Best Son-in-law

Chapter 704 Gas

He said these words without any regard for Ding Hongsheng's feelings. He directly mocked Ding Hongsheng, his only precious daughter, and said some dirty words. These words sounded very problematic and did not give any face to Ding Hongsheng, let alone Ding Yanan. No matter how embarrassed he was, after he finished speaking, Mr. Liu thought leisurely that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Ding Yanan's expression immediately changed when he heard this, the smile on his face stopped immediately, and Ding Hongsheng's face also became gloomy.

But even if Mr. Liu spoke like this, Ding Hongsheng didn't dare to show any emotion towards him.

His face was ugly, but he still endured it and just nodded to Mr. Liu: "Yes, yes, Mr. Liu, you are right."

Ding Hongsheng was overcome by this!

After saying this, Ding Hongsheng's face turned ugly, and the smile on his face looked very embarrassed.

This scene made everyone else look very surprised. Ding Hongsheng, who always had a tough style, could actually have such a side. He actually softened in front of so many people.

Everyone can guess what happened next. Ding Hongsheng must have encountered something big, and he must rely on Mr. Liu to solve it, otherwise he wouldn't be so humble and apologetic.

As a result, people around him couldn't help but wonder about the origin of the party who came to negotiate with Ding Hongsheng tonight.

The person who can convince Ding Hongsheng must be a powerful person.

The forces that allow Ding Hongsheng to invite foreign aid are definitely very powerful.

Ding Hongsheng is already a famous figure in Yannan, and the force that can make him surrender must also be a famous force.

As a result, many people have some speculations about today's events.

Ding Hongsheng also felt that his face had been damaged, but he had no choice but to rely on Mr. Liu's strength to support him, so he had to endure this tone.

The smile on his face felt fake to himself, and he felt that his face was burning with pain, as if his face had been swollen by someone. He looked uglier when he smiled than when he cried.

But Ding Hongsheng was considered a man, and he endured this tone abruptly, and until now, he didn't say a word.

Seeing Ding Hongsheng's appearance, Mr. Liu felt extremely proud. He couldn't help but raise his chin. He did not pay attention to Ding Hongsheng, but looked into the distance as usual. He shook his head helplessly, not looking down on Ding Hongsheng at all. .

In fact, Mr. Liu does have such ability.

He agreed to come and help because he owed some favors and now wanted to repay the favors.

Of course, returning favors is one aspect. Asking him to take action does require some sincerity. This is the bargaining chip that Ding Hongsheng laid down, and it was also the request that Mr. Liu came to help.

Otherwise, Mr. Liu would help Ding Hongsheng casually, where would his face be?

Mr. Liu's current abilities are no longer something others can easily afford. He has set his sights on others and has long since ignored Ding Hongsheng.

If it weren't for the favor he owed to Ding Hongsheng before, and if Ding Hongsheng hadn't made many requests yesterday and agreed to many conditions, Mr. Liu would never have agreed to this matter.

Mr. Liu came to help out just for the sake of favor.

Moreover, Mr. Liu is also very conceited. He thinks that he can solve everything by coming here.

He is a person who has a bit of ability but puts his eyes above his head. In addition, he has been sought after by others in recent years, so he doesn't take some people seriously.

The car continued to move forward.

At this moment, Ding Yanan felt that she had been greatly humiliated, and her eyes seemed to be filled with glistening tears, and she was about to shed tears. She had never suffered such great humiliation before. She felt very sad, but she could not do anything about it at the same time.

Now that her father can't make the decision for her, isn't her grievance going to be in vain?

So Ding Yanan felt very helpless, and she felt that her future life would be extremely dark, as if she could not see the light.

Just because now Ding Yanan almost thinks of her extremely dark life in the future.

Without Ding Hongsheng and her father, she has no one to rely on, no shelter from the wind, no reliable mountain. When the time comes, she will have no one to talk to when she is wronged, and she will have no one to talk to when she is bullied. People come forward.

Thinking of this, Ding Yanan felt even more uncomfortable. After a while, she couldn't help but close her eyes. Now she was so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe.

She felt like a rootless duckweed in the wind and rain, swaying in the wind, swaying from side to side, with no destination and no place where she could land safely.

Ding Yanan felt extremely sad when she thought of such a life in the future. She didn't want such a life, but reality might push her into such a life, which made Ding Yanan feel sad and helpless.

At this time, even though Ding Yanan was wearing thick clothes, she still felt a chill. The wind was now becoming more and more biting, which made Ding Yanan's face change.

As if sensing the change in his daughter, Ding Hongsheng gritted his teeth and hugged Ding Yanan, but on the surface he said nothing.

He was very angry, but there was nothing he could do to Mr. Liu.

Not only Ding Hongsheng, but also Ding Hongsheng's subordinates couldn't bear this. This was too bullying. How could anyone be such a bully?

Each one of them seemed to have suffered great humiliation, their faces were ashen and they were silent.

Because Ding Hongsheng didn't say anything now, they shouldn't say anything.

At this time, only Li Fan was still chatting and laughing as before, as if he had not forgotten everything.

Li Fan had a smile on his face, touched his chin, stared at the so-called Mr. Liu invited by Ding Hongsheng, and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

After advancing in the Water God inheritance, Li Fan's facial features have been greatly changed, and he can naturally see and hear much more than the average person.

He saw a lot of gray gas lingering around Mr. Liu, wrapping around his side.

This gray gas looks a bit thick, which is very different from ordinary gas.

This may be the strength of Mr. Liu.

Li Fan hugged his arms and tapped his arms gently with his fingers twice, and his expression gradually returned to normal.

He still had a smile on his face. This Mr. Liu was indeed better than ordinary people. After all, he could communicate with these inexplicable gases around him and cause different reactions.

This is an ability that ordinary people do not have, but Li Fan's confidence lies in the fact that the gas around him is more, stronger, and purer.

Of course, to ordinary people, this proves nothing, but if some knowledgeable people came to see it, the gap would be huge.

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