Best Son-in-law

Chapter 853: Not appreciative

At this time, Ding Yanan looked straight at Liu Yuqing, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"You are thinking too much. In fact, he and I are not..." Ding Yanan didn't know how to explain it, and she always felt that the more she explained, the more troublesome it became.

"It's nothing, Yanan, you have to think clearly about everything. Life itself is a mistake, step by step. You can't make a mistake in every step of this life." Liu Yuqing said to Ding Yanan.

At the same time, she looked at Li Fan with an arrogant look, and said to him: "Hey, boy, do you know that it is impossible for you and Ya Nan? I advise you to stop daydreaming. It is absolutely impossible for Ya Nan to be with someone like you, so please stop having such wishful thinking, okay? People need to be self-aware. You and she are not from the same world. Even if you like and admire her, please put it away. Your like and admiration, because you are not worthy of Ya Nan, because people are poor and short-minded, a person must have self-awareness. Don't try to get things that should not belong to you easily. If you can't get it, you will end up with it. A sad ending is not good for anyone. Boy, I don’t know what your purpose is in getting close to Ding Yanan, but what I want to tell you is that you are not ashamed of yourself for money, because everyone can probably guess that you will do it for What, maybe you are just interested in her money, let's do this, I can give you a sum of money, as long as you are willing to leave Ya'nan, this is also a way of repaying my kindness to you, stay away from Ya'nan, you are not the same world people."

After hearing this, Li Fan suddenly felt very ridiculous, but before Li Fan could speak, Yang Chong beside Liu Yuqing also smiled. He looked at Li Fan up and down, and said with contempt in his eyes: "Since he I was kind to Ya Nan and Uncle Ding before, so I can't stand idly by. Well, I think you have a good figure. You can come to my company to be a security guard. If you work hard in the future, you might become the captain and the captain in the future. A personal bodyguard is also good. Our income is pretty good, and there are bonuses and so on. The treatment is quite generous. I happen to have a quota on hand, so you can try it out."

Yang Chong had a smile on his face, but there was contempt in his smile. The reason was that he never took Li Fan seriously.

As he spoke, he felt that he had given Li Fan the greatest favor. You must know that many people couldn't get into Yang Chong's company.

After listening to Yang Chong's words, Liu Yuqing became excited. She was still afraid that Yang Chong would regret it, so she quickly asked: "Brother Yang, are you serious about what you just said?"

"Of course I'm serious. How can it be fake?" Yang Chong said with a smile.

"That's great, brat, you are really lucky. I have to say, I envy your luck. You were able to save Ya Nan and get the position given by Brother Yang. Do you know that Yang How great is Brother's company? Don't underestimate this security guard. This security guard is well-paid and will not be replaced easily. There are bonuses and so on. Don't mention how good it is. You will know after you go there anyway. You will be there for the rest of your life. Don’t worry, your luck is really enviable, you know? Brat, others don’t want manager positions in some companies, but they also want security positions in Brother Yang’s company. I’m not fooling you at all. Working in Brother Yang’s company You are a security guard. If someone offers you a manager position, you will not consider it. You have no idea how good Brother Yang’s company is. You are so blessed and enviable. You are so lucky that you can buy lottery tickets." After hearing this, Liu Yuqing sighed in admiration.

"Oh? Really? Then I'm really lucky." Li Fan smiled bitterly, and he didn't know how to answer.

"Is it true? Brother Yang's company benefits are so good?" Wang Jiasong next to him couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, there is nothing to say about Brother Yang's company benefits. As long as you are an employee of their company, you can be allocated equity after a certain number of years. Once you join, you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life. It can be said to be an iron rice bowl. And you Do you know? After going to Brother Yang's company, Mr. Liang will not touch him no matter what. No matter how powerful Mr. Liang is, he still has to give face to Brother Yang. Boy, do you know how much favor you have received from Brother Yang now? Why don't you quickly bow and thank Brother Yang? Really, you don't even look at me, why don't you quickly pour some water for Brother Yang?" Liu Yuqing gave Li Fan a push. She felt that Li Fan was too indifferent to be treated so badly by others. Favor, but didn't know how to do anything. If anyone had eyes, Yang Chong would have already started to clench his jaw. Maybe Yang Chong would be happy and call someone to take care of Li Fan. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but Li Fan didn't seem to cherish him at all, which made Liu Yuqing suddenly dissatisfied.

"Forget it, I'll say something ugly earlier. Although I put you in because of my face, the company must have the company's assessment system. It doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want. I can let others take care of you, but you yourself You must also abide by the company's system, work hard, and do your job well. Otherwise, you will not get any good results. When the time comes, I will fire you, and it will not be easy for you or me. I hope After you get in, you have to work hard and don't let me down, and don't let down Yuqing and Yanan. Do you understand? Our company is also very strict. I can't guarantee anything. You will definitely not be fired after you get in, right? There is a risk of being fired." Yang Chong said very seriously, and he only pointed at Li Fan.

After hearing this, Liu Yuqing pushed Li Fan: "Why are you still standing there? Promise me well with Brother Yang, thank you very much Brother Yang, look at what you do every day? You don't even wink at all, you How can someone like this get along in the workplace?"

"You don't need to be winky in our company. You just need to know how to do things and do things seriously. Our company is pragmatic and not unrealistic." Yang Chong said with pride on his face.

After hearing this, Liu Yuqing pushed Li Fan again, and then winked at Li Fan. It seemed that she just wanted to help Li Fan in her own capacity.

In fact, this was another way for her to persuade Li Fan to give up.

Give you a good job, a job that can make you worry-free for the rest of your life. Then you won't think about things you shouldn't think about anymore, right?

After hearing this, Li Fan also smiled bitterly, with a look of helplessness on his face. He glanced at Liu Yuqing and Yang Chong, and sighed: "Yes, I should thank you properly."

"Then why are you standing still? If you don't hurry up, this is your job, your errand, what are you thinking about? Brother Yang has said so, he will take good care of you, what are you still thinking about? ?" Liu Yuqing urged.

But Li Fan's next words shocked them all: "It's just that I don't need this job."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, except for Ding Yanan whose expression remained normal.

Because Ding Yanan had already expected such a result, because Li Fan was proud, and Li Fan also had his own career, how could he agree to this job, but Yang Chong also had good intentions, and his father was known as Huai Sui Even if the big shot of Alligator doesn't accept the favor, but wants to refuse, there should always be a reason or excuse to refuse politely, right?

After all, if you refuse directly, you will refute Yang Chong's face. If his face is not good-looking, it will not do anyone any good.

Ding Yanan knew that Li Fan would definitely refuse, but she thought that Li Fan might refuse in a relatively tactful way, and there was even a hint of humility and flattery in his words, but what she didn't expect was that, Li Fan was so direct, and his rejection was so direct that he didn't need to say a word.

This sentence may not seem like much to others, but Ding Yanan knows what kind of emotion Li Fan represents behind this sentence. After saying this sentence, it will not be settled so easily.

But Ding Yanan still feels that Li Fan's words are quite domineering, too domineering, no need, no matter who you are, I don't need to accept your love, I don't need to flatter you, I don't need to flatter you, I am who I am , never follow the crowd.

Moreover, Li Fan's domineering and strong self-confidence really fascinated Ding Yanan. At this moment, she found that she was a little distracted and her mind was not clear. She couldn't help but touch her red cheeks. , now a piece of piping hot.

Ding Yanan herself didn't know how many times she blushed. She felt like Li Fan was poisonous and had already poisoned her deeply.

"What? What did you just say?" Liu Yuqing couldn't help asking. She thought she heard wrongly, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time. She also never expected that such a good job could not be earned by others. , to be directly rejected by Li Fan, this is incredible.

Liu Yuqing never imagined it in her wildest dreams, so she asked again in shock.

"Thank you, but I don't need this job." Li Fan smiled lightly and refused directly. Li Fan now has the ability to refuse directly. If he doesn't like it, he just doesn't like it. No matter how much he says, it won't matter. Yes, there is no need for him to be afraid of offending others, and there is no need to curry favor with others, because Li Fan's strength does not require him to curry favor with anyone.

Hearing Li Fan's words, Yang Chong suddenly lost his temper. He walked away with a black line on his face and rolled up his sleeves. It seemed that he was angry. Yang Chong was not allowed to be angry at this time. After all, he had good intentions and took the initiative to give Li Fan. Li Fan contacted him for a job that no one else could do even if he wanted to, but Li Fan didn't cherish it and still spoke like this.

"Hey, Brother Yang, don't leave. Brother Yang, don't be angry. He may not understand very well, so you should talk to him carefully." Liu Yuqing quickly stepped forward and grabbed Yang Chong and said.

Yang Chong did not hide his anger at all, and said directly: "Isn't this too disrespectful? I have done such a big favor with good intentions, but I don't appreciate it at all. I don't know what is good or bad."

"Brother Yang, don't be angry. He is from the countryside. What does he know? He must think that Ya Nan is the best now. What can he think about? If he gets Ya Nan, he will have everything in the future. It's definitely better than being a security guard. Besides, if you ask him to be a security guard, he will definitely not be happy. This kid is ambitious. Besides, he is not a fool. Once he hears about being a security guard, he will definitely not want to be a security guard. , no matter how good we say, he just thinks that he is an ordinary security guard who has no future, so why is he still doing this? It is because he is not willing to do it? What we said is ridiculous, and he still thinks that we are lying. He, and he comes from a rural area. Look at his attitude and tone. He is so stiff. It seems that he has never been beaten by society. What good can it be to talk to such a person? Brother Yang, you have a lot of people. You can't talk to him. People like this generally know how to relieve their anger, relieve their anger, anger will cause serious harm to the body." Liu Yuqing quickly comforted her.

After hearing Liu Yuqing's words, Yang Chong's face became a little better. He waved his hand and followed Liu Yuqing back.

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