Best Son-in-law

Chapter 719 Justice

After Mr. Liu's words, everyone slowly sat down.

At this time, the bodyguards behind Young Master Gu all had angry expressions on their faces, but the master didn't say anything. Naturally, they couldn't say much, and they could see what the master meant from the sidelines.

The master's intention seemed to be a bit teasing, and the bodyguards had somewhat noticed it.

So they were relaxed and happy, as if watching a clown, and focused their attention on Mr. Liu. They wanted to have fun now, as if they were appreciating a joke.

In this way, Mr. Gu, Chang Xuan, and Mr. Wang sat next to Mr. Liu one after another.

On the other side, Ding Hongsheng finished greeting Mr. Gu and sat down. He, Ding Yanan, and Li Fan also sat next to Mr. Liu.

The people on both sides were divided into two rows, and they looked at each other face to face. Although they were all smiling slightly, they had hidden murderous intentions among them.

At this time, Ding Hongsheng changed from his normal state and became a little restrained. He looked at Young Master Gu opposite him and said with a smile: "Young Master Gu, please tell us what to do with our affairs."

"What do I say? I have nothing to say. Everything is decided by Mr. Liu. Whatever Mr. Liu says will be whatever he says. Just do what Mr. Liu says. Everything is subject to Mr. Liu's instructions. Everything is subject to your will." Mr. Liu just makes the decision." Mr. Gu said with a slight smile.

These words sounded very harsh to Ding Hongsheng's ears, but Mr. Liu took it seriously. He really nodded and said straightly: "I will be the one to decide everything. I will ensure fairness between you two." Justice, I am a person who can't get rid of the dirt in my eyes, and I will not tolerate unfair things happening, so you can rest assured that when all things come to me, I will definitely solve them for you satisfactorily, and I promise to let you Both parties are fair and just, okay, you can say whatever you want to say, I heard Xiao Ding say, Xiao Gu, do you want to cooperate with him?"

Mr. Liu really listened to Mr. Gu and really wanted to make the decision for the two families.

After he said something decent, he also called Young Master Gu Xiao Gu.

Hearing this, Ding Hongsheng's face turned green. He never expected that Mr. Liu could be such a person. Isn't this too arrogant?

However, although Mr. Liu was arrogant, Mr. Gu over there gave him enough face. He nodded lightly and said bluntly: "Everything is decided by Mr. Liu. That's it. We have some problems in the Huaisui area." Family business, we want to come to our Yannan to develop, and we want to develop the food industry with Mr. Ding. We are fully prepared to enter the food industry, and we have also identified many companies, but only Mr. Ding’s family is the most satisfactory to us. We want to The cooperation agreement with Mr. Ding has been finalized. Mr. Ding and I will share all the profits 30-70. We only take 30%, and Mr. Ding takes 70%. We are sincere enough. Of course, we After coming in, I am willing to pay funds, talents, manpower and other related resources, but I also need Mr. Ding to help provide technology, partners and other related resources. The terms of cooperation are clearly written. If you want to read it, Mr. Liu, please feel free to It can be seen that we have not taken any advantage of Mr. Ding here. We really sincerely want to mutually benefit and cooperate with Mr. Ding for greater development. We have absolutely no other thoughts and no other ideas. "

Young Master Gu spoke sincerely and amiably. After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands to the person behind him. Immediately, the bodyguard behind him sent a cooperation agreement.

There were dozens of pages of black and white paper, and a thick stack was delivered to Mr. Gu. After taking it, Mr. Gu politely and respectfully showed these cooperation agreements to Mr. Liu.

When sending it over, Mr. Gu also added: "We sincerely want to cooperate with Mr. Ding, and we think we have shown enough sincerity. We can make money together. No matter what the terms above are, It is beneficial to Mr. Ding. This already shows our sincerity. Of course, we also have shortcomings, but Mr. Ding can raise them. There are also repair clauses on it. You can hire a lawyer to look at it. As long as a lawyer says, There are loopholes in this contract, and we will no longer cooperate with Mr. Ding. Mr. Liu, you can probably hear our sincerity. We only take 30% of the final profit, and Mr. Ding takes 70%. Of course, we also have some details. We can talk about it again. If Mr. Ding is not satisfied with the profit distribution, we can talk about it again. I want to explain everything clearly at the dinner table today. It is best to sign this cooperation agreement like this. The purpose of our coming here The purpose is to sign the cooperation agreement and advance cooperation as soon as possible.”

"Of course, our Gu family does not mean to make any profits. We are not familiar with the place in Yannan. When we first started doing business, we just wanted to accumulate contacts and experience in responding. These are all things that Mr. Ding can provide us. We Of course, you have to pay some tuition fees, introduction fees, etc., and give away part of the profits, but the final outcome must be a win-win cooperation between the two of us, I can guarantee this."

"It is precisely because our Gu family has some plans to promote in the future that we are eager to implement this cooperation with Mr. Ding. If Mr. Ding does not agree to this cooperation, he will have to keep it secret for us, because we will be deploying with other companies or groups Of course, these are some moral concepts and basic principles within the industry, and I don’t want to say more about them.”

"One thing I must say is that Mr. Ding has no need to cooperate with us. It doesn't matter. We have made many concessions to ensure Mr. Ding's interests and profits. If Mr. Ding is not satisfied with this, or It is said that Mr. Ding has other considerations, and we don’t have to cooperate with him. We can all understand everything he said. What we can’t understand is that Mr. Ding has never given any affirmative answer. Whether this will work or not, we have no idea in our hearts. No, we want to cooperate with Mr. Ding, but if Mr. Ding doesn’t want to cooperate with us, it’s better to say it as soon as possible, so that we can also consider cooperating with others. Why don’t we hang on to each other all the time without giving results? In this way, we can also If you can't cooperate with others, you may miss good opportunities, so this is what we have been unhappy about. There is no misunderstanding between Mr. Ding and Mr. Ding. I always think Mr. Ding is a decisive and sensible person, but Mr. Ding What we did was indeed a bit unethical."

"We only mean one thing, life or death. Just give me a quick word. This matter has been delayed for a long time." Gu Shao's words seemed very kind on the outside, but they had other meanings.

If you didn't know better, you would have thought that Mr. Gu was such a kind person.

But that's what he said, but he also meant the same thing.

Of course, the underlying meaning behind his words is not something ordinary people can understand.

Young Master Gu was right in what he said this time. No matter what he said, it was Young Master Gu's right.

And after Mr. Gu finished speaking this time, Ding Hongsheng didn't dare to say a word.

After all, he did everything he wanted on the surface. Although he understood many things behind the scenes, he couldn't express them openly, which made Ding Hongsheng very embarrassed.

After hearing what Mr. Gu said, Mr. Liu couldn't help but frown. He took the cooperation agreement from Mr. Gu and glanced at it casually. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

He has to be reasonable when he decides. What's more, Mr. Gu has no intention of falling out. He can't be unreasonable first, but he wants to help Ding Hongsheng, but there is no way to do so. After all, the truth is not on Ding Hongsheng's side. .

At this time, Mr. Liu was not willing to say a word. After all, he had just let out what he said. He wanted to be fair and just. He couldn't let what he just said go unnoticed, so Mr. Liu's expression immediately turned cold, and he looked at Ding Hongsheng instead.

"Xiao Ding, what do you mean? It's true that I make the decision for you, but we have to be fair in things. The people of the Gu family have not done anything wrong. They just want to cooperate with you. If you cooperate, then agree to it quickly. If you don’t cooperate, people have said they won’t embarrass you. You agree and then don’t agree, which is a waste of people’s time. This shopping mall is like a battlefield. The situation in the shopping mall is changing rapidly. If you are not careful, earth-shaking changes will occur. You have delayed others’ work. Business is equivalent to killing your parents. I can't help you with some things. You must explain these things clearly and give people justice."

"I am the most fair and just person. I will stand by whoever has the right. Xiao Ding, now the right is not yours, and I can't help you. Of course, if you have any difficulties, Or if there is something wrong with what Xiao Gu said, you can point it out. We put everything on the table and don’t hide anything. I don’t like this, and I don’t like others hiding anything. Say whatever you say, and follow the person’s reasoning. This couldn’t be easier to understand. It’s something that even a child understands. Don’t be confused, otherwise I really won’t be able to help.” Mr. Liu was obviously being manipulated. Young Master Gu stepped in and said these words directly.

As soon as he said this, Ding Hongsheng felt a headache. Originally, he wanted Mr. Liu to come over to calm things down. After spending such a high price, he returned the previous favor and just wanted Mr. Liu to help.

It's good now. Mr. Liu doesn't use his brain when talking. Are some of these things as simple as they seem on the surface? If everything could be solved so easily, there wouldn't be so many disputes in the world that are difficult to resolve.

Mr. Liu doesn't even think about it. Some disputes at a higher level cannot be brought to the table. If you insist on talking about justice, do you need to be the judge of justice?

Is there no one else?

Ding Hongsheng felt a huge headache at this time. His original intention was to let Mr. Liu come over to suppress the situation. He could bring something back to him so that he would not suffer a big loss from the Gu family and dare not say a word.

Who knew Mr. Liu was so brainless and did things without using any brain at all.

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