Best Son-in-law

Chapter 703 Mr. Liu

This was a black car, and its aura was very unusual. When the car drove over, Ding Hongsheng's men quickly backed down and made way for the car.

Only then can this car pass calmly on this road without even needing to whistle.

As the car drove over, it slowed down significantly and became slower and slower.

Ding Hongsheng's people separated to stand on both sides of the road with their hands behind their backs, and the car looked like a parade of soldiers, and the car was quite large.

Moreover, Ding Hongsheng's people were staring like this. Everyone, including Ding Hongsheng, was waiting here. The people in the car didn't feel ashamed at all. Instead, they seemed to be at ease. They didn't even get out of the car and drove directly to Yu. Go to the entrance of Huangshan Villa.

But when the car slowed down, the car window gradually rolled down, and a thin middle-aged man wearing black sunglasses stuck his head out. This man stuck his head out and didn't even look elsewhere, just looking at Ding Hongsheng, as if No one else can see him.

After the skinny man rolled down the window, he snapped his fingers at Ding Hongsheng and shouted: "Xiao Ding, come here, I have something to tell you."

After Ding Hongsheng heard this, he didn't dare to be lazy. He jogged all the way to the side of the car and bowed respectfully. There was nothing else on his face except respect.

Just like that, Ding Hongsheng bowed respectfully and stood by the side of the car. The car continued to drive forward, and Ding Hongsheng followed the car step by step. Moreover, there was no longer any disrespect on his face, and his attitude became more and more respectful. And the body bows deeper and deeper.

Ding Hongsheng's move gave the skinny middle-aged man face, and the waiters next to him were shocked. What is the origin and identity of the person who can make Ding Hongsheng so respectful?

None of them know.

What kind of person is Ding Hongsheng? He is a man who stomps his feet in Yannan and the earth will tremble. Such a person looks like Mount Tai and Beidou everywhere, but he is so respectful in front of this man. This can reflect the noble status of the person in the car. The difference in people in the car.

The people in the car are definitely not mortals.

Moreover, Ding Hongsheng and his entourage arrived very early, and they were willing to wait for this person to come over, waiting silently beside him. This further illustrates how extraordinary the person in the car is.

Of course, the waiters at Yuhuang Villa couldn't help but become curious and extremely interested in the person Ding Hongsheng received so grandly. They all wanted to see who this person was who could show off in front of Ding Hongsheng and allow Ding Hongsheng to give him such face. Who is this person?

More importantly, such a person must not be more important than their owner.

The people of Yuhuang Villa are all very aware of the abilities of their owner. The arrival of another person whose status or ability is no less than that of their owner will arouse their curiosity.

However, although these waiters were extremely curious about the characters in the car, they did not show it, but their attitude became more and more respectful.

Anyone who can work as a waiter at Yuhuang Villa has not seen a lot of the world. They know very well what kind of people should be inquired about and what kind of people should put away their curiosity.

For people like this who have similar status as their owner, they don't dare to show any slightness at all, for fear of making one of them unhappy, then they can kill them with just a flick of their eyebrows.

No one would think that they would live long enough to challenge the strength of the people in the car. In addition, Yuhuang Villa had many rules, so the waiters simply looked around and didn't say anything else.

In just a moment, all of them put away their curiosity and no longer had any curiosity about the people in the car.

The skinny middle-aged man in the car was very impressed by Ding Hongsheng's attitude. He opened and closed his mouth all because of Xiao Ding.

But Ding Hongsheng didn't say anything, he really listened carefully and sincerely next to the people in the car.

He even put his ear in front of the mouth of the skinny middle-aged man in the car.

The skinny middle-aged man in the car just talked, and then said: "Xiao Ding, you must do what we said before. If you break your promise to me, , I will not let you go, you have to know my strength, I can protect you in front of everyone, and I can also destroy you in front of everyone!"

It was this sentence that was so profound that everyone present was stunned.

How strong is the man who threatens to destroy Ding Hongsheng easily?

Unknown to all.

The key is that the other party's disgusting manner of speaking did not make Ding Hongsheng's face look ugly at all. He didn't even say a word, and nodded and bowed to the skinny middle-aged man in the car. His expression could not be more respectful. Just like an ordinary person fawning over his boss, when he was told this, his face did not show any displeasure. Instead, he became very respectful, as if he was afraid that the person in front of him would be displeased.

Not only him, but all the men brought by Ding Hongsheng also bowed slightly to the slowly moving car at this moment.

Of course, this was also arranged by Ding Hongsheng before.

Although Ding Hongsheng is a tough person, he can know what kind of people should be offended, what kind of people cannot be offended, what kind of people should be supported, and what kind of people should be scolded. If Ding Hongsheng didn't have this kind of observation, With his abilities, he would never make it to where he is today.

Although it is often said that Ding Hongsheng started from scratch and all his properties were built with his own fists, only Ding Hongsheng knows that not only were all his properties built with his own fists, but all his properties were also built on his own luck. In addition, he was able to observe his words and expressions, so some people did not actually attack him.

Looking at how glorious Ding Hongsheng is from the outside, Ding Hongsheng knows more and more how much he weighs. He understands this very well.

"Mr. Liu, I take your affairs to heart. Don't worry. I promised you the terms. Even if you give me ten thousand courages, I won't dare to break your promise. Who doesn't know your power? Unless I seek death." ." Ding Hongsheng said respectfully.

After hearing this, Mr. Liu in the car shook his head with satisfaction, smiled and glanced at some of the waiting men beside Ding Hongsheng, and said softly: "Okay, Xiao Ding, you are quite good at taking care of it." Human, you are quite decent, yes, you can have a big future in the future, I will help you settle this matter, as long as you can give me what I want, your future will be bright in the future, work hard." Che. Mr. Liu scolded Ding Hongsheng as if he were scolding a young junior.

Ding Hongsheng did not dare to say anything, and his attitude became more and more respectful.

"It's all up to Mr. Liu to make the decision and uphold justice." Ding Hongsheng bowed sincerely.

After hearing what Ding Hongsheng said, his men also said together: "It's all up to Mr. Liu to make the decision and uphold justice."

Moreover, their voices were in unison, and it was obvious that they had been trained before.

But even with such a voice, Mr. Liu didn't even let Mr. Liu reply. He just nodded and replied to Ding Hongsheng: "Just do what you should do well."

"Yes, definitely, definitely." Ding Hongsheng's attitude was very respectful.

After Mr. Liu said this, he suddenly looked at Ding Yanan next to Ding Hongsheng, and couldn't help but take off his sunglasses, revealing his true face.

His original face is not good-looking, it can be said to be very ugly, especially the weird shape of his teeth after he smiles, which is even more disgusting. Mr. Liu's appearance is not that of a decent man, and his appearance is even... Some of them look like a big rat with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. They are as ugly as they are and as disgusting as they are.

Even when Mr. Liu smiled at Ding Yanan, Ding Yanan felt like vomiting.

However, Ding Yanan is also an extremely sensible person. First, her father's face is always there, second, she cannot ruin the overall situation that her father has carefully prepared, and third, she also knows that people should not be judged by their appearance, so when she saw Liu After Mr. Liu, Ding Yanan resisted the urge to vomit, but smiled and nodded at Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu glanced at Ding Yanan up and down, and his eyes suddenly glowed with greed.

Mr. Liu pointed at Ding Yanan without hesitation and asked: "Xiao Ding, is this your daughter?"

After hearing this, Ding Hongsheng nodded quickly and agreed: "Yes, it is my little girl."

"Yes, yes, Xiao Ding, you have such a beautiful daughter. You should have told me earlier that you had such a beautiful daughter. My conditions could be compromised a little bit because of your daughter." Mr. Liu didn't say anything. He does not hide his greed and desire for Ding Yanan.

After encountering Mr. Liu's eyes like this, Ding Yanan couldn't help but shrink her neck and subconsciously took two or three steps back. She was very scared in her heart. She was afraid that Mr. Liu would do something bad to her, and she was even more afraid of this. Mr. Liu will make some unreasonable demands.

Do something to take advantage of the situation.

Moreover, regarding her father's attitude, she obviously didn't want to offend Mr. Liu, and she didn't want to embarrass Ding Hongsheng. She felt particularly uncomfortable when Ding Hongsheng was embarrassed, but she really felt disgusted with Mr. Liu.

Therefore, Ding Yanan was extremely scared.

"Mr. Liu, stop joking." Ding Hongsheng's expression changed when he heard Mr. Liu say such words, and he quickly protected Ding Yanan behind him.

After saying this, Ding Hongsheng was still cursing secretly in his heart.

What is it? I owe you a favor, I have given you so many conditions, and you are still waiting for you. I have given you enough face. Now you are going even further and want to take advantage of the situation. Isn't it too much?

Ding Hongsheng secretly spat, but he only dared to say a few words in his heart, and he did not dare to say even a few words in front of Mr. Liu.

Seeing Ding Hongsheng protecting his daughter, Mr. Liu smiled and pointed at Ding Hongsheng and said: "Xiao Ding, you are like an old hen protecting your nest. I, Mr. Liu, am taking advantage of the situation." , someone who is adding insult to injury? What are you afraid of? Even if your daughter is beautiful, I am just saying that she is making trouble. After all, there are many women in the world who want me to sleep with me, but I am too lazy to sleep. Why? Because some people don’t have the qualifications.”

After Mr. Liu finished speaking, he immediately burst into laughter.

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