Best Son-in-law

Chapter 729: Royal Phoenix

But after all, everyone present has seen a lot of the world. Although their hearts are constantly ups and downs at the moment, nothing can be seen on their faces.

Only Ding Yanan was startled. She couldn't help but shudder and screamed: "Ah, what is this? How can they have their fingernails to light fire? Are they humans or ghosts?"

Ding Yanan was so scared that she didn't hesitate to speak.

But as soon as she finished saying this, she was immediately stopped by Ding Hongsheng's sharp eyes.

There are rules everywhere, and you are most likely to break other people's rules by yelling.

Moreover, those who yell like this are firstly unqualified, secondly rude, and thirdly they have lost their ladylike demeanor.

In this other people's territory, it is much easier for someone to kill you. If someone wants you dead, you have to die. You can't prevent it, and there is no point in being afraid.

Besides, if someone wanted to take action, they would have done it long ago, and why would they go to such trouble to scare you?

Ding Hong was so angry that Ding Yanan, as his own daughter, had no composure at all.

In this case, she was the only one who spoke out.

After seeing Ding Hongsheng's eyes, Ding Yanan was really frightened. She immediately put away the expression on her face and said no more.

At this time, it was Chu Mu who smiled and started to explain to the people behind him: "Don't panic, everyone, these are people from the inner courtyard of our Yuhuang Villa. They have special status and they only know a few things, but they will never take it easy." Don’t worry if I hurt you, this is just a candle to light up for you, by the way, the inner courtyard is coming soon."

"Hmph, it's just some little magic tricks, there's nothing to be afraid of." Mr. Liu said disdainfully.

Although the others looked unhappy, they didn't say much.

However, they all murmured in their hearts that the inner courtyard of Yuhuang Villa was just a place for people to decide life and death. Why was it so mysterious? After many twists and turns, they still couldn't find a way out. Instead, they were allowed to see these few people. Are these weird followers trying to establish their prestige?

But in fact, both the Gu family and Ding Hongsheng were shocked by this scene.

Even Li Fan had a strange look on his face, and flames sprouted from his fingers. This would have been amazing if it wasn't a magic trick.

Moreover, Li Fan felt the presence of some true energy from their bodies just now, and when they made fire just now, the true energy was indeed floating on their fingers.

This is so scary. They are all people who know how to use Qi. Each of them seems to be no weaker than Mr. Liu.

In Li Fan's view, although Mr. Liu doesn't know how high the sky is, he still has some capital. Even Li Fan can't ignore his capital. However, eight people who are more powerful than Mr. Liu came out of Yuhuang Villa at once. , which Li Fan couldn't accept.

These eight people are just followers. The strength of Yuhuang Villa is definitely not as simple as it appears.

However, this can also highlight Mr. Liu's ignorance and the horror of this world from the side.

It is true that there are people outside the world, and there are mountains outside the mountains.

Chu Mu's establishment of authority obviously had an effect. Some people were shocked and stopped looking down on Yuhuang Villa.

Even people like Mr. Gu and Chang Xuan looked serious, let alone Mr. Wang and his bodyguards.

Except for Mr. Liu, no one on Ding Hongsheng's side dared to look down upon Yuhuang Villa.

Everyone followed Chu Mu and others, and no one spoke in the middle. It became quiet for a while, and their faces became much heavier.

The road became narrower and narrower, turning into a narrow path in the blink of an eye. Only three or two people could walk side by side. The surrounding environment became more and more weird. At this time, the sky became completely dark.

If it weren't for the candle bearer in front of them, they wouldn't be able to see where they were.

At this time, Chu Mu spoke up: "Everyone, our Yuhuang Villa has its own rules. Our rules do not allow anyone to blaspheme. No matter what your identity is, you can say or do anything you want in the inner courtyard. We won't care about it, but except for the inner courtyard, if any of you hurts anyone, you are my enemy of Yuhuang Villa. We will not care about your identity and will definitely put you to death! Let's talk about the ugly things first. Now, none of you have to give us Yuhuang Villa face, and if you don’t give us face, we won’t give up easily, and no one can break the rules.”

Chu Mu sneered and said this.

When he said this, everyone else was shocked. Seeing the methods of the followers around Chu Mu just now, no one would doubt that Chu Mu might do worse things in the future, and no one would You might think that Chu Mu was just bluffing people.

Everyone believed that Chu Mu meant what he said, and no one violated this taboo.

They already knew this rule when they came to Yuhuang Villa.

Just when everyone was feeling heavy, Chu Mu spoke up again: "Do you know why our place is called Yuhuang Villa?"

This time Chu Mu spoke out differently from before, he obviously said it with a smile.

He no longer had the serious attitude when he spoke just now, instead he asked as if he were a friend jokingly.

"Probably for good luck." Mr. Liu spoke first.

"That's not right." Chu Mu shook his head.

"Perhaps you want the meaning of the Phoenix? Like the Phoenix, it is neither broken nor established. It is resurrected in the flames and reaches its most glorious moment." Young Master Gu said.

"Yes, the phoenix should be the king of birds. This probably means that Yuhuang Villa wants to be the king of all villas like the phoenix." Ding Hongsheng guessed.

"What you said is wrong." Chu Mu smiled and shook his head.

Then he said something that made everyone's expressions change.

"Because we really have a phoenix. The name Yuhuang comes from this phoenix. This phoenix is ​​an evil phoenix. We have made a lot of efforts and sacrifices to resist this phoenix, so it is called Yuhuang Villa." Chu Mu said this with a smile.

But his words calmed everyone like thunder.

Really Phoenix? Or the evil phoenix?

Did Chu Mu want to make up a story to scare people?

"Mr. Chu, is it fake? Are you trying to scare us? How can there be a real phoenix? This may be a fable." Young Master Gu couldn't help laughing.

"No, Mr. Gu should understand best. Nothing I said is false. Doesn't your family also raise a particularly large mythical beast?" Chu Muyi said pointedly.

"Ah? That? That is what our old monster said casually. I don't know if it is true or not. I have never seen it, and I can't tell whether it is true or false. Maybe it is nonsense. Who knows? Those old guys Guy, as he gets older, he says everything and can’t tell which is true and which is false.”

Young Master Gu's words clearly meant to hide something.

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