Best Son-in-law

Chapter 730 Tricky

"Oh, that's it. I've heard anecdotes about the Gu family, and I'm very curious. But if Mr. Gu doesn't want to tell me, I won't force you." Chu Mu laughed dryly, and he was very interested in the mysterious Gu family. Of course I am more interested.

However, he also understood that it would be difficult for him to deceive Young Master Gu about some matters related to the Gu family.

So Chu Mu also asked casually. Seeing that Mr. Gu didn't want to say more, he stopped asking any more questions.

Young Master Gu smiled after hearing Chu Mu's words, but soon the smile stopped: "Master Chu hasn't answered my question yet, is this phoenix real?"

"I'm not going to lie to you, there really are phoenixes in this world, and there is one in Yuhuang Villa. It's just that this phoenix is ​​a little special." Chu Mu said with a smile.

"Could it be other poultry? Did Master Chu make a mistake? There may be some problems in distinguishing ducks and geese, but no one has ever seen a phoenix. It's not a shame if you don't recognize it. , as far as I am concerned, I have only heard descriptions of phoenixes in fairy tales. If you really put one in front of me, I might not even recognize it." Young Master Gu frowned and asked.

After hearing this, Chu Mu gently touched his palms and smiled and said: "The bird with flaming body, golden wings and colorful wings, and the mouth spitting out flames is not a phoenix. What is it? It is three feet tall, which is exactly the Taoist three feet. Sixty-nine, combined with all things, is the first of all birds."

When Young Master Gu heard this, he was stunned. He was stunned for a while. His hands were trembling a little. Others didn't know what Chu Mu meant when he said this. How could he not know?

The reason others don't know is that they have never seen a real phoenix, but Mr. Gu has personally seen a mythical beast enshrined by the Gu family in the Gu family, and this mythical beast left a deep impression on Mr. Gu's heart, and now it is. It might be difficult to make him forget it.

"Is this really true?" Mr. Gu's originally calm expression was no longer calm anymore, and there was a long-lost excitement on his face.

Such an excited expression was very rare on Young Master Gu's face. All the bodyguards around him opened their eyes wide, just because they had never seen such an expression on Young Master Gu's face.

This is the first time they have met.

"Seriously!" Chu Mu replied with a smile.

"Where is this phoenix now? Is it in the inner courtyard?" Young Master Gu couldn't restrain his excitement and asked quickly.

"Now that we are no longer here, if we were in this inner courtyard, with Master Gu's knowledge, would we still have a chance to survive?" Chu Muyi said pointedly.

"Oh." Young Master Gu was a little disappointed after hearing this, but soon, the disappointment on his face disappeared, and he immediately asked again: "Does Master Chu know where this Phoenix is ​​now? I don’t mean anything else, I’ve never seen a real phoenix, so if you want to see it with your own eyes, just take a look.”

How could Chu Mu not know what Mr. Gu was thinking? After hearing his words, he shook his head and smiled helplessly: "This phoenix can kill people."

Chu Mu's voice became colder, and he knew what Mr. Gu was thinking.

"I will die without regrets if I can see this phoenix. It's true." There was a fanaticism in Mr. Gu's eyes that outsiders couldn't describe. This fanatic attitude was completely opposite to his previous calm demeanor.

There are many things in this world that Mr. Gu doesn't care much about, such as what happened to Ding Hongsheng today.

Ding Hongsheng is just a chess piece in their plan. If the chess piece can be used, use it, and if it cannot, discard it. For Young Master Gu, there is nothing to get excited about, and he doesn't take it to heart.

But there are really things in this world that make it difficult for Mr. Gu to control his emotions. This is what Chu Mu just said.

"Hahaha, Mr. Gu has such a heart. It is true that heroes have been born in youth since ancient times. But Mr. Gu must understand that some of these things are all about fate. When the fate comes, everything will happen. If the fate does not come, no matter how much you say, it will not matter. It's useless." Chu Mu shook his head gently and smiled helplessly.

"I understand. I'm just curious. I wonder if Mr. Chu can chat for a while? I have something to tell you. After I finish this matter, can we chat?" Young Master Gu couldn't help but ask.

"Young Master Gu, let's finish the matter at hand first. The trouble at hand may not be so simple to resolve." Chu Muyi pointed out.

His eyes were sharp and glowed with a different light.

"Natural, natural." At this time, Mr. Gu also restrained all his excitement, returned to his indifferent posture, smiled softly, and said nothing more.

He just laughed and said: "Yuhuang Villa, Yuhuang, Yuhuang, it's really a good name."

But everyone can see that Mr. Gu's excitement at this time can no longer be contained.

"Hahaha..." Chu Mu also smiled and said nothing more.

Li Fan watched this scene coldly from the side. He naturally heard the dirty talk between the two people. On the surface, they were discussing one thing, but in fact, they were talking about another thing secretly. You can see it in his expression.

Of course, there are too many things that Li Fan doesn't know, and he can only watch on the sidelines now, but Li Fan knows that there are some things that he will know sooner or later.

At the same time, Li Fan really believed that there was a real "Phoenix" in this world.

The weird creatures on the Five Poison Peaks are an example.

The world is really too big, and there are many things that humans don’t know and can’t explain, but they all really exist.

"Is there still a phoenix in this world? Even if there is a phoenix, I will take it down and roast it and eat it." At this time, Mr. Liu still shouted in a desperate manner.

After hearing what Mr. Liu said, the eyes of Mr. Gu and Chu Mu both had a different kind of light, but they immediately covered it up with smiles.

They all know that there is no need to meet dead people.

Mr. Liu is not far from death.

"We're here." Chu Mu led the crowd for a long time before suddenly saying something to remind everyone.

Then the eight followers behind Chu Mu immediately raised the candles in their hands, illuminated the scene in front of them, then lined up on both sides and made a way in the middle.

"This is the inner courtyard. We have already reached the boundary of the inner courtyard." Chu Mu pointed to the empty boundary in front of him and said.

"Is this the inner courtyard? It's really mysterious." Young Master Gu couldn't help but sigh, with a relaxed look on his face as he looked up and down at the scene inside.

Ding Hongsheng had a heavy look on his face. Although he was also a generational hero, when he arrived at such a place where he might die, his face turned pale at this time, and he even walked a little unsteadily.

Ding Hongsheng gritted his teeth and took a step forward, but almost fell down.

When Ding Yanan saw this, she quickly stepped forward to give her a hand and shouted softly: "Dad!"

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