Best Son-in-law

Chapter 735 Feeling cold

"I don't know what you were doing just now? Are you playing tricks? It doesn't seem to be very fun." Mr. Wang spread his hands and shrugged helplessly, with a hint of teasing between his eyebrows.

Looking at Mr. Liu was like watching a clown playing tricks.

After hearing this, Mr. Liu's face immediately darkened, and he kept chanting: "Impossible, impossible, absolutely not possible."

After saying that, Mr. Liu suddenly turned around and stared at Mr. Wang. He looked up and down twice, gritted his teeth, took a deep breath and said: "Don't use your words, your internal organs are already rotten." If it goes through, you will vomit blood and die in less than two minutes. This is my power. I will not talk to a dead person like you."

The result is two minutes.

The joking in Mr. Wang's eyes became more and more intense. He glanced at Mr. Liu up and down, and said helplessly: "It seems to have been two minutes, right? Why is nothing happening to me? Are you doing magic? Or are you playing tricks? Or is it acrobatics? Everything must be explained clearly. You have to let me die, right? You punched me without pain and said I was dead? Mr. Liu, what you said is too funny. Bar?"

At this time, Mr. Wang's cynicism directly penetrated Mr. Liu's backbone. His face was hard to hold on to, and he turned ashen. His face was as ugly as it was.

Before Mr. Liu came over, he had talked a lot, including just now. He had let out all his words, and it would have killed Mr. Wang in a moment. As a result, he just stood there and it was all right. It was Mr. Liu’s face. Can it still hold up?

So Mr. Liu became very angry immediately. A lot of zhenqi immediately gathered in his hands, almost all the zhenqi in his body was gathered in his hands.

Anyway, in Mr. Liu's mind, he would never allow people like Mr. Wang who slandered his face to still be alive, so he couldn't help but use all his energy in order to kill with one blow and establish his authority.

At this time, Mr. Liu was really angry. He felt that his self-esteem and face had been challenged.

"Okay, you have the guts. I originally wanted you to enjoy more in the last stage of your life. If you don't want to, then I will give you a ride. Don't blame me. There is a road to heaven if you don't take it, and there is no door to hell if you break in. , this time, I won't let you live." Mr. Liu's fist was covered with a layer of true energy, and such true energy made it impossible for Mr. Wang to resist with his own body.

Mr. Wang couldn't help but look sideways at him, and at the same time he became wary.

After all, it was Mr. Liu who was angry and used his whole body's energy to punch, so it should not be underestimated. What people want is to kill with one blow.

Mr. Wang also turned his palm into a fist and quietly gathered the true energy in his hand.

Here, Mr. Liu has rushed forward aggressively, and although Mr. Wang has been prepared for it, his expression on his face is nothing else. He smiles slightly, as if nothing is wrong.

"Suffer death." Mr. Liu punched Mr. Wang brazenly. This punch was strong and fierce. Of course, outsiders could not see the left and right sides, but people who knew better could see that the air around him had been deeply affected.

People like Li Fan, whose facial features have been transformed and changed, can even clearly see the process of the flow of true energy and the extent of the gathering of true energy.

Mr. Wang only heard the wind getting louder and louder, and the hair on his forehead kept dancing with the wind.

This punch seems to be nothing, but it is getting more and more terrifying.

Ding Hongsheng was so nervous behind him that he didn't even dare to blink.

But the next moment, he quickly froze.

Not only him, Mr. Liu was also stunned.

Because Mr. Liu used all his strength to throw a punch that was actually caught by Mr. Wang with one hand.

After receiving the punch, Mr. Wang's expression remained unchanged, as if he had just received an ordinary punch.

In fact, Mr. Wang had a joking smile on his face and looked at Mr. Liu with a sneer: "Mr. Liu, can you only use this level of fists? Your strength and speed are too poor, not very good, you Are you playing tricks or dancing? Do you want me to cooperate with you? Can you be more serious?"

After saying that, Mr. Wang let go of Mr. Liu and pushed him naturally. Mr. Liu immediately took four or five steps back.

On the other side, Ding Hongsheng was dumbfounded, and Mr. Liu was even more shocked.

"Impossible." Mr. Liu was dumbfounded, with disbelief on his face. He gritted his teeth and was about to go crazy: "Impossible, absolutely not possible. It must be an illusion. It must be an illusion. No one in Yannan can bear me. There is no way anyone can block this punch! Not to mention Yan Nan, no one in Huaisui can block my punch."

Up to this moment, Mr. Liu is still very arrogant. He feels that he is invincible and no one can beat him.

But the fact was that his face was swollen.

The reality is very cruel.

But Mr. Liu still refused to give up. He gritted his teeth and gathered all the energy in his body again. At the same time, he burst out with an amazing momentum, and then punched Mr. Wang's neck.

Mr. Liu didn't hold back at all with this punch. He didn't want to leave any chance of survival.

Because he felt that his face could no longer bear it, it was burning and painful, and it was very uncomfortable.

Mr. Liu felt that he was about to lose all his face. If he didn't kill Mr. Wang, he would not be able to see anyone anymore, and he would not be able to survive in this world.

In just a moment, Mr. Liu punched again. Due to his height, this punch only hit Mr. Wang's neck.

But there were still no exceptions. Mr. Wang caught the punch calmly and calmly, just like an adult easily catching the punch thrown by a fifth or sixth grade primary school student.

Although the punch shocked Mr. Wang's palm and made him feel slightly numb, he still received the punch calmly and gracefully.

After catching the punch, Mr. Wang still had a calm and calm smile on his face.

But Mr. Liu was already stupid.

This first time might be a coincidence, but what about the second time?

However, Mr. Liu did not give up. He desperately wanted to pull out his hand, and then punched Mr. Wang again.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. There must be something wrong. I must have used the wrong method. As long as I improve the method, I just need to change it. There is absolutely no way you can catch my punch, and there is no way you can catch my punch." A person can catch my punch. Yes, something must have gone wrong." Mr. Liu looked for reasons and excuses like crazy, constantly deceiving himself and escaping from reality.

Just like a primary school student who is furious after losing a fight and feels that he has no face.

Seeing this scene, Ding Hongsheng's heart sank. He even had some doubts. Was his original choice right or wrong? Why did he choose someone like Mr. Liu?

You are so arrogant that you have no real ability.

First, he punched the person and said that he had been killed. Later, when he saw that the person was standing still, he ran over and punched the person twice more. However, nothing happened to the person and he even caught Mr. Liu twice. fist, and let him go to continue punching.

How much do you look down on Mr. Liu?

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