilet?" Li Fan asked, thinking that if Feng Zihan became dizzy, he could help him back.

"No difficulty, everything went well. I just thought I drank too much water and might have to come over later, so I just saved myself the trouble. I'll solve it together. You don't need to worry about it, Uncle Li. Just take care of yourself. ." Feng Zihan almost said this through gritted teeth.

She held the paper in front of her face, but she scolded Li Fan thousands of times in her heart. How can I ask for help and let you in?

She, Feng Zihan, is not crazy.

"Okay, that's a good idea." Li Fan heard that Feng Zihan was trying to show off his strength, so he smiled and moved the bench to continue playing Tetris.

He wants to break the record again!

Inside, Feng Zihan's legs soon became numb. She gritted her teeth and stamped her feet while scolding Li Fan, and then secretly swore in her heart that she would never get drunk again.

This is simply paying for suffering.

After being stunned for a while, she also thought for a while. Feng Zihan's eyes froze, looking at her paper, mustering up her strength, and tried again.

But this time there was no exception and it still failed.

She was so dizzy that she couldn't complete a series of actions that seemed normal to others but difficult to her.

"Humph." Feng Zihan laughed at herself, clenching her teeth tightly.

After a while, she started a new round of attempts.

Seeing his legs getting number and number, Feng Zihan gradually became desperate.

Li Fan was sitting and playing Tetris. Seeing that he was about to break the record again, Li Fan's heart was clenched. He was so nervous that his palms were filled with sweat. This effort was not easy.

He didn't dare to blink now.

However, at this moment, Feng Zihan's inappropriate voice came out again.

"Li Fan, come in."

This sound conveyed many complex emotions such as weakness, helplessness, exhaustion and despair. Feng Zihan was at the end of her rope. She could no longer feel the sensation in her legs.

"Don't worry, wait for me for a while, I'll break the record soon." Li Fan thought to himself that Feng Zihan was really annoying. He didn't shout earlier and later, but he shouted at this time. He was about to break the record and destroy it again.

He even doubted whether Feng Zihan did it on purpose.

This game takes half an hour. How long does it take for the two games?

Li Fan will definitely not be reconciled.

"If you don't come in, just wait for me to collect the body." Feng Zihan's laughter revealed desolation and helplessness.

Li Fan shook his head. This record can only be broken in the future, and he put down his phone helplessly. He walked into the bathroom and planned to help Feng Zihan out.

But what I didn't expect was that she was still sitting on the toilet, as if she hadn't finished using the toilet.

Why did you call me here? Li Fan was very angry. Was he kidding himself?

Feng Zihan lowered her head without saying a word. When she heard the door ringing and footsteps approaching, someone seemed to be standing in front of her, so she handed over the toilet paper in her hand.

Li Fan looked at it for a moment. He didn't know what it was for, but he didn't ask directly.

Finally, Li Fan helped Feng Zihan out of the toilet. Her legs were numb and she was almost dragged along.

"If you mention a word about what happened today to others, I will ruin your tongue, I swear." Feng Zihan said through gritted teeth. Her face was so red that it reached the root of her neck and she couldn't even lift her head. This was so embarrassing. .

If word got out, she would not be able to see anyone for the rest of her life.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else." Li Fan said helplessly.

Feng Zihan lowered her head and said nothing, but she felt very uncomfortable.

This was the first time she had suffered such a big loss, and she was still a mute loser with no one to reason with.

Li Fan didn't hear Feng Zihan's reply and glanced at her secretly.

"What the hell." Feng Zihan immediately glared back at Li Fan, his eyes dark, as if he wanted to eat someone.

"We have to be reasonable. I didn't mean it. I took care of you when you were drunk. If I hadn't taken care of you, you wouldn't know what you would be like now. This is just a misunderstanding. You can't blame it all. Is it on me?" Li Fan quickly explained. When he saw Feng Zihan's look, the wound on his arm ached faintly.

"You still said, shut up, I won't listen to your explanation, that's it." Feng Zihan gritted her teeth and said word by word.

"Okay, okay, I won't dare to meddle in your business next time." Li Fan finally carried Feng Zihan to the bed, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Lie down and rest. The water has been boiled. Drink it when you are thirsty. There is also the hangover soup I made before." After saying that, Li Fan brought the hot water kettle over and the soup pot as well.

This hangover soup was made while he was playing Tetris.

"You're almost sober, so I'll leave first?" Li Fan said, scratching his head and leaving. He was joking, he was afraid that if he did something wrong, he would offend Feng Zihan again.

"I'm still dizzy." Feng Zihan's voice suddenly became gentle at this time. After seeing the hot water and sobering soup, she felt a little moved. After all, she wanted to take care of herself, so how could she blame him?

What's more, this is the first time Feng Zihan has been treated like this.

The feeling of being taken care of.

She was still a little touched in her heart. Seeing Li Fan's speechless look, she couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering.

The smile didn't fade away until she spoke.

"Hey, you just ignore me like this? Please help me until the end." Feng Zihan said with some complicated thoughts. She wanted to retain Li Fan, and she had to thank him for this.

"I want to live for two more years." Li Fan sighed.

"What do you mean?" Feng Zihan became excited and felt dizzy again. Finally, her voice softened: "Don't leave yet. I have to go to the toilet later."

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