Best Son-in-law

Chapter 846 Special Attraction

At this time, Li Fan was walking and suddenly came to a display window, and then his heart moved. He always felt that the things in the display window seemed to be attracting him. He didn't know why, but it was such an inexplicable attraction that made him Li Fan approached the display window, and then he saw a bronze porcelain plate in the display window. It was this porcelain plate that gave Li Fan a familiar feeling.

This ancient bronze porcelain plate is obviously an ancient bronze ware. It has various patterns on it, as well as some other things. It is placed there quietly. At a glance, it seems inconspicuous, but if you look carefully, When I looked at it, there seemed to be other very obscure lights on it.

It flashed once and then went out.

Of course, many people thought it was their own illusion or the lighting in the treasure hall. They did not delve into this vague antique.

But Li Fan noticed the difference above. Looking at the bronze lying quietly, he felt more and more familiar. It couldn't be more familiar, but Li Fan couldn't think of where he had seen this thing before, so Li Fan Fan is also very distressed.

"Is there a connection between the inherited memory and this thing?" Li Fan couldn't help but stretched out his hand and glanced at his palm. This sense of vicissitudes of life, strangeness, and familiarity emerged again.

When Li Fan looked in the window again, he clearly saw that there seemed to be an extremely dazzling gem hidden under the bronze. The gem's light shone, but unlike other gems, the light of this gem seemed a little dim.

"Is this a formation plate?" Li Fan didn't know why he had such a word in his mind, and when he saw this bronze porcelain, thousands of people's lights appeared in his mind The echoing scene, the bonfire party, and the bronze formation plate under the lights, this is the most classical kind of sacrifice, including cattle, sheep, livestock, and all kinds of things.

Li Fan's feeling was not big in other places, but here, his feeling became bigger, because this place has too many things from ancient times, and these things are inseparable from Li Fan's inheritance. The relationship between them made Li Fan feel entangled in his heart.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable? I think there's something wrong with your face." Because Ding Yanan's attitude towards Li Fan has changed, she is now particularly concerned about Li Fan and speaks to Li Fan extremely gently. It was as if he was afraid of making Li Fan unhappy.

"No, it's okay. I just feel that these things are very familiar. I seem to have seen them somewhere." Several pictures flashed in Li Fan's mind. These pictures made Li Fan a little overwhelmed. They flashed so fast. , Li Fan felt very uncomfortable.

He suddenly thought of the ancient tomb on Wudu Peak in the back mountain. For Li Fan, that ancient tomb had a very big shadow.

"Where have you seen it? You mean, have you seen these things?" Ding Yanan asked with a surprised look on his face.

"No, I haven't seen them before, but these things gave me a familiar feeling, so I..." Li Fan said helplessly.

"Totem, totem, Datianyue Chinese Clan, bonfire." These words flashed in Li Fan's mind, and he felt that there must be some other things connected between these words.

"Totem, what totem?" Ding Yanan felt very scary when she saw Li Fan in such a state. She didn't want anything to happen to Li Fan, not only because she had some other feelings for Li Fan, but because she didn't want anything to happen to him now. Now she feels that Li Fan is the hope of their family. If anything happens to Li Fan, then her family's hope will be shattered. Now Li Fan gives Ding Yanan a feeling that she has never imagined.

"A sense of security." Ding Yanan didn't know when she felt this way, but now she felt that as long as Li Fan was around, she would have a special feeling of peace of mind.

A feeling of calming down, and whenever something happened to Li Fan, she felt that the mountain she could rely on was about to collapse. This was something Ding Yanan didn't want to see, so she didn't want anything to happen to Li Fan. , so she cares deeply about Li Fan, just hoping that this mountain she can rely on will not fall and can keep her southwest.

"It's nothing, it's okay. I just suddenly had a very strange feeling. I can't tell you about this feeling, but don't worry, I'm fine." Now Li Fan asked Ding Yanan to help him, and At this time, Li Fan was covered in cold sweat on his forehead, sweating like rain, and he didn't look like someone who was fine at all.

Li Fan himself didn't know what was wrong with him, why he had such a big reaction when he saw this thing, as if he was being stared at by a wild beast.

"You don't look like someone who is fine. Let me take you out and have a look. If you feel uncomfortable, you need to get treatment. If you don't treat it, it won't be a problem." Ding Yanan said quickly.

"I'm really fine. I'll be fine now. Did you know that there is a kind of atavistic memory?" Li Fan suddenly said to Ding Yanan. Of course, Li Fan would definitely not tell Ding Yanan about his inheritance, because Ding Yanan She shouldn't know these things. Knowing too much would be bad for her.

"Atavistic memory? What atavistic memory?" Ding Yanan asked quickly.

"No, it's nothing. Don't ask. There are some things I can't say to you." Li Fan said with a slight smile. He was not afraid that Ding Yanan would be unhappy if he spoke like this.

In fact, Ding Yanan just cares about Li Fan. She has no other thoughts at the moment. She has no intention of learning about Li Fan's story.

At this time, the crowd surged, and many people left the treasure hall and went to other exhibition halls.

"It seems that the auction is about to start, right? Let's go and have a look, too?" Ding Yanan saw the crowd surging and quickly said to Li Fan, but while speaking, she asked worriedly: "You Are you feeling uncomfortable now? If not, we can just find a place to sit."

"No, no, I don't feel any discomfort. I'm fine now. It was just because of the sudden heat. The air conditioner here is really hot." Li Fan casually found a reason to deal with Ding Yanan.

Of course Ding Yanan could tell that Li Fan was trying to deal with her, but she didn't have any dissatisfaction and just nodded without saying anything more.

"Let's go to the auction together. I want to see this auction too." Li Fan said to Ding Yanan.

"Okay, okay, let me help you." Ding Yanan said suddenly.

"No, no, I can leave by myself." Li Fan said with a smile, and directly refused Ding Yanan's help.

Just like that, Ding Yanan and Li Fan left the place, but before leaving, Li Fan turned back and glanced at the display window. The bronze formation plate still seemed to be glowing with an evil light.

In fact, Li Fan knew in his heart that this bronze formation disk may not have much good influence on him, and it may bring some bad effects, because this bronze formation disk gave Li Fan a very evil feeling. a feeling of.

But because of this, Li Fan particularly wanted to get this bronze formation disk, and especially wanted to learn more about it.

Because as things progress, Li Fan has to uncover some crises and secrets.

"This bronze formation disk is definitely an evil thing. It seems to have had a deep impact on the Black Dragon God. Otherwise, the Black Dragon God would not have such a deep memory of it. The evil thing must have an evil person. Use, this evil person may have been the enemy of the Black Dragon God Lord before. Now that I have obtained the inheritance of the Black Dragon God Lord, I can't ignore it. This enemy of the Black Dragon God Lord will be my enemy, Li Fan, in the future. I can't get it in vain. It won't work if you inherit someone else's inheritance and then don't do anything for them." Li Fan also had some thoughts in his mind. He felt that since he had received the inheritance of the Black Dragon God Lord, the Black Dragon God Lord would be his master and he would be very kind to him. Although Li Fan can't see the Black Dragon God Lord again, he must repay this kindness. Not only does he want to inherit all the good things of the Black Dragon God Lord, but he also wants to inherit some of the hatred in the Black Dragon God Lord's memories. He wants to Every bloody feud has been settled, and everything must be avenged.

Li Fan is such a person. When he receives favor from others, when he receives some kind of favor, what he thinks of is that he must return the favor.

This is what Li Fan has decided on himself and what he must do.

If he just settles down and enjoys the benefits brought to him by the inheritance of the Black Dragon God, without investigating everything and all the enemies, Li Fan will feel that he is a human being in vain, has such a body in vain, and accepts the inheritance of others in vain. Van simply can't stand this.

So Li Fan had to do some things.

His mentor is the Black Dragon God. Those who hurt his master will now be repaid by Li Fan. He has to find these people to settle his previous debts one by one.

"You, what were you talking about just now?" Ding Yanan couldn't help but be curious when she saw Li Fan talking so eloquently and concentrating on thinking about things, and then couldn't help but ask.

"Ah? It's nothing. It's just the bronze vessel just now. I was wondering where I had seen it before? Why is it so familiar to me?" Li Fan responded casually in a panic.

"Have you ever entered any ancient tombs before? Maybe you saw them in some ancient tombs?" Ding Yanan asked.

"It seems so. When you said that, I remembered it. Maybe I saw it in the ancient tomb before, so I had an impression, so I felt that this thing was particularly familiar." Li Fan quickly followed the instructions given by Ding Yanan. The conversation continued.

"Actually, I have also been into ancient tombs and saw some antiques and so on. I also have a very familiar feeling about them. This is normal. There is nothing to say. Sometimes, I even dreamed about it. These antiques, this is so normal." Ding Yanan didn't know what to say at this time, so she could only say this.

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