Best Son-in-law

Chapter 737 Pure Abuse

At this time, Ding Hongsheng no longer had any undue hopes. All his calculations had failed, and he would soon have to look at what the Gu family should do with him.

Ding Hongsheng understands this very well, and he has no ability to resist.

Now that Mr. Liu's failure is a certainty, the Gu family will definitely come to cause trouble after they defeat Mr. Liu.

And Ding Hongsheng didn't want to leave the inner courtyard of Yuhuang Villa alive. He only thought about how to settle his daughter.

Finally it was time to say goodbye.

Desperate Ding Hongsheng could only hand over his daughter to Li Fan.

"Mr. Li, take Yanan away. There is nothing to do here. Take her away. It's starting to get dangerous here. You've seen it too. This is really embarrassing." Ding Hongsheng was a little unhappy. Pointing to Mr. Liu with amusement, he said to Li Fan.

"Mr. Li, you must not make enemies of them. I know you are very skilled, but at a certain level, no matter how strong your skills are, they are useless. No matter how skilled you are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives." Ding Hongsheng asked again. Li Fan said that what he was most worried about now was Ding Yanan. If Li Fan could guarantee that his daughter would be fine, then he, Ding Hongsheng, would not frown much even if he was about to die.

What he cared about the most and couldn't let go of was his precious daughter.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ding, it's okay. Leave Miss Ding to me. Don't worry." Li Fan said repeatedly.

Seeing that Li Fan agreed to him, Ding Hongsheng felt a little relieved and nodded accordingly.

But some of the words Ding Hongsheng didn't avoid just now reached Mr. Liu's ears. He felt very harsh and uncomfortable.

Mr. Liu gritted his teeth and clenched his fists: "Ding Hongsheng, what did you say? How dare you talk to me like this? Look how I defeated this bastard."

At this moment, Mr. Liu was furious. He exerted his ultimate strength and speed with every punch, and also used his ultimate energy. However, without exception, every punch he threw was caught by Mr. Wang. .

When Mr. Wang caught these fists, his expression was as usual, and he smiled playfully as if he was toying with Mr. Liu.

At this moment, Ding Hongsheng, who was desperate, no longer wanted to watch Mr. Liu's fight anymore. He waved his hand helplessly: "Mr. Liu, hit your opponent well and don't be distracted. The person standing in front of you is stronger than you. I don't know." How many times more people are there, do you still have a chance to be distracted? Respect your opponents and yourself."

At this time, Ding Hongsheng didn't want to say anything more to Mr. Wang, and he didn't have the energy to speak.

Although he had scolded Mr. Liu thousands of times in his heart.

But his face didn't show it at all.

After saying this, Ding Hongsheng no longer cared about Mr. Liu's situation at this time. He only thought about how to settle his daughter and how to deal with the trouble caused by the Gu family.

Mr. Liu, on the other hand, was completely furious. He desperately used his true energy to attack Mr. Wang.

But one attack after another was defused by Mr. Wang.

Originally, Mr. Liu expected that his true energy would be enough to cause huge damage in Mr. Wang's body, and thus be able to tear apart Mr. Wang's people.

But what he didn't expect was that his true energy was like a stone sinking into the sea, having no effect on Mr. Wang at all.

After dozens of attacks, more than ten minutes later, Mr. Liu was already exhausted and sweating profusely, and all the energy in his body had been exhausted.

Mr. Liu gradually became desperate. He gradually understood that it was not that his Qi had lost its effect, but that Mr. Wang's realm was above him, and he had met a master who was much better than himself.

In front of such a great master, his attacks were like a child playing house, completely useless.

That's why Mr. Wang could fight with him so calmly and calmly, and chat and laugh happily while fighting with him.

It's just that Mr. Liu can't stand this. He didn't expect that there was someone stronger than him in Huai Sui.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible." Mr. Liu's eyes were fixed on Mr. Wang, and he suddenly punched Mr. Wang again.

But there was still no exception. Mr. Wang caught Mr. Liu's fist.

At this moment, Mr. Gu's voice came over: "Mr. Wang, it's just for fun. Let's resolve the battle quickly. I still need time to talk to Mr. Ding."

"No problem, that's all I need to solve the battle." After Mr. Wang said this, a bright smile appeared on his face, and then he grabbed Mr. Liu's fist with one hand and waved his own fist at the same time. The punches are also filled with Qi: "One punch can solve it."

"Fart, you can't do anything to me." When Mr. Liu saw Mr. Wang punching him, he quickly mobilized the energy in his body to protect his body, trying to resist Mr. Wang's punch.

Mr. Liu's dignity did not allow him to escape. He always thought that he was the strongest person in the Huaisui area, but the reality hit him until his face was swollen.

But before Mr. Liu could finish speaking, he was punched by Mr. Wang.

After this punch, Mr. Liu's eyes widened, his mouth felt salty, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. The zhenqi in his body was in chaos, and at the same time, the zhenqi attached to Mr. Wang's hand rushed into his body.

Swim around and be active.

Mr. Liu felt as if he had been disemboweled and his internal organs had been ripped open and smashed thousands of times.

After the punch, Mr. Liu rolled his eyes and lost the ability to resist. Just like a child who had been punched by an adult, he flew seven or eight meters and lay on the ground.

After this punch, Mr. Liu rolled his eyes and became confused, wandering between half-consciousness and half-awake. He was about to lose consciousness now, but he did not lose consciousness. The whole person was a little confused.

Mr. Liu's nostrils were bleeding, his mouth was full of blood from his own teeth, and the blood from the pneumothorax surged up, so all the blood flowing around Mr. Liu's mouth was his.

Because his mouth is full of blood, Mr. Liu can't speak now.

His eyes were dim and he could no longer stand up.

After knocking Mr. Liu away with one punch, Mr. Wang smiled slightly, stretched his muscles and bones, and made a crackling sound all over his body.

"Do you think you are the only one who can use your true energy? The world is very big, and your three-legged cat skills can only bluff people. You can't even stand a punch in front of me. How dare you act so presumptuously? Today is to give Mr. Ding some face, and I’ll spare your life. If I hadn’t given Mr. Ding some face, I would have used 80% of my strength just now and killed you! Be careful in the future and don’t do things that only fools do. , you know, the strongest has its own strong hand!" Mr. Wang looked arrogant and said condescendingly to Mr. Liu.

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