Best Son-in-law

Chapter 854 So ambitious

Li Fan still had a smile on his face, as if he didn't care about anything.

When Yang Chong saw Li Fan like this, he felt very angry. What kind of person is this? He is still laughing.

After Yang Chong came back, he snorted and said nothing.

Seeing this, Liu Yuqing knew that Yang Chong was angry, so she smiled and said to Li Fan, "Don't you know how to appreciate someone?"

"Why don't I know how to appreciate someone?" Li Fan curled his lips and asked helplessly.

There are always people in this world who like to point fingers at you, but you can't do anything about it. Li Fan actually feels very unhappy in his heart, but he can't do anything about it.

"I found such a good job for you with good intentions, why are you so disrespectful? Do you have to regret it after something happens?" Liu Yuqing said angrily.

"Why don't I appreciate promotion? Do I no longer have the right to refuse? I don't like it. I don't need to do this job, so I can't refuse it?" Li Fan narrowed his eyes. He felt the same after being told this. A hint of displeasure arose, but it was not shown directly.

"You refuse? Are you qualified to refuse? How many people want to be this security guard, but are not qualified? Do you know? This is a lifelong tenure, which means you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life. You You want a sum of money, right? But do you know that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish? This is exactly what it means to teach a man to fish, don’t you know? If you have this job, you will never have to do it for the rest of your life. Worrying about making a living, according to the company's standards, and with Brother Yang taking care of you, you will basically not be unemployed. As long as you work hard, you will not be fired. Although you are a security guard, the job is easy, you don't have to worry, and there is nothing you need to know. How much, this takes care of you a lot, don’t you know it yourself? Do you have any brains? "

"Really, don't you believe me when I say that no one else can get in without even trying to get in? Do you know that such a job is easy, the salary is good, there are bonuses, breaks, paid vacations, holidays, subsidies, and... How difficult is it to find a job that provides meal and accommodation subsidies, afternoon tea, and five social insurances and one housing fund? You can’t find it even if you want to. Have you never looked for a job? Young people, it’s better to be down-to-earth, you see You, your tail is almost raised to the sky now, you are really ignorant."

"And if you work for a long time, you will get equity dividends. Do you know what the concept is? This benefit is so good. It really means that if I get a manager to replace you, you won't be able to change. You won't even blink. What's more, There are opportunities for promotion. You can slowly work your way up to deputy security captain or security captain. Then the company will provide you with some training. Brother Yang takes good care of you, and you will definitely get more training. When the time comes, you Maybe you can become some bodyguards or something like that, following Brother Yang to protect him. Now you don’t have to think about your salary and income, and you can also become Brother Yang’s confidant, do you know? After becoming Brother Yang's confidant, you wouldn't even look at someone offering you the position of general manager. Being able to work under Huaisui Yangzi Alligator was a blessing that you had to cultivate for countless years in your previous life. You yourself don't know how to cherish your blessings, and you don't know what to think about every day." Liu Yuqing said with a bit of hatred for iron.

She said this to persuade Li Fan to turn around.

"I actually know what you think and what your hopes are. Do you want to count on Ya Nan? You think Ya Nan is a rich and beautiful woman. If you can get along with Ya Nan, you won't have to worry about your future life. No, in the end, you will have a beautiful woman by your side, you don’t have to work, and you can even inherit a lot of property. Your calculation is very reasonable. Most people will think so. Of course, I can understand it, I understand it deeply, but you know What? Some of these things are not as simple as you think. Do you think that if you catch up with Ya Nan, you will be able to rise to fame? No? Do you know that Uncle Ding is in danger now? Do you know that a big man grows up? What kind of price does it cost? You don’t know these, and you don’t know what other messy things you want to say? Do you know how much Uncle Ding has to bear? "

"Just look at how much money Uncle Ding has, don't you know how much debt he has? Yes, you may inherit all the inheritance in the future, but in the end, you will also inherit all the debts. I hope that by then You can still laugh, but I’m afraid you won’t have any ability to laugh at that time, right? I’m not telling you, greedy people will never end well. You are too greedy, and you will never have any consequences. Good ending, this is fate. What you have to understand is that when Uncle Ding’s enemies come after you, you will not be able to stop them. If you have never seen that formation, they will scare you to death, not at all. I'm scaring you. Not only will you not be able to deal with your enemies, and you won't be able to lose your property, you may also be taken care of by your enemies and eventually die. I'm definitely not alarmist. This is real. Moreover, you will also implicate Ya. Nan, she could have found a good home and wouldn't have to worry about these things in the future. But if you hurt her, her life will not be easy in the future. In this case, why do you bother to pester her? Why don't you let me go? I still respect you. He’s a real man.”

"How about it? Think about it?" Liu Yuqing looked at Li Fan and asked.

"Are you done?" Li Fan listened to a lot and became more and more bored. This man is really self-righteous and thinks he is great. In just a few words, he can tell his whole life. But in fact, Li Fan feels These are all very ridiculous, and he doesn't want to say anything more. He feels that Liu Yuqing is the one who is truly self-righteous.

She doesn't know anyone at all, and yet she still finds it interesting to point fingers here?

"What do you mean?" Liu Yuqing asked with a frown as she noticed something was wrong in Li Fan's words.

"It's not interesting. You've said it. Forget it. I still have the same attitude. I won't take part in this job. I just won't. I don't need this job opportunity. Besides, I don't need you to talk more about my affairs and my life. You were pointing, do you understand?" Li Fan smiled, but Zheng Rong Heel's aura had already risen. He looked at Liu Yuqing condescendingly, like an adult looking at a child.

"I pointed at you? You still think you have a personality, don't you? Huh? Do you think you have a personality?" Liu Yuqing was already a little angry. She clearly pointed out something to Li Fan with good intentions. He had always dreamed of taking a good path. Li Fan didn't know that it was okay to cherish it, but he still uttered such arrogant words to himself. How could Liu Yuqing not be angry after hearing this? How could you not be angry?

"I can't talk about personality. I just want to be myself and don't want to be who I am in the eyes of others." Li Fan smiled lightly, not angry at all.

"Okay, okay, you are so disrespectful, you are really hopeless." Liu Yuqing pointed at Li Fan and yelled.

"I don't think it depends on what you say or not, but on what I do. Besides, what have I done that makes you think I can't be saved? Do I need you to give me advice on my life?" Li Fan looked like one. With an arrogant posture, he doesn't like others pointing fingers at his life. On the surface, he wants to help himself, but in fact, he looks down on himself. He stretches out a hand to hold himself, and then laughs at himself bitterly. .

How could Li Fan not see this clearly?

"Okay, this is what you said, you must not regret it." At this time, Liu Yuqing was already very angry.

"I won't regret it. How could I regret it? Don't be kidding me." Li Fan still had a slight smile on his face.

"I think young people still need to know what is good and what is bad. People are kind enough to help you and point out a clear path in life. Shouldn't you go up there? Even if it doesn't sound good, you still have to listen, because of these They are all words to help you. If they are not to help you, they will sound as nice as they sound."

"You don't know the cruelty of this society, right? Sometimes, one of your decisions will ruin your whole life, but you just don't know it." At this time, Yang Chong couldn't help but speak out. He was also attracted by Li Fan This attitude makes me angry.

He suddenly felt like he wanted to kill Li Fan. If it weren't for the sake of Liu Yuqing and Ding Yanan, he would have slapped them away. In fact, this Yang Chong has a bad temper, but now he has been They are all being patient and covering up.

But in the end, Yang Chong will be unable to bear it any longer. This may be Yang Chong's last good word.

It's just that Li Fan is different from others after all.

"I appreciate your good intentions, but if you don't need it, you don't need it. I don't need a security guard position, and I don't need what you say is good for me. I really don't." Li Fan had a proud look on his face, and he didn't even bother. Being criticized like this.

"Young people are quite ambitious. Do you want a manager position to be satisfied?" Yang Chong sneered twice and said with some disdain.

He now looks down on Li Fan more and more, and is naturally dismissive of Li Fan.

His words were also sarcastic towards Li Fan, and he did not hide them at all.

"If you want a manager's position, I can't satisfy you. Our company can't be entered through the back door, and our company won't keep idlers and useless people." Yang Chong thought that Li Fan didn't like the position of security guard, so he thought Asking him for a position like a manager, he said disdainfully at the moment. He felt that Li Fan had no future, and he looked down upon Li Fan more and more.

"I advise you to keep your feet firmly on the ground. Don't just dream about having a sweet dream every day and reach the sky in one step. How can you reach the sky in one step? Even if Brother Yang is so powerful, it is also the accumulation of several generations. You don't have the accumulation before, just because you know Ya Nan, you saved Ya Nan’s life, and now you have everything you want? You think too much, but you still have to settle down, be honest, start with security, in the future your work ability will be stronger, Brother Yang will naturally He will promote you to a good position. He is very good at employing people. As long as you are capable and willing to learn, you may be promoted to a manager or other position, so you can feel at ease now and study hard. Or what talents do you have that you can show off." At this time, Liu Yuqing felt more like the pity and sympathy expressed by a strong man to a weak person towards Li Fan.

"What's the use of telling him this now? He's too ambitious. As a young man, it's not like he doesn't have time. It's not good to be so ambitious. Sometimes, even if you sit in some positions, you will be dismissed because of your inability. Pull him down, he will be replaced." Yang Chong narrowed his eyes and said rudely to Li Fan.

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