Best Son-in-law

Chapter 792 True Qi Transforms into Form

"Sometimes, there's nothing wrong with you wanting to make money. I can understand if you want to make money for your brother, but people can't be swayed by the desire to make money. People want to make money, not be made by money. Do you understand?" Li Fan was a little helpless. said.

"We have no choice. We have already embarked on this road. There is no turning back. I also want to turn back, but there is no other way." Boss Han's face was full of helplessness and vicissitudes of life.

"You can definitely lead your brothers to do some legitimate professions and legitimate industries. Although the profits may be relatively small, there is still a process from less to more. Slowly and step by step, it may not necessarily be the case." No matter how bad it will be, I also suggest that in the end it depends on your choice, but I advise you not to think too much. If you do too much injustice, you will be killed." Li Fan said coldly to Boss Han.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded. The voice was so sharp and harsh that it even made Li Fan's expression change.

"Li, what's so great about you? You're just a person. Do you have three heads and six arms? You treat our brothers like this, do you really think that our brothers are nothing?" A red-haired voice sounded in the distance.

Li Fan couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard Hong Mao's voice, and raised his eyes towards the source of the sound.

It didn't matter at this glance, Li Fan's entire expression changed instantly, because Li Fan saw Hong Mao and Zhang Ming's gangsters holding onto the pillar.

The two Li Fans looked at the stranger and took hold of Zhuzi. Hongmao held a knife in his hand and was making gestures on Zhuzi's face. While gesticulating, he showed an extremely cruel smile to Li Fan. .

"Li, aren't you very powerful? I want you to watch how your beloved godson died!" Hong Mao gritted his teeth and stared at Li Fan with a gloomy expression. Fan saw a look of regret and a look of fear in his eyes.

"Hongmao, put down the knife." At this time, Zhang Ming's voice also appeared.

Several other gangsters around were confused as to which song Boss Han and his gang were singing.

"Where is this coming from? Why is it getting more and more confusing to me? Isn't Boss Han trying to establish his authority? Why did he admit defeat to this kid? That's all. After admitting defeat, he moved out another person. , and even threatened a child, what kind of story is this? Why can’t I understand." Boss Liu said a little confused.

"I don't understand anymore. What is Boss Han thinking? What on earth does he want to show us? Their family's scandal? Do they want this family's scandal to be publicized?" Zhong, wearing a Tang suit, held a Buddhist bead in his hand. The young man couldn't help but say.

The other bosses were even talking about it, and the scene couldn't help but become a little chaotic. No one understood what happened to Boss Han.

"But I think there is a big show to watch. This guy surnamed Han is going to stir up a storm when he returns to China." The middle-aged man in Tang suit holding the prayer beads in his hand said while squeezing the beads in his hand.

"Brother Ming, please leave me alone about this matter. We have cards in our hands and we must use them." Hong Mao turned around and roared at Zhang Ming. He felt that his face was unbearable and his face was dull. He couldn't stand this. Insult, so I wanted to use extreme means to use up the card that threatened Li Fan.

"None of us brothers are people who are afraid of death, but none of us brothers can bear this tone." Hong Mao said angrily.

"Hongmao, don't you even listen to me?" Zhang Ming shouted.

"Brother Ming, I can't bear this tone. I must make this kid pay the price and let him know that we are not easy to mess with." Red-haired eyes burst into tears as he stared at Zhang Ming and said.

"Hongmao, put that child down." Boss Han also frowned. He had originally set up a plan, which was to use the 800,000 in cash given by Li Fan to tie Li Fan up and still make Li Fan theirs. Shield, but now he doesn't dare to do so.

Now that Boss Han saw Hong Mao being so helpless, he suddenly panicked.

At this time, Hongmao was already crazy and couldn't listen to what Zhang Ming and Boss Han said. He held a knife in his hand and leaned closer and closer to the pillar's neck. At the same time, Hongmao's eyes became more and more crazy. , he was prepared to be beaten to death by Li Fan with this knife, but he would rather die than make Li Fan suffer and make him regret.

"Li, regret it." The craziness in Hongmao's eyes grew more and more, and finally it all broke out. He was already moving the knife in his hand. At this moment, he didn't want to think about any consequences, he just wanted to do what he wanted. things to do.

Li Fan turned around without saying a word, and his eyes were filled with Hongmao's crazy look at this moment. Li Fan's brows furrowed tighter and tighter. At the same time, Li Fan also saw Zhu Zhu's eyes asking for help. At this moment, Li Fan His breath suddenly changed.

The energy in his body completely exploded.

Just listen to a "bang" on the ring and explode directly.

Boss Han was the first to be blown away by the aura emanating from Li Fan.

The other bosses around him were in the same state. Each one of them was shocked by the true energy, and each one of them looked shocked by the true energy.

Especially Boss Han, his face was even more surprised.

Boss Han looked at Li Fan in disbelief. He never expected that Li Fan had mastered the true energy.

"Stop." Li Fan gathered all the energy in his body into his hands, and then pushed hard. All the energy rushed towards Hong Mao, and an invisible wind dragon of energy appeared and whizzed towards Hong Mao. Got red hair.

Hong Mao had a cruel smile on his face one second, but was shaken away the next.

At the same time, Boss Han also reminded: "Hongmao, spread out quickly!"

But it was too late. Hongmao bore the brunt of the collision with the Zhenqi Wind Dragon. His whole body seemed to have been struck by lightning, and he was shocked to death on the spot.

Other gangsters nearby were also affected, and they were all bounced away by Li Fan's vigorous energy.

However, Zhuzi did not suffer any damage, but Zhuzi was also frightened and fainted.

"Really, true energy transformation? How is it possible? You are so young, you actually know how to use true energy transformation?" Boss Han was completely dumbfounded. He had only seen true energy transformation in the hands of his master, and he didn't expect it. He saw it again in Li Fan's hand.

At this time, Li Fan still looked proud. He was forced to take action at this moment, but Li Fan did not regret it at all after taking action. He walked off the stage with a cold face and walked towards the pillar step by step.

At this time, everyone was shocked by Li Fan's move. They avoided Li Fan like a snake or a scorpion, for fear that this evil star would make some unexpected moves.

Hongmao was directly killed by Li Fan's move. The other gangsters were also implicated by this move. Their faces changed drastically. After being affected, they all had various injuries or internal injuries on their faces and bodies. , or trauma.

Moreover, when Li Fan used his true energy to transform into a dragon and soared over, they all briefly felt deafened, and they did not recover for a while.

Hongmao died on the spot, and the other gangsters also looked blank, and they were all stunned on the spot.

They just watched blankly as Li Fan took Zhu Zhu away.

Zhuzi was unconscious all the way. He was greatly frightened. He remembered that he seemed to be picked up by someone, and then he walked step by step facing the fearful eyes of everyone. This feeling was a very special feeling, as if he was his father. General feeling.

Zhuzi enjoyed this feeling very much. He felt the long-lost father's love in Li Fan. This kind of father's love was something he had always wanted to pursue but could not.

This feeling allows Zhu Zhu to lie in Li Fan's arms unrestrained, without having to think about anything or do anything.

Total relaxation.

Li Fan just hugged the pillar and took every step very firmly. No one else around him dared to look directly at Li Fan. This was the majesty displayed by Li Fan.

Zhang Ming and others saw that their brother was beaten to death by Li Fan, and they had no desire for revenge. They were completely defeated because Li Fan killed someone invisible and killed a person like this with one move. It's really scary.

This supernatural method completely frightened them.

Li Fan can kill people without bearing any guilt, and their deaths are in vain.

Whose life is not life? And now that they have moved out their boss, they are still no match for Li Fan. They are completely desperate and can no longer think of any resistance.

Li Fan's move caused shock in all directions, and everyone's hearts were shaken by it.

At this time, Li Fan's goal was achieved, and he took the child away.

"Boss Han, Zhang Ming, you should do more of what you should do, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless." Li Fan said with a majestic look.

"Yes, yes, we don't dare anymore." Boss Han had no intention of resisting. He was completely frightened by Li Fan.

The same goes for Zhang Ming. He had a sour look on his face. He never expected that after so many years of running around in Beizhuang Town and collecting protection fees for so many years, he would eventually be included.

He kicked an iron plate, which was so powerful that it made him despair and made him unable to resist.

Zhang Ming no longer had any intention of resisting.

The other bosses couldn't sit still either. They were walking on thin ice one by one. Although they didn't know what happened just now, they still saw Li Fan's move. Seeing Li Fan's powerful and domineering move, they were also shocked. They were too courageous to have any thoughts of resistance. They sat or stood one by one, for fear of being beaten to death by Li Fan with the same moves.

At this moment, a police siren sounded outside the door, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

They were all a group of gangsters. They had a headache when they heard the siren. They didn't expect that the siren they heard today was so sweet and beautiful.

Each of them seemed to be amnesty, because the siren represented their hope of living. When they heard the siren, they could live.

"Don't mention today's matter to anyone." Li Fan stretched out his hand and said to everyone.

All the gangsters nodded. They didn't dare to say such terrible things. Even if they did, no one would believe them, and they would probably be taken away from the mental hospital.

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