Best Son-in-law

Chapter 221 Care

"Oh." After hearing this, Li Fan came back listlessly, with a look of reluctance on his face, sitting on the bench and wanting to continue playing Tetris.

"You go on sleeping."

"What do you mean?" Feng Zihan glared at Li Fan.

"You haven't sobered up yet? You woke up after a nap. This wine has a high alcohol content and strong stamina. Why don't you sleep?" Li Fan thought about putting Feng Zihan to sleep and saving himself trouble.

"Go to sleep, I don't want to sleep anymore. Tell me about what happened when I was drunk. I'm more interested in that." Feng Zihan was afraid that she would say something she shouldn't say or do something she shouldn't do when she was drunk. thing.

"Oh, you were drunk. I sent you home. After you fell asleep, you were like a dead pig. You didn't do anything, but you were talking in your sleep. You said you were a little white rabbit and you thought I was your uncle. , I refused in every possible way, but you wouldn’t be happy if I didn’t agree, so I had to do it reluctantly.”

Li Fan rolled his eyes at Feng Zihan. He was not stupid. He didn't know what to say and what not to say.

The truth of the matter is that there is no truth.

"Li Fan." Feng Zihan angrily slapped the edge of the bed: "You bastard, I knew you were not a good person. You must have bullied me while I was drunk. Just wait, I won't let you go."

With that said, Feng Zihan couldn't bear the dizziness and had to lie down again.

Li Fan shrugged helplessly: "We have recorded so many accounts, and this one is not missing. Anyway, you said that I can't live anymore, so it doesn't matter."

"You." Feng Zihan was furious, but at this time, there was nothing he could do to Li Fan, and his little mouth couldn't help pouting.

After a while, she turned over and went to sleep.

"That's right, how about I call you an auntie who works part-time to take care of you? It's not convenient for me." Li Fan wanted to leave.

"No, I don't trust you as a part-time worker, and I'm afraid it will be inconvenient if I talk in my sleep for a while." Feng Zihan disagreed.

"It's convenient for me, a man, to help you go to the toilet?" Li Fan said with eyes wide open.

"Have you already seen everything you should and shouldn't see?" Feng Zihan said suddenly, which was beyond Li Fan's expectation.

However, this sentence seems to be nothing on the surface. In fact, it is full of sadness and anger.

"I didn't mean it. You don't want me to be responsible, do you?" Li Fan thought about it and thought that he didn't do anything.

"Hmph." Feng Zihan sneered and tightened her grip on the sheets: "That's not necessary. Anyway, just remember it."

Feng Zihan felt angry that Li Fan had taken such a big advantage, but she had no way to deal with him.

After all, she could only admit that she was unlucky.

"Hey, by the way, don't you have any relatives in the county?" Li Fan still wanted to go back and eat the cookies made by Aunt Lianhua.

"No, just my cousin." Feng Zihan said helplessly.

"Oh, I don't have a boyfriend or anything. My colleagues are at work again, and it's not convenient for them to come over." Li Fan thought for a while, and he still had to do this.

"What do you mean? Look down on me?" Feng Zihan frowned, something felt wrong to her.

"You said that if you were gentler, you would definitely find a boyfriend." Li Fan said slowly.

"The soul is weak." Feng Zihan glared.

Just at this moment, Feng Zihan began to feel dizzy again, and her throat was blocked.

Li Fan stopped laughing at her and quickly patted her back and held a trash can for her to vomit.

But he still didn't back down: "You don't know how to drink, so drink less in the future."

Feng Zihan vomited for a while and only spit out a few words of water, which was very uncomfortable.

Li Fan quickly poured a glass of water for her to drink from the hot water bottle, and at the same time heated up the hangover soup.

After working for a while, Feng Zihan drank two large glasses of water and sobering up soup, and finally vomited something out.

"No, I'm going to die, please kill me." Feng Zihan was so uncomfortable that she rolled around on the bed holding her stomach, and kept banging her little feet.

"It'll be fine soon, it's okay." Li Fan comforted.

Feng Zihan rolled around for a while and found some vomit on Li Fan's clothes, but he didn't dislike it at all and was a little touched in his heart.

I thought that apart from his harsh words, this person is still a very good person and he is so good at taking care of others.

Unknowingly, Feng Zihan couldn't help but have a good impression of Li Fan.

He's not a bad guy anyway.

"Hey, I have to go to the bathroom." Facing Li Fan, Feng Zihan didn't feel particularly embarrassed anymore.

"I know." Li Fan responded and came over to help Feng Zihan over.

Feng Zihan drank a lot of hangover soup and ran back and forth to the toilet several times.

I vomited seven or eight times again, but my stomach finally felt better.

She could finally go to the toilet without Li Fan's help.

But she didn't tell Li Fan about this, firstly because she wanted to save herself some trouble, and secondly because she found pleasure in it and the feeling of being taken care of by others.

It was getting late, and the sound of washing came from the bathroom.

The clothes Li Fan wore were stained with a lot of vomit, so he had no choice but to take them off and wash them. Feng Zihan's clothes were also washed at the same time.

Looking at the bright lights in the bathroom, Feng Zihan leaned back against the pillow and secretly smiled, with a touch of happiness on her face.

And looking at the bright lights in the bathroom, she didn't feel very lonely anymore.

In the past, the most she could do was have a meal with her colleagues. When she got home, it was already very late. She was so tired that she could just go to bed and fall asleep.

At that time, Feng Zihan had no one to talk to, so she dragged her tired body to take a shower and wash clothes every time.

Day after day, this life never changes.

until today.

Feng Zihan was lying on the bed and giggled from time to time. She was no longer as uncomfortable as before.

"What are you doing, silly?" Li Fan hung the washed clothes on the rope, went to the kitchen to fry two more dishes, stewed a pot of soup and rice, and then came over to ask Feng Zihan to eat. He watched as soon as they met. The way she giggled, I thought she was crazy.

"The meal is ready. Get up and have a meal. You didn't eat much at noon."

"I found that you are not as bad as I thought. Hug me over." Feng Zihan stretched out and opened his arms to Li Fan, hoping that he would hug her over.

She enjoyed the long-awaited care and was too lazy to do anything.

Li Fan thought Feng Zihan was still drunk, so in desperation, he opened his arms and gave her a princess hug.

"Well, your cooking is pretty good. It's better than the ones in restaurants. You're really good at it." Feng Zihan praised.

She had been hungry for a long time, and the food Li Fan cooked was really delicious.

"That's right, otherwise I wouldn't be able to open a restaurant." Li Fan said proudly. He had worked in the county town for a long time and cooked by himself. He developed this skill slowly.

"It's delicious." Feng Zihan sat on the chair, her feet stepping on the chair because she didn't wear shoes.

"Are you feeling better? If you are feeling better, I should go, otherwise the neighbors will gossip about you." Li Fan wanted to leave, but it was already evening.

"Are you going out wearing this?" Feng Zihan bit her chopsticks and said with a smile, "I don't have any clothes, and it's so late, are you going back?"

"Then what should we do?" Li Fan said.

"Sleep here, I don't care about gossip. Besides, our neighbors are not very familiar with each other, not to mention..." Feng Zihan felt that it was not good to say it like this, so she simply stopped saying it.

But she thought to herself, what could possibly be a misunderstanding? She's not married, so she could just be her boyfriend by mistake.

"What's more?" Li Fan asked.

"It's okay, you can't leave today anyway." Feng Zihan lowered his head and picked up the rice.

Li Fan looked at Feng Zihan, who had put on pink pajamas and had a completely different style from before. He was also a little moved, but he said: "How can that be done? Even if I don't go back to the village, I have to find a hotel to sleep. You can just do it right now." There’s not even enough space for a bed or sofa to sleep on.”

"Isn't such a big bed not enough for you to sleep on? Okay, you're quite a big man, stop inking." Feng Zihan picked up a green bean and stuffed it into Li Fan's bowl.

She originally wanted to thank others, but she had to be taken care of by others for so long. If she had to go all the way back to the village at night, or spend money to stay in a hotel, she would definitely feel regretful.

Feng Zihan just didn't say anything, but she was still very sensible in her heart.

What's more, she knew that Li Fan didn't sleep last night and needed more rest now.

"Besides, what if I get up at night or something." Feng Zihan said, unable to continue, she lowered her head and took several mouthfuls of rice.

The air at this time also became a little weird.

After dinner, it was Li Fan who took care of things, and Li Fan also took Feng Zihan's people back.

She went to the closet to find two pajamas and threw them on the chair.

"Here are my pajamas. You can take a shower and put them on directly after washing."

Li Fan looked at the small and exquisite pajamas, his eyes widened: "Isn't this suitable for me?"

"What's inappropriate? Mine is elastic, so I won't worry about you breaking it. Don't you have nothing to wear?" Feng Zihan said with a smile.

Li Fan felt awkward looking at the pink pajamas, but he still took them to the bathroom.

After taking a shower and putting on clean clothes, Li Fan felt very comfortable, as if all the fatigue in his body had receded.

"You look good in this." Feng Zihan was immediately happy when she saw Li Fan wearing his pajamas.

The pajamas were a lot too small on Li Fan's body, just like an adult wearing children's clothes.

"Laughing butt laughing." Li Fan said angrily.

"Okay, you've finished washing, I'm going to wash." Feng Zihan turned over, found two clean pajamas, took two more pajamas and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Li Fan was lying on the big bed. Although he felt a little uneasy, he had been busy all day and night after all. He was not a man of iron. Fatigue came over him at one point, and Li Fan felt like his eyes were fighting.

Soon, he closed his eyes.

Feng Zihan finished taking a shower, tied up her hair, and came back cautiously.

"Sleep like a pig, go away." Feng Zihan kicked Li Fan in the back and jumped on the bed.

At this time, she looked at Li Fan sleeping deeply, and she couldn't help but have other thoughts in her mind.

So, Feng Zihan smiled, picked up the phone, and faced Li Fan.

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