Best Son-in-law

Chapter 224 Arrival

"Fortunately, these two people have now received retribution." Li Fan is still angry now. Originally, Laoshantun could develop well through the channel of Zhouji Restaurant without using this, but it was these two people who hindered it. This has brought Laoshantun to where it is today.

If you want to develop further, you must have great opportunities, efforts and financial investment.

"Anyone who commits unjust acts will be punished by his own death. How did he bring down these two people?" Zhou Xiaoman felt particularly relieved after hearing this and hurriedly asked Li Fan about the specific situation.

"They were also looking for trouble. After they spread rumors and caused trouble to destroy your business, they thought of moving the chemical plant back. If they couldn't wait for a few days, the villagers agreed. In fact, some villagers couldn't stand it at that time. , want to move back to the chemical plant.”

"How could I agree at this point? Of course I firmly opposed it. Because of this, I became a thorn in their side, so they tried every means to get rid of me. Seeing that I had built a fish pond and a vegetable garden, they tried every means. Come and sabotage, poison me, kill all the eels in the fish pond and the vegetables in the vegetable garden, and make it impossible for me to build this restaurant. I let them succeed once before, so I was prepared for the second time. They came in the middle of the night. They were arrested when they came, and now they have been sent to the county police station. This is why my fellow villagers and I went to the county police station yesterday." Li Fan spread his hands and said.

"They are so bad. Evil is rewarded with evil." Zhou Xiaoman felt indignant. After calming down for a while, he looked at Li Fan and praised: "You are really awesome. You stayed on guard until midnight to surround them."

"How can I have time to guard them? After all, I'm not stupid. They came at a chosen time, and they would definitely run away if they knew I was guarding them. It's such a waste of energy and emotion, so I also used a method."

"What can I do?" Zhou Xiaoman became interested and looked straight at Li Fan.

"There are a lot of venomous snakes in the mountains behind the village. I used things to lure them out and caught a lot of them. Then I released them in my vegetable garden and next to the fish pond, and the whole group was defeated." Li Fanmi Said with eyes closed.

"Poisonous snake?" Zhou Xiaoman curled his lips after hearing this. This is too cruel. It is not a trivial matter for this poisonous snake to bite people.

"Yes, if they dare to do bad things, they have to be careful of being bitten by poisonous snakes. These people are bad to the core, how can they not pay a price? And if they don't arrange these poisonous snakes, they are not afraid. If you raise a dog, It can be poisoned to death, and it's hard to control, so don't bite the villagers, so they are like sticky candy, so you have to use ruthless tactics to deal with them," Li Fan said.

When Zhou Xiaoman heard this, he nodded repeatedly: "What you said makes sense. You can't use legitimate means to deal with bad guys. It's not illegal for you to keep venomous snakes to guard your house, so why can't you keep them? What happened next? Did you bite anyone to death?"

"No one was bitten to death, no one was bitten to death. This group of people were bitten, and they were afraid and refused to resist. They asked me to detoxify, and I detoxified them. The leading idiot ran away, but now his The leg was amputated, and he is still in the hospital. Then Wang Youcai came to the door and arrested them all." Li Fan said with a helpless shrug.

"They deserve it. They deserve it." After hearing this, Zhou Xiaoman seemed to let out a breath of bad breath, and felt very happy.

"This group of people don't do good things, but do things that are harmful to nature. What kind of reward can they get?"

"Okay, let's not mention them anymore. Wang Youcai's chemical factory has been investigated. What awaits him then will be legal sanctions, and so will Gao Duzi. He can no longer cause trouble, and we have lost an enemy." At this time. , the water has been boiled, Li Fan poured a glass of water for Zhou Xiaoman to drink.

"Well, but there are people behind them who support them. In fact, these two people can only be regarded as minions. The people standing behind them are really troublesome." Zhou Xiaoman sighed after taking the hot water.

"You mean your best friend's boyfriend?" Li Fan frowned.

"Yes, you think, with Wang Youcai's power, he will definitely not be able to achieve such a big momentum. He must have contacted someone else to add fuel to the flames. This person is Gao Xiang!" Zhou Xiaoman said with certainty, and it was already difficult to calm down in his words.

"High sound?" Li Fan also heard this name that day.

"Yes, you can't underestimate this man. He is the eldest son of the Yannan Gao's Food Group. Their main business is the food industry. They are considered a giant in our Yannan food industry. If they offend them, they will basically be in the food industry. It’s hard to mix.”

"Even without Wang Youcai and the others, according to the development trend of Zhouji Restaurant, sooner or later they will be attacked by Gao Xiang and his family. They want to monopolize the entire large-scale food industry in Yannan. As long as they can become a big food company, they will either If they cooperate, they will either be acquired by them or go bankrupt, do you understand?"

"It's just that I noticed it sooner or later. It's just my former best friend who made Gao Xiang and his family have to see our Zhouji Restaurant in advance. Didn't Yang Li make it clear that day that Gao Xiang had taken action on this matter? , Anyway, I would like to remind you that this restaurant can be opened, but it is better to quietly make a fortune and do it in Laoshantun. Don’t go out. At least don’t go out without accumulating a certain amount of connections and power, otherwise you will be criticized by the Gao family. It will be difficult for the food group to develop by then. In other words, we need to be cautious in expansion." Zhou Xiaoman shook his head helplessly.

"Can they still cover the sky with just one hand?" Li Fan said after taking a sip of tea.

"Absolutely. Their competition methods are very despicable and they use all possible means. As for the things Wang Youcai did with you, they will do it even if they don't have enough money, and they may even do it even more. They have the strength and funds. Ah, what can't you do? You will probably find it difficult by then." Zhou Xiaoman advised.

"Let's talk about the future later. Let's open the restaurant now. I will prepare it in the next few days." Li Fan smiled lightly. It was not that he didn't believe in evil, but he just felt that things would always turn around, and people had the solution. Come up with it.

And he also understands the principle of killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred to oneself. There is a reason why Gao's Food Group targets Zhouji Restaurant. If they really put down their posture to deal with him, they will definitely have to pay a heavy price. Li Fan is not a Someone who can be easily captured.

"Yeah." In fact, Zhou Xiaoman was very unwilling to say this. Why should he be manipulated by others?

If she hadn't seen that Li Fan's entire village was counting on this hotel, she wouldn't have spoken like this.

"Do you have any plans? How can Laoshantun be promoted? I have also thought about it for you during this period. You can rely on the power of the media and find a few magazines or even TV stations to advertise and promote it. Really No, you can also promote through online platforms. You have to come in person, right? But the difficulty is that it is difficult to do business in the surrounding area. They have heard too many rumors about these rumors." Zhou Xiaoman took a sip lightly. He said while taking a sip of tea.

"Sister Xiaoman, you are right. I just want to use the power of the media to promote it. I know a reporter from Global Scenery Magazine, and she has agreed to help me see if I can write an article." Li Fan said.

"Global Scenery is a famous travel magazine. If they use some sections to help promote it, the effect will definitely be good. This is a good idea." Zhou Xiaoman nodded and affirmed.

"She just agreed to come over and write an article. Whether it will be published is another matter." Li Fan scratched his head and said.

"Then we need to make some other preparations." Zhou Xiaoman pursed his lips and thought carefully.

After all, Global View is a large magazine with considerable influence and many reporters, but it is not certain whether it will write articles about Laoshantun.

At this moment, Li Fan's cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

Li Fan took a look and found that it was Li Zhen who was calling. He was really talking about what he was talking about. He suppressed his excitement and pressed the connect button.

"Hey, Li Zhen." Li Fan held back his excitement.

"Hey, Li Fan, are you free today? I want to officially do an exclusive interview with you, Laoshantun. I also brought two of my colleagues with me." Li Zhen said on the phone.

"I'm free, of course I'm free. I'm just waiting for you to come." Li Fan said excitedly. He had been waiting for Li Zhen and the others to come over to see the village and conduct an exclusive interview these days.

"Okay, we've set off now, and we'll arrive in about an hour." Li Zhen said on the phone. She had been to Laoshantun before, and this time she wanted to write a comprehensive article through Li Fan's guidance. Report.

"Okay, okay, I will definitely entertain you well then." Li Fan said happily.

"Haha, okay, let's talk about it when we meet." Li Zhen pursed her lips and smiled. She had a very good impression of Li Fan. After all, he was the person who saved her life. This time she came here to specifically ask for help from her fellow sect brother. Senior sister came to help and wanted to make a very detailed report.

Li Zhen also specifically looked back at his senior brother and found that he had fallen asleep long ago.

At the moment, Li Zhen could only force a smile. After all, he was asking for help, so he couldn't demand too much.

"Okay, let's say goodbye when we meet." Li Fan hung up the phone with a smile, looking excited, and stretched out.

"Gotta get busy."

"What are you busy with? Who called you? Look how happy you are." Zhou Xiaoman asked curiously.

"It's the young reporter from Global Scenery Magazine that I told you about. She came here specifically to do an exclusive interview today. She also asked her senior brothers and sisters to help. I have to entertain people well and let them write something good. Then I will Make good publicity." Li Fan said happily.

"Ouch, you came so quickly." Zhou Xiaoman saw Li Fan's joy and became happy too.

"I said I'll be there in about an hour. It's almost noon. I have to catch a few eels for cooking. When people arrive, can Sister Xiaoman join us for a meal?" Li Fan looked at Zhou Xiaoman and said.

"Oh, I came right this time, I can still have a meal." Zhou Xiaoman deliberately teased.

"Look what you said, even if Sister Xiaoman comes over, I have to make something rich, right? Just make more dishes when there are more people." Li Fan chuckled and was about to go to work.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaoman could only shake his head and said smoothly: "Li Fan, I'll go with you."

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