Best Son-in-law

Chapter 736 Huge Gap

Ding Hongsheng, who was watching from the side, was doubting his life. If you can't beat him, just say so and continue to beat him. Don't you think you've lost your face enough?

Ding Hongsheng looked at Mr. Liu and suddenly felt speechless.

You don't have this ability, why are you pretending to be so stupid here? It's like it's real.

When you first came in, the score was higher than anyone else. Those who didn’t know better thought you were a super expert. No one paid attention to you. They also said that no one in Yannan could beat you. Even Huai Sui didn’t have many people. Can withstand one of his own attacks.

As a result, before Yannan even got out, Mr. Wang came by and restrained him.

Originally, Ding Hongsheng thought that Mr. Liu was so arrogant that he would be more or less powerful and could at least contain Mr. Wang. However, when the fight actually started, where was Mr. Liu?

I punched him three times, he resisted one punch, nothing happened, and the other two punches were received by him.

It looked like a child was angry and fighting with an adult.

The adult didn't have the same experience as him, and he felt that this adult couldn't beat him. They fought back and forth and kept pestering him, but in the end, they didn't take him seriously at all.

The child also felt that he had lost face and was angry.

This is what is happening in real life.

At this time, Mr. Liu no longer felt embarrassed, and Ding Hongsheng couldn't stand it anymore.

Not only him, but Ding Yanan and Li Fan were also speechless.

Ding Yanan was dumbfounded. The whole family was counting on Mr. Liu. As a result, he boasted loudly and had no skills at all. This was just for fun. Even adults couldn't beat children so easily. , so disdainful.

So Ding Yanan's heart sank. After all, Mr. Liu was their family's only hope. If he fell, wouldn't their family be doomed?

So seeing this scene, the eyes of Ding Hongsheng and his daughter were extremely heavy, especially Ding Yanan. She felt unprecedented despair. If Mr. Liu fell, wouldn't their family be doomed?

At this time, Li Fan looked calm. Before the two of them fought, he could tell who was losing and who was winning.

After all, the level of Qi concentration is different. Mr. Liu can only be said to be a newbie and has some skills that can scare ordinary people, but Mr. Wang is obviously proficient in using Qi. Who will lose in a fight between these two people? You know winning without even thinking about it.

One is a real master, and the other is just an arrogant clown who knows how to do things in his own way.

But what is different from ordinary people is that once a person knows Qi, his fighting power is not comparable to ordinary people.

A sixty-year-old man who knows how to get angry can beat a thirty-year-old man who doesn't know how to get angry.

Just because true energy is formed by heaven and earth, it can greatly enhance a person's strength and speed. The degree of strengthening of this strength and speed has exceeded the limit that can be achieved by human exercise.

This is why the ancients could lift the cauldron with ease, but modern people are unable to restrain a chicken.

In the records of the ancients, there are often warriors or strange men who are powerful enough to lift cauldrons. These are not fake, but they really exist. In fact, they are not infinitely powerful, but they hold the Zhenqi method and understand the Zhenqi. The method of use is to hone your muscles and bones externally and repair your internal organs internally.

Of course, it is also because Qi is too difficult to use and often hurts others and ourselves, so some ancient people's lifespan was very short.

But there are some ancient people who lived a long life, but they were just forgotten as legends and myths.

But no one knows that these legends and myths really exist.

For example, an ancient sage lived for more than 800 years. It was because he was proficient in the use of Qi and the Qi in his body was endless. Therefore, he lived for more than 800 years in the world. This is also a real thing. .

However, this incident cannot be explained scientifically, so some scholars later said that this person did not live for more than 800 years, but that his country only existed for 800 years.

Of course, there are countless anecdotes about such strange people, some of which are recorded but are still suspected, let alone those that are not recorded.

But in a real sense, some ancient people knew that true energy existed and used it to do things.

It's just that the infuriating energy at that time had two sides. The lifespan of those who can use it is difficult to last long, and the lifespan of those who can't use it can be slightly longer, but they can live a normal life.

Choosing one of the two is in line with the ancient saying that you can't have your cake and eat it too.

This also explains from a certain aspect the reason why true energy exists in the world.

Most ancient books, traditional martial arts, and Taoist classics are all supreme treasures. The benefits of learning are endless, and they are also the wisdom left by the ancients.

After all, it has been spread far and wide for thousands of years, and it is not unreasonable to be passed down from generation to generation. If it were all dregs, it would have been abandoned long ago.

Of course, some traditional records have been lost long ago, some traditional martial arts have become nothing more than ostentation, and some Taoist classics have never been passed down to the outside world.

So some of the good things about tradition are hidden.

But after all, the end of science in this world is theology.

Science can't explain many things, but some theology can explain it well.

Of course, there are many people in the world who are fooling around, pretending to be fake, and taking advantage of opportunities, and some of these theologies have also been tainted.

But among the aristocratic families, some things have been preserved, which the predecessors did not care about, or did not fully inherit. Today, people look through the ancient genealogies and gain great gains from them.

This is also related to an incident, which has only recently caused a stir in Yanbei.

On the surface, Zhenqi is a mysterious and mysterious thing, but in fact it is a well-founded treasure.

But no one knows the fundamentals, and no one can interpret it.

And there are many secrets hidden behind the Qi.

No one can decipher these secrets.

However, the method of using Qi has been spread among aristocratic families, and it has indeed brought many benefits to these aristocratic families.

Loyal and strong people like Mr. Wang were cultivated by aristocratic families who worked tirelessly and with great difficulty.

The result was that he achieved what the aristocratic families wanted. He was loyal, powerful, and could help the aristocratic families do things that they would not easily do.

People like Mr. Wang are also death warriors trained by aristocratic families, people who are willing to die for the aristocratic family.

At the same time, he is also an absolute killer arranged by the family in some places.

So on the surface it seems that Mr. Gu has great respect for Mr. Wang. In fact, Mr. Wang is very obedient to Mr. Gu, but he just doesn't show it easily.

Mr. Liu was used to being arrogant and domineering after possessing Zhen Qi. He never expected to meet someone in Yannan who could also use Zhen Qi.

This time Mr. Liu has encountered a tough situation.

And Mr. Liu still doesn't know that Mr. Wang is actually a master of Qi. He thought that Mr. Wang can't do Qi because he hasn't used Qi for a long time and his hands are rusty, or he is affected. It's just that I didn't use it to release my true energy.

Of course, the reason why Mr. Liu feels this way is because after he shocked the world with his true qi, he relaxed his practice of true qi. He is a layman who has just discovered the way to true qi. Once he stops practicing, he will forget about it. It's extremely fast.

Therefore, it is true that sometimes Mr. Liu cannot use Zhen Qi, or is not proficient in Zhen Qi.

Mr. Liu felt that the zhenqi he had mastered was enough to deal with everyone in the world, but he did not expect that there would be a stronger among the strongest. He was powerful, and there were people even more powerful than him.

And there are a lot of them.

In fact, Mr. Liu has never met anyone like Mr. Wang before.

This time he was discouraged by Mr. Wang's beating, and he just teased him like a child.

Of course, Mr. Liu couldn't bear such insult at all.

"Okay, since Mr. Liu thinks something went wrong, then I will let you go and let's have a good fight. What do you think? My original intention is to fight with you." Mr. Wang smiled slightly, calm and elegant. He let go of his hand and let Mr. Liu attack him again, as if he didn't care about Mr. Liu.

Such calmness and calmness drove Mr. Liu crazy. He cursed angrily: "Wang, you insult me ​​too much, I swear to kill you!"

"What the hell, what Mr. Liu said is too serious. I don't dare to humiliate Mr. Liu, and I don't mean to humiliate Mr. Liu at all. I know that Mr. Liu is a master. He made a mistake in the attack just now and did not use the real weapon." strength, so I let go and wanted Mr. Liu to attack again and I to defend again. That was it. I had no other intention. I just wanted Mr. Liu to use all his strength and fight me fairly. We are also friendly. How can there be other meanings in the discussion? Mr. Liu must not think too much." Mr. Wang said hypocritically, feeling happy in his heart.

He had long been disgusted with Mr. Liu being so arrogant just now. He had long wanted to show Mr. Liu some color, but he had never had the chance. Now that the opportunity had come, of course he would show no mercy.

"Stop talking nonsense, let me see if you can catch this punch!" At this time, Mr. Liu was humiliated and did not say anything. He gathered all the energy in his hand, and then punched Mr. Wang's neck fiercely. , but this punch was without any exception, and was easily received by Mr. Wang.

Seeing this scene, both Ding Hongsheng and Ding Yanan's hearts were sinking.

Everyone can see at this time that Mr. Liu is definitely no match for Mr. Wang. Everyone can see that the gap between the two people is like a gulf.

The gap is really too big, and it is a gap that cannot be made up no matter what.

And again and again, this Mr. Liu has punched four times, but not even a hair on the person's body was touched, which can already explain the problem.

At this moment, Ding Hongsheng and his daughter no longer wanted to look down. Their hearts were already on the edge of despair.

Even, Ding Hongsheng smiled helplessly, sighed, and said with some frustration: "If you don't have a diamond, don't take this porcelain job. You have no ability, so why are you bragging? Don't you think it's embarrassing? This person wants face. The tree wants its bark and you have lost all face, but you still have the face to stay here?"

At this time, Ding Hongsheng was already desperate, so everything he said was full of despair, and he did not take into account whether Mr. Liu was present.

This doesn't matter anymore, because there is no way Mr. Liu can win against Mr. Wang, let alone win, even if he makes a move in front of Mr. Wang.

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