Best Son-in-law

Chapter 705 Extraordinary and subtle

Li Fan's eyes have reached an extraordinary level. Even though Mr. Liu's eyesight is a bit bad, he cannot tell that the gas lingering around him is not as much as that of the young man next to Ding Hongsheng, and it is not as pure as the gas around him. .

Mr. Liu maintains himself to be invincible and does not take everyone seriously. Now he looks down on everyone. He feels that these people in front of him are far less powerful than him, let alone as strong as himself. Even if all these people are added together, Not his opponent.

His eyes are high, but he cannot clearly see the strength of the people around him. It has to be said to be a sad thing.

Mr. Liu is also used to being proud. He looks arrogant and doesn't take anyone seriously.

So when he came to Li Fan, he was a little unhappy when he saw that Li Fan did not lower his head respectfully like others and pretend to be convinced of him.

Especially since Li Fan's face was very calm now and he was still smiling, he couldn't bear it even more.

What kind of character is he?

Even Ding Hongsheng, who was so famous in Yan Nan, lowered his head when facing him and was convinced by him. Even if he scolded him or his daughter, he would not dare to speak back. How dare you, a young man, dare to speak directly to him? Look at me? Disrespectful to me?

At that moment, Mr. Liu couldn't help it anymore. He frowned and immediately got angry.

He was used to being proud and being admired by the people around him. He couldn't bear Li Fan's slight. He immediately reprimanded: "Who are you? Why don't you bow your head when you see me? How dare you laugh? You don't know me. Who is it?"

Mr. Liu spoke without mercy and directly accused Li Fan as if he was accusing a junior.

After Li Fan heard this, he just shook his head and smiled helplessly. Although Mr. Liu said that he was different from ordinary people and had some strength, he was too arrogant. Didn't he know that there are mountains outside the mountains and there are people outside the mountains? Does it make sense? Doesn't he know that there are many people in this world who are more capable than him?

With Li Fan's strength, there is no need to buy Mr. Liu's face. You say others can do it, but you say I can't. How can I be the one you say?

But because of Ding Hongsheng's face, Li Fan liked to keep a low profile, so he just smiled and didn't say much.

A person like Mr. Liu is really unacceptable to him, and Li Fan doesn't take Mr. Liu seriously at all.

The reason why he allowed Mr. Liu to point fingers and act recklessly in front of him was to give Ding Hongsheng face. Secondly, Li Fan didn't even bother to take action against Mr. Liu. He was not worthy of his own action.

Li Fan is not as familiar with Mr. Liu, but Mr. Liu cannot tolerate Li Fan.

Li Fan shook his head and smiled helplessly, which greatly stimulated Mr. Liu's nerves. He was used to being respected, and he had never experienced such stimulation.

Who of the people I usually meet don't nod and bow to me, for fear that I won't be happy?

Li Fan smiled like this, looked indifferent, and did not bow to himself at all. Of course, Mr. Liu considered him disrespectful.

Of course Mr. Liu couldn't bear such behavior.

Mr. Liu here scolded Li Fan, and Ding Hongsheng saw it and came over quickly to smooth things over.

Now, whether it is Li Fan or Mr. Liu, they are the people he needs to rely on, and he is not willing to offend either one.

He was even more unwilling to have a dispute between the two.

Why are you swallowing your anger? Isn't it just to completely resolve today's dispute?

If these two people fight, whoever wins or loses will be of no benefit to themselves.

Ding Hongsheng got a headache when he saw Mr. Liu say this. He already had a headache, but now he had an even more headache.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling as if his heart was being pressed by a huge boulder. He hoped that if he said a few more words, the two of them could shake hands and make peace.

"That Mr. Liu, I invited him here. Mr. Li, I want to invite someone to protect my daughter. Please give me some respect. He is also my guest." Ding Hongsheng rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

This smile made Ding Hongsheng feel extremely embarrassed.

But there was no way, he couldn't let Mr. Liu and Li Fan have a dispute.

"Did you invite me here? Ding Hongsheng, can you do things? Can you do things? Who do you look down on? I'm here and you invite others. What do you mean? Do you look down on me? Let me tell you, I I didn't want to come at first, but because of our friendship in the past, your sincerity, and your real difficulty, I came here to show you mercy and wanted to give you a hand. Don't stop eating. , Don't go too far." Mr. Liu pointed at Ding Hongsheng and said angrily.

After saying this, Mr. Liu waved to the driver and wanted him to take him back. He had a good reputation and he thought he was here to give Ding Hongsheng face, so he didn't need to come over at all.

Therefore, whenever Ding Hongsheng makes any move that makes him uncomfortable, he can just turn around and leave.

Ding Hongsheng was ignored.

In fact, that's what Mr. Liu did. He didn't show Ding Hongsheng any favors and left directly.

Before leaving, he also lost a word: "Ding Hongsheng, you have to pay attention to your identity and situation. Just let this person handle this matter for you. I don't think you need me anymore, so I'll take my leave."

After hearing this, Ding Hongsheng became anxious. He quickly followed him. How could he let such a great master leave like this? Besides, what would he do if he left? What should I do with my own daughter?

So Ding Hongsheng quickly stepped forward and held the window, and begged Mr. Liu: "Mr. Liu, I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding. I don't mean anything else. The people we negotiated this time were very powerful. They asked Wang Sir, besides you, I can't think of anyone else who can deal with Mr. Wang, so I have to rely on you to solve this matter, and you must stay."

"At the same time, you also know that I have many enemies outside, and there will definitely be people who will add insult to injury. If they send ordinary killers over, I will not be able to resist them. Of course, you don't need to take action yourself to kill these killers. Isn't it a good idea to use a butcher's knife? I am just a precious daughter, and I must protect her safety. When the time comes for the big scenes, you will uphold justice. I believe you, but if there is a killer or assassin in the small scenes, it will be detrimental to my daughter. , what do you think I should do? Poor parents in the world, my most precious thing is this daughter, she is everything to me, I can't live without her, so I have to protect her, and I don't want to trouble you too much That's why I invited Mr. Li here, just to deal with those killers that you don't bother to deal with, and to keep my daughter safe. I am telling the truth, Mr. Liu, you are very aware."

Ding Hongsheng spoke with emotion and respect, and said sincerely to Mr. Liu with his fists in hand.

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