Best Son-in-law

Chapter 855 Price

"So it's not that I don't want to give you a position, it's that you have to have the ability to be qualified for that position. When you have the ability to be qualified for that position someday, I won't deny it to you. After all, the company needs talents, and I We also need to employ people, but I will not employ a useless person or a mortal." Yang Chong said condescendingly to Li Fan.

"That's right, there are still opportunities for promotion, can't you figure it out? You should need this position. Take your time, step by step. With Brother Yang taking care of you, what are you afraid of?" Liu Yuqing said deliberately.

"Well, actually it is a good thing for young people to have aspirations and ambitions. After all, soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers. If a man doesn't have a little ambition, then this man won't have any future. I hope you can have it. You must be successful, but you must also have the ability to match your ambition. This is what I want to tell you. What kind of ambition you want depends on what kind of ability you have. When your ability is reached, even if you don’t say it, I I will also pull you to a certain position. Similarly, if you have no ability, even if you reach a certain position, I will replace you. If you are a little ambitious, it is a good thing. Only with ambition can you be enterprising. Only when you are aggressive can you have shame and pressure, and only when you have pressure can you make progress. Pressure is motivation. In fact, you can still work hard with me. I am very sincere to you. You can come over and work with me." Yang Chong faced Li Fan pointed and spoke in what he thought was the kindest tone.

But at this time, these words were destined to have no effect on Li Fan. At this time, Li Fan smiled lightly, shook his head, and responded helplessly: "I'm sorry, you misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding? What's the misunderstanding? Aren't you such an ambitious person? You are an ambitious person. There is nothing wrong with that. I don't reject ambitious people. I have always felt that ambition is a neutral word. In one situation, ambition is a neutral word. "Hey, if you don't have ambition, I won't dare to use you, do you understand? So you don't have to explain this to me, I will only appreciate it if you have ambition." Yang Chong continued with a smile.

"No, no, no, it's not about ambition, and I didn't explain it to you." Li Fan shook his head.

"What is that? Huh?" Yang Chong didn't understand what Li Fan meant and didn't know what he wanted to say.

"Forgive me, I have no interest in any position in your company, so I have no interest in accepting the olive branch you extended. However, I am still very grateful for your kind invitation." Li Fan refused with a smile.

After hearing this, Yang Chong lost all his dignity as he was rejected. His face immediately darkened, and his whole person looked very scary, as if he was shrouded in dark clouds.

He felt that this Li Fan was really too disrespectful. After all the good things he said, he had worked so hard just now and sincerely introduced Li Fan's work, but Li Fan was so arrogant and arrogant. Who does he think he is, knowing that he is good or bad?

"Are you too arrogant? Young man." Yang Chong narrowed his eyes and said.

"I'm not very arrogant, and I'm not young anymore." Li Fan doesn't like others to point fingers at his life.

"Do you know how much you weigh? Why are you talking like this? Do you know who Brother Yang is? Aren't you afraid of death? Yanan, who is this person you met? You don't know what is good or bad at all. , Brother Yang sees that I have given him a lot of face today. If it were anyone else, Brother Yang would have ignored me a long time ago. You see, he is still not satisfied and is so arrogant. It is really disgusting." Liu Yuqing saw Yang Chong. Angry and panicked, he hurriedly said.

"He didn't seem to say anything wrong?" Ding Yanan smiled and naturally began to defend Li Fan. She was not defending Li Fan, but she felt that Li Fan was right no matter what, because she saw it with her own eyes Li Fan's strength was revealed, but these people didn't see it. They thought Li Fan was just a country boy. In fact, Li Fan was someone they couldn't afford to offend.

"Wow, you must be just like him, your brain is broken. I said what's going on? It turns out you are spoiled. You treat him badly like this. He has been spoiled by you. You can't spoil this man. , He no longer knows who he is after getting used to it. Look, he has already flown into the sky. You are still spoiling him. When will he be able to recognize himself?" Liu Yuqing thought she knew everything, so she said .

"Oh, he has no self-awareness at all. It's really ridiculous. This man is useless and should wait for death. He dares to be so arrogant in a place like this. You think it's your rural circle. If you make people anxious, the worst he can do is get into a fight and get beaten up. Just give it a beating? If you can't hang around in the circle and offend others, you will have to pay the price with your life, that is, the person will die here. I am not alarmist, it is a real thing." Wang Jiasong is also a little bit. He said helplessly that they all looked down on Li Fan anyway.

At this time, both Yang Chong and Hou Yuhai sneered at Li Fan. They both looked down on Li Fan, but they didn't show it on the surface.

But they all secretly laughed at Li Fan, thinking that this man was so hopeless and had to rely on a woman for everything.

"Forget it, forget it, why bother talking about it? What's the point? A man with no ability at all, a man who can only rely on his daughter, what future will he have in this life? He is so lofty and ambitious, risking everything for his own face, such a man can still I hope he can do some earth-shattering things, as long as he can take good care of his one-third of an acre of land." Yang Chong said sarcastically.

"There is no way. Some people just gave him the opportunity, but he didn't know how to seize it or cherish it. In the end, he regretted it when he missed the opportunity. I have seen many such things and such people. I have seen too many people like this. There are too many. You can wait and see them cry, but you can't go back in life. It's useless to talk more and it's just a waste of our time. Some people's time is nothing, but we have to cherish our time. Ah, we can't waste time on one person." Hou Yuhai patted Yang Chong's shoulder and comforted: "You have tried your best, just forget it if you don't listen."

So this conversation is destined to be an unpleasant conversation. After saying this, Liu Yuqing and others no longer want to help Li Fan and Ding Yanan. They now want to see the jokes between Li Fan and Ding Yanan, and want to see the two of them unable to deal with Liang En. The embarrassing scene after the incident.

"Humph, Yanan, I have been extremely kind to you. I want everything for you, but you don't know how to cherish it. There is nothing I can do." Liu Yuqing spread her hands pretending to be helpless and said.

"Thank you, Yuqing. I know we are good sisters, but our life choices are different, and I don't want to force myself." Ding Yanan smiled. She didn't want to listen to these two people talking now.

Stop talking as soon as possible. If you say it, you won't listen. It's all nonsense.

"As long as you don't regret it, I don't want to say anything else anyway. Think more about it. Are some times, some things, and some people worth it? Is it really worth it? Won't you regret it?" Wang Jiasong also reminded him.

"No." Ding Yanan answered decisively.

Hearing Ding Yanan speak like this, the two of them had nothing else to say, so they could only respond: "As long as you don't regret it."

In fact, these two people were very angry. They wanted to help Ding Yanan with good intentions, but Ding Yanan was so disrespectful and misunderstood their kindness. They felt that it was too much.

So this conversation broke up unhappily, but they were sitting next to Li Fan and Ding Yanan, and they looked down without looking up, which was really embarrassing.

Although Liu Yuqing and others were very angry, they still hoped to see their jokes.

They just wanted to wait for the expressions of the two of them after Liang En came over.

They all wanted to see if Li Fan would be so arrogant after Liang En came over.

"It's so awesome that I almost don't recognize myself." At this time, Yang Chong was still brooding over what happened just now, and he was still very unhappy.

"Brother Yang, don't be like him. He will pay the price for what he has done soon." Seeing that Yang Chong was very unhappy, Liu Yuqing quickly came to his side and tried her best to comfort him.

After listening to Liu Yuqing's words, Yang Chong smiled slightly, and then held Liu Yuqing in his arms: "I gave you a lot of face just now. It was your sister who failed to live up to expectations, and it was also your sister's sweetheart who was arrogant. I am There is no other way."

"I know that Brother Yang is the best to me. I am very grateful to Brother Yang. I know what Brother Yang did. I don't blame Brother Yang for anything. We have done our best to them now." Liu Yuqing was in Yang Chong's arms. Said coquettishly.

This made Yang Chong happy, and then he kissed Liu Yuqing on the face.

"I hate it, Brother Yang, you are so mean." Liu Yuqing said coquettishly, "There are so many people here."

"What's the point?" Yang Chong laughed loudly, feeling very good. He didn't have the same experience as Li Fan, and he didn't think it was interesting.

"We have to watch this auction carefully. Maybe we can buy some good treasures to take home." Liu Yuqing continued to coquettishly say in Yang Chong's arms.

"Well, take a good look." Yang Chong also nodded and said with deep approval.

At this time, Wang Jiasong naturally lay in Hou Yuhai's arms and whispered to Hou Yuhai. The two pairs were very close.

But Li Fan and Ding Yanan were very indifferent.

Ding Yanan didn't know why, but she suddenly felt that she was very reserved when facing Li Fan. She felt unnatural. In front of Li Fan, she didn't know what to do or what to say.

"I'm sorry, I apologize to you for what happened just now." Ding Yanan sincerely apologized to Li Fan.

"What's the point? You don't have to worry about it." Li Fan smiled. He didn't take what just happened into his heart at all.

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