Best Son-in-law

Chapter 793 A mistake

In this way, Feng Zihan, with the help of Li Fan, was able to invite away some gangsters around Laoshantun. She did not expect that when she went to investigate those gangsters that day, they were so cooperative and quickly confessed to all charges. , just like he was afraid that he would not be found guilty.

This made Feng Zihan wonder, what happened to these gangsters? Did their conscience discover it, or did their thinking change?

Some of these gangsters had fallen into her hands before, but after they fell into her hands, they denied it in every possible way. No matter how they asked, they would not reveal their guilt.

Now that there is such a sudden change, it is difficult for Feng Zihan to react.

What exactly happened?

Feng Zihan couldn't figure it out no matter how hard she thought about it, but seeing the scared expressions on each of these gangsters, she couldn't help but have a question in her heart, could it be that these gangsters just saw ghosts?

In fact, these gangsters have seen things scarier than ghosts, and no one believes them when they say it.

Feng Zihan was confused by the whole thing, but so many gangsters surrendered one after another, and many of the cases she was handling were solved.

This makes Feng Zihan and her colleagues very busy.

But she was also rewarded by her superiors for solving so many cases in one day. Feng Zihan suddenly became a role model for many police officers and a learning target specially rewarded by her superiors.

Feng Zihan even broke the record in the bureau because she solved so many cases that day, and she became a typical example.

Many people want to learn from Feng Zihan and know how she solved so many cases in one day.

But Feng Zihan herself was confused. With so many achievements, she didn't even know how she did it.

You can't tell others that if you do nothing, those criminals suddenly have a conscience and all of them surrender, right?

Therefore, Feng Zihan could only find a random explanation for some people who came to visit her. In the end, there were so many people asking that she really didn't know how to explain it, so she didn't bother to explain it.

In this way, it actually increased Feng Zihan's mystery in the outside world. Many people had various speculations about Feng Zihan and felt that she must be hiding it. Feng Zihan just smiled at this situation.

Feng Zihan had too much work that day, so she was busy all day, and even worked overtime at night.

But she knew that everything was related to one person, and that person was Li Fan.

It's just that she doesn't know what happened that day, what method Li Fan used to gather these gangsters from all over the country, and how he made all these gangsters willingly surrender, it all became a mystery.

A mystery that Feng Zihan could never guess.

However, Feng Zihan also guessed that the method used by Li Fan might not be gentle, but might be extremely tough, otherwise these gangsters wouldn't be so afraid.

Feng Zihan couldn't help but have some questions. Could it be that these gangsters were scared by Li Fan?

Li Fan is so powerful?

Feng Zihan also couldn't figure it out. All of these gangsters were rebellious. How could they be beaten and subdued?

And are you still afraid of this?

The only explanation is that they saw a ghost that day.

But whenever Feng Zihan asked these gangsters what happened that day, they all kept silent, as if they had really seen a ghost that day.

Faced with this situation, Feng Zihan was of course helpless and had no choice.

She couldn't ask. The only thing she could ask was to ask Li Fan about the situation, but she also knew that she couldn't ask about the situation with Li Fan.

As a result, Feng Zihan had more questions in her mind. She became more curious about Li Fan, and at the same time she also had some feelings of admiration for Li Fan.

Feng Zihan herself is a very upright person. What she advocates is justice and fairness, and all her efforts are for justice and fairness.

Otherwise, she would not have chosen to be a police officer. Now that she has become a police officer, she wants to support justice and spread the justice in her heart. At the same time, she also has a certain amount of admiration for people like Li Fan.

Because in Feng Zihan's eyes, Li Fan is the object of her admiration, a perfect object of admiration. He does things seriously, does not ask for credit, does not seek fame, is very low-key, but the things he does are not low-key at all.

Even Feng Zihan began to wonder if Li Fan was too low-key because he was too low-key.

That's why I have such an attitude when doing things.

Feng Zihan even thinks that Li Fan should be a policeman. He is so capable. From what happened last time, it can be seen that he is a very smart person, and he is also very skilled, talented and smart. It would be a pity if such a person is so flexible and does not serve as a police officer and does not support justice.

And this time, Feng Zihan could see Li Fan's ability even more. Although she didn't know what Li Fan did, it was a fact that so many gangsters came to surrender. She knew that all her achievements were actually stolen. , is actually all the credit of Li Fan.

If Li Fan said that he didn't do anything, even Feng Zihan wouldn't believe it.

Therefore, Li Fan is both mysterious and powerful to Feng Zihan, which makes Feng Zihan feel a kind of admiration. At the same time, she becomes more and more curious about Li Fan.

Feng Zihan was even thinking that if Li Fan became a police officer, the security in this area would be much better, and they might not have so many cases to do, because Li Fan has the ability to make all criminals surrender willingly. Ability to surrender.

By then, the case will be successfully solved, and the lives of people nearby will be much easier.

After thinking about it, Feng Zihan felt that it was a waste for Li Fan to do business in the village. He was a talent, but such talent was wasted. If he could become a policeman, wouldn't the world be peaceful?

When Feng Zihan thought about this, she had the idea of ​​​​persuading Li Fan to become a police officer.

However, even if Li Fan is engaged in industry, he is doing quite well. He has made money himself, and he has also made money with the folks in his village.

After Feng Zihan finished what she was doing, she wanted to have more contact with Li Fan to strengthen her relationship.

Feng Zihan felt that even if Li Fan was not a police officer, it would be a good thing to help her handle the case.

In short, after this incident, the surrounding area of ​​Hongdan County has become really peaceful. Many gangsters surrendered and were arrested. Many criminals took the initiative to explain their crimes. Many cases were solved. They were all afraid. The look of not convicting himself surprised everyone.

Such a strange situation has never been seen by anyone.

Although they felt strange, they all enjoyed this feeling.

Even Feng Zihan and some comrades were free after finishing these cases. They really had nothing to do. The cases were all finished and Hongdan County was at peace.

Sometimes they even get together and joke with each other, joking about whether the world will be peaceful in Hongdan County and whether they will lose their jobs.

Feng Zihan gently raised her temples in response to such a joke, chuckled and said, "I would rather be unemployed."

Because of this incident, Feng Zihan received a lot of credit. Not only did she receive a commendation from her superiors, it also meant that she could be promoted.

She was promoted along with her colleagues.

Feng Zihan was both happy and a little unhappy about the promotion.

Who wouldn’t be happy with a promotion? She, Feng Zihan, was very dedicated to her career and put all her effort into her work. She felt that she should be promoted.

But what she was unhappy about was that the timing and reason for the promotion were wrong, because the cases she had handled before were not taken into account. Instead, these cases that had little to do with her efforts were rewarded and promoted.

So Feng Zihan was also a little helpless, but there was no other way.

She could only accept the helpless ending of reality.

However, what makes Feng Zihan happy is that Hongdan County has indeed had a period of peace, and there have been no work cases.

Sometimes they can even go to other places to appear as support police.

But after the calm, a bizarre murder case occurred in Hongdan County, which brought a dark cloud to Hongdan County, which had finally calmed down.

This bizarre murder case has also become an unsolved case, leaving no way to thoroughly investigate it.

So Feng Zihan, who was about to be transferred to Yannan, was suppressed again, and her superiors made her fully responsible for this bizarre murder case.

Because the original intention of the superiors was to let Feng Zihan get more experience before being transferred to Yannan. At the same time, the superiors also wanted to hand over this case to Feng Zihan. After all, this was an unexpected event in the world, and the new police officers could not fill Feng Zihan's vacancy. Because these police officers still need Feng Zihan to bring them in all aspects of their case handling experience.

But Feng Zihan felt helpless about this murder case because it was too difficult and there was no evidence left around the victim.

Feng Zihan led people to investigate many times, but it was still an unsolved case with no clues at all.

The victim was a person who had his head cut off, his fingers cut off, his eyes gouged out, and his tongue twisted out. Because the victim's condition was too tragic, and the crime scene was not the first crime scene, the first crime scene. There was no confirmation, and there were no witnesses around, so the case was very confusing, and Feng Zihan didn't know where to start for a while.

This is also the tricky part of this case.

The only thing that can be confirmed now is that the victim is a male, about 30 to 40 years old, and about 1.7 meters tall. Others cannot be determined because many things have been professionally disguised. The murderer has a lot of experience in committing crimes.

Many of the key clues to the case were disguised, making it impossible to thoroughly investigate. The case soon became confusing.

However, Feng Zihan still asked people to investigate the recent missing man in Hongdan County, hoping to find clues.

But this will not help.

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