Best Son-in-law

Chapter 531 Famous

In the end, when Li Fan left, everyone in the chicken factory was lying on the ground, either holding their stomachs or legs, howling miserably, or crying. No one could stand up.

The only one who could barely stand up was Director Zhen, but at this time he saw that Li Fan's legs were weak and he did not dare to stand at all.

He was so frightened. How could there be someone so capable of beating? He can fight better than those shown on TV.

Li Fan performed some moves that Director Zhen had never thought of, which opened his horizons.

At this time, Director Zhen looked like he had seen a ghost, and his mouth was trembling with fear.

"Director Zhen, aren't you going to beat us? Stand up and continue. I'm not hot yet. What's wrong? I don't dare anymore?" Li Fan looked at Director Zhen with a smile on his face.

What he said was right. None of the people in Director Zhen's factory were particularly good at fighting. They were indeed not even appetizers in front of Li Fan.

This group of people is not as good at fighting as Zhang Ming's group, so they can only talk about it.

"You, you, me, me." Director Zhen didn't know what to say. He was completely frightened by Li Fan.

"What are you and me and me? Director Zhen, weren't you very good at speaking just now? Keep talking? Why did you stutter? I remember you didn't stutter just now. Didn't you want to beat us to death just now? And you, you are considered men, get up and fight me. What are you doing lying on the ground? This is not possible? Where are you?" Li Fan found it interesting and couldn't help but kick a tall man lying on the ground. Feet, this tall guy didn't reply a word, even closed his eyes, making it clear that he wanted to pretend to be dead.

Not only him, but many people made no sound at this time. Anyone who could hold back the pain closed their eyes and pretended to faint.

They were afraid of being beaten again. Li Fan just now was so terrifying. He was like a fierce god. He suddenly opened his eyes and rushed into their crowd, like a tiger rushing into a herd of sheep. No one could resist his half-moves. It was immediately washed away.

Factory Director Zhen watched clearly from the side, and he finally understood what the gods were and what the mob was.

A group of people can't stop Li Fan alone.

At this time, Director Zhen was about to cry. He was like a felt fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered. The key was that he didn't know when the knife on his head would fall.

"Brother, please spare us, it was my fault." Director Zhen finally gave in, bowed his head and cried to Li Fan.

"Don't bother me. Director Zhen, what you said made me panic. When you said you were going to beat me to death, I was so scared that I almost peed my pants. How can I make you apologize? I have to apologize to you, right? That's how it should be." Li Fan then smiled and said that he was so scared that he wet his pants. In fact, Director Zhen was so scared that he wet his pants.

Talking to Li Fan now, he seemed to be incontinent. He couldn't control it at all, and tears were flowing out at this moment.

This is the first time Director Zhen has seen someone so ruthless as Li Fan.

"No, no, no, I was wrong. I apologize to you. Please, please let me go." Director Zhen no longer had the arrogance he had before. He knelt down in front of Li Fan with great effort. He kowtowed to Li Fan and begged for mercy, fearing that Li Fan would attack him again.

"Oh, look, Director Zhen, you are also a decent person, how can you kowtow to a rough guy like me? You even peed your pants, oh my, didn't you say you wanted to beat me up and post it on Moments? You see, Director Zhen’s actions now should be recorded and sent to Moments." Li Fan narrowed his eyes, pointed at a person in his factory and said.

"Here, let's record a video of Director Zhen and make him famous." Li Fan has no intention of letting Director Zhen go. He just wants to scare the monkeys. Otherwise, if he comes to the ground in Nanxiang Town in the future, there may not be many people coming. If they are looking for trouble, Li Fan will beat them until they are convinced.

It is difficult for people from Beizhuang Town to stand up in Nanxiang Town. There are too many prejudices. At this time, Li Fan also guessed that there is no factory in Nanxiang Town that can really cooperate with him, because they just It was all staged when it came. If the two sides are not on an equal footing, how can they achieve equal cooperation?

So Li Fan had no hope. He wanted to come to Nanxiang Town first to establish his authority and show his hard-core style as a Beizhuang Town person, and then do business in Nanxiang Town.

If you are dissatisfied, you can come. Li Fan is not afraid of offending people.

He has offended many people too.

"Isn't this bad?" The person Li Fan pointed at was a round-faced man. He didn't dare to take photos of Director Zhen, but he also didn't dare to disobey Li Fan. He couldn't help but fell into a dilemma. At this time, he He glanced at Director Zhen and then at Li Fan, not knowing what to do.

The round-faced man said and looked towards Director Zhen. How could Director Zhen dare to look anywhere else at this time? He was so scared that he peed his pants. He didn't dare to move in front of Li Fan. He was so scared. My whole body was shaking.

When he didn't get a response from Director Zhen, the round-faced man couldn't help but shift his mood.

"You won't record it?" Li Fanyi frowned: "Are you afraid of him but not me?"

"Record record record." The round-faced man immediately took out his mobile phone, turned on the video recording function, videotaped Director Zhen, took several photos, and handed them to Li Fan.

"Do you think this is true?" The round-faced man trembled cautiously, fearing that if the plague god in front of him was unhappy, then he would suffer.

"Well, post it to your Moments and see how many people like it." Li Fan said with squinted eyes and returned the phone to the round-faced man.

"Okay." At this time, the round-faced man gritted his teeth and posted the video and photos to his circle of friends. A lot of people were added to his circle of friends, all from Nanxiang Town. At this time, Director Zhen was Nanxiang Town became famous.

Others find it fun and pass it on to others.

The reputation of Director Zhen is getting bigger and bigger.

"Okay, I sent it." In order to prove himself, the round-faced man quickly showed his phone to Li Fan.

Li Fan picked up his phone and took a look. At this moment, someone had commented on it, and someone else had retweeted it.

Some reviews say so.

"Is this your factory director? What happened? Kneel down and kowtow to others? Have you done too many bad things?"

"Why did you wet your pants? What are you doing? Worship God?"

"Isn't this Director Zhen of the chicken factory? Aren't you usually very arrogant? Why have you become such a bear?"

"Hahaha, I'm almost laughing to death. Who did this? No, I can't be the only one laughing. I forwarded it."

"What's wrong, Lao Chen, you quit?"

Comments came up immediately. Li Fan smiled slightly after seeing it and returned the phone to the round-faced man.

"Don't delete it. I'll come back to you if you delete it. Okay, don't kneel down. It looks terrible." Li Fan waved his hand, and he became more playful for a while. After playing, he I still have to go back and do business.

"Let's go, Zhu Zhu." Li Fan shouted, and Zhu Zhu quickly followed and got into the car.

"Godfather, you were so handsome just now." Zhu Zhu said excitedly. He had been bullied for so many years, and now he was bullied and discriminated against when he went out. Zhu Zhu was holding a big breath in his heart, and now he let it out. Now, how could he not be excited?

"Zhuzi, sometimes you can solve problems without fists, so don't solve problems with fists. There is no other way. The people we come into contact with are like this. They look down on people and they won't give you a chance to talk on the same table. That’s why I came up with this strategy, Zhuzi, you have to remember that this is not a good solution and you can’t use it with everyone in the future.”

Li Fan said and paused: "But if someone bullies us, we can't just let others bully us. We have to fight back and let people know that we are not easy to bully."

"I know, godfather." At this time, Zhu Zhu seemed to have regarded Li Fan as his idol. In Zhu Zhu's little heart, Li Fan's figure expanded infinitely. He dreamed of becoming the same person as Li Fan. , an upright man.

"Well, as long as you know, I don't think we can cooperate smoothly in Nanxiang Town. Let's go back to the village to think of other ways to see if there are other ways to introduce this new breed of chickens and ducks." Li Fan was a little helpless. said.

As he said that, he started the pickup truck, which went straight to Laoshantun. It was already getting late, and Li Fan didn't want to stay in Nanxiang Town anymore. The two factories he went to didn't want to see him. , most of the factories he goes to next will not treat him well.

This cooperation still seems to be unworkable.

Because Li Fan simply cannot establish an equal relationship with these factories in Nanxiang Town. They are condescending and want to directly pursue the development of Hongdan County. How can you talk to them?

No way to talk.

"Dad, why do you have to engage in breeding? Isn't our village's tourism industry doing very well? Can't we just continue to make a lot of money from now on? Don't you also engage in the health care products industry? You have so many things to do Well? Isn’t it enough if an industry develops? Our village can become a wealthy village, and godfather you can become a big boss. You see this is what happened in Qingquan Village next door. Just set up an orchard, and now it has become the richest village in Beizhuang Town. They are one of the villages, and they started from the same starting line as us." Zhuzi asked puzzledly, he still knew some about the situation in Laoshan Village.

"Zhuzi, you don't understand now. Alas, some things are not as simple as you think. You will learn a sentence in the future. This sentence is to ask the canal how clear it is, so that there is a source of running water. If the development of our village If you want to maintain vitality, you can't always think about this kind of stability. You have to be active, boldly innovate, boldly introduce boldly, and boldly pursue projects that others dare not pursue. Only in this way can our village achieve great progress and development. If If you are satisfied with making health care products and building a tourism industry, then if you rely on these two things in the future, you will only be able to make money for a few years at most. In the end, it will become a pool of stagnant water. Moreover, the tourism industry is developing well now, but in a few years We still don’t know what the market will be like next year, and we absolutely cannot be content with the status quo.”

"Every year has its own trend, and I heard that there have been financial crises abroad. If there is a financial crisis in our village, what will happen? This person must have a sense of urgency and know how to be prepared for danger in times of peace. This You have to understand." When Li Fan came, he taught Zhu Zhu a lot of knowledge, and this knowledge really benefited Zhu Zhu a lot.

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