Best Son-in-law

Chapter 530 Attack in groups

"Feed, we will provide you with the highest quality feed so that you can get actual benefits." Li Fan threw out his chips.

But Factory Director Zhen didn't like what Li Fan said about the feed at all, and immediately waved his hand: "Gungungun, I don't have to cooperate with you, and you don't deserve to cooperate with me. You also have high-quality feed. How can you have it in Beizhuang Town?" High-quality feed? You don’t have good stuff in Beizhuang Town, and I don’t need high-quality feed, so get lost.”

Director Zhen was rude and his words were extremely unpleasant.

He has a deep prejudice against Beizhuang Town.

In fact, not only him, but almost all the people in Nanxiang Town have great prejudice against Beizhuang Town.

Twenty years ago, Nanxiang Town and Beizhuang Town were the same, on the same starting line.

But in the past twenty years, the county has focused on developing the breeding industry in Nanxiang Town. Nanxiang Town has followed the east wind of the county. Naturally, it looks down on the development of Beizhuang Town, feeling that Beizhuang Town is too backward.

They now want to be on par with the county and regard themselves as people from the county. How could they look at a primitive rural poor place like Shangbeizhuang Town?

And a large number of people think that everything in Beizhuang Town is bad, and if everything is bad, there is no good place.

What good things can come out of a bad place.

Almost all the people in Nanxiang Town have this idea.

When you get rich and develop well, what you think about is not how to pull your poor neighbor off, but how you look down on your poor neighbor, and even feel that it is embarrassing to be in the same place with this poor neighbor.

"Why are you talking like that? Who are you asking to get out? We are sincerely here to talk about cooperation. If you don't want to cooperate, forget it. Why are you telling us to get out? Why are you scolding us? Business cannot be done without benevolence and righteousness. This makes no sense. I don’t understand, and I don’t know how you opened a factory.” At this time, Zhuzi couldn’t help but angrily yelled at Director Zhen.

"You little bastard, what the hell are you farting at? I told you to get lost. You don't understand human language, do you? Poor country bumpkins, you still want to take advantage of our family. Go ahead and dream about your spring and autumn dreams. What are you talking about? Have you become a human being? Do you understand that they are all dogs? Your Beizhuang Town is the watchdog of our Nanxiang Town in the north. If I am happy, I will give you some bones to eat. If I am not happy, you are nothing, and you still have the face to me. This is really ridiculous." Factory Director Zhen has a sense of arrogance in his bones. He just can't stand the people in Beizhuang Town, and he is now unabashedly humiliated.

"Why are you humiliating people?" Zhu Zhu gritted his teeth and rushed forward to push Director Zhen if he was not convinced.

"What? Little bastard, are you looking for a beating?" Director Zhen had long disliked Li Fan and Zhu Zhu. When he saw Zhu Zhu rushing up, he raised his collar and grabbed Zhu Zhu, and with this fist he was about to Smash it down.

He doesn't care whether Zhu Zhu is a child or not, he just wants to give Zhu Zhu and Li Fan some color and let them know that he is an inferior person.

It's a dog tied up in the north of Nanxiang Town.

But Li Fan stood in front of the pillar and blocked the punch.

Hearing Director Zhen speak like this, Li Fan couldn't possibly feel nothing. What Director Zhen said was so unpleasant. It not only insulted him, but also insulted his beloved hometown, and even beat him in front of him. godson.

How could Li Fan endure this tone? There was no need for him to hold back this tone.

Therefore, after Li Fan took Director Zhen's fist, he punched him directly in the eye.

In an instant, Director Zhen gave him panda eyes.

"You, you dare to hit me, damn, a dog turned against you, is there anyone else? Come on, break his legs, smash his car, and catch this little bastard too. Stop, I will teach him a lesson myself." Director Zhen was so angry that he thought he had been greatly insulted. He gritted his teeth with hatred and wanted to cut Li Fan alive.

Someone he looked down on beat him. How could he endure the humiliation? So all Director Zhen could think about was beating Li Fan to death.

In fact, Director Zhen's shouting did call out the people in his factory, and they all came to do what he did.

The factory director was beaten, so he couldn't ignore it. They still relied on Director Zhen for their livelihood.

And these people also look down upon the people of Beizhuang Town.

As soon as they heard that people from Beizhuang Town were coming to destroy the factory in Nanxiang Town, they immediately refused and the crowd became excited.

You are a dog-like person from the poor town of Beizhuang. Why are you worthy of beating our people?

With this idea in mind, all the staff in the factory came out with the same thing, just to teach Li Fan, a country bumpkin, a lesson, let him know that the sky is high and the sky is high, and these people really want to smash the car Li Fan bought. , for no other reason than to look down on Li Fan.

Li Fan has a car, and they feel unbalanced.

Why can a country bumpkin from Beizhuang Town buy a car? None of the noble people in Nanxiang Town bought a car.

People in Beizhuang Town and Nanxiang Town have a natural sense of superiority. This sense of superiority has also been formed in the past twenty years.

There was no unified starting line before, but with the recent rapid development of Nanxiang Town, the target is the development of Hongdan County, so they look down on other towns, let alone Beizhuang Town.

The sky is big and the earth is big, but I am the only one who is supreme.

And what they particularly looked down on was Beizhuang Town, because Beizhuang Town was so poor that it was still next to them. Some people in Nanxiang Town looked at Beizhuang Town and really agreed to what Director Zhen said. Watchdog makes no difference.

This watchdog bit someone, how could they agree?

So everyone went up to let Li Fan know that the sky is high and the sky is high, and make Li Fan regret what he had done.

Zhuzi saw this scene and saw so many people surrounding him. He was a little scared, but he didn't retreat. He stood next to Li Fan with trembling legs.

"Godfather." Zhu Zhu glanced at Li Fan.

Li Fan just squinted his eyes slightly and smiled: "It's okay, I'm here. You hide behind me and watch me deal with them."

After hearing what Li Fan said, Zhuzi immediately felt confident and hid behind Li Fan.

Because Zhu Zhu believed in Li Fan, he had seen Li Fan's skills, and these people couldn't deal with Li Fan.

"What's wrong? Are you scared, kid? It's too late. If you're a dog, you dare to bite people." Director Zhen gritted his teeth with hatred. He wanted to tear Li Fan alive.

This was too humiliating for Director Zhen. He was also the director of the chicken factory in Nanxiang Town, and he was beaten by people from Beizhuang Town. This was too humiliating.

Director Zhen couldn't bear the humiliation, and he would definitely come back with revenge.

At this time, a group of people gathered around with things to do. Director Zhen was extremely excited. He seemed to have seen Li Fan and Zhu Zhu being beaten until they were kneeling on the ground crying for their father and mother.

It was fun to think about it, but what surprised Factory Manager Zhen was that Li Fan had no intention of running away. He originally thought that Li Fan would be frightened and just drive away, but he didn't expect that Li Fan wouldn't run at all.

Is it possible that he wants to fight so many people? He was still using his bare hands. He was a working man, and they all had sticks and other things. Wasn't this man afraid?

Director Zhen was surprised for a moment, but soon gave up the idea. He thought that Li Fan was probably so frightened that his legs were weak and he couldn't run, right?

"You deserve it. Just wait for death. You can't run anymore. I'll see how you cry later." Factory Director Zhen suddenly felt as if he had succeeded. He gritted his teeth and secretly smiled.

"What's wrong, boy, do you dare to hit our factory director? Do you know where this is? This is Nanxiang Town, not your Beizhuang Town dirtbag. It's not your turn for the dogs from Beizhuang Town to come and run wild." A group of people gathered around. When I came up, I was so confident that I just opened my mouth and cursed.

"What nonsense are you talking to him? Just break his dog legs and make him kneel in front of us and kowtow and call him grandpa. Let him know what the sky is and the earth is high."

"I don't have such a grandson. If you want it, go ahead." This group of people banged sticks in their hands and didn't take Li Fan seriously at all, thinking that Li Fan just took it.

Now they all really want to see the scene where Li Fan was so scared that he wet his pants. With so many people coming around, how can you not be afraid?

If you're afraid, just kneel down and beg.

"Come on, grandson, you kneel on the ground, kowtow to your grandfathers and confess your sins. Call me grandpa a few more times so that we can have fun. Then we can take a video of you and send it to WeChat Moments to make you famous. Then we can Consider beating him a little gentler, your car will definitely not be smashed by you, and your legs will not be broken, how about it?" The tall man in the leader looked at Li Fan condescendingly and said.

He thought Li Fan was scared to death, so he gave him a way out. If he really beat the person to death or maimed him, it would be bad. Their purpose was to humiliate Li Fan. There was no need to do this.

But here Li Fan shook his head and smiled: "These few dishes of yours are not enough to appetize my appetite. I don't know who will kneel down and beg for you later."

Li Fan didn't look afraid at all, and the smile on his face did not diminish.

Zhuzi stood behind Li Fan, not afraid at all. When he saw the tall man opposite him looking over, he raised his chin and glared at him, casting a provocative look at him.

"Damn it, what are you waiting for? Beat him to death, break his legs, smash his face, and see if he dares not to kneel down." Factory Manager Zhen said angrily.

"Come on, kid, you're looking for death, don't blame grandpa for not giving you a chance." A group of people shouted and rushed forward, wanting to beat Li Fan violently.

Li Fan smiled, but remained unmoved. He looked down at the ground and shook his head helplessly.

"There was a fight in Beizhuang Town, and there was a fight in Nanxiang Town when we first arrived. It seems that some people don't know how high the sky is."

Li Fan originally came to Nanxiang Town expecting such a scene. After twenty years of development with huge investment from the county, the people in Nanxiang Town almost don’t know their last names. It seems that they have forgotten the hard days in the past. , it is necessary to remind them.

At the same time, Li Fan also made up his mind to make a show in Laoshantun.

The breeding industry must develop, and the tourism industry must also develop. Li Fan will use his actions to explain that the breeding industry you are proud of is nothing more than this, and it has no competitiveness in front of me.

As long as the tourism industry in Laoshantun develops, the county preference you enjoy will no longer exist. By then, I don’t know if these Nanxiang Town people will continue to be so arrogant.

Li Fan really wanted to see that day, and even more wanted to see the faces of the people in Nanxiang Town at that time.

I'm afraid it won't look very good, right?

At this time, Li Fan narrowed his eyes.

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