Best Son-in-law

Chapter 842 Strange

But Li Fan is good at everything, but he can't stand threats. In fact, he has no interest in Ding Yanan, but he is really disgusted with this Liang En. He feels that this Liang En is really annoying, so he came over to say it first. A bunch of insignificant things, like acting in a drama, saying so many ridiculous lines, being so narcissistic, saying the word "scumbag" so clearly and refined, and finally threatening Li Fan.

This made Li Fan have no intention of enduring it anymore, he stepped forward directly, hugged Ding Yanan's slim waist, then looked at Liang En with a provocative face and said: "Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this? She is my person, does it have anything to do with you? Don't point fingers in front of my people, it will annoy me, do you understand? Get out of here if you are wise, or you will get angry and slap you to the ground. , Where did the savage come from, neither male nor female, and he still thinks that he is so great, and you can threaten me? Get out!" Li Fan saw that Ding Yanan didn't like this person, and he didn't like this person either, so he just Stand up and tell this person to get lost.

Ding Yanan never expected that Li Fan would directly hold her waist. She was startled and almost screamed. Ding Yanan also subconsciously wanted to struggle, but when she struggled with all her strength, she found that He was suppressed by a larger force.

Because when Ding Yanan wanted to use force just now, Li Fan happened to use force too, so Ding Yanan couldn't resist at all.

This made the weird feeling in Ding Yanan's heart even heavier. She twisted Li Fan's arm angrily, but she was still more annoyed. Ding Yanan still felt a feeling of shame and irritation. She just couldn't stand it. Just a feeling of shame and annoyance.

But in front of Liang En, she didn't want to express too much. She didn't want Li Fan's face to be disgraced, so she just gave up after a symbolic struggle.

At this moment, Ding Yanan felt a strange feeling in her heart. This was the first time that she was held so intimately by a man. This feeling was indescribably wonderful.

The men who had appeared in front of Ding Yanan were all respectful to her, courteous in various ways, and then pretended to be gentlemen. They were afraid that they would have a bad impression on them, so they did so cautiously. Anyway, they used various methods to Ding Yanan has seen many different tricks to get close to her, so of course she doesn't care anymore. She doesn't feel anything at all.

No one has ever dared to hug his waist so directly and make such an intimate gesture like Li Fan. This kind of gesture is brutal, yet domineering, rough and masculine. Ding Yanan does not hate Li Fan. On the contrary, she still admires and admires Li Fan, so when Li Fan does this, she has no intention of resisting at all. She still enjoys the warmth from her waist and the feeling of being wrapped in strong arms. She enjoyed this feeling that she had never experienced before.

She now had a wonderful feeling that she had never had before since she was born. She felt as if she were stepping on marshmallows, and she felt a little light-headed.

But at the same time, Ding Yanan's cheeks were so red and hot that she couldn't stand it anymore.

But when Liang En, who was opposite him, saw the person he liked being hugged by Li Fan, a country bumpkin he despised, his eyes nearly popped out. He no longer looked as calm or calm as before, his eyes sprayed. Huo simply wanted to eat Li Fan alive. Liang En's eyes were filled with hatred, and he stared straight at Li Fan and said angrily: "Let go of your dirty hands, don't touch my goddess! "

"No, omnipotent rage?" Li Fan looked at Liang En with a smile and said.

"You will pay the price for what you did today." Liang En said bitterly. He really wanted to beat Li Fan, but if he did it here, it would not only affect his image, but also It will affect his father's image. This Liang En is not a brainless person. He will never do such a brainless thing.

Besides, Liang En himself felt that he might not be able to defeat Li Fan. After all, he was pampered and well-off, but his body was weak. Because he played too much, his body was already weak. He was so strong, so he felt that he might not be Li Fan's opponent, so he wouldn't fight Li Fan.

"Every elementary school student would say this, I'm waiting for you. If you have the guts, come here. What's the use of talking nonsense?" Li Fan cast a provocative look at Liang En.

Seeing this look, Liang En was almost furious, but he really had no way to deal with Li Fan, so after looking at Li Fan angrily, he had no other expression.

"Just wait, you will pay the price for what you said." Liang En was furious.

"I'm waiting for you. Your ears are ringing after hearing all this. When are you going to do it? I'm anxious. I'm impatient to wait." Li Fan said provocatively.

After listening to Li Fan's words, Ding Yanan couldn't hold back and laughed out loud. She later felt that it was really bad for her to laugh like this, but Li Fan's look was so funny that she couldn't help it.

Bad and domineering, Ding Yanan never dreamed that Li Fan, who was originally calm, calm and serious, would have such a ruthless and domineering side.

After Li Fan showed this side to Ding Yanan, Ding Yanan's mood towards Li Fan changed again. She now felt that Li Fan was really interesting.

"Yanan, are you being hugged by this kid like this? Don't you think he's dirty?" Liang En said angrily.

Ding Yanan shrugged helplessly: "Liang En, I know what you mean, but you can't force emotional matters. I really appreciate him."

"Okay, okay, okay, Yanan, I treat you like a goddess. If you just ruin yourself like this, I will use my actions to prove that you chose the wrong person. The person you chose is a scumbag. I am you." Whoever you should choose, I will make you regret your choice." Liang En said angrily, and he felt that his dignity was insulted.

This Liang En is a rich second generation. When he usually chases girls, he doesn't put much effort into it. He can catch up with them as long as he chases them. No one refuses, but this Ding Yanan did not agree to him, which made him competitive. He just wanted to conquer Ding Yanan and make Ding Yanan kneel at his feet.

After such a long pursuit, Ding Yanan never agreed to her promise, which made Liang En's competitiveness even stronger. He vowed to catch up with Ding Yanan.

But such a situation occurred today, which Liang En couldn't accept. He felt that his dignity had been insulted.

The goddess that I couldn't catch up with despite all my efforts is now being caught up by a country bumpkin? He might as well be such a country bumpkin? Liang En simply couldn't accept such a cruel fact.

So Liang En hated him from the bottom of his heart, and at the same time he didn't believe it.

"I will prove with actions that I am ten thousand times stronger than him. He and I are incomparable. Ya Nan, you have chosen the wrong person." Liang En couldn't stand the stimulation and said to Ding Yanan angrily.

Ding Yanan spread her hands noncommittally. She didn't know what to say now. This Liang En really left her speechless.

However, Ding Yanan still felt very weird being held by Li Fan like this. She couldn't help but whisper to Li Fan: "It's enough to just pretend. When he leaves, you..."

But she suddenly felt Li Fan's extremely hot and thick breath, which made her feel a crisp feeling in her heart.

Under this situation, Ding Yanan couldn't say some words. Her words were stuck in her mouth and she couldn't say a word.

At this moment, Li Fan's voice came to her ears: "I know."

Just such a sentence made Ding Yanan's face blush even more. She felt that her face was burning hot, and she couldn't bear it. Ding Yanan's legs unnaturally softened, and she was about to lose her footing and fall into Li Fan's arms. middle.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Fan suddenly felt something was wrong with the weight and asked strangely.

"No, it's nothing." Ding Yanan's face turned redder, like a ripe cherry. She was embarrassed to look at Li Fan again, and she was embarrassed to say anything more. She hated how she looked like this, but there was nothing she could do about it. It was very painful to avoid, so when Li Fan spoke just now, she felt awkward all over.

This was the first time she had such close contact with a man other than her father. Even Ding Yanan and Ding Hongsheng had not had such close contact. It was because of such close contact that Ding Yanan could not bear it.

Ding Yanan felt panicked all over her body. She couldn't describe this feeling. She was so uncomfortable that she didn't know how to describe it.

It's hard to say, she can't push him away, she even doesn't want to push him away, and Ding Yanan is also having a fierce ideological struggle deep in her heart. On the one hand, deep down in her heart, she doesn't want to push Li Fan away. She even enjoyed everything Li Fan brought to her, but Ding Yanan felt that this was not good. She had a feeling that she would sink under Li Fan's offensive. This feeling made Ding Yanan very scared, very scared.

So Ding Yanan wanted to get rid of this feeling, but she couldn't get rid of this feeling easily.

Ding Yanan felt that something had changed in herself, and she couldn't stand it anymore.

"Are your legs weak?" Li Fan asked softly, "Can't stand? Are you sick?"

At this time, Liang En left the place because he couldn't bear it anymore. Li Fan saw that Ding Yanan's legs were weak and quickly stepped forward to help Ding Yanan up.

"No, no, I'm fine." Ding Yanan shook her head desperately to defend herself.

But it's all in vain.

"Your legs are weak and you can't even stand." Li Fan said helplessly.

"Lean on me, I'll help you walk, let's find a place to sit down, what's wrong with you? Have you ever had symptoms like anemia before?" Li Fan saw that Ding Yanan's complexion was okay, but she was not. I know why she is in this situation, so I feel a little confused.

"I'm really fine. I'll just rest for a while. Just help me sit somewhere. Don't worry, I didn't have any symptoms of anemia before. I'm fine. I'm very healthy." Ding Yanan He argued forcefully.

At this time, Li Fan felt a little helpless when he saw Ding Yanan's situation, but seeing that her attitude was still so tough, it was hard to say anything, so he helped her to a place to sit down.

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