Best Son-in-law

Chapter 843 Calculation

There is a leisure area between each exhibition hall. This rest area is also very user-friendly. There are comfortable armchairs and coffee tables. There are some fruits and snacks on the coffee table, as well as some desserts, pastries, drinks, etc. There is also a bookcase that is essential. There are various magazines and books on the bookcase for people to browse at will.

The rest area is not small, and there are sofas and other places where people can sit.

Some people were sitting next to the sofa and discussing some cooperation issues in a low voice, and some people were sitting on the sofa with their eyes closed and meditating. Similarly, there were also some people who were eating fruit desserts and reading some magazines and books. At this time, this scene The rest area seemed very quiet.

Li Fan helped Ding Yanan over, then found a sofa with no one else and let Ding Yanan sit down.

Ding Yanan pursed her red lips. She didn't know what happened to her, why her legs softened so unsatisfactoryly, and then when she thought about how she had no strength at all in Li Fan's arms, she didn't resist at all. Ding Yanan felt very embarrassed because of her thoughts, and she felt uncomfortable.

At this time, Ding Yanan's face was getting redder and redder, and she kept rubbing her legs.

Li Fan brought some water over and wanted Ding Yanan to drink it.

So, the water was placed in front of Ding Yanan, and Li Fan asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Do you have a fever?"

Li Fan couldn't help but feel suspicious when he saw that Ding Yanan's complexion was rosy and she didn't look like she was sick at all.

"I'm really fine, don't worry about it." Ding Yanan still had the nerve to speak. She picked up the drink and said while rubbing her legs.

She couldn't say it was because of Li Fan that her legs were weak, right? In this way, not only did Ding Yanan lose face, but she also felt that there was no way to face Li Fan.

"Are you really okay?" Li Fan looked at Ding Yanan as if he was okay. Although he didn't know why Ding Yanan was like this, Li Fan also knew that there were some things that he shouldn't ask because he didn't want to answer you at all.

"It's okay. Thank you. Thank you for helping me out today. I am really speechless for that person. I really don't know how to face that person. If it weren't for you, I would be annoyed by that person. Die." Ding Yanan sighed helplessly and said.

Li Fan chuckled and sighed, his face full of helplessness: "There are really all kinds of people in this world, there is nothing we can do."

"You don't know. I can't even describe that person. Did you see it just now? That person is neither masculine nor masculine. There is no masculinity in the whole person. He looks particularly yin. Moreover, and Ah, he is a drama star. What are those words he said? They were copied from a drama book, right? I am really convinced by such a person. I am so impressed. I wonder how such a person can exist. And He is very narcissistic, you know, right? Look at what he said, pretending to be affectionate, and his character is scummy. He actually, he actually said some of the bad things he did were manifestations of his affection. Wow, the world How can there be such a person? He is simply directing and acting on his own. I really don’t know how to face him. If it were anyone else, if he didn’t have such a big family background, I would have slapped him in the face. He looks a bit manly. Talk to me again!" Ding Yanan said looking very angry.

"I didn't expect you to still have a bad temper." Li Fan said helplessly with a smile.

"I have a bad temper, but no matter who I am, I will cause trouble to my dad if I commit such a crime. I will definitely not offend him. There are also people I have a crush on. My temper is not bad. Oh, really. I don’t know what to say. There are many girls who criticize such a person. Even though they know that he is a playboy who has no ambitions and only knows how to eat, drink and play with his feelings, there are still girls who want to send him up. , I put it up, as if I was afraid that it wouldn’t stick. I was really convinced. I just kicked a woman with my front foot, and didn’t give anything to her. It was all in vain. Someone couldn’t wait to give it to me with my back foot, and I was still afraid. If you can't deliver it, the result will still be the same? There is no price, just play casually and it's over. In the end, these women suffered a loss and pretended to have found love. In the end, they said they broke up because of love, and they broke up peacefully or something like that. Yes, I really feel disgusted. Damn, I have no shame at all. What do they see in this person? Do you think I don’t know? There are all kinds of things in this world, and there are these brainless women who will do it to others. , stick it on others, there is no future at all." Ding Yanan cursed bitterly.

"I can't help it. If someone is rich and powerful, they just have the ability." Li Fan smiled lightly. He had already become accustomed to such things without saying anything more, so Li Fan didn't feel much at this time.

"Forget it, forget it, I'm angry even after saying it." Ding Yanan looked more annoyed. She was annoyed about why such an embarrassing thing happened to her, so she quickly changed the subject before Li Fan noticed that something was wrong with her. , attracting Li Fan's attention with other things. She didn't want Li Fan to come over and see how she was in such a situation.

She couldn't bear such humiliation.

Everyone was very ashamed.

"Well, drink more water and have a good rest." Li Fan took a book and wanted to read it, and read it carefully for a while.

At this moment, Ding Yanan suddenly said: "Why are you so serious? Are you interested in management?"

When Ding Yanan saw Li Fan reading seriously, she couldn't help but feel a tingling feeling in her heart. She felt that Li Fan's serious look was the most charming. She was completely fascinated by Li Fan. Now Ding Yanan didn't think about anything, just I want to see Li Fan like this all the time.

And the more Ding Yanan watched, the more she liked it. The more she watched, the more excited her heart became and the redder her face became. Finally, she couldn't help but want to say something more to Li Fan.

After she saw that Li Fan was reading management books, she used management books to talk to Li Fan. The purpose was to talk and chat with Li Fan.

"Well, now that I have my own industry, I need to be able to manage it myself. I think my management skills still need to be improved, so I have to learn." Li Fan said sincerely.

"Ah, you are still so humble, why didn't I notice it before?" Ding Yanan deliberately joked.

"There are a lot of things you didn't see." Li Fan couldn't help but bury it. Of course he understood that Ding Yanan said it on purpose, and of course he said it on purpose too.

"Hey, by the way, what is the background of this Liang En? Why is even your father afraid of this person?" Li Fan couldn't help but ask.

"My dad is not almighty. At most, my dad has a reputation, but he is not very strong. My dad is ruthless and notorious, so some people are afraid of him and think he is powerful and strong. In fact, he is not. I Dad is not very strong. I know this. He was really ruthless when he was young. He started from scratch. Under such circumstances and environment, if he is not ruthless, he will be eaten by others. Yes, so my dad was indeed the most ruthless at that time. Later, my dad was not so ruthless, but his reputation was passed down. In the end, it became like this. Our family's property is actually average, and Yannan The situation is very complicated, with overt and covert struggles, and you cannot see the strength of some people. They just want to hide it. If you look down on them and relax, they may jump out and kill you one day. , I am definitely not being alarmist, and I am not being low-key, it is indeed the case." Ding Yanan said truthfully.

"Liang En's father, Liang Huan, is very powerful, and his strength is also hidden. No one knows how powerful he is, but he is very ruthless in his attacks. A very powerful man, the former Black Brother, finally fell here. Liang Huan is in his hands, and I don’t even know how he died. He just doesn’t show it, but when he does it, it scares people to death, so I don’t dare to offend Liang En. If his father starts to care about him, our family may be ruined. That black brother is actually not much weaker than my dad, and he still can't beat Liang Huan, so he has no chance to fight, and he is no match at all. Our family can't beat the Liang family, and we don't have that much energy to fight, and my dad still has that much energy. There are too many enemies to deal with. If there is one more Liang Huan, wouldn't it be more troublesome?" Ding Yanan said helplessly.

"I didn't expect you to be so sensible, but your father is happy to see that you have been wronged?" Li Fan asked a little strangely.

"So I can't tell my dad some things. I can't offend Liang yet, and he doesn't dare to do anything to my dad now. After all, my dad's reputation is there, and there are checks and balances in all aspects. He doesn't even dare to do anything. But if his son gets into trouble and Liang gets hot-headed and does something, it will be over and there is no way to recover, so he must try his best to avoid such a situation." Ding Yanan said quickly. .

"Then no matter what, this Liang En must be offended. Look at the way he was humiliated just now. Will he let you go easily?" Li Fan asked deliberately.

"Then there's nothing we can do, but I don't think you'll just sit back and do nothing, right? Our family can still rely on you." Ding Yanan said with a deliberate smile.

"Rely on me? I'm just a poor boy from the countryside. I'm unreliable. Don't even think about relying on me." Li Fan said helplessly.

"I must rely on you. Now that you have offended Liang En, he is staring at you. If you don't take action, Liang En will have to deal with you. Now you are also being pushed to the shelf and have to go. Ah, hahaha." Ding Yanan burst into laughter, with pride in her smile.

"You girl, you are really good at scheming." Li Fan became even more helpless. When he came out, he never thought that he would offend so many people. Originally, Li Fan had a low-key temperament and was not willing to offend so many people. , but because Ding Yanan of the Ding family has other elements, this is a fact that cannot be avoided.

Since he couldn't avoid it, Li Fan could only think of other ways to make trouble.

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