Best Son-in-law

Chapter 225 Busy work

"Sister Xiaoman, what are you going to do? You are a guest. Just sit and wait for dinner." Li Fan quickly stopped her.

"Do you really think I'm a freeloader? Although I am the owner of Zhouji Restaurant, when the restaurant is busy, I also help with greetings, washing dishes, and weighing pots. What can't I do? Don't treat me You think you are looking down on me like other bosses do. Wait a minute and I will show you my skills, and you will understand how tall Mount Tai is. As the owner of a big restaurant, I haven’t even been around for a while, but others still don’t laugh at me?” Zhou Xiaoman said. He rolled up his sleeves and boasted proudly.

"Oh, then I have to take a closer look." Seeing Zhou Xiaoman talking like this, Li Fan had nothing to say. Since she wanted to help, he might as well ask her to come over and help.

But this is the first time Li Fan has seen a boss like Zhou Xiaoman.

"Don't believe it. If you don't believe it, you can ask Sister Meilu and see what she says. It's not like I didn't cook before at the restaurant last time. Sister Meilu is so good at cooking that she gave me a thumbs up. It's a sample. , wait and see, when the time comes you cook half of the dishes for the table, and I will take care of the remaining half of the table, and you are not allowed to compete with me." Zhou Xiaoman said proudly.

"Okay, let's do it like this, and then let people try to see who cooks better?" Li Fan finally figured it out. This week, Xiaoman made it clear that he wanted to compete with him in cooking skills. At this juncture, of course, he Gotta take on the fight.

"That's what I meant. From now on, you will also be the owner of the restaurant. It will be a matter of time for us to fight. Alas, the kitchen is a woman's home court after all." Zhou Xiaoman said, crossing his arms and casting a provocative look at Li Fan .

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go?" Li Fan said with a smile.

"Let's go." Zhou Xiaoman responded.

After speaking, the two of them each took a vegetable basket and went to Li Fan's vegetable garden to pick some vegetables.

I went to Li Fan's fish pond and caught two baskets of eels.

"No, I have to ask Aunt Lianhua to help bake pancakes. After all, this has to be considered a major feature of Laoshantun." After thinking about it, Li Fan ran to Aunt Lianhua and asked her to help bake two pots of pancakes.

"Li Fan, where are you going?" Zhou Xiaoman asked from behind.

The two of them had just finished catching the eels and were about to compete in the kitchen. At this juncture, Li Fan actually went somewhere else.

"I asked Aunt Lianhua to help bake two pots of pancakes. The pancakes she baked are delicious." Li Fan waved his hand and left.

"Then I'll start first." After Zhou Xiaoman heard about it, he didn't ask any further questions.

"Okay, I'll let you." Li Fan didn't look back.

"Who let whom? It depends on what you said." Zhou Xiaoman rolled his eyes and went into the kitchen to work.

Li Fan soon arrived at Aunt Lianhua's house, and bumped into Aunt Lianhua who had just returned from the fields and was about to cook for her mother-in-law. He quickly said: "Auntie, are you free to bake two pots of cakes at noon? There are guests coming. "

"Fan Zi, where were you last night? My aunt wanted to bake cookies for you. She had baked them all, but she couldn't find you, so she had to share them with other villagers. Didn't you just want to do this? Want a bite?" Aunt Lianhua waved to Li Fan to enter the room.

"Hey, wasn't Wang Youcai and Gao Duzi busy yesterday? Gao Duzi had his leg amputated, and Jing was busy working in the hospital." Li Fan made up a reason.

Aunt Lianhua nodded, smiled, and didn't ask any more questions.

"What guests are coming?" At this time, Aunt Lianhua's mother-in-law came over and asked.

"Grandma, I'm a guest of the magazine. They want to do a report on our village." Li Fan greeted and explained.

"A guest from the magazine? Are you here?" Aunt Lianhua washed her hands, put on an apron, and got ready to work. She wanted to bake pancakes for her mother-in-law at noon today even if Li Fan didn't tell her, not to mention that she now knew that a guest was coming. .

"Well, here we are, Aunt Lianhua. Is this cake of yours also a specialty of our Laoshan Village? It must be brought out. I have already thought about it. From now on, the name of this cake will be called Lotus cake." Li Fan said with a smile.

"Okay, return the lotus cakes, it will make Auntie happy." At this time, Auntie Lianhua was already smiling from ear to ear.

"Lotus cake, okay, okay, from now on we, Lotus, will be considered a celebrity." Aunt Lianhua's mother-in-law also said happily.

"It's all nonsense." Aunt Lianhua said this, but she felt a little embarrassed.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Ren Fanzi is right. We, Lianhua, will definitely be a big celebrity in the future." Aunt Lianhua's mother-in-law smiled broadly.

"Okay, leave it to Auntie. Let's wait and eat the cookies." Auntie Lianhua wiped her hands with her apron.

"Okay, then I'll go back to work first. They'll be here in more than an hour. I have to prepare the order." Li Fan said.

"Okay, Auntie will bake the cake and deliver it to you." Auntie Lianhua said.

"Thank you, aunt. I'll leave first." Li Fan greeted and was about to leave.

"Why are you so polite? Okay, please take your time on the road." Aunt Lianhua said.

In this way, Li Fan left Aunt Lianhua's house and returned to his own home. He immediately heard a noise in the kitchen and immediately opened the door and came in.

"Ouch, Li Fan, you scared me. Let me tell you, this guy from the magazine will definitely take photos of these dishes when he comes here. Tourists can't eat the dishes, they can only look at the photos, so let's not worry about the dishes. How delicious it is and how it looks. This is what a restaurant owner must understand." Zhou Xiaoman said while cutting vegetables.

"It's both beautiful and delicious." Li Fan responded.

"Yes, the appearance must be correct. No matter how good your reporter friend's writing is, no matter how glamorous it is, people can't eat it. They can only look at this photo to satisfy their craving." Zhou Xiaoman said.

"That's right. Sister Xiaoman, let me help you." Li Fan picked up another kitchen knife and started to use it.

"Okay, I don't know how you cook yet." Zhou Xiaoman smiled.

"Okay then."

The intensive and compact sound of cutting knives suddenly sounded in the kitchen.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

Facing the chopping board, after cutting on one side, there was another sound on the other side, either in unison or solo, and from time to time there were two sounds of vigorous tapping.

"If nothing else, you have good knife skills. You are a good cook." Zhou Xiaoman cut for a while, then picked up a piece of tomato and stuffed it into his mouth.

Here, Li Fan struggled to hit the cucumber on the chopping board with the back of his knife several times, cut it horizontally at a very fast speed, took a cucumber and stuffed it into his mouth, and cast a proud look at Zhou Xiaoman.

"It's all said and done, let's see."

"Okay, okay, don't be complacent. Cutting vegetables is only the first step, putting them in the pot." Zhou Xiaoman and Li Fan stir-fry in two pots, changing pots for stew from time to time.

The two of them fight each other according to their own abilities.

They all had a good sense of housekeeping, and in a short while, colorful dishes were brought to the table.

Li Fan really didn't expect that this week, Xiaoman, who usually kept a low profile, was really good at cooking, and his cooking skills were not inferior to him at all.

This really surprised Li Fan.

"Well, that's it." Zhou Xiaoman tasted the soup and immediately smacked his lips. The soup tasted so delicious, so he also served it.

The table has been slowly filled.

While Li Fan was busy, his cell phone rang again. It was Li Zhen calling.

"Hey, Li Fan, we're here, where do you live?" Li Zhen asked on the phone.

"Okay, don't move yet, I'll bring you here." Li Fan quickly wiped his hands with his apron, then untied the apron and handed it to Zhou Xiaoman.

"I have to pick someone up." Li Fan said.

"Okay." Zhou Xiaoman responded.

"Okay, we'll wait for you at the entrance of the village, a white car." Li Zhen said.

"Okay, let's meet in person." Li Fan said, hung up the phone, and immediately ran all the way to the entrance of the village.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, he immediately saw a white car with three people standing in front of the car, two women and one man.

The two women are very beautiful, and their clothes are also very fresh and clean. The man is dressed more casually, and is playing with the camera and yawning.

Li Zhen was naturally among the three.

"Hey, Li Zhen." When Li Fan saw the three people, he immediately ran over and said hello.

Li Zhen and the others turned to look at Li Fan.

Li Zhen was fine, but her senior brothers and sisters showed strange looks in their eyes, although they didn't say anything on the surface.

"Li Fan, this way." Li Zhen waved happily.

"Hey, it came so quickly." Li Fan walked up to him and smiled.

"Not so fast. I was busy with work and forgot to say hello to you in advance." Li Zhen said apologetically.

"What's the matter? Just come. You guys have been a big help." At this time, Li Fan also saw senior brother and sister Li Zhen and wanted to wait to introduce them.

"Oh, by the way, this is my senior sister, Zhu Zitong." Li Zhen introduced.

"Hello." Li Fan stretched out his hand.

Zhu Zitong reluctantly stretched out his hand and shook it gently.

"This is my senior brother, Guan Kai." After Li Zhen introduced his senior sister, he turned to introduce his senior brother.

"Hello." Li Fan also extended his hand respectfully.

Who knew that senior brother Li Zhen ignored him at all, waved his hand and said: "Let's go quickly. You have other work after you finish your work, so don't waste your time."

After saying this, Guan Kai took the camera and left without looking back, without even looking at Li Fan.

The scene was awkward for a while, and Li Zhen looked at Li Fan apologetically.

Li Fan smiled, but he wasn't too angry: "Yes, yes, time is precious. Busy first."

"That's how others are, don't be like them." Senior Sister Li Zhen felt that this was not good and tried to smooth things over.

"No way, this is a time concept, understand, understand." Li Fan smiled, trying to ease the embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, Guan Kai showed no mercy at all and said directly: "Okay, stop flattering me. I hate flatterers the most."

After saying that, Guan Kai cast a look of disgust.

At this point, Li Fan could only smile and said no more.

Li Zhen quickly pulled Li Fan's sleeve.

"Can you hurry up? My time is precious." Guan Kai continued to greet him as if nothing was wrong.

"Okay, it's already noon, are you hungry? I've made some special dishes for you, can you all try them?" Li Fan quickly recovered and was still very enthusiastic. After all, the other party is Senior Brother Li Zhen, so he can't be angry with him. Let Li Zhen do it.

"Okay, what's good to eat in this shabby place like yours? Let's go to a big hotel to eat." Guan Kai continued to say indifferently.

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