Best Son-in-law

Chapter 734 Heavy

Mr. Liu is extremely arrogant. He feels that no one is his opponent, and he does not take Mr. Wang seriously.

Even at this time, Mr. Liu wanted to use the Gu family to become famous in Huaisui, so he used his true energy from the beginning.

"Huh, thank you for your advice." Mr. Wang squinted his eyes and smiled, slightly clasping his fists at Mr. Liu. At the same time, his hands began to gather true energy.

"Sometimes, you don't have to be big to be powerful. Today I will let you know what a real master is." Mr. Liu said as he slowly approached Mr. Wang. His steps were heavy and the energy in his hands was gathering. The more there are, the heavier the person's breath becomes.

On the other side, Li Fan also squinted his eyes and watched coldly. His facial features had been greatly improved, and he could easily see the comparison of strength between the two.

Li Fan saw with his own eyes that although the energy condensed in Mr. Liu's hands was heavy, it was not even inferior to Mr. Wang's.

But Mr. Liu didn't see this. He thought Mr. Wang was just a big layman.

Therefore, Mr. Liu was also very confident. He actually walked towards Mr. Wang without any precautions and gathered all the energy in his hands.

Seeing the two people getting closer and closer step by step, Ding Hongsheng's heart was in his throat and his hands were shaking.

He very much hopes that Mr. Liu can compete with Mr. Wang.

Seeing Ding Hongsheng's excitement, Li Fan didn't say anything. He couldn't just extinguish his passion.

Besides, whatever Li Fan said now would be inappropriate.

Just when Li Fan sighed, Mr. Liu and Mr. Wang were already at war.

Mr. Liu's fists were filled with real energy, without any pretense. The punch went straight to Mr. Wang's chest.

With this punch, Mr. Liu was very confident that he could defeat Mr. Wang. After all, this was a punch that Mr. Liu used a lot of his energy.

It is simply not something that ordinary people can resist.

Mr. Liu felt that no one present could easily resist his punch.


The next moment, he was stunned. Mr. Wang received a straight punch from him and remained motionless. There was no emotion or joy on his face.

Mr. Wang's face was expressionless, as if Mr. Liu's punch had no effect at all.

After the punch, Mr. Liu looked up and saw Mr. Wang's appearance. He was stunned, then smiled, turned around and left without looking back.

In Mr. Liu's mind, no one could withstand his punch, so after the punch, he thought the matter had been resolved. Mr. Wang had collapsed and he would never stand up again in his life. .

The reason why Mr. Wang didn't fall was just to hold on. When his true energy raged into his skin, he would be dead in a short time.

All is a matter of time.

Mr. Liu even sneered. This was too arrogant. He dared to receive such a punch from himself. Didn't he know how to write the word "death"?

But he didn't think too much. The matter was over. Mr. Wang was punished for his arrogance. It was only a matter of time before he died. When he died, all the problems were solved. He helped Ding Hongsheng do something that could After receiving the benefits promised by Ding Hongsheng, he could also become famous and become famous in the land of Huaisui.

Thinking of this, Mr. Liu felt very beautiful.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu, he, he..." Ding Hongsheng was very surprised when he saw Mr. Liu come back like this. He quickly pointed at Mr. Wang behind Mr. Liu and said tremblingly.

Because Mr. Wang was still standing behind Mr. Liu, he had not fallen down yet. Although he was punched by Mr. Liu, he seemed to be fine.

Ding Hongsheng looked terrified. The winner has been decided? Mr. Liu lost?

Ding Hongsheng's heart was agitated. He was thinking about how the battle ended so quickly. He had put forward so many conditions just to ask Mr. Liu to come and help him. He didn't expect Mr. Liu to be able to defeat Mr. Wang, at least he could. After a few more tricks with Mr. Wang, the Gu family will not dare to act rashly, right?

What's the result? Is this punch over? Is Mr. Liu defeated like this?

Mr. Wang hasn't even taken action yet.

Ding Hongsheng immediately despaired. The most powerful person he knew was still not as good as the person invited by the Gu family.

He was heartbroken, and at the same time he knew that his life was at an end. All he hoped for was Mr. Liu. If Mr. Liu failed, the Gu family would not let him go, and he would have no choice but to die.

"Yanan, please listen carefully to Mr. Li for a while. Do whatever he asks you to do. Don't disobey Mr. Li, otherwise I will not forgive you. Mr. Li, Yanan is begging you. ." Ding Hongsheng gritted his teeth and had already begun to make funeral arrangements.

But at this time, Mr. Liu's voice also came out: "Xiao Ding? What's wrong? Why are you stuttering? The winner has been decided."

"We lost?" Ding Hongsheng's heart was trembling.

"Lost? How is it possible? You won. Don't look at him still standing. He is already dead." Mr. Liu chuckled and said in a pretentious tone.

"Dead, dead?" Ding Hongsheng was surprised.

"Hmph, you dare to take a punch from me head on. You are very brave. No one can block this punch, and no one can survive this punch. My punch is different from other people's punches. It is very Extraordinary." Mr. Liu narrowed his eyes with a gleam of confidence.

"Well, Mr. Liu, I just asked you to compete with Mr. Wang, but I didn't ask you to kill Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang is still a distinguished guest of the Gu family, so it would not be good for you to kill him." Ding Hongsheng shouted deeply. tone, and quickly apologized with a smile.

"He is seeking death himself and cannot blame others. Xiao Ding, your courage is getting weaker and weaker. If you want to kill such a person, will you kill him? Will Yuhuang Villa take care of the affairs here?" Mr. Liu looked proud. smiled.

"This, this, okay." Ding Hongsheng breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Although he saw that Mr. Wang was still standing, he also knew that Mr. Liu would never deceive him easily. This means that, as Mr. Liu said, Mr. Wang was seriously injured and dead.

He has seen such scenes in TV dramas. Some masters dueled, and the results have actually come out, but people are still standing.

But in this way, he felt relieved. Although Mr. Wang was dead, if he talked to Mr. Gu properly, he should still have a chance.

After all, the Gu family has powerful enemies, and it is impossible to focus too much energy on themselves.

In this way, everything is solved.

Just when Ding Hongsheng wanted to explain it to Mr. Gu and shake hands to make peace, Mr. Wang, who had been standing silent, spoke up.

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