Best Son-in-law

Chapter 222 Retribution

With just two "click, click" sounds, Feng Zihan took a photo of Li Fan, and then smugly admired the beautiful photos of Li Fan.

"Women's clothing, you have all the control in my hands, let's see if you dare not listen to me in the future." Feng Zihan was very proud, smiling so hard that she could hardly close her mouth from ear to ear.

And the more she looked at the photos, the funnier she became. Li Fan looked so funny.

But Li Fan was so tired that he fell asleep completely, unaware of everything.

Feng Zihan was not very sleepy now because she slept all afternoon. She wanted to do something since she couldn't sleep.

After thinking about it, she saw the sleeping Li Fan, and she couldn't help but have some other thoughts in her mind.

Feng Zihan pursed her red lips, stretched out her white fingers, and placed them on Li Fan's face.

"Forget it, forget it, he's been tired all day and night, so he fell down." Feng Zihan wanted to tease Li Fan, but felt it was not good, so she simply lay on the bed and rolled up the quilt to go to sleep.

But she was a little unwilling, so she got up again, found a paintbrush at home, and painted Li Fan's face into a big painted face.

After Feng Zihan finished painting, he looked at his work carefully and suddenly felt very comfortable.

"Sleep, sleep." It was getting late, Feng Zihan pulled up the bed, then stretched out his hand to turn off the lamp.

"You don't want your feet anymore? Where did you put them?" Feng Zihan kicked Li Fan hard two or three times, thinking that he was angry.

Li Fan was completely unaware of all this.

Li Fan slept quite comfortably that night. He was so tired that he slept until early in the morning.

Feng Zihan was sleeping a little uncomfortable. She drank too much water during the day and got up several times at night. The cold wind blew from time to time at night, freezing her to death.

The whole person almost shrank into a ball, but Li Fan felt very warm.

Feng Zihan thought for a while and simply put her washed hands into Li Fan's clothes. The warm feeling was simply not too pleasant.

If she didn't do anything, she wouldn't stop, so she simply put her feet in...

The early morning sunshine shines in through the large floor-to-ceiling windows of Feng Zihan's house.

Li Fan woke up earlier because he went to bed early. He slept very comfortably this time.

After all, Feng Zihan's bed at home is a soft bed, which is very comfortable.

Stretching out and laughing, Li Fan suddenly felt something was wrong. Why was Feng Zihan's hands in his clothes?

Is this woman playing hooligan at night?

Li Fan's heart tightened, and he quickly pushed her away and sat up.

Feng Zihan also turned over and rolled to the other side.

"This woman." Li Fan shook his head helplessly, got up and went to make breakfast.

Not long after, Feng Zihan also woke up. When she opened her eyes, she was so excited that she got up, picked up her clothes and put them on.

"Are you up? I made breakfast, let's eat together." Li Fan said.

After Feng Zihan got up, she noticed that the painting she drew on Li Fan's face was still there, and it turned into a big painted face, and she felt very funny.

I couldn't help it at the moment and snickered twice.

"Why are you laughing? By the way, do you have a new toothbrush at home? I'm going to wash up." Li Fan looked at Feng Zihan and didn't understand why she was laughing.

"No, no." Feng Zihan said quickly.

"Then let me wash my face." Li Fan thought about it and brushed his teeth when he went back later. He couldn't use Feng Zihan's toothbrush here.

"Let's eat first." Feng Zihan quickly grabbed Li Fan, not wanting him to go.

If this happened, wouldn't last night's work be in vain? She also wanted to see Li Fan's jokes.

"Why?" Li Fan looked at Feng Zihan speechlessly, not understanding what she was thinking.

"I'll go first. I'm going to be late for work." Feng Zihan rolled his eyes. He could delay the time and prevent Li Fan from washing his face. If he didn't wash his face, he wouldn't be able to erase the paintings on his face.

Or simply hide the mirror in the bathroom.

"Well, then I'll change my clothes." Li Fan thought that the clothes he washed yesterday should be almost dry, so he could just change them and leave.

"I'll get it for you." Feng Zihan smiled, quickly ran to the bathroom, took out the clothes, and handed them to Li Fan.

Li Fan just felt a little strange and didn't think much about it. He took the clothes and went to the bedroom to change.

"Hey, you can go back and wash up. I'm in a hurry to go to work right now. Let's go together after dinner, just in time for you to drive your minivan." Feng Zihan rolled his eyes and pretended to be normal.

While talking, she stole a few glances at Li Fan.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Li Fan didn't doubt it, he really wanted to leave.

"Yes, don't you know that time in the morning is very tight? Every inch of time is worth every inch of money, so hurry up and eat." Feng Zihan picked up the hot water on the table and drank it.

"Oh." Li Fan nodded and sat down to have breakfast.

Li Fan made a pot of egg and tomato noodles in the morning, plus the leftovers in the refrigerator yesterday, the two of them ate deliciously.

"Hey, thank you for yesterday." Feng Zihan quickly introduced a different topic in order not to make Li Fan suspicious.

"You still say thank you?" Li Fan smiled.

"Of course, am I the kind of unreasonable person? You did a good job here, it's delicious, and it tastes good." Feng Zihan praised.

"That's right, this is a specially made soup with an exclusive secret recipe. Of course it has a flavor." Li Fan said.

"It's really good, tsk tsk, tsk tsk, I can't tell, your cooking skills are amazing. Alas, I am pressed for time every morning, and sometimes I don't have time to eat, and I get stomach problems." Feng Zihan said.

"Then you won't get up earlier?" Li Fan said while eating.

"I feel sleepy when I get up early." Feng Zihan made an excuse.

"I'm still lazy. If I don't eat breakfast, won't I get stomach problems? Is it okay to buy some on the street?" Li Fan said.

"Hey, you don't know, we are very busy sometimes. I basically buy food outside in the morning. I'm tired of eating buns and pies every day. You are quite good at cooking. Come to our house and give it to me in the future. Are you going to be a cook?" Feng Zihan said with a wink.

Li Fan shook his head and smiled: "It's not impossible for you to move to our village."

"Tch." Feng Zihan rolled her eyes, thinking that Li Fan finally stopped going to the bathroom. As long as he went out, there would be something good to watch.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Li Fan ate quickly and wanted to go to the bathroom as soon as he wiped his mouth.

"Hey, are you still going to the toilet at this time?" Feng Zihan saw that the matter was about to be exposed, and quickly stopped him.

"What's wrong, you won't let me go to the toilet?" Li Fan said.

"I'm done eating, let's go outside." Feng Zihan rolled his eyes and thought of a reason.

"Come on, there's no toilet outside? You're just fooling me. I'll be back as soon as I go. It will be quick." Li Fan said and walked into the toilet.

Feng Zihan bit her chopsticks and stared, feeling cold in her heart.

It's over, after all, I forgot about this. If I had known that she had hidden the mirror just now, she would definitely not be able to see the joke now.

Feng Zihan thought in despair.

"Oh my god, who is this? I'll go." Li Fan suddenly looked in the mirror in the bathroom and was startled. He thought that he didn't look like this either.

Taking a closer look, Li Fan noticed something strange, and his face almost looked like a ghost.

Just like Bao Gong in a drama.

After thinking about it, Li Fan immediately washed his face.

No wonder I had to be asked to come over to wash up. That was what I wanted to do.

After hearing Li Fan's reaction, Feng Zihan was already laughing.

Li Fan washed it several times before it was clean.

"Okay, I asked you why you didn't let me go to the bathroom. It turned out that you were hiding this idea." Li Fan came out with a dark face.

"Hahaha..." Feng Zihan hammered the table and slapped the bench again, almost crying with laughter.

"Why did you wash it? It looks so beautiful. I spent a lot of time giving you a perfect look last night. It's a pity. Look at it, hahaha." Feng Zihan almost laughed.

"Do you need me to give you the whole look, and do you have to put in the effort?" Li Fan saw the black paintbrush on the table next to him, took it directly, opened the cover, and wanted to paint Feng Zihan with one too.

As he spoke, he held Feng Zihan's mouth with one hand and started to draw with the other hand.

When Feng Zihan was at home, she always liked to put her feet on the chair when she was sitting on it. At this time, she couldn't dodge at all.

"Li Fan, you dare. If you dare to draw, I will send out photos of you dressed as women." Feng Zihan threatened through gritted teeth.

"What? Photos of women's clothing?" Li Fan was stunned for a moment and could not recover.

"It's the photo you took wearing my clothes." Feng Zihan's face was pinched by Li Fan, she raised her head and explained with a pouted mouth.

"You are so naive. What do you say when people ask you how you took the photo? I stayed at your house for the whole night and you took the photo while I was sleeping?" Li Fan said speechlessly, this Feng Zihan must be crazy.

"Then I don't care. If you dare to mess with me again, I will die with you. Anyway, I don't have a boyfriend, and my family is still pushing me. I'm barefoot and not afraid of you wearing shoes." Feng Zihan said confidently.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with her words, but at worst it would be a dead end!

If that doesn't work then, just say that Li Fan is your boyfriend, so that others won't be able to find anything wrong with you.

Li Fan stared, suddenly thinking of some people and things in the village, and he finally endured this tone.

"Are you interested? Can you take this thing out and talk nonsense?" Li Fan said, but in his heart he thought that Feng Zihan was really scary.

If it hadn't been for Han Qiaoqiao's incident, he wouldn't have been able to bear this tone.

Just say it, can you still suffer a loss?

Seeing Li Fan let go, Feng Zihan rolled her eyes at him and snorted coldly: "Take it easy in the future. This is a clue. People in your village should want to see what you look like in women's clothes, right? You stole my first kiss that day. You should have thought of today! Am I someone you can afford to offend?"

After Feng Zihan finished speaking, she picked up the paper and wiped her mouth domineeringly, and glanced at Li Fan arrogantly, but she didn't expect that before going out, she hit her head.

The impact made her dizzy, with stars in her eyes.

Li Fan was stunned for a while, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Oh, retribution, retribution."

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