Best Son-in-law

Chapter 720 Concerns

At this time, Ding Hongsheng's mouth was filled with bitterness, and he had already scolded Mr. Liu thousands of times in his heart.

What's the use of me coming to you to uphold justice like this?

Should I sign this agreement or not?

They have taken all the blame, and you just talk to them openly like this. I have suffered a hidden loss.

At this time, Ding Hongsheng also scolded Mr. Liu over and over again in his heart. He spent so much money to invite him for nothing. He was just for the Gu family.

He was immediately in trouble. Now that his words had reached this point, he had no room to refute.

And regarding cooperation, although the Gu family didn't say much, they just gave Ding Hongsheng a chance to choose. You can choose us, or you can not choose us. The choice is in your hands.

But in fact, Gu Shao's words did not give Ding Hongsheng any chance to choose.

Although Mr. Gu didn't say anything on the surface, his words were full of the fact that the Gu family had made huge concessions. You can't be satisfied with such concessions. You still don't cooperate with us. It's really not flattering. It's too disrespectful. Shameless.

Young Master Gu's words and actions did not give Ding Hongsheng any reason, nor did he give him any chance.

But Ding Hongsheng understands the rules behind the scenes.

Once the contract is signed, he will become the Gu family's pawn in Yannan.

The situation in Yannan changed immediately. No one knows how the situation will change by then, and no one can predict it. Even the big forces may fall during this change, let alone Ding Hongsheng.

Once he becomes a pawn of the Gu family, the Gu family may give him full benefits and let him do something.

But Ding Hongsheng understands that some benefits are not given in vain, and some benefits require him to pay a very heavy price. Once he takes the benefits of the Gu family, he has to work for the Gu family. In the end, Ding Hongsheng can more or less expect that he will become The Gu family's pawn in Yannan fought tooth and nail for the Gu family, gained some benefits, and received rewards and many benefits from the Gu family, but the Gu family would not really support him.

The Gu family's definition of him is a discardable child. If you can use it, use it. If you don't use it anymore, you will naturally throw it away.

When the time comes, he, Ding Hongsheng, will be the one who shields the Gu family from swords and guns, and the Gu family's scapegoat. Others may not know this hidden rule, but he understands it very well.

Some things are not as simple as they seem.

The Gu family sincerely cooperates with you, and you cooperate with him to get what you need for a win-win situation.

This is indeed the case on the surface, but there is something different behind the scenes.

Because you get all the benefits, you are naturally bound to the Gu family. If you make a lot of money, you will become synonymous with the Gu family.

If you are at odds with the Gu family, if you are an enemy of the Gu family, if you can't afford to offend the Gu family, do you, the watchdog, have to be removed?

If someone pulls you out and others are exposed, you will become the Gu family's shield and a pawn of the Gu family.

People keep their books very well, and you can't get even a little bit of advantage. In fact, a family like the Gu family can't be a good person for no reason, give you profits, and let you make money. They just make a small amount of money. They won't do that. made.

People don’t have the intention to do these good things. All they want to do are big things.

Due to the arrangements inside and outside, Ding Hongsheng became the target of the Gu family.

Therefore, Ding Hongsheng couldn't talk about what was secretly going on, and he couldn't tell it all in front of Young Master Gu. Otherwise, even if nothing happened today, something would happen in the future.

Ding Hongsheng's ultimate goal is to find Mr. Liu to stop this incident and let the Gu family know that he is not a soft persimmon and can be pinched at will.

He can resist. In the end, Ding Hongsheng's purpose is very simple, which is to make the Gu family give up making things difficult for him.

From now on, it's best for both families to go their own ways.

But Ding Hongsheng never expected that Mr. Liu, whom he invited, would be so mindless and didn't understand anything.

Now that people are asking him, it is impossible for him to say nothing, so Ding Hongsheng can only sigh and say: "Young Master Gu, everything is my fault. I am going to apologize to you. I will do it myself soon." Three cups as penalty.”

Ding Hongsheng also said such words out of extreme helplessness.

"What's the matter? I just saw that Mr. Liu wanted to talk about this matter, and I felt a little aggrieved. There is no need for us brothers to be so open-minded about some things. I know you must be very busy, and sometimes you ignore them. Yes, there may be something delayed. It’s not your fault. Speaking of which, you haven’t promised us. We really care about this time. After all, fighter planes are changing rapidly. But other than that, we still have human feelings. After all, In any case, our relationship is here, and there is no need to say more. If you don’t agree to us, it must be your consideration and you have things to be busy with. Since we have already discussed this cooperation today, Things, there is no need to talk about the past things. It is useless to talk too much. If you talk too much, it will be a bit foreign. Let's talk clearly face to face." Gu Shaoke politely said this.

Although he was very kind, he pushed Ding Hongsheng into a very difficult situation.

Their Gu family treats you like this, their Gu family understands you so much, their Gu family gives you benefits so much, their Gu family has done so many things for you, it would be disrespectful of you not to agree to this.

Moreover, Young Master Gu did not give Ding Hongsheng much space in his words, nor did he give Ding Hongsheng much room to choose.

"Look, Xiao Ding, Xiao Gu wants to solve the problem both inside and outside of his words. He is based on solving problems. I think he is very sincere. This cooperation is reasonable and reasonable. You should give people an answer. If you are willing, just be willing. If you are not willing, just be unwilling. No one will do anything to you. It’s such a simple thing. Don’t you know what to do? Do you want me to watch from the side? You, there is no sense of propriety in doing things. This is not good. Do you understand? In addition, from my perspective, I still hope that you can cooperate with others. After all, they are full of sincerity and you are a businessman. Why? Why don't you cooperate? Moreover, Xiao Gu has given up all his interests to you. We have to accept this kind of affection. He is so sincere. "

"Well, that's all I've said. It's up to you what you choose and what to do in the end. I just gave you a reference." As soon as Mr. Liu said this, Ding Hongsheng's face turned dark.

This Mr. Liu was simply sent by the Gu family to fight against him. Such a pig teammate made Ding Hongsheng completely speechless. He invited such a person here just to cause trouble for him. He could not help him in any way.

Ding Hongsheng instantly regretted why he had invited Mr. Liu over.

Now that Mr. Gu has led his army, he has to answer, so Ding Hongsheng can only sigh and say helplessly: "Mr. Liu doesn't know something. I also have my own difficulties. The Gu family treats me The more benevolent and righteous I am, the less I can let others down, forget it, let’s talk about this later, some things are not convenient to say now.”

"Since Mr. Ding has said so, let's talk about it later when we serve the food. Let's talk it over clearly after drinking. Anyway, just don't hurt the harmony. I just thought that if we cooperate, we can improve the friendship between our two families." Going one step further, I made a big concession this time. Our family didn’t want to make any profits. Of course, we didn’t want to lose such a reliable partner like Mr. Ding. We didn’t want to destroy our family. affection."

"Since Mr. Ding said you have difficulties, let's make it clear in a moment and hand over everything. In this way, if there are difficulties, we can solve them together. It's better for us to cooperate as much as possible. Of course, if we can't cooperate, it's better not to destroy the two of us. Family affection, right?" Young Master Gu spoke very appropriately, but at this time he had already narrowed his eyes and looked at Ding Hongsheng with an unkind look.

In fact, as soon as he came in, he almost understood that Ding Hongsheng did not want to cooperate with him. Ding Hongsheng had his own thoughts, which he could not easily guess.

Ding Hongsheng is an extremely smart person. He can see things that others cannot see, and he can also understand the purpose of what they do. Because of this, Ding Hongsheng is willing to give up such a big cooperation and would rather become enemies with the Gu family than agree to it.

Now Mr. Gu has no intention of letting Ding Hongsheng go, so his attitude is to press forward step by step, not wanting to give Ding Hongsheng any chance.

After listening to the conversation between the two of them, Mr. Liu was a little unhappy. Of course he hoped that the two families could handle these problems perfectly. He could be happy and relax, and get the benefits without doing anything.

But Ding Hongsheng kept talking in a secretive way, which annoyed him. He felt that Ding Hongsheng didn't trust him and didn't believe that he could solve all problems perfectly.

As a result, Mr. Liu was also dissatisfied with Ding Hongsheng.

"If you have anything to say, don't be awkward. Shouldn't men be straightforward when speaking? Xiao Ding, I don't think you want to solve the problem. Xiao Gu's attitude is the attitude to solve the problem. You let me I can't help you." Mr. Liu muttered unhappily.

After Ding Hongsheng heard this, he couldn't help curling his lips. He was worried, but he didn't show it. He just shook his head and said helplessly: "Let's eat first. I'll pay for this meal, Mr. Gu, Mr. Liu." Mr. Chang, Mr. Wang, and Mr. Li, you can all try the dishes here. The dishes here are all Yannan specialties. We will serve some famous wines later and let’s have a good drink together. We will talk about this later. Bar."

"You said you are really strange. You just want to solve the problem, but you still put things off. Do you have any concerns? Or do you think I can't make the decision for you? I really feel helpless. Could it be that some of my words are inappropriate? Do you have to drink to talk?" Mr. Liu said again at an inappropriate time. He was now very dissatisfied with Ding Hongsheng's attitude and way of solving the problem.

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