Best Son-in-law

Chapter 233 Legend

After Guan Kai said this, Zhou Xiaoman and Li Zhen Zhu Zitong also happened to see this scene. Their faces were horrified and at the same time they were deeply afraid.

They have just come out of danger, and now they have undoubtedly become frightened birds, fearing that there will be any changes in the road ahead.

"It's really red mist, what should I do?" Li Zhen said anxiously.

"It's okay. This red mist is affected by pollen in the mountains. It's not harmful to us. Compared with this red mist, we still have to pay more attention to some poisons under our feet." Li Fan suddenly stopped as he spoke. He stopped his steps, moved his hand, pinched the seven-inch part of a green snake under his feet, and held it directly.

At the same time, Li Fan waved his dagger and completely killed the poisonous snake.

Similarly, Li Fan put the poisonous snake in a plastic bag and put it in the plastic bag.

"Don't make a fuss, by then everything will be a problem." Li Fan waved his hand and said.

"Okay." Li Zhen followed and nodded repeatedly.

"Pay attention to the soles of your feet and walk slowly. There may be a nest of scorpions and centipedes under your feet. If they crawl on you, you will be in trouble. There are no herbs to pick here, and I can't save you even if I want to. Li Fan reminded.

After Guan Kai and the others heard this, they hurriedly walked with their heads down, for fear that some small poisonous insects would crawl on them.

Along the way, everyone was cautious, especially Guan Kai, for fear of accidentally encountering the giant python just now.

As we walked along the mountain road, the fog was getting smaller and smaller, but the forest was getting denser, and there were insects and frogs chirping around us from time to time.

"Well, didn't you dare to climb any mountain just now? This road leads to Wudu Peak, why don't you climb up and have a look?" Li Fan pointed to a side road going up the mountain and said to Guan Kai behind him.

How dare Guan Kai have any courage at this time? He stood at the intersection and looked towards the end of the road. He immediately stepped back several steps and waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, I don't dare. I won't go. I don't dare to climb." .”

"There's nothing up here. There are just some snakes, scorpions, centipedes, poisonous toads and so on. What are you afraid of?" When he reached the Five Poison Peaks, Li Fan's expression relaxed a lot. I was joking about this tube of Kai.

When Guan Kai heard this, his eyes widened and he waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, I don't dare, I don't have the courage."

"Hey, Li Fan, you know this mountain peak, does that mean we have walked out?" Zhou Xiaoman was smart and understood immediately.

"Absolutely. I know the way back from the Five Poison Peaks." Li Fan smiled and nodded. The road just now was really stressful and almost went astray. It was really dangerous. , fortunately it’s back around now.

"Really." Several people suddenly looked surprised after hearing this.

"But you can't be careless. Although I know the way back, I can't guarantee that something unexpected will happen. You have to be careful." Li Fan said to the people behind him.

"Okay." Li Zhen and the others nodded in agreement.

So, Li Fan led everyone along the downward path.

"It's so beautiful here." Li Zhen looked at the Five Poison Peaks that were slowly disappearing.

It was already getting dusk, and against the backdrop of the setting sun, the mountainside seemed to be lined with a golden edge, dazzling and dazzling.

"Yes, this mountain trail is very artistic." Zhou Xiaoman looked at the scenery beside Wudu Mountain and felt a little lost for a moment.

The mountains in the distance are shrouded in clouds and mist, but the green pines are still there, which is particularly beautiful.

"Brother Guan Kai, it's so beautiful here. Let's take some photos." Li Zhen handed the camera to Guan Kai, asking him to help take some photos.

"What time has it been? Grandma, do you still have the time to enjoy the scenery? Let's go back first, okay?" Guan Kai's whole face turned into a bitter look. At this time, he had no thoughts at all. , I just wanted to go back early to avoid any accidents happening soon.

Now he walks cautiously and fearfully, and doesn't want to stay here for too long.

"Oh, didn't Li Fan already say that he knows the way here? He can definitely bring us back." Li Zhen said softly. She didn't expect that Guan Kai was so afraid that he came out and was scared to death.

"Didn't you say you have to be careful?" Guan Kai looked at Li Fan. He now believed Li Fan's words.

"You can take some photos here, it's very beautiful." Li Fan said while looking at the scenery in the mountains.

"Is there no danger?" Guan Kai wanted to confirm again.

"Then who dares to guarantee you? If you don't guarantee it, accidents may happen, but you don't have to be so afraid. Didn't I tell you everything? This is the first time I have seen that giant python on the mountain in my life." Li Fan said speechlessly.

"Oh." After Guan Kai heard this, he felt a little relieved, took the camera, and continued to take pictures in the mountains.

He also slowly recovered his breathing and adjusted his mood.

But he was no longer in the mood to show off. He had completely humiliated himself in front of the giant python.

I feel particularly embarrassed when I think about it.

Now Guan Kai was following behind to take pictures, not daring to say a word, let alone have any other thoughts.

"Why is this place called Five Poison Peaks? Are they really full of snakes, centipedes, and the like?" Li Zhen took out her little notebook again. She loved listening to stories, and she recognized Li Fan. This mountain must have a story, so I wanted him to tell it to me.

"I don't know about this. I have never been to Wudu Peak. However, the old people in the village have repeatedly warned that whoever goes to Wudu Peak will die. They are not allowed to go up. My grandfather also said this before he died. No one dares to go there. As for the story, there is a legend here."

"It is said that there is a snake god on the Five Poison Peak. In ancient times, it was a disaster for all people in the world. Later, this snake god made an agreement with a tribe. Every year, he would bless a pair of boys and girls. This tribe has had good weather all year.”

"So in order to enshrine boys and girls to the snake god, this tribe did not want their descendants to suffer, so they launched an offensive against other tribes, specifically plundering pregnant women and young children to use as offerings to the snake god."

"I don't know how long these days lasted. This tribe is prosperous, but several surrounding tribes and clans are declining day by day. Some tribes have even died out because they have no successors."

"At this time, people from other tribes were not willing to be cannibalized in this way, so they made an appointment to resist together and overthrow the tribe of the Envelope Snake God. Several tribes joined together and indeed had the strength to compete with the tribe of the Envelope Snake God. , but at this moment, the accident happened."

"What accident?" Li Zhen listened very seriously and wanted to ask about the story behind.

"Because several tribes believed in different gods, several people had conflicts. Later, some became traitors because they were too popular. As a result, these tribal alliances were defeated, and they no longer have the ability to resist..."

"From then on, the people of those tribes became affiliated with the tribe that believed in the snake god, and the Five Poison Mountains naturally became the sacred mountain of the tribes."

"What's next? Is it gone?" Li Zhen's eyes widened, thinking that there would be a twist in the story.

"The snake god who came later was also defeated, but he was still on the Five Poison Mountains. The elders in the village did not tell the specific details. But they said that in ancient times, a prince came to the Five Poison Mountains with his army. They didn't believe it. The legend in this place is that he threatened to flatten the Five Poison Mountains, so he sent people to attack them."

"The result is also obvious. None of this group of people came down. The screams on the mountain lasted for three days and three nights. It is said that blood was constantly flowing down from Wudu Mountain at that time, and even the moon that day turned red!" Li Fan shook his head and chuckled.

"Is there really a snake god on Wudu Mountain? If we don't leave quickly, what are we still doing? Are we looking for death?" Guan Kai panicked after hearing this. He was afraid that a big hand would suddenly poke out from the mountain, and then Caught him and tortured him for three days and three nights.

"If you don't go up the mountain and just walk down the mountain, nothing will happen." Li Fan said helplessly.

"Senior Brother Guan Kai, didn't you just say that these are just legends? Why do you still believe it so much?" Li Zhen felt very funny when he saw Guan Kai's panic, and deliberately said a few words to irritate him.

"I would rather believe that it exists than that it doesn't exist. Can what the old man in this village said be false? I think it is true. There really is a snake god on this mountain. Otherwise, how could such a big python appear just now? Oh my god, I have never seen such a big python on TV. It must have become a spirit, it must have been cultivated for hundreds of years, and its scream is like a dragon's roar."

Guan Kai trembled as he spoke.

"Anyway, I advise you to leave quickly. Others passed by this mountain because they didn't kill the python. We killed a python and passed here. Such a big python may be a descendant of the snake god on the mountain. She came back to her senses to cause trouble for us."

Although Kai's association power is quite rich, it is not completely unreasonable.

There are obviously a lot more snakes in the area around Wudu Mountain, which is true.

Moreover, such a big python may not have really come down from Wudu Mountain.

Its roar is also extremely strange, a bit like the roar of a liger, but with some other meanings. Listening to it will make people feel very sick, and at the same time, it will tremble from the depths of the soul.

After listening to Guan Kai's words, Zhu Zitong and Li Zhen looked at each other. They were not very courageous, but what Guan Kai said seemed to be true, which made them panic.

This giant python might really be related to the snake god on Wudu Mountain.

If someone kills their children, will it not be angry?

"Li Fan, why don't we leave quickly? We really shouldn't stay in this place for too long." Li Zhen was startled and quickly pulled Li Fan.

"Don't think too much. The legendary snake god is very cruel. If it was good, it would have come down long ago to ask people to worship boys and girls. Is it hiding in Wudu Mountain? No one knows what the things on this mountain are. What, so don’t panic." Li Fan said calmly.

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