Best Son-in-law

Chapter 232 Hunting


At the same time, the giant python also struggled violently and let out a heart-shaking low roar.

The sound was as loud as a tiger's and a lion's. It was very uncomfortable to hear, and one could not help but feel a heavy feeling of being filled in the chest.

However, Li Fan had already stabbed it into its body with a dagger. The more it struggled, the bigger and longer the wound became.

The longer the wound grew, the harder the beast struggled, and for a while, it fell into a vicious cycle.

Li Fan was covered in blood, and an increasingly strong fishy smell filled the air.

This fishy smell is so unpleasant that it makes you want to vomit.

Finally, because Li Fan never let go, the body of the giant python was cut open alive. It slowly couldn't struggle anymore and slowly loosened the restraints wrapped around Guan Kai.

The giant python was eventually killed by Li Fan.

Guan Kai was able to save his life.

"Hoo ho ho." Guan Kai's entire face turned the color of pig liver. He was almost strangled to death just now, but now he was rescued and he exhaled loudly.

After a long time, Guan Kai slowly recovered. At this time, he had no temper at all and was lying on the stone like a piece of wood.

Li Fan also sat down and panted heavily. Killing this giant python really took away a lot of his strength.

Fortunately, the python died and the man was saved.

"Let's go back quickly. There are really ghosts on this earth." Guan Kai calmed down and immediately wanted to go back. He no longer cared about face or not. He had saved his life, so what were he thinking about?

The more Guan Kai thought about it, the more frightened he became. He immediately stood up and was about to run. Who knew that now there were stars in his eyes, double visions of everything he looked at, his legs were too weak to walk, and he fell down again after only two steps.

He fell in front of Li Fan in a daze.

"Senior Brother Guan, did you run the wrong way?" Li Fan gasped and looked at Guan Kai in surprise. He said he wanted to run back, but he ran further and further in.

Guan Kai was so frightened that he couldn't tell north from south in this mountain, so he started running around.

"Huh? Did you run the wrong way? Then take me, okay, take me out of here. I don't want to come here anymore. This place is too scary. As long as you take me away, I will give you a large sum of money. With the money, I can write any report. Really, I will never lie to you." The desire to survive overcame everything. Guan Kai regarded Li Fan as a life-saving straw and held on to his ankles for fear of being killed by Li Fan. Throw it down.

After all, he had felt the breath of death just now. How could he have any courage now?

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to go back." After Li Fan finished resting, he stood up and looked around for a while, and said helplessly.

This forest is very big, and now there is fog again, and some creatures in the grass have begun to move.

Guan Kai and the others couldn't see it, but Li Fan could feel it.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Guan Kai looked at Li Fan in horror.

"Okay, stand up. The soldiers will block you, the water will cover you up, and you won't be allowed to come over. You insist on coming over. Aren't you quite capable? You're walking so fast. I haven't been to this fork in the road a few times. What's this? It's foggy, you take the lead." Li Fan said deliberately.

"Can you please stop joking? This is a matter of life and death. Let's stop making trouble. I have no ability. I'm just a fool, okay? I promise I will never pretend to be a wall again. Please take it back with you quickly. , I kowtow to you." Guan Kai was only thinking about going back, and now he had no other thoughts. He cried and shouted and actually knelt down to kowtow to Li Fan.

Guan Kai understands very well that nothing is important now, but life is the most important. If life is gone, everything will be gone.

"Okay, get up. It's foggy. We can't go back along the original road. Come on, let's go inward from this road." Li Fan reluctantly pulled Guan Kai up and pointed ahead.

"What? If you can't go back the way you came, why are you still going in?" Guan Kai's eyes widened, thinking he heard wrongly.

I didn't walk long before I encountered such a big python. If I walked further in, there was no telling what would happen. How could I be willing to do that?

"Yeah, let's go back quickly. Isn't there nothing interesting to see in this mountain? It's too dangerous." Li Zhen picked up the camera. Fortunately, the camera was not broken. She looked at Li Fan with a puzzled face and said .

Not only her, but Zhou Xiaoman and Zhu Zitong also nodded. They didn't want to stay in such a dangerous place anymore.

"No, it's already foggy on this mountain. If you go in, you might be able to find a fork in the road to go back. Going back is a dead end." Li Fan stabbed the python's huge body with a dagger and dug out the snake's gall from inside. .

This snake gallbladder is a big treasure. It is very beneficial to eat it mixed with some auxiliary medicines. Moreover, if such a big snake gallbladder is sold, it can be sold for a lot of money.

This snake gall is also a necessity for many valuable Chinese medicines.

In addition to digging out the snake gallbladder, Li Fan also dug out some other internal organs with a dagger, collected them all, put them in a plastic bag, and threw them into his backpack.

Li Fan got a lot of benefits from this giant python.

While cutting with the dagger, a purple-red, round thing suddenly rolled out of the snake's body.

This thing was as round as a pill, and it immediately caught Li Fan's attention after it rolled out.

Li Fan gently picked it up with his hands, and immediately felt that it was heavy and there was some warmth on it.

"What is this?" This was the first time Li Fan saw such a strange thing, so he picked it up and observed it carefully.

After looking at it again and again, he still didn't see what it was, so he simply put it in a plastic bag, thinking that he would take it home and study it after he went down the mountain.

"Why is it a dead end if we go back? It's just a little foggy, so we can't even see the road, right?" Guan Kai wanted to go back.

"If you don't believe it, just go back the way you came. If you can go back, I think you are capable." After Li Fan collected the things collected from the snake's body, he stood up.

He glanced at the giant python and thought that the snake skin and tendons were also good things, so he might as well take them back.

Thinking of this, Li Fan waved the dagger in his hand again.

"What a barbaric man." Guan Kai watched helplessly as Li Fan skinned and cramped the snake. He couldn't stand it anymore and quickly turned his head to the other side, cursing in his mind.

"Li Fan, what do you say? Why can't we go back the same way? Shouldn't we just go back where we came from?" Zhou Xiaoman couldn't help but speak out. In such an environment, she felt the same in her heart I was extremely resistant and wanted to find an opportunity to go back.

"It's different here. When it wasn't foggy just now, you could still go back the same way. Now that it's foggy, it's easy to get sidetracked, and there will be some poisonous things growing in the grass where you go back. It's very dangerous."

"And the old man in the village said before that you should not walk on the road behind this stone monument. You should go back before the fog starts. If the fog starts, don't go back the same way. Otherwise, you will see things you shouldn't see and die. It's not a place to die." Li Fan said helplessly.

No villager in Laoshantun dared to go against what the elders in the village said, because some people really died in the back mountains, even if they went into the fog and never came back.

After that, the villagers went to look for it and found only a pile of bones, which was very scary.

Li Fan has never tried to return the same way in this situation. There is no need for him to take risks.

Moreover, the safety of Zhou Xiaoman, Li Zhen and others must be taken into consideration.

After hearing Li Fan's words, Zhou Xiaoman and others suddenly took a breath of air.

They all saw that Li Fan was not joking.

"What can we do?" Li Zhen was not very courageous. At this time, his nose was sore and tears almost burst out.

"Don't panic. It's not necessarily a dead end if you go forward. Just keep walking. I've walked so many times in the back mountains, and this is the first time I've seen such a giant python. I can only say that we are lucky. The road ahead will be better. It may not be so dangerous, please be careful and if you keep me from running away, you will hopefully be able to go out again. You guys have to believe in me." Li Fan encouraged Zhou Xiaoman and others behind him.

"Li Fan, we believe you." Zhou Xiaoman looked at Li Fan with trusting eyes, very firm.

"Okay, let's go, don't run around. It's okay to save him once, but I might not be able to do anything the second time." Li Fan said this to Guan Kai.

"Okay, okay, I won't run around anymore. I'll just follow you and won't go anywhere." At this moment, Guan Kai was so honest that he no longer dared to act recklessly.

Li Fan put the cut snake skin and tendons into a plastic bag and put them into his bag. After doing this, he reluctantly left.

The meat on this giant python must have weighed several hundred kilograms. Unfortunately, it is obviously impossible to take it away in this condition.

I can only pick up the most valuable thing on the python and take it back.

After packing his things, Li Fan didn't hesitate and walked forward along the dirt road in the mountain with his dagger.

Li Zhen, Zhou Xiaoman, and Zhu Zitong quickly followed behind, and Guan Kai followed step by step.

"Do you know why this place is so weird?" Li Fan walked in front and suddenly asked Li Zhen this question.

"Why? The woods here are dense? There are many wild animals?" Li Zhen didn't know why.

"I'm afraid there is a kind of vegetation here that disturbs people's minds. It is easy for people to lose their way and take a wrong path. Coupled with the influence of heavy fog, it is very likely to cause fog. This is why we cannot return the same way." Li Fan According to the analysis, he had been here several times before, but every time he came he felt dizzy, so he came up with this theory.

"Cover your noses and try not to smell the smell around you." Li Fan said, taking the lead in picking up his coat to cover his nose.

After Guan Kai heard this, he immediately covered his nose with his clothes.

Zhou Xiaoman and others also listened.

Now it can be said to be a life-or-death situation, and they are all so nervous that they dare not be disobedient.

There is also some fog on the road ahead, but the fog is much lighter than the way back, and you can still vaguely see the road ahead.

"What's going on? Why did I see a red mist? What is that?" Guan Kai's eyes widened, wondering if he had just left the wolf's den this time and was heading to the tiger's den again?

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