Best Son-in-law

Chapter 845 Background

However, Liang En's surprise was fleeting. He stood up again and said to Ding Yanan with a smile: "Test, another test, I won't be fooled by you, I won't be angry, isn't it just some A little test? Come on, go ahead? Find a loser to pretend to be your boyfriend. I believed it once because I care about you so much. I won’t believe it a second time. Really, I won’t be stupid a second time. Yes." Liang En said with a smile.

"Isn't it just a waste to get kicked? Do it again." Liang En looked like a scoundrel. He was now obsessed with Ding Yanan.

"No matter how many times this loser kicks me, I will never be angry. I will always love you. This is my love for you." Liang En said stubbornly.

At this time, no one knew what Liang En was thinking, and everyone thought this person was a fool.

Li Fan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes when he heard Liang En say that he was a waste. He would not tolerate this tone anymore, so Li Fan directly raised his foot, intending to land on Liang En.

Li Fan doesn't intend to hold back this time. Liang En will definitely not be able to survive this kick.

But at this moment, Li Fan was pulled back by Ding Yanan: "Forget it, don't be familiar with this kind of person. He is just a scoundrel. Can you be the same as a scoundrel? Besides, if you kick him, his father will You may not be afraid of having trouble with you, but are you still going to participate in this antique treasure appraisal meeting? You should know which is more important, right? Didn’t you come just to participate in the antique treasure appraisal meeting? Don’t you just want to see some treasures? Why bother? How can you be the same as him? He is just a lunatic and completely crazy. If you are the same as him, are you also crazy?"

Ding Yanan kindly advised. After hearing this, Li Fan felt that it made sense, so he stretched his legs back.

It's really not worth it to not be able to participate in the Antique Appraisal Fair for such a person, and Li Fan wouldn't do that.

So he stretched his foot back directly.

"Yanan, you still can't bear to leave me." Liang En stood up at this time and said with tears, regardless of his image.

"Young Master Liang, please respect yourself. Today is the antique treasure appraisal meeting. I just want to come to the antique treasure appraisal meeting. We will talk about other things later." Ding Yanan said very speechlessly.

"Okay, okay, okay, no problem, no problem at all. I can help you introduce the antiques. I am familiar with the antiques here. I will tell you that there is no problem. Ya Nan, do you want to buy any antiques? ?I can give it to you." Liang En said with a smile.

"No, I don't need any antiques. Besides, if there are any antiques, I will buy them myself." After Ding Yanan finished speaking, she took Li Fan and left.

Liang En was left alone to watch stupidly from behind. However, after Li Fan and Ding Yanan walked away, Liang En's eyes showed a hint of darkness. He said bitterly: "You bastard, you damn girl." , do you really think that I am a fool? I just give you a step down, do you really think that I don’t understand anything? You treated me like this today, see how I kill you in the future, just wait, you still dare to kick me Me, whichever foot you kick mine, I will let you break that foot!"

No one thought that Liang En was not stupid. The reason why he did the embarrassing things before was intentional, because he had other conspiracies and ideas, and also because he noticed the extraordinary kick Li Fan just made.

The Lou Qing Treasure Hall is the main exhibition hall of Taining Club’s treasure appraisal meeting. The cultural relics and antiques unearthed here are truly priceless.

Of course, some of the antiques in this treasure hall are not for sale, but there are some that are for sale, but the prices of the antiques sold are also suffocating, and even make you feel scared.

Just because the price of the antiques in this treasure hall has reached nine figures, or even ten figures.

Li Fan naturally does not have that much money to buy such antiques. In comparison, Li Fan's property is still much smaller.

Not to mention Li Fan, even Ding Yanan and Ding Hongsheng cannot afford such antiques. Although Ding Hongsheng's industry can have such capital, these capitals are fixed capital, not working capital, and cannot be used at any time. If you want to buy it, , Ding Hongsheng also had to sell most of his property.

If you sell most of your property and exchange it for an antique, I guess no one will exchange it.

So this creates a situation.

Even if some antiques are clearly marked with a price, no one will buy them, or even have any intention of buying them, because the price is simply too expensive and not acceptable to ordinary people.

It takes several billions of working capital to be able to buy it. Only a fool would do this if he spent all his working capital to buy an antique.

Therefore, the guests who come to the treasure hall all want to see what these precious antiques look like, and they come with an attitude of appreciation. No one wants to keep them for themselves.

Of course, even so, Lou Qing Treasure Hall is the busiest, because the antiques here can really feast your eyes.

People who came to see them couldn't help but take pictures of these treasures, because they wanted to take them back to appreciate them more.

"This is where the most valuable antiques are collected. The antiques here are extremely valuable, and some have reached prices that are unimaginable. Of course, there are many that are not for sale. Basically, not many people who come here want to buy them. , most of them just come here to enjoy themselves, these antiques are too precious, even if you look at them, they are rare." Ding Yanan introduced to Li Fan.

"Yes." Li Fan nodded repeatedly after hearing this. He was still very grateful to Ding Yanan, because with her here, he had less troublesome things.

"I'll take a look at these antiques myself." Li Fan chuckled and said to Li Fan.

"Okay, I don't really understand some antiques. Just take a look for yourself and don't think too much." Ding Yanan quickly comforted her.

No one came around to introduce it, only a group of people came over and took a look.

Most of these celebrities knew each other. They talked and laughed together and pointed at these antiques. However, their voices were very low and their exchanges were hurried and did not delay many things.

Some treasures or antiques are in the display window. Although the organizer knows that all the celebrities are here, and has arranged surveillance to observe the movements of these celebrities all the time, the treasures and antiques here are really too valuable. , no one can afford it if something goes wrong, so except for the security guards, these antique treasures are arranged in the display window in order to avoid unnecessary damage.

After all, if something goes wrong, no one can afford it.

After all, these antiques and treasures are too valuable.

"Most of these antiques and treasures cannot be seen by outsiders. They are very secret. Even if they are shown to others now, few people actually know that these treasures exist, because ordinary people are not guilty, but they are guilty of harboring treasures, and some are peerless. When treasures reach a certain level, they must not be easily seen by others, because people's greed and desires are endless and cannot be satisfied. Once these treasures are made public, they will arouse the greed of some people, and then these people will inevitably It causes all kinds of disputes, all kinds of contradictions and right and wrong, so in order to avoid these things, some treasures will not be made public. These treasures are treasures that will not be made public." Ding Yanan walked with Li Fan and followed Li Fan. Fan introduced softly.

Li Fan nodded repeatedly after hearing this. He thought so. After all, China is an ancient country with thousands of years of civilization. It has a profound heritage that is not easy for ordinary people to see. Some civilized cultural relics are exposed on the surface, but in order to protect some treasures and cultural relics, we must do something Various hidden treasures, including some that are not known to the world.

"Since these are treasures and antiques that need to be protected, why would they appear in this place, be shown to these people, and then be sold? Isn't this a bit unreasonable?" Li Fan couldn't help but express his doubts.

"There are some things you don't know. For example, some treasures are impossible for most people to know because they are not allowed. If more people know about these treasures, it will pose a certain threat to the storage of the treasures, but there are Some things can be known to others, and they are deliberately made known for the same purpose, just to protect some treasures, so you should understand some of these situations." Ding Yanan said with a smile.

"You mean some of these treasures may be fake?" After hearing this, Li Fan became even more confused. Who would buy fake things?

"It's so expensive, no one will buy it, right? Setting a price is just to make some people flinch. It's impossible to sell a real treasure, absolutely impossible." Ding Yanan knows some of the secrets , so the speech is also extremely detailed.

After hearing this, Li Fan finally understood. The reason was to protect the real treasures, so he first showed some top-notch treasures in name, but in fact they were not. These treasures were just a cover to protect the real treasures, although the same It's precious, but if something goes wrong, you can still have room for maneuver. It's not like some treasures, which will cause great pain if they are lost.

Similarly, the appearance of these treasures is only displayed in the upper class society, making some people with ulterior motives think that these are the most precious treasures in China. Their eyes will only notice these treasures, and then they will bid high prices and increase the value. , in a way, it is to attract some people with ulterior motives to appear, and then gather together to annihilate them. This is also a move.

However, even these treasures displayed to the celebrity society are embarrassing, because these treasures are indeed difficult for people to see.

"Did you know? Some nominally lost treasures are not actually lost, but are well protected, but will not be easily displayed to the world." Ding Yanan added next to Li Fan, She still had a smile on her face.

"So there is something like this that I didn't know about before." Li Fan suddenly said.

"Yes, actually there are not many people who know these things, because some things are not easy for others to know." Ding Yanan said to Li Fan with a smile.

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